Chapter 781 The Emperor Cuts Off

Chapter 781 Cut Emperor

Li Xing's gaze penetrated the space and was doomed to that mountain peak. . . The structure of the mountain peak is present, and there are nine mysterious spiritual veins under the mountain peak! The nine mysterious spiritual veins are all highly restrained and quiet, as if nine dragons are a thing in the center of the arch.

The central thing looks like a mass of creeping flesh, as big as a house. The nine mysterious spiritual pulses are almost dry, and obviously they are consumed by them.

What the hell? Li Xing was surprised. He felt that in the flesh, an evil and powerful force was about to be born. He had not been able to find it before.

This beam of light is so dazzling that only Li Xing can see the entire Tianyuan Island. That light is a will. Because it is too powerful, it looks like a bright light to Li Xing.

Below the Great Emperor's level, even Taoist can't sense this will, only Li Xing can see it. In fact, there is no light in the air, that's just Li Xing's feeling, feeling the shocking will.

With a flash, Li Xing was next to the mountain, and he suddenly changed color. He felt that this will was constantly being poured into the creeping flesh, and it wouldn't be long before this shocking fetus broke open and a shocking demon was rushed out.

"Who is it?" Li Xing sighed coldly, arrogant Falun, and shot directly at the flesh.

"Huh!" There was horrific killing in the flesh.

Although I do n’t know where this will come from and what purpose it is, Li Xing can be sure that this thing is an enemy and a friend. In this case, what kind is it? He smiled faintly, and said, "No matter what you are, this Tianyuanzhou is the world of this great emperor. Whether you are an immortal or a Buddha, let me die!"


An altar floated in the air, then buckled down, covering the whole mountain. Suddenly, the ever-injected will was interrupted, and a roar was made.

This altar, Li Xing does not know the origin, only knowing that it can sacrifice all its strength, it is wonderful. With his mighty power at this time, he could not sacrifice this thing, but only with its power.

However, the altar has been in his body, and he is already familiar with his breath, and it is not difficult to use it.

An altar shot from the altar, pouring down like mercury, and the whole mountain shattered with a bang, exposing the flesh and blood. Among the fetuses, the evil power made a sharp cry.

"Impossible! What kind of power is this? I can restrain the power of this King!" A furious voice came out.

Li Xing's eyes brightened, no matter what the offering, it seemed that the gain was not small! He sacrificed countless things and has rich experience, knowing that this evil power can definitely be exchanged for the power of life!

Sure enough, the flesh and blood fetus continued to melt, the evil forces were sacrificed, and only a pile of black ash was left in the end. In the midst, there are twelve great beings willing to accept this power, including the power of 10,000 years of life.

Li Xing chose to receive the power of life, and suddenly there was a mysterious power to bless himself. The glory that descended from the air disappeared, and before leaving, a vicious killing intention was passed, and Li Xing was locked.

Li Xing looked up at the sky, sneered, and turned to the Imperial Palace. Gaining the power of 10,000 years of life, he decided to retreat and practice as soon as possible.

When he returned to the Imperial Palace, he realized that there were so many monks breaking through. He moved in his heart and secretly said, "Is it related to the change of the laws of heaven and earth?"

He comprehends the thousand rules, and the thousand rules are intact. With the resonance of the rules, the thousand rules of Tianyuanzhou have also been restored. This is a natural property of the law. As long as there is a reference object, it will evolve to the most perfect state.

As soon as this idea came out, Li Xing suddenly decided not to practice in Dongtian for the time being. He wants to practice outside, resonating the remaining two thousand rules with the laws of heaven and earth, and perfecting the power of the laws of Tianyuanzhou.

He wants to see if this is the reason why the monks in Tianyuanzhou have made rapid progress.

This time, Li Xing practiced directly from the Imperial Palace three thousand miles away, and continued to gather the gods and accept thunder. Every day, he can condense out a Dharma God, this speed is amazing.

General mage, Fa Tian double unites a **** of law, how to say it takes years or even decades. It's as easy as him, one a day. However, there are more than 3,000 Fashens, and even if it is one day a year, it will take nearly ten years.

A deity of gods was united and resonated with the laws of heaven and earth to complete it. Many monks are curious to see how the emperor spent the calamity, watching from thousands of miles away. They felt that the emperor's doom seemed to be constantly changing this world.

Day after day, in a blink of an eye more than half a year, Li Xing has condensed nearly two hundred gods. On that day, he suddenly stopped practicing and punched into the void. This punch, carrying infinite power, was sent out in the air, but it collapsed a void of 100,000 miles away.

In this void, hundreds of monks smashed into flesh and were smashed by a punch. At the same time, a roar and a cold hum came. Emperor Tiannu and a middle-aged beautiful woman stepped out of the void. Behind them, they followed more than thirty monks, each of whom was extremely powerful.

Li Xing stepped on the void and walked for more than 30,000 miles at each step. In three steps, he reached the Emperor of Heavenly Anger, and asked lightly, "Heavenly Anger of the God?"

