Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 776: Living Prince

Chapter 64: Living the Prince

Above the South China Sea, the demon emperor and the dragon emperor joined hands, and at the same time sacrificed the dragon emperor seal and the demon emperor seal to fight against the Crown Prince. The Prince of Heaven's Wrath has beheaded four Dao Zun, and the intention of killing is boiling. Today, he is going to kill the Dragon Emperor and the Demon Emperor together.

Prince Tianru, with red robes and long hair flying, his eyes were full of contempt: "I thought that your emperor Tian Yuanzhou had some meaning, but now I know that I was looking at you at that time. You, these practitioners, Everyone is incompetent, and Prince Ben is enough to sweep it alone! "

"If you are willing to accept Prince Ben as the emperor in Tianyuanzhou, how can you spare you not to die?" Prince Tiannu asked coldly.

Dragon Emperor dragon stained his blood, and said indifferently: "It is only you who do not have the qualification of an emperor. Even if you have such a ferocious heart, it is not enough to be an emperor. The emperor of Tianyuanzhou is the guardian of Tianyuanzhou, not a killer. . "

The demon emperor looked a little bit embarrassed, and he sarcastically said, "Prince Tianru, the Emperor Yuanyuan is not here, you dare to be so arrogant. When he comes back, you have no chance to leave."

Prince Tianru was furious and yelled: "The emperor Yuanyuan is **** in the eyes of Prince Ben! If he appears, Prince Ben will be the first to chop him! You two, suffer!" He raised a hundred auras all over his body. , Teng Teng rising, each aura, represents a kind of bone way.

The prince of Heavenly Wrath is truly extraordinary. He cultivates 108 bones and magical skills, and his physical strength is incredible. He once fought against the ancestor, suppressing the opponent purely with his flesh, and eventually beheaded the ancestor, showing how powerful the flesh was.

Prince Tiannu held a golden sledgehammer and smashed the dragon emperor with a hammer, and decided to hit him with a blow. The Dragon Emperor felt that a horrible atmosphere was suppressed, and time and space had solidified, making people unable to move.

The demon emperor's face changed, and he quickly urged the demon emperor's seal and assisted from the side.

"Shock the ground!" Prince Tiannu yelled, the sledgehammer trembled, emitting three hammers, and he actually played three times as much!

The Dragon Emperor and the Demon Emperor changed color at the same time. In this attack, they had to be seriously injured. Once seriously injured, I am afraid I cannot escape today. The two emperors were arrogant, and they would immediately resonate with each other and fight with Prince Tianru.

The Emperor of Yuan Dynasty did not show up for half a year. They can no longer avoid it. Today, they must make a decision. Otherwise, the Dragon and Demon behind them may be scourged by this evil.


In the void, a huge golden fist rushed out, which seemed to attract all the glory and glory of heaven and earth, carrying all the power and killing intentions of nine days and ten places, just as simple as that.

The golden fist bumped into the golden hammer and made a "ding" sound.

"The Great! The Great is out!" In the distance, several seriously wounded Dao Zun exclaimed. Suddenly my mind was relaxed, and suddenly I had confidence.

The gold hammer was broken open with a punch, and his hands flew away, shaking the prince that day with numbness in one arm and backing up. Li Xing stepped out of the void, frowned, and asked, "Who are you? Dare to go to my Tianyuanzhou to spread the wild!"

Prince Tiannu was taken aback. His hammer could directly retreat the ancestor. This man took it empty-handed! Is this person physically stronger than himself? He didn't believe it, and sneered: "You are the emperor of Yuanyuan?"

Dragon Emperor was overjoyed and said, "Finally there!"

The demon emperor sighed: "In the past six months, this emperor has killed four Taoists, twelve Taojuns, and fifty or so Taoists, maiming countless souls, and guilty of extreme crimes. Don't let him go!"

How easy it was for Tian Yuanzhou to give birth to a Taoist monk. Today, four people were beheaded and killed at once, and Li Xing couldn't restrain the murder immediately. As soon as he came out of the tomb, he knew the situation, and rushed in immediately.

"Prince Tiannu! You don't have to go!" Li Xing was really angry, this prince Tiannu was too arrogant, too arrogant, and had already violated his inverse scale.

Prince Tianmo sneered: "Don't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue! Do you want to stay with me? Okay, I'm going to fight with you to see if you have good tactics, or I'm smart!"

Li Xing was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, shot directly, did not use weapons, did not use secret methods, only used a pair of fists. With a punch, the sky was falling apart, and the moon and moon were dull. The power of this punch is too horrible, and it makes Prince Tiannu change color too.

"The bones are dominated by refining and physical constitution, but the **** emperor today will break your bones and destroy your muscles! Kill me!"

"Boom boom!"

The Prince of Heaven's Wrath also hit with a fist, with 108 haloes, and he constantly vomited golden mansions. Three consecutive punches, Prince Tiannu was beaten back and forth, his body was sore and numb, and he was shocked to get air conditioning.

Li Xing was unreasonable and shouted: "You dare to show your sight by this means, this fist breaks your left arm!"


Li Xing made another punch, hitting a fierce "breaking strength", just listening to the "click", the sturdy arm bone of Prince Tiannu was so broken! He gave a rage and hit with his right fist.

"Second punch, break your right arm!"


