Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 774: Vacuum method

Chapter 62: The Vacuum Method

Later, the staff of the Ritual Department stepped forward and said, "The emperor and the demon emperor sent a messenger the other day, saying that the royal family of Gumanzhou was preparing troops to attack the maps of mountains and rivers and cut off the two continents.

The mountain and river map is a treasure of natural progression, connecting Lingzhou and Gumanzhou. Gumanzhou can be regarded as the back garden of the demon clan. At this time, it must have been occupied by the ancient royal clan.

Li Xing heard the words and sneered: "The emperor went to Gumanzhou."

Most of the monks have moved out of the mountains and rivers, live in Tianyuanzhou, and live like human monks. But there are also many people who can hardly give up their homeland and still live in the world of mountains and rivers.

This time, Li Xing came to Shanhetu as a private person. As soon as his people arrived, the demon emperor came out to greet him. There were two Daojun standing behind him, but Li Xing knew that it was the two Daojun who were impossible and lawless.

At the first sight, Li Xing laughed: "The two Daojun are about to break through, congratulations."

Impossible Daojun and Wutian Daojun looked at each other and said with a smile: "The Emperor has good eyesight, we really have to break through. We are in harmony with Dao."

Combining body with Tao means that Dao Ying merges with the Dharma body and achieves Taoist respect.

The demon emperor said: "There have been many incidents in Gumanzhou recently, and labor has been a big issue. I'm waiting for my heart."

At this moment, Li Xing is no longer the little man at the time, but the contemporary emperor of Yuan Dynasty. When he thinks of killing and living, the Emperor is also polite. Of course, the demon emperor has helped Li Xing a lot, and the relationship is relatively close.

Therefore, Li Xing said busyly: "Mr. Da needn't be so polite. Here he is in a private capacity. He doesn't need to call the emperor, just call me Li Xing."

The demon emperor shook his head: "The emperor is the emperor, how can the Lord be dismissed." Then he smiled and turned around, "Girl, what do you hide?"

Light and shadow flashed, Xiao Xue walked out with a smile, and regardless of whether Li Xing was the emperor, he flew into his arms and said, "Brother, why are you here?"

Li Xing smiled and touched her head: "I've been so busy lately that I don't have time to see you."

A few words of greetings, the demon emperor asked Li Xing to enter the kingdom of mountains and rivers. The members of the great forces of the demon clan came to see. At this moment, Li Xing only knew the true power of the demon tribe, a Taoist respecter, 13 Taoist monarchs, and 37 Taoist all present.

Li Xing was the landlord, and the demon emperor sat side by side.

"Sir, which royal family is there on Gumanzhou?" Li Xing asked at this time.

"There are thirteen royal families living in Gumanzhou, and there are thirty or more awakened kings. It is said that there is another ancestor who is sleeping." Yaohuang said, "If the majesty is not the majesty of the emperor, they have already attacked the mountain map."

"Looking at their recent actions, the ancestor should wake up, and by then, maybe they will attack the mountain and river map." The ancestor can fight against the emperor, and there will be no fear at that time.

Li Xing nodded: "Anyway, if they dare to do so, I will come forward to resist."

At this moment, the people of the demon tribe were at ease, and the demon emperor said: "The emperor, there have been two Confucian emperors in Gumanzhou, which overpowered the clan. The three Confucian deities are the clearest, and the emperor can ask carefully.

"Oh?" Li Xing was a bit surprised. It seemed that the times created heroes, and Gumanzhou had also achieved a great emperor.

"Every Confucian emperor has great power. He once killed and defeated one ancestor." The meaning of the demon emperor was obvious, and Li Xing found out the truth. If the repressed ancestor was still alive, he would directly Start removing.

"Well, I will find out about this." Li Xingwei nodded.

At this moment, the two were taken into the hall, but the prince Liu and the prince Ling. The two bowed their heads and fell to the ground. Two elderly men kneeled behind them, both Tao Jun Xiu, are the heads of the Liuxia tribe and the Ling family.

"The Emperor forgive me!" The two elders shouted.

At the beginning, the son of Liuxia and the son of Ling, offended Li Xing. Today he became the great emperor, and the two families were frightened and frightened. With the opportunity today, naturally I have to come and ask for sin.

"What is the crime?" Li Xingdan said indifferently.

The more they said, the more shocked they were, just begging. Li Xing looked at the demon emperor, who sneered sneerly: "How is the emperor distinguished, how can he have general knowledge with you? But you two have committed a serious crime and cannot forgive!"

The demon emperor waved a large sleeve, blowing a strong wind. After the wind, the son of Liuxia and the son of Ling were stunned, and they were completely abandoned. If they were ashamed, they passed out.

The two homeowners issued scalp orders, thanked them again and again, and proceeded carefully.

The demon emperor shook his head: "Let the emperor laugh."

Li Xing didn't want the demon emperor to be so fierce, he directly abolished the duo and shook his head: "Mr. Dad didn't have to do this."

"The two have always been arrogant and should be taught." The demon emperor said, he didn't seem to take his mind too much.

When Li Xing was a guest of the Yao Clan, a figure appeared in a broken space. This figure was shrouded in fog and mysterious, he reached out and grabbed a void, taking a virtual shadow.

Xingying is actually the divine thought of the Great God. The mysterious man actually has supreme magical power. From countless time and space, the surviving thoughts of the Great God are restrained.

