Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 783: Kill tianshi

Chapter 783: Killing Heavenly Men

Chapter 783: Killing Heavenly Men

Li Xing looked dull: "Tai Yuan Xianzun, what are you doing here?"

Princess Yu was embarrassed, and stood up to meet Taiyuan Xianzun: "Master Father."

Taiyuan Xianzun smiled slightly: "Why, grandson married, can't I congratulate me as a grandfather?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Of course, grandpa, please!"

Immediately someone was on the high hall and another one was set up. Taiyuan Xianzun took the main seat and was on the side of Li Nature. He gave Li a natural glance, and said indifferently, "It's progressing so fast that I can compete with me."

Li naturally has a metaphysical form. At this time, he entered the realm of Taoism, and his strength was not below that of Taiyuan Xianzun. The two were on an equal footing.

Naturally, Li didn't have any feelings about this husband, but he just said "um". Princess Yu said, "Father, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come? The name of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is spread all over Jiuzhou, and Yingxian Valley attaches great importance. The removal of Wanfamen by Tiandaomen has shown goodwill, and I don't think it is necessary to continue hostility." "I discussed with Biyuan Xianzun and would like to be friends with monks in Tianyuanzhou."

Biyuan Xianzun, another Tianzun gate fairy, has never been very concerned about foreign affairs, this time was also alarmed.

Princess Yu was overjoyed and whispered, "Thank my father." The previous situation made her very embarrassed. She got a positive reply today, and she felt relieved immediately.

The wedding of the emperor, under the auspices of the three Confucians, was beautiful and magnificent, attracting the attention of the world. At the end of the wedding, Li Xing entered the sky with Bamibu. After today, they are officially married.

Except for Xiaoxiu and Xiaoxue, Li Xing and the other six women have lived together for a long time. It is said that women should have conceived children. However, because Li Xing is practicing Jiu Yang Gong, each of them is practicing Jiu Yin Gong.

Neither Jiuyang Gong nor Jiuyin Gong has achieved great consummation, so if you want to have a child, that won't work either. If a monk wants to have a child, it is not as simple as a mortal.

In the future, if Li Xing's Jiu Yang Gong is successful and the women's Jiu Yin Gong is also successful, it will be possible to give birth successfully. Moreover, the offspring born are definitely talents of heaven, because they are the babies born of the ultimate mysticism after the combination of Yin and Yang, and the children of chaos.

At this moment, the Emperor Tianxie is present and the eight daughters meet.

Tian Xie smiled, "Very good."

Li Xingdao: "The Jiuyin seed is still one short. It seems that I have to rely on myself to understand."

At the beginning, Emperor Tianxie practiced Jiuyin to the eighth, and failed to break through to the ninth, so only eight seeds were aggregated, and the ninth pure Yin failed to condense. When the eighth "Xuanyin" seed broke into Xiaoxiu's body, Xiaoxue could not obtain it.

Today, counting Yan Zhenzhen, Li Xing happens to have nine confidantes. Each woman cultivates a type of Jiu Yin Gong, aggregates Jiu Yin, and corresponds one-to-one with his Jiu Yang Gong.

Emperor Tianxie: "The power of Jiuyang is the ultimate mystery, and the power of Jiuyin is also the ultimate power. However, the understanding of the teacher is still shallow, and it is still necessary for them to cultivate their own enlightenment."

Li Xing nodded: "It seems that you have to enter the Nether Continent and look for Jiuyin Reiki." He groaned. "Always feel that this Jiuyang Reiki should belong to heaven. Isn't Jiuyin Reiki belong to earth? When there is yin, there is yang, and when there is heaven, there is earth. "

"There is nothing wrong with this thinking." Tianxie Daodao said, "At the beginning, I did not know that there was the power of Jiuyin between heaven and earth. The power of Jiuyin exists. "

After a while with the women, Li Xing returned to the lobby to meet the guests. In the meantime, he invited Taiyuan Xianzun to the back room and said, "If you come here, you should not only attend the wedding?"

Taiyuan Xianzun said: "Yes, here I want to tell you something."

"please say."

"Do you know Yingxian Valley?" Taiyuan Xianzun said.

"Have heard of it," Li Xing said lightly.

"Yingxian Valley is a very mysterious place. They have a secret method to communicate heaven. In ancient times, there were even immortals there." Taiyuan Xianzun said, "Cultivation like me may be able to be above Jiuzhou. Honor, but when you reach the heaven, you can only count as the last. Heaven heaven and man, cultivate the way to open the sky, to the extreme, have the ultimate power to open up the world. In the heaven realm, you can dominate the Jiuzhou by casually dropping an immortal. "

Above heaven, there are celestial beings. They are the indigenous peoples of the heavens. Above Tianshi, there are King of Heaven, King of Heaven, King of Heaven, and King of Heaven. Dragon Elephant Great Celestial Being was the supreme existence of Heaven Realm.

"When did Yingxiangu exist?" Li Xing asked, and he could see that Tiandaomen should be very afraid of Yingxiangu.

"It should have existed in the era of great destruction." Taiyuan Xianzun said, "The founder of Yingxian Valley is said to be a heavenly man."

Li Xing nodded: "A few days ago, there was a big man who wanted to enter Tian Yuanzhou and was obliterated by me. It must have come down from heaven."

