Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 779: 100,000 worlds. Mixed Yuan Xiaocheng

Chapter 779: One Hundred Thousand Worlds. Mixed Yuan Xiaocheng

Chapter 779: One Hundred Thousand Worlds.

Li Xing's expression surprised a royal family, fearing that the emperor would be angry, leaving his bones blank, and quickly said: "Imperial, this strange stone is the king of my tribe. I found it from a remnant of the remaining space, and it felt extraordinary at the time. . "

Li Xing closed his eyes, seeming to be in the breath of breath, and said lightly: "No matter what is inside, your five clans will not have to pay tribute in the future. Go back and tell your king, as long as they are not the enemy of Tianyuan, this great emperor will never Violation. "

The royal families were overjoyed, worshipped Li Xing and left. In fact, they don't know, what exactly is hidden in this huge stone, this is equivalent to gambling stones, and the emperor of Yuanyuan actually agreed.

Li Xing is very excited. He has collected the true source of the true holy, and in this huge stone, there is a strong true holy will! How many true holy roots does such a huge boulder contain?

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared in front of Li Xing, the **** dog, the hero! On the dog's back, there are seven golden blackbirds standing in rows. Their wings have hardened, and their body is gradually growing, but they are still fluffy, or young birds.

The **** dog got the mystery of the imperial royal family for the last time, and it has been enlightened until today. As soon as it came out, it saw seven Jinwu, and was suddenly surprised.

The golden blackbird does not speak humans or communicate with each other, but this dog is very capable and can actually talk to them. Does it speak birds?

As soon as the **** dog came out, he said, "I said, these seven little guys are interesting and given to my king."

As soon as Li Xing stared, he put away Qi Shi, and said, "Your dog is also good, and it is given to the emperor."

The black dog almost vomited blood and cried, "It's just seven little birds. Your grand emperor is stingy."

Li Xing sneered: "Jinwu belongs to the ancient spirit beast in ancient times, and it's free for you?"

The black dog sighed: "The golden blackbirds need to live in the real fire of the sun if they want to grow. It happens that the king knows a fire eye that can be cultivated for them. It won't take long, at most ten years, and let them be made after ten Humanoid. "

As soon as Li Xing's heart moved, why didn't he know this? Then he asked, "What idea do you want to make?" The dog was very insidious and cunning, and he was not at ease.

Big Black Dog said: "The elders care about the younger. This is what it should be. What is the idea?"

Li Xing was not convinced. The dog would be so kind. He refused: "Thank you. If you don't care, I will take care of them." With one outstretched, seven little Jinwus all flew over and fell affectionately on him. Head, shoulders, or fluttering.

The **** dog knew that Li Xing would not believe him, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I said, don't you see that the seven Jinwu are all King Jinwu?"

Li Xing was stunned, King Jinwu, that was an adult, they could compete with the existence of true kings, they were actually King Jinwu!

The **** dog grinned: "Among the Jiuzhou, only the physical body of King Jinwu can suppress the imperishable royal family. If a few drops of Kingwu's blood can be obtained, the king's Da Luozhen body can break through again and again. "

Li Xing immediately understood what the dog was thinking and immediately said, "Cooperation is possible. If you bring the real fire from the sun, will they be able to grow? When they grow up, I promise to give you a few drops of King Wu's blood."

The black dog was anxious when he heard: "The sun is really hard to handle, it is too difficult to take it away!"

"Then don't need to talk." Li Xing sank his face. "If you're okay, you can go and don't send it."

The **** dog stared at Li Xing resentfully, gnashing his teeth for a moment, and suddenly said, "Okay, okay, the king fetched the real fire from the sun, and then give me ten drops ... no, twenty drops of Jinwu blood."

"Deal," Li Xing said.

"My king is gone!" The shadow flickered and disappeared.

As soon as the **** dog disappeared, Xianxian came out, holding a book in his hand and shouting, "Little one, little two, little seven, come and read."

Suddenly, there were three little Jinwu screaming, and the bird's paws grabbed Li Xing's clothes and looked very afraid of Xianxian. It turned out that after Xiao Jinwu was born, Xianxian lived with his elder sister and "take care of" their diet every day. Especially recently, he took the initiative to ask for seven small Jinwus to teach.

Poor these seven little Jinwu, can't even say a word, how to endorse and read? Scared of tossing, screaming at the sight of Xianxian.

Li Xing looked at Qianxian's pure and earnest eyes, grinning bitterly, throwing the three little Jinwus over, and let them "read and read". Seeing them, one by one, tearful, seemed very reluctant.

As soon as a few walks away, Li Xing directly enters Baiyang Jingtian. He wants to dissect the strange stones and see what the true source of the truth is.

"Boom!" One punch blasted out, and the hard shells peeled off, exposing a layer of phosgene, releasing a strong breath of true sacredness. Li Xing took a sigh of air conditioning: "So much!"

On that day, he passed on his order, and he had to retreat for a period of time. No one should be interrupted unless there was a major emergency. His retreat this time was naturally for the purpose of conflicting dragon elephants and refining the true source of the true sage.

This source of true sacredness is definitely much larger than the one in Heavenly Forbidden Land, but it belongs to another atmosphere.