It was another punch, and Prince Fury's right arm bone shattered.

"Third punch, break your legs!" Li Xing's eyes were cold, his eyes were fierce, and a punch would smash him down, hitting Prince Tian's forehead. This is a kind of effort to fight cattle across the mountains. When the power is passed on, the "click" sounds, and the legs and bones are broken.

"The fourth fist breaks your body!" Li Xing roared, and in front of his fist, Da Luo phosgene released by Da Luo Zhen's body, like a drill, nailed in.


The muscles were so strong that Prince Tiannu spit out blood and was teetering. On his back, a blood hole was blasted, and his chest was pierced by Li Xing's fist. Then he grabbed both hands to suppress it.

At this moment, the Taoists respected him and met the emperor.

Li Xing sighed, "This emperor is late!"

Dragon Emperor said: "The great emperor, the sinner will drop the law, and should sue the world with peace of mind."

Li Xing nodded: "The matter is left to the Dragon Emperor."

The southern tour can only be temporarily stranded. Li Xing returned to the emperor's palace that day, and was unable to rebuild the palace. He lived in Taixudongtian first. Soon, the news that Prince Tiannu was suppressed by the Emperor Yuanyuan, Tianyuan practice world was relieved.

This matter did not reduce Li Xing's prestige, but instead made the monks understand how much they needed an emperor to sit in town. The Emperor is not there, a Prince of Heavenly Wrath can run across Tianyuanzhou, which is very scary.

Three days later, Li Xing was over, Li Xing held a public trial conference, convened all Dao Zun and Dao Jun to participate in the public count of days to anger the Prince.

In the past six months, the Taoist Master of Pearl, Taoist Master of Divine Work, Taoist Master of Aoki, and Taoist Master of Love have been beheaded. The monks in other realms also suffered countless deaths and injuries, and Tianyuanzhou suffered heavy losses.

"Prince Tianru, you kill and kill innocent people, and today you must return to Tianyuanzhou for a fair practice!" Li Xingsen said, "Before you die, what do you have to say?"

At the moment, Prince Tianru was in the air by the real shape of Li Xing's transfiguration. Like a dead dog, his heart was full of fear. His father was Emperor Tiannu, with high weight and strength; his mother was the first master of Tiannu, and his strength was still above Emperor Tiannu.

From the moment he was born, he has high hopes, and he is indeed a talented man. If nothing else, he is definitely the best candidate for the next emperor. Throughout his life, he has never suffered the humiliation of today, and has always been high above him, looking down at Cang Sheng.

"Mixed emperor! You know who I am? You dare to do something to me, and you're dead, no one can save you in heaven and earth!" Prince Tiannu howled loudly.

Dao Zun listened tightly, yeah! This man is Prince Tiannu, and there is the entire Tiannu Island behind him. Is he really going to kill him? Everyone looks at the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. The final decision depends on the idea of ​​the emperor.

Li Xing sneered: "The Great Emperor will go to Tian Nuzhou and his party to challenge the masters of Tian Nu. Your father, the so-called Emperor Tian Nu, will also bow his head! Now you can die!"

Prince Tiannu struggled with all his strength, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and was sealed with strength by Li Xing, unable to move at all. There is no such thing as Daluo Zhenshen, neither can the monks of the Taoism.

"Prince of Heaven's Wrath!" Li Xing grabbed his hand and took the Prince of Heaven's Wrath into his true form, and threw it into a chaotic array. The chaos was turbulent, and he was running wild. Prince Tiannu practiced 108 kinds of bone methods, as well as the power of shaping he had accumulated in his life.

One hundred and eight kinds of bone methods have greatly improved and completed Daluo Zhenshen, and they began to transform directly from the seventh to the eighth. Moreover, nowadays, Li Xing's foreseeable level of Da Luozhengju has reached the eighth level.

In other words, as long as he continues to cultivate, Da Luo Zhenshen can gradually rise to the eighth weight. It is worthy of being a backbone method, which is of great benefit to Li Xing. At the same time, Prince Tiannu was full of energy, but also absorbed and refined by Yuanyuan Ding, and turned into the real body of Da Luo.

Prince Tiannu grew up eating Tiancaidibao from a young age ~ www.readwn.com ~ His parents are extraordinary people, there are countless strange encounters, and he also has luck, so this strength is hard to come by. Today, it's all about Li Xing.

"My parents won't let you go! Ah! I'm not willing! I'm the proud son of Heaven, the emperor's descendants, I can't die!" At the last moment, Prince Tiannu rushed out of the two Guanghua, showing two honors Virtual shadow.

The two ghosts, a man and a woman, looked coldly, staring at Li Xing.

"Who hurt my son?" The woman wore a woman's dress, her hair tied high, and reprimanded: "You dare to hurt someone, this princess makes you unable to survive, not to die!"

"Bold! Let go of him!" The man yelled.

Li Xing sneered: "Are you the Emperor Tiannu, aren't you? Your son is brave and daring to go to Tianyuanzhou to have trouble. Today I will be the second person and live him!"

Suddenly, the mixed Yuanding trembled, and the consciousness of Prince Tiannu disappeared, and the rolling power penetrated into Li Xing's whole body, and even the kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits also received great benefits. Under the influence of this kind of force, the crystal wall system is gradually produced.

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