Taiyuan Xianzun was startled: "Destroyed?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Ancient real people, how many gods are killed and what is it to kill heaven and man? This Jiuzhou land belongs to the root of heaven and earth. It stands side by side with heaven, and it should have been like a strong person. The world has been destroyed, and talent has withered. "

Taiyuan Xianzun nodded, thinking deeply, saying, "I ’m here in the hope that you can break the barriers so that Tianyuanzhou and Lingzhou can communicate with each other. However, in this case, you will face Yingxian Valley . "

The meaning of Taiyuan Xianzun obviously shows that Tiandaomen is willing to recognize the emperor of Yuanyuan and let him include Tiandaomen under his rule. The matter seemed a bit abrupt to Li Xing, and he asked, "Why?"

Taiyuan Xianzun smiled bitterly: "Yingxiangu sent a messenger recently, asking Tiandaomen to be merged into Yingxiangu. Although this long-lived valley has a long history, it has always been low-key and does not interact with the world. . They threatened that a royal quasi-sacred and four ancestors in Lingzhou would besiege Tiandaomen. If Tiandaomen would not perish, they would merge into Yingxian Valley. "

"Why not join?" Li Xing asked again. "It seems more convenient to return to Yingxian Valley."

Taiyuan Xianzun said: "This is the meaning of the extremely ancestors."

"The ancestor of Jiyang?" Li Xing said in his heart. "This old gentleman got Jiuyangzhu at first, and even practiced it. What level of cultivation is he now?"

Taiyuan Xianzun did not conceal: "The ancestor's cultivation can rise at any time, but he is not fully confident. The ancestor told me that only the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty can achieve the ascension if he succeeds in his imperialism.

Li Xing suddenly understood and nodded: "He is waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Taiyuan Xianzun asked quickly.

"Wait for Jiuzhou's avenue rules and repair them." Li Xingdao said, "It seems that the ancestor of Jiyang is an understanding person. Well, you go back and prepare. After three days, the emperor will break the barrier of Jiuzhou!"

The wedding was over and the guests dispersed. Three days later, Li Xing appeared in the extreme east of Tianyuanzhou, before crossing the mountains. Facing the endless mountains, his body stretched across him.


The landslide cracked and the peaks turned gray. Finally, a crystal wall blocked the way. Li Xing fisted and beat, Jiuzhou trembled, and the storm thundered. After the three punches, the spar shattered, and a new world appeared in front of it.

The sky of Tianyuanzhou and the sky of Lingzhou are united, and the earth is one. However, between the two continents, there is a huge lake, boundless.

Li Xing appeared on the west bank of the Great Lake. Taiyuan Xianzun and others came to greet him. There are thousands of people in Tiandaomen who are very respectful. The Biyuan Xianzun also arrived, a female nun, kind and kind.

"Bold! Who breaks the barrier?" A portal appeared in the void, impatient. A figure strode out of the portal. As soon as this person appeared, the people of Tiandaomen suffocated.

God! This person is absolutely heavenly!

Li Xing's gaze penetrated through the delusion and penetrated directly into the other's body. In this human body, there is a perfect world, which is a world of its own. In this world, there is its own law and order.

This person is not just a heavenly man, but a heavenly man! Cultivate the way of heaven and open up the existence of a perfect world!

Li Xing looked still, staring at the coming person, saying, "Who are you?"

That day, the sneer sneered, watching everyone like ants, pointing at Li Xing: "Knelt down, and then follow this seat to Yingxian Valley for punishment!"

The dignified emperor seemed worthless in front of him, like cat feces and dog urine.

The Emperor is majestic and cannot be blasphemed, even Tianshi cannot! Li Xing stepped forward and yelled, "Excessive!"

"Bold!" Tianshi was furious and turned the palm of his hand. The world he opened up was the source of his power. This is the power of a world!

"Boom!" A mighty world power greeted him, with a cruel expression on Tianshi's face.

Li Xing remained motionless, and the whole country of 100,000 spirits worked hard to suppress it. His cultivation has already surpassed the Emperor, and his physical body is extremely arrogant, and he has become a Supreme Master.

"Click!" The world of Tian Shi suddenly heard a broken sound, clear and loud. Then the magma, the sky covered with black clouds, the sky collapsed, the law was broken, and the end of the world came.

"How is that possible?" Tianshi yelled unwillingly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xingju was condescending, his palm was like a millstone, and he smashed fiercely, yelling, "The world can be destroyed!"

A kingdom of one hundred thousand deities, a kingdom is a world. Although it is not complete, but combining the power of the dragon elephant, that kind of power is terrifying. In an instant, it shattered the world opened up by Tianshi.

Immediately, Li Xing flipped the palm of his hand, held that day to the palm of his hand, evolved into Yuanding Ding, and began to refine.

Seeing this scene next to the monk, one by one scalp. my God! This lunatic emperor is crazy? Actually, even the heavenly princes dare to refine! Isn't he afraid of revenge in heaven?

In the Yuanding Ding, the scream of the soldier was heard, and his strength was drawn by one point. This kind of power has never been seen before, but Li Xing feels very kind. Suddenly, the power of Jiuyang in his body seemed to be touched, and it erupted instantly, quickly swallowing the power of Tianshi.

The magical power of Jiuyang, which has always made Li Xing understand, has undergone a wonderful change at this time!


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