Before Li Xingpan sat in the source, the chaos ran in a chaotic array. The mixed Yuanding produced a ray of suction and directly absorbed a source of light, like a stream of water. Subsequently, the Source of True Saints was decomposed into the power of the dragon elephant and the law of the avenue.

Li Xing's true form originally turned on the real figure of 36 thousand dragon elephants. At this moment, new real dollars are constantly being opened, forty thousand, fifty thousand, sixty thousand, up to one hundred thousand!

When the body possessed a hundred thousand dragon elephants, the source of the true sacredness consumed less than a third. One hundred thousand dragons are like real yuan, Li Xing's power has more than doubled!

Araki told him the history of ancient times, combined with the records of the ancient Xuanjing, scenes emerged in his mind. At the beginning of the ancient times, the dragon elephant came down from heaven, entered the embryo of the earth, united with the world, and opened up the dragon elephant world.

Why does Dragon Elephant Datianzun do this? Is it really selfless?

Countless information was calculated and changed in the chaotic array. In the end, Li Xing's mind flashed, and a dragon-like true element suddenly merged with the kingdom of gods. This scene, it looks like the dragon elephant Datianzun entered the territorial embryo.

Suddenly, this godly kingdom changed drastically. With a little more vitality, the crystal wall system grew faster. It seems that one day it will break through, turn into a great world, and build a glorious civilization.

This godly kingdom releases surging power, which is a bit more agile and changeable than the power of the dragon elephant, and is similar to the true power.

There was a smile on Li Xing's face, and his mixed-yuan avenue was finally Xiaocheng! In the future, when his kingdom of spirits and the principle of the avenue are sufficient, he will fuse with the dragon law by himself and generate true power!

At that time, each kingdom of gods is a place where true power is generated, and the speed of opening real human meridians will be greatly increased. And, with the constant perfection of the laws of the kingdom of the gods, the quality of true power produced will continue to improve.

This is equivalent to Li Xing's cultivation of his own true power, which is different from the ancient true power, but has greater power and greater potential.

The kingdoms of gods are fused with the real elements of dragon elephants, which have evolved into a smaller version of the dragon elephant world, and have their own characteristics. This is Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue, mixed with all forces.

The kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits is fused with one hundred thousand dragon elephant real elements. When this step is completed, Li Xing has been closed for three months. The new kingdom of gods can still absorb the power of faith. Together with the power of the dragon elephant, they become the power of Li Xing.

When Li Xing was out of the game, he determined that his strength was a lot easier than before, and it was easier to kill the ancestor.

Originally, Li Xing didn't plan to leave the customs immediately. He would continue to break through the Fa and practice. After the tire is vacuum, it is agile after vacuum. The so-called spiritual movement is to raise a palace in the Fahai, called the Temple of Law.

At this time, each law will condense into a **** of law and enter the temple of master law. Moreover, each magic **** can issue one kind of spell. Therefore, the triple magic of Fatian is qualified to be called a true mage.

Masters with one weight and two weights can also cast spells reluctantly, but their power is limited, paradoxically. Only the law and the triple are able to emit original spells, and powerful.

After condensing the Faith, the practitioner has two choices. The first option is to break through this level as soon as possible, so that the God of Law is slightly more powerful. The second option is to continuously strengthen the Dharma God and prepare to transform the Dharma Shrine into a Taoist palace in the future.

To make the second choice, you must completely fulfill the Dharma. But this step is extremely difficult, and the incomplete rules are not easy to make it successful.

Now Li Xing has no time to continue to practice, because the news came out a few days ago, the ancestor of the ancient forest is finally going to start action.

In the ancient forest of Gumanzhou, there are thirteen royal families and thirty kings. The sleeping ancestor was fully awakened, and as soon as he woke up, he was ready to attack the mountain and river map. What's even worse is that the ancestor who was suppressed by the Confucian Emperor was rescued by the awakening ancestor not long ago, so there are two ancestors who are ready to shoot this time!

An ancestor had already caused headaches. At this moment, two people appeared, and the demon emperor felt that the situation was urgent. He immediately notified Li Xing about it, and he had to suspend cultivation and come out to deal with it.

The battle of the Great Series ~ www.readwn.com ~ others can't help, so Li Xing prepared to go to Shanhetu alone. After consulting with the demon emperor, he went directly to Gumanzhou. The best defense is offense. Instead of being beaten passively, it is better to hit the door!

He had to take a look at what the two ancestors were capable of. At the same time, I also want to try a hand to see how much my strength has improved after retreat.

It's not the first time Li Xing has entered Gumanzhou. This place is still desolate and ancient. At this moment he was in the ancient forest. There is no need to go to the door, and several royal warriors found him immediately and gathered around.

Li Xing's realm looks like only Fa Tian and Du Fu, and the higher his cultivation, the more restrained his breath, and outsiders can't see it at all. In addition, he went on a micro-clothing trip today and did not wear the imperial costume, so the royal warriors could not see that he was a great emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

There are seven warriors surrounding Li Xing. They all looked at Li Xing with a cat-and-mouse expression, and one person said coldly: "You are about to catch a person and ask about the situation of the mountains and rivers, and you will come to the door! well!"

Li Xing said lightly, "Take me to see your ancestor."


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