Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 784: 9 Sun Rule! The ultimate mystery!

Chapter 784: Jiuyang Rule! The ultimate mystery!

Chapter 784: The Rule of Nine Suns! The ultimate mystery!

Among the Jiuyang, the Baiyang Reiki changed first. A taste of Baiyang Reiki suddenly became angry, as if alive. A mysterious artistic conception is conveyed, and the aura is constantly arranged and combined, incidentally absorbing the original power of the Tianshi.

Bai Yang Reiki seems to be the nemesis of this source. He is like a giant beast, swallowing up weak animals at once, and strengthening himself.

Before, Li Xing didn't know much about the power of Jiuyang, but just practiced it step by step according to Jiuyang Gong, knowing it but not knowing why. At this moment, inspired by the origin of Tianshi, the power of Jiuyang finally presents its mystery.

I saw that the power of Bai Yang was constantly evolving, and came into the chaotic array, turning into a bright light spot, and running with the array. In this light spot, the power of Jiuyang is contained, and the operation of Jiuyang Gong is also included.

The light spot has not been fulfilled. It has continuously devoured Li Xing's refining source of Tianshi and thus has been fulfilled. On that day, Shi Yuan was absorbed, and he gradually felt that a powerful force was born in his body. It was another law power, the law of heaven! Alternatively, this power can be called a force of heaven!

The power of the Celestial Rule is undoubtedly very powerful, at least much stronger than the broken Jiuzhou Rule.

This process is long, but it is just a blink of an eye. Li Xinglian killed Tianshi, his expression was dull for a moment, because he discovered the secret of Jiuyang! At this time he knew that the power of Jiuyang could devour the laws of heaven and devour the power of heaven!

"This ..." Biyuan Xianzun's face changed greatly, and said, "Imperial, this person must be a high-level figure in Yingxian Valley. Kill him, I am afraid there will be big trouble."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No matter, you lead the way, I'm going to visit Yingxian Valley."

Tai Yuanxian Zun and Bi Yuanxian Zun face each other. Is this great emperor really big, and is it necessary to destroy the Yingxian Valley? But at this point, everyone killed, and they could only do it to the end.

Both Xianzun were wise men, and immediately biting their teeth, Taiyuan Xianzun said: "If the Emperor cannot succeed, the heavenly gate will be in danger. However, the world's affairs, opportunity and danger coexist, Tiandaomen is willing to follow the king! "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The heavenly realm is not better than the earth realm. Even if the heavens and men come to the world, that's fine, as long as they dare to be the enemy of the emperor and beheaded."

No one said anything, the emperor said so, let's stop!

Yingxian Valley is a mysterious place. It is more mysterious than Tianyuanzhou. Yingxian Valley represents the will of Celestial Celestial Realm and is directly connected with Celestial Realm.

Yingxian Valley was built in a hidden space, and Taiyuan Xianzun only knew the general direction. Li Xing exerted his supreme divine power and swept through Fa Nian. No secret could escape his eyes.

In a distant place, the void burst, revealing a hole in the sky. Li Xing stepped out and after this cave day, Taiyuan Xianzun and others couldn't keep up.

"Who is it?" A sound of fury came, and suddenly dozens of immortals rose into the sky, and there was an immortal statue, heavenly man, and heavenly man. Among these people, there are two Tianshi, ten heavenly people, and seventeen immortals.

Only after beheading a Tianshi, Li Xing generally speculated that the strength of Tianren was slightly higher than that of Xianzun. The strength of Tianshi is comparable to that of the emperor. This comparison is because the laws of the two parties are different.

The former cultivates the laws of heaven, and the latter cultivates the laws of earth.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, come to worship the mountain!" Li Xing made no secret of the killing, "Yingxiangu Chu Tianshu, and a Tianshi, have been beheaded, this emperor came to discuss an argument."

The two princes were shocked and angry, and one reprimanded: "What? You actually killed a prince? Beheaded Chu Tianshu? Damn! Do you know who the backstage of Yingxian Valley is? Your sin, dying redemption!"

Li Xingsen smiled: "Little Tianshi, not bad, is the King of Heaven, and this emperor is also cut!"

"Kill him!" Another Tianshi shot directly, raised his hand and shot a skylight, covering Li Xing. The light was very magical that day, and there was a world in it.

Li Xing was immobile, and Jiuyangguang shivered in the chaotic array, and a brilliance rushed out to collect the light that day. In this case, Li Xing directly devoured the world opened up by Tian Shi, and used it to supplement and complete the Jiuyang rule.

Swallowing the world of Tianshi, Jiu Yangguang expanded into a circle at once, becoming the size of a chestnut. Jiu Yanggong operated without control and hugged into a huge ball. The outermost layer belongs to Baiyang Reiki, and inward it belongs to Chiyang Reiki, then Qingyang Reiki, Ziyang Reiki, Danyang Reiki, Zhenyang Reiki, Yuyang Reiki, Tianyang Reiki, and Pure Yang Reiki.

However, due to Li Xing's Jiuyang exercises, he only practiced to Qingyang. Therefore, the next six auras are not shown, so this nine-yang bead is only threefold.

Jiuyangzhu! At this moment, Jiuyang Reiki actually condensed into the prototype of Jiuyang Pearl. Did the ancestor of Pure Yang cultivate Jiuyang Pearl this way?

In front of Li Xing, suddenly a vast world was opened. A different world, he seemed to see another road.

That day, Shi Jie's world was swallowed up all at once, and the whole man showed a huge horror, hissing: "My world! My world disappeared!" Immediately, his body gradually disappeared and vanished into nothingness.

The source of the power of heaven and man, the source of life, is the world they opened up, the world disappears, waiting for the disappearance of life and form.

Another Tian Shi shuddered and shouted, and left. He turned into a shocking fairy light, directly broke through the void, and communicated with another big world in the dim world, which was about to enter.

Li Xing snorted coldly, and his true hands suppressed it. He did not kill this person. If he wants to enter the heavens in the future, he can use the means of this sage.

Yingxian Valley's Xianzun and the heavenly people were frightened, stayed still, looked at Li Xing in fear, and no one escaped. Even Tianshi couldn't get away, their resistance was also stunned.

Li Xing turned his hands to suppress that day to Jiuyang Jingtian, and then asked, "There are a few questions, I need to ask you." He slowly said, "The first question is why Heaven Realm established Yingxian Valley."

A heavenly man was swept away by Li Xing's eyes, and suddenly hesitