Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 777: Araki History

Chapter 65: Araki Tells History

Different worlds are separated by the crystal wall system, forming a realm without interfering with each other. . . The crystal wall system is a very important protective shell for a certain world. Li Xing's kingdom of gods is still in its early stages of formation, so crystal wall systems have not been formed before this time, and this time began to occur.

Seeing that his son was dying alive, the Emperor Tianru and his wife were so annoyed that they cursed: "You are dead! You are dead! Our husband and wife are going to heaven to kill you!"

Li Xing sneered: "Let you be on the road together!" A big hand shot, the two virtual images were also scattered, and refining into the mixed Yuanding. Although it is just a touch of thought, the energy contained is quite strong and cannot be wasted.

To kill Prince Tianru, Li Xing held a mourning ceremony for the four Taoists and the others who fell. Three days later, Li Xing practiced in retreat, preparing to impact Da Luozhen's eighth weight.

There are extremely harsh environments everywhere, such as volcanoes, cold deserts, abyss, and swamps. There are only a few places where oasis exists. Where there is an oasis, there are often powerful and terrifying creatures.

Above an oasis, stands a magnificent palace. In the palace, a man looked dull. This man was dressed in a golden robe, with an imperial crown above his head.

"Damn! Come here, gather masters, and prepare to attack Tian Yuanzhou!" As soon as Prince Tiannu died, the emperor was almost crazy and called out to his subordinates.

An old man came hurriedly and shouted, "Your Majesty! The Thunder King and the Mother Mother of the Thunder Kings are awake and come together!"

"Abominable! Wake up at this time! The emperor has not yet cleared the gate, it seems that Tian Yuanzhou's trip will be suspended for the time being!" The Emperor Tiannu hated, but could not help but prepare to deal with the thunder and lightning attack.

The battle between Tiannuzhou and Tianyuanzhou will not happen for the time being. Li Xing took this opportunity to use March to make Daluo ’s seventh body complete and eventually broke through to Daluo ’s eighth body. True shape transformed again.

In these three months, the Baji Tower was also thrown into Babudongtian, and Li Xing changed the speed of time to let him understand the avenue. The life of the magic weapon Yuanling is almost infinite. As long as it is not hit by destruction, it will not disappear.

In three months, it took 80,000 years in Dongtian. In the meantime, the eight-pole boy realized the gossip and finally came to an end. However, it not only failed to break through the 128-strong congenital ban, but it will reduce the 60 congenital bans to eight.

It seems that the eight-pole tower seems to have regressed. But those eight laws are forbidden by Xuanjie Congenital Law! In other words, the octopus tower has become a magic weapon for Xuanjie! This is the result of the eight-pole boy, seeing the gossip.

Li Xing was shocked. He was the first time to see the Xuanjie magic weapon. Emperor Tianxie has never seen a mysterious magic weapon in his life. Because, the formation of the mysterious magic weapon is too difficult. And there is a key condition, the rule of mysterious magic treasure must be a complete rule.

The eight-pole boy was assisted by Li Xingzhi and obtained the complete rule, so that he could finally enter the mysterious stage and the quality suddenly improved.

After becoming a mysterious magic weapon, the eight-pole boy continued to make breakthroughs in Dongtian, and finally rushed to the 64th level of inborn law. The sixty-fourth mysterious magic weapon, although it is still in the real treasure series, it can definitely compete with the heavenly magic weapon of the fortune series.

At this time, the eight-pole tower is up against the shocking clock, and it definitely does not fall into the wind. This is the power and advantage of the mysterious magic weapon.

After three months of cultivation, Tian Yuanzhou was calm and calm, and the Emperor of Heaven's Wrath didn't come to the door, which made Li Xing somewhat surprised. His retreat this time is to prepare for Tian Nu Chau.

In the past three months, Li Xing ’s practice on Shinto has even surpassed Da Luozheng. The hundred thousand deities are fruitful, and they accept the pious faith of all beings every day. They are getting stronger and stronger, and they are evolving in the direction of perfection.

Fatian Jiuzhong was able to open the cave sky. The cave sky opened at this time actually belongs to the imperfect wizard country, but it is far less powerful than the **** kingdom. Even the caves opened in some magical treasures, such as Taixu Cave, Babu Cave, and Extreme Cave, all belong to the world.

These caves are imperfect, crystal wall systems are missing or weak. In other words, Li Xing's one hundred thousand gods kingdom is equivalent to the caves opened by one hundred thousand masters, and it is more powerful and has potential than the masters kingdom.

In the future, if he can complete the kingdom of 100,000 gods, he can compete with the gods of all ages and become the king of gods. Of course, Li Xing's ultimate goal is not here. He wants to integrate various methods to cultivate his own hybrid road.

Shinto, Dharma, Bone, Wudo, Immortal, etc. are all stepping stones for him, which will help him reach a height that others cannot reach. In the end, he will prove his own way, mixed Yuan Avenue!

Of course, how to take this last step is unknown to Li Xing. No one can judge it when the time is right, but he does go up step by step.

From the beginning of the East Tour, to now more than two years, the royal families have tributed a large number of **** crystals, which is the greatest strength of Li Xing's consummation of the kingdom of gods. With the help of these **** spar, Li Xing's cultivation can continue to soar.

On this day, Li Xing stepped out of the virtual hole and prepared to continue his southern tour. He now has enough confidence in his own strength and is not afraid of the death of the Emperor.

The halfway south tour started again, this time much faster, going all the way south until the South China Sea. The South China Sea is vast, and there are more creatures than on land. Li Xing exerts his heart and memories.

Traveling to the Dragon Palace, Li Xing visited the father-in-law Dragon Emperor and got a message while chatting. In recent months, the royal families attempted to enter the Araki Jedi, but they were unsuccessful. Instead, they were swallowed up by many masters, and they even lost two kings.

The Araki Jedi can be said to have been caused by Li Xing. Since he has the breath of life and a tree, only he can enter safely. And, the last time, because he helped Araki, he gained 100,000 years of life force.

"It seems that the royal families want to start with Araki. This Araki is mysterious and powerful. If it falls into the hands of the royal family, it is not a good thing." Li Xing was worried and decided to take this opportunity to go to Araki Jedi.

A few days later, he bid farewell to Dragon Emperor and went to Araki Jedi. When people reached the Jedi, they did not see the royal family appearing, and they were silent. Perhaps, the royal families were shocked by Araki and were afraid to come back for the time being.

Entering the Jedi, Li Xing felt a summoning power, and it seemed that Araki was calling him to go. Around Araki, there is a 30,000-mile radius, and no grass grows. There is still water and desert.

Li Xingxing went under Araki and saw that it was still tall and full of vitality. At his arrival, Araki seemed to feel it, and the branches flickered slightly, as if welcoming.

"Senior Araki, how has this time been going?" Li Xing asked with a smile, like greeting a old friend.

"Giggle ..." Suddenly, a woman's laughter came.

When Li Xing stayed, he looked at Araki, his voice was from Araki!

"What are you doing?" The voice sounded again, very crisp, obviously a girl's tone, but the tone was very indifferent, indifferent to life.

Li Xing did not return to God, was about to speak, and saw a clear light washed up on the trunk of Araki and turned into a girl. The girl is not beautiful, but she has good facial features, and she is more indifferent. In fact, this kind of plant-elves can be transformed into beauties.

Li Xing quickly gave a gift: "Senior Araki!"

"Who is your predecessor." The girl hummed, then walked in front of Li Xing, walked around him a few times, and said, "Strange, you were a real person last time. Why not this time?"

Last time, Li Xing was a real human being, but later he decomposed Zhenli and majored in dragon elephant, so he didn't want to be discovered by this girl.

Li Xing also didn't hide it, he told the process and asked: "Senior ..."

"Call me Xiaomu." The girl interrupted Li Xing, "Don't call by seniors, I'm very old?"

Li Xing was speechless, and said in his heart that you didn't know how to live for thousands or thousands of years. But he didn't dare to say, only said: "Yes, Xiao Mu, when did you come to birth?"

"Early." Xiaomudao, "In ancient times, I was found by a **** king from a foreign land to suppress the undead holy king. But the undead holy king was so powerful that he managed to escape in the era of great destruction and will be cut into two segment."

"In these two pieces of Araki, one became the tree of life and the other became the tree of longevity?" Li Xing had an inference in his heart and said.

The girl nodded: "Yes, and the two tree trunks have been separated. They have not recovered until recently." She smiled at Li Xing. "Thanks to you, I gave you 100,000 years of life power last time as a reward."

Li Xing now understands, apparently this Araki has long had an ego consciousness, but only dormant for a long time. When Araki resurrected, she awakened again. He suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to ask something about ancient times, and he asked, "Xiao Mu, can I ask you something about ancient times?"

Girl: "Of course I can. My life spans antiquity, and no one knows what happened more than I do."

Li Xing Daxi ~ www.readwn.com ~ asked: "In the era of ancient mythology, where did the dragon elephant come from? Where did the ancient royal family come from? Where did the gods come from?"

The girl smiled slightly: "This is a long story and I am not in a hurry, I will tell you slowly." At the moment, she unfolded a magnificent historical picture to Li Xing, unlocking many long-standing things in his mind. Doubts.

In an extremely distant age, the celestial realm already exists. The celestial realm is extremely vast. Around it, there are countless worlds, and the celestial realm is the center of the world. Among the heavens, the person with the highest status is called the Great Celestial Master.

The dragon elephant has great respect, and the realm has reached the level of too high. After he calculated, he found that the other pole of this world would appear, so after searching, he found a world embryo.

The world's embryos have been bred for billions of years, but they are not yet mature enough to be born. Dragon Elephant Datianzun knows that if this world is not managed to be born as soon as possible, there will be a calamity in the future, which will wipe out the entire world.

Da Tianzun is selfless in heart, so he devotes himself to the embryo, merges with the world of this side, and evolves into the dragon elephant world after 100,000 years. Once the dragon elephant world appeared, it immediately became the second pole of this heaven and earth, and its status was as important as the heavens. Up to the sky, down to the ground, the dragon elephant world, also known as the land boundary.

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