Chapter 780: Emperor Wei

780 Emperor Wei

When the seven warriors heard a word, "Haha" laughed, tears fell down, and one pointed at Li Xing and said, "What are you? Want to see our ancestor? You know, the ancestor What kind of people? "

Li Xing was not angry, saying: "Naturally know."

A warrior yelled, "I don't know what's thick in the sky!" The big hand grabbed directly at Li Xing, but suddenly his mouth opened wide, showing an incredible expression, staring at Li Xing.

Outside Li Xing, a strong force formed, and seven people were all settled at once, and their expressions were instantly frozen.

"You don't want to lead the way, I have to go by myself." Li Xingdan said indifferently, there was a ghost image of the stove, the big five elements in the palm of his hand. The Great Five Elements God Furnace already has a strong refining power without being separated from the Yuanyuan Ding. The Big Five Elements Furnace shook slightly, and the seven warriors were physically and mentally unstable.

The next moment, as soon as they were out of sight, no one knew what to do. The Big Five Elements Furnace refined seven royal warriors, and a black smoke was emitted from the furnace mouth, which was a useless impurity. The mystery and power contained in their physiques were all absorbed and used by Li Xing to fulfill the real body of Da Luo.

Li Xing killed the seven warriors, and Li Xing also learned something from their memory. Among the thirteen royal families of the ancient forest, the strongest is the mixed cave royal family. When the mixed cave royal family matures, it will open up the cave itself.

With the help of this cave day, the mixed cave royal family's ability to control space is powerful and exquisite, not even the Master of the Heaven Level of Jiutong Cave. The resurrected ancestor was born of the royal family of the mixed caves.

Another ancestor, who was suppressed by the Emperor Confucianism, successfully escaped today. This ancestor belongs to the Bingfeng royal family, and the Bingfeng royal family belongs to one of the thirteen royal families. The two great ancestors were already fighting their horses, and it would not be long before they attacked the mountains and rivers.

Li Xing shuttled directly in the void, and in an instant, he reached the ancient forest restricted area, where the mixed cave royal family lived. His appearance attracted the attention of many members of the royal family, and a prospective king rushed over.

The prospective king was ten miles away, so he grabbed his hands and took Li Xing directly into his cave. The cave days of the Mixed Caves can devour different powers and use them for their own purposes.

The big hand landed, and Li Xing just flicked his sleeves a little, and heard the explosion of "Boom", the power of terror came, and the quasi-king's hole burst, and even several royal families around him were killed.

The people of the royal family of Tongdong were shocked, and finally a king came out, sternly: "Who?"

When he saw Li Xing's appearance clearly, he was taken aback, and Chang Xiao said, "Please, please the ancestor!"

Being in Gumanzhou does not mean that they do not know what happened to Tianyuanzhou. The name of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the family of the Emperor of the Caves is thunderous, and knows the appearance of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. So the king recognized it at a glance.

Li Xing said indifferently: "Trouble, let the ancestor of the mixed cave come out to speak."


The space ten meters away in front of Li Xing was twisted, and a portal was opened, from which an ancestor came out. This ancestor is exactly the ancestral king of the cave. He looks old and has white hair, but has a strong momentum.

Li Xing looked at the ancestral king of the mixed cave and said, "I heard that you are going to attack the mountain map?"

"Why, are you asking for mercy?" The ancestral king of Mixed Cave sneered, and there was another ancestor next to him, Bingfeng ancestor.

The ancestor of Fengfeng was like an iron gun, standing there upright, and his sharp edge was formidable. The two ancestors stood together, creating tremendous pressure.

"You are the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. I didn't expect Xiu to be so bad." The ancestor of the soldiers smiled. "And he is not a real person."

It is rumored that Li Xing has reached the level of innocent human beings and is able to slay the ancestors. The level is very high. Now it seems that it does not correspond to the facts, and there seems to be nothing terrible about this person.

Li Xingdao: "It seems that the two decided to attack the mountains and rivers. There is one thing to tell the two. The demons have officially joined Tianyuanzhou. As the emperor of Tianyuan, I have an obligation to maintain the security of the demons."

The ancestral king of soldiers Feng Yang sneered: "The royal family of Tian Yuanzhou is really incompetent! It is really surprising that you are suppressed by such a small person as you!"

Li Xing was too lazy to talk nonsense, and his real hand grabbed directly at the ancestor of Feng Feng. The ancestor of Feng Feng shouted loudly, his body turned into a spear, and he stabbed at the real big hand severely. The spear is so long and sharp that it seems to pierce everything.

The spear collided with a large hand, making a sound of golden iron symphony. Then the true shape of the big hand exploded, holding the spear at once, exerting unparalleled strength, and sealing it at once.

The spear trembled violently, and could not escape Li Xing's grasp, and issued an angry roar.

Li Xing laughed, "It's a spear." Of course, the star soldier and this spear were thrown into the mixed Yuan Ding. Suddenly, the ancestor of Feng Bing screamed screaming, his consciousness gradually blurred, and his power kept flowing.

"What is this means? It can actually swallow the power of the ancestor! The emperor's life, the emperor's life!" The voice came out, shocked that the king's legs had cramps in his stomach, and his forehead was cold.

How is this going? Take the ancestor of Fengfeng as soon as possible, and has been refined?

After a few breaths, Hun Yuan Ding rushed out a spear with a terrifying spear, with a spear head like a sword tip, and carved a strange pattern. With a spear in his hands, Li Xing was very satisfied, and this time the refining brought a lot of gains.

The ancestral king of Xundong stood in place and did not dare to move. He felt that the spear had locked him, and as soon as he moved, the spear would kill him. His strength is no better than the soldier's front.

The ancestor King Fengfeng was killed as soon as he met, and Li Xing's horrific fighting power showed him chills and completely gave up his plan to fight.

Li Xing held a spear on his right and obliquely swept the ancestral king of the mixed cave. He said, "Mixed-hole old man, mountains and rivers, can you fight?"

The ancestral king of Xundong shouted, "see the emperor! The Xundong royal family will never dare to attack the mountain map in the future."

Li Xing nodded: "Very good." Then he said in a loud voice, "The royal family of Tianyuanzhou tribute on a monthly basis, and you can't make exceptions. It's up to you to arrange this. There must be no mistakes."

The ancestral king of Xundong felt deep humiliation and thought that his generation of ancestors could have contended with the emperor. Who knew that he was not his opponent at all! Instead, they must pay taxes and pay tribute, which has completely lost the royal family's face.

But the situation is stronger than others. If he refuses to accept it, there is only a dead end. With the prestige of the mixed Yuan emperor, the thirteen royal families were wiped out with one finger! Weighing the pros and cons, the ancestral king of Xundong decided to bear it. He would do whatever the Xunyuan emperor asked for.

Li Xingwei nodded: "Very good." He stretched out his hand, cut into the void, disappeared into the void, and left the ancestral king with gritted teeth. His face was extremely ugly.

After returning from Gumanzhou, Li Xing had a more accurate understanding of his strength. At this time, it is not difficult to kill the ancestor, and his strength is strong, and he is a master of the innocent people in the United States.

In the imperial palace, Li Xing operated the vacuum Fahai and tried to build the temple of Fa. One day later, in the Fahai, the rolling mana was tumbling and a burst of light was rushed. This law of light represents the law of the evolution of a great magical art.

This law resonates with heaven and earth, it is more perfect than the law between heaven and earth. With the imperial palace as the center, this law power of the whole Tianyuanzhou began to oscillate. In this way, it seems that the fury of the heavens and the earth is triggered, and the sky immediately gathers the clouds of robberies.

Li Xing had no choice but to walk out of the imperial palace and come to the barren land to rob. It ’s so unreasonable to gather a **** of law.

"Boom!" A heavy thunderbolt landed, and Li Xing accepted it without any pain.

After the thunder, a great, ghostly image of mana appeared in Fahai, which is the **** of law. This **** of law is much stronger than the one he encountered when Li Xing stepped into the law-level hierarchy, because it has complete rules.

The **** of law rushed out of the sea of ​​the sea and rose into the air, replacing Li Xing's deity to greet the infinite thunder. This **** of law is equivalent to a clone of Li Xing. Around the God of God, more and more breaths of law gather.

When the laws resonated, Tian Yuanzhou ’s laws actually began to repair themselves. In this way, it wo n’t take long for the entire Tian Yuanzhou ’s laws to be restored. This is the natural property of the law of the avenue. As long as there is a reference object, it can be repaired by itself and evolve towards the most perfect state.

This change can be felt as long as it is a rule.

"The law is starting to change! Is the world really going to change a lot? Will Jiuzhou be united?"

"It is said that in the era of the Great Destruction, the heavens and the earth changed drastically, and today may be restored. This is not a bad thing. After the restoration of the heavens and the earth, perhaps human monks will be as powerful as real people in ancient times."

When Li Xing was practicing in the wilderness, some of the human monks broke through and achieved Taoism. Impossible Daojun and Wutian Daojun finally achieved a positive result, and they were robbed almost at the same time, becoming a generation of Dao Zun, which strengthened the strength of the monster clan.

A few months later, Li Xuan went to the throne and became Daojun. Li Yingxiong followed closely, and succeeded in following the hijacking ~ ~ to achieve Taoist respect. Within the next three years, Li Ziran, Jian Xingtian, Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, and Yun Xiaobao successively made breakthroughs and achieved Taoism!

Continuous blowout-like breakthroughs shocked all parties. Li Xing's seven women did not disappoint him. All of them entered Daojun's consummation, and they could make a breakthrough.

In addition to the people around Li Xing, there are also constant figures in Tianyuan Gate. In just three years, excluding the above, 13 Dao Zun, 49 Daojun and 136 Dao were added.

People are vaguely aware that this is an extremely abnormal thing, what is going to happen? Why do so many people collectively break through?

For more than three years, Li Xing has condensed the first third of the law gods. At this moment, he is condensing the thousandth law gods. For more than three years, he was thundered every day, but he was still alive and well, and his face was red.

As soon as the first thousand Dharma gods were condensed out, he stopped continuing to practice, his eyes showed cold light, and he looked up.

On the sky, a strong beam of light descended, locking a mountain peak in Tianyuanzhou.


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