The Great God looked confused and remained motionless.

The mysterious man asked with a cold voice: "What happened here? The whole sky and the sky were actually destroyed!"

The Great God mechanically said: "Meeting great people, Li Xing, a real person."

"What? Tongtian real people!" The mysterious man seemed very shocked, and the thick mist outside his body tumbled fiercely. "How can there be a Tongtian real person in the world?"

"It's true. The man used the town's seal of heaven to kill me." The Great God said.

The mysterious man mumbled to himself: "There are still real people in the world! This news is very important, and you must report it immediately!" Then sneered at the Great God, "Useless things, Heaven and Earth let you build up power in the dragon elephant world. After thousands of years of hard work, there will be nothing but waste! "

As soon as the mysterious man waved his sleeve, the ghost of the Lord disappeared, and his subsequent disappearance disappeared.

Three days later, Li Xing left the demons and returned to the imperial palace to practice.

Recently, Li Xing felt something, and felt that he could impact Fatian's duality and vacuum.

The vacuum environment lies in delusion, then seeks for the true self, and then opens up the sea of ​​law.

In the sky of Qingyang, Li Xingpan was sitting in the air. Around him, seven Jinwu islands flew playfully and turned into seven brilliant red brilliance, which was very beautiful. Li Xing was disturbed and couldn't practice, he caught them all, and threw them to Chiyang, and then he settled down.

Seven golden blackbirds grow up fast and puff a lot of reiki every day. In addition, Li Xing used the anti-Pan-Elixir as a meal to feed, and used the fighting amulet to help them condense the flesh. It can be said that when Xiao Jinwu grows up, he will be extremely powerful.

In the wild times of ancient times, there were several generations of King Jinwu, who could compete with the true king. Therefore, Li Xing carefully cultivated and hoped that they could achieve something.

After contemplating the fourteenth demon head, the time for Li Xing's delusion has arrived, and it is just the right time today. He was surrounded by fourteen demon heads.

Li Xing was settled, and it took seven days to sit. Seven days later, his delusional thoughts turned into five black smokes, rushed out of his head, and was eaten by the fourteen demon heads. This is his means of beheading, beheading delusions, and letting the devil eat them.

After the delusion, Li Xing's state of mind was clear, and he entered a void, boundless, like a small boat sailing in the sea, unable to find a target. This step is precisely to find the true self.

"What is the true me?" Li Xing asked himself. He had the strength of the emperor, but his mood was not enough. This step would not be easy.

On the seventh day, Li Xing's year-old flower in his left hand smiled and said, "I am me."

In the void, as if there was light, that light would instantly expand, creating a large space. At the same time, the rule of the Three Thousand Avenues on his body rushed out of the gate of the law, and in this true space, gathered into an ocean, a sea of ​​laws!

Nothing wrong, this is an ocean of laws, boundless and endless. Above the ocean, stands a portal that entrusts Li Xing's true meaning and controls the three thousand rules.

At this moment, Li Xing was truly comprehended. What is called a rule? At the same time, he really controlled the 3,000 rules.

Above the ocean, a divine respecting God appears from time to time. At the beginning, when he was robbed, he beheaded the God of the Three Thousand Rules and absorbed it.

The ocean is vast, and the shore is magnificent. You know, Li Xing's rules are not only three thousand, but they are also perfect rules. What is the power of the law without defects?

At this time, Li Xing inferred that if he cast a spell at will, he could damage Dao Zun. This is the real law, which is far more powerful than ordinary people's rules, and is no less powerful than astrology.

The boundlessness of the Fahai made the Emperor Tianxie surprised, saying, "Only the acres of the Fahai developed by the general mage can be called Fanghai, and you are truly worthy.

Li Xingdao: "The Fahai opened by Master in that year is comparable to the apprentice?"

Emperor Tianxie: "Nature is not so huge, and the rules are incomplete."

Li Xingdao: "Master revises the physical body in the future and also practices the 3,000 rules."

At this point, Li Xing stepped into the dual vacuum environment of Fatian, with a clear heart and boundless mana, and increased the power of the emperor.

On this day, Li Xing went out of customs, handled government affairs, and was determined to tour south. The Southern Land ~ www.readwn.com ~ has his hometown of Pingguo. This baggage naturally travels with Princess Yu, and Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Xiao Xiu, etc. also take the plunder chariot.

As usual, Li Xing displayed his "heart map" and recorded the world. On this day, he finally arrived in Pingguo and the plundering chariot landed in Qingyun City.

The reconstructed Sanyi Garden has once again become a ruin. Above the ruins, a grass shed was built. Feeling that someone appeared, there was a man walking out of the shack with a beard in his face, and it was Li Jie.

Li Jie's beloved wife, Bai Qiong and Bai Jing, as well as the children born shortly after, were all killed here. He has been here for a long time.

Seeing Li Xing and Li Ziran, Li Jie stepped forward to meet.

Li naturally sighed, "You child, you were vicious when you were a teenager, and you rarely change your mind today. You ca n’t be resurrected if you die. Do n’t be too sad. Follow me in the future and promote yourself."

The crowd grieveed for a while in front of the ruins. Li Xing sighed: "Sanyi Garden has become a stalemate, and it will be gone when it disappears." He waved his sleeves, and everyone resumed the chariot and continued south.

On the way, Xueling said, "Xing brother, do you remember the ancient tomb?"

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