With such a mighty power, his breath is similar to that of Prince Tiannu, whose eight achievements are the Emperor Tiannu.

Emperor Tiannu looked at Li Xing up and down and sneered, "You are the emperor of Yuanyuan? Who killed my son?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Why, are you here to take revenge? I remind you that your strength is weaker, it is best to practice for a few years."

The middle-aged beautiful woman snorted coldly: "What great emperor! If you are so weak and dare to call it emperor? This palace cut you off today!" She pointed at five fingers and suddenly waved at Li Xing, suddenly there are five sharp sword Coming wildly.

Li Xing waved his right palm forward slightly, and there was a huge force spraying out. The five sword qi seemed to hit the diamond, and "ding ding" disappeared.

"Your son, you have been violent in Tianyuanzhou. I have been Fa-rectified. As parents, you are not strict with your son, and you will also be punished." Li Xing said coldly.

His big hand suppressed directly to the Emperor Tiannu, covering the heavens and the earth, pointing to the sky, the Emperor suddenly felt fear and felt the irresistible power. The middle-aged beautiful woman was stunned and rescued quickly.

Unfortunately, Li Xing's strength has reached a level of terror, surpassing the series of the emperor, and marching to a higher level.


The Emperor Tianru screamed and was grasped by Li Xingzhen. In the palm of Li Xing's palm, a phantom of the mixed Yuan Ding appeared, and a generation of emperors would be refined in person.

The middle-aged beautiful woman screamed, and said viciously, "Dare you! Give me death!" She waved her fingers and blasted hundreds of millions of swords.

Li Xing waved his big sleeve, the sky's sword smashed, and the other hand suppressed it.


The second Xuanyuanding virtual shadow appeared, and the beautiful woman was also taken in and refined together. The couple of Emperor Tiannuo issued a desperate curse: "Mixed Yuan emperor, you must not die! You dare to refine the emperor! Do you know how many strong men are in Tiannuzhou? What is the backbone of Tiannuzhou? Great? "

"Great?" Li Xing looked scornfully. "If it is really great, you won't be caught by me."

"Mixed Yuan emperor! There are three supreme powerful men in Tiannuzhou, and they work together to suppress a holy king! You dare to kill our husband and wife, three powers will not let you go!" Tiannu the Great roared, his heart began to fear .

"Oh? There are actually such powerful people in the world that can suppress the Holy King? But it doesn't matter. In the future, the emperor will go to Tiannuzhou to kill the King." Li Xingdan said indifferently, then he stunned his hands.

"Boom!" The void exploded, and two peerless figures began to be refined. The osteopathic methods were really overbearing. The physique of these two men was much stronger than that of Prince Tianu. Li Xing operated the Yuanyuan furnace, and he could not die them at one and a half moments. It took at least three years.

The rest of the monks who followed were frightened and looked at Li Xing in horror, afraid to move.

Li Xing waved to them, and said lightly, "Go." These little shrimps, he was not interested in doing it. At amnesty, these people hurriedly broke through the void and returned to Tiannuzhou.

"Such a powerful existence can suppress the Holy King?" Li Xing was surprised. The strength of the Holy King should belong to the true King class, and the combat effectiveness was very horrible.

After beheading the two strong men, Li Xingyun continued to condense the Dharma lightly, attracting nine days of thunder and tempering the flesh. At the same time, he is also refining the two leading figures of bones, extracting the essence of bones from them, and using them to strengthen the real body of Da Luo.

In the distance, there were many monks who watched the battle, and all of them were shocked to add more.

"The emperor is really prestigious! Those two people, who call themselves the Heavenly Wrath Emperor, are a joke. They were chopped by our emperor. Hum! I heard that Jiuzhou will unify in the future. At that time, the emperor will definitely come to Jiuzhou and become Jiuzhou the Lord!"

"Yeah ~ ~ The Emperor of Heaven's Wrath, should the emperor before Tian Yuanzhou be weak? The Prince of Anger was so strong last day, this Emperor of Heaven's Wrath is even more horrible. So, the emperor's repair Because, it has surpassed the ranks of the emperor? What kind of power is on the emperor? "

"You see, the emperor is practicing again, my God! Almost every moment, there is a thunderstorm coming down, it is really terrifying! The emperor is condensing the law and god, one day a day, this speed is too terrible!"

There has been much discussion, and more and more people have come to watch the emperor's calamity. Some monks even practiced nearby and wanted to borrow a bit of luck from the Emperor Yuan.

Huhu was more than two years, and Li Xing condensed the 2,100th Dharma. In more than two years, many people in Tianyuanzhou broke through to the realm, more people than last time. This time, Li Xing finally determined that this collective explosive breakthrough was related to his cultivation!

"Before, there were shortcomings in the law, so people's practice was difficult. Now that I have made up the 2,000 rules, it's easier to practice, and some people who can't break through can also break through!"

With this in mind, Li Xing suddenly had an idea: "Since this is the case, I will make up for all the rules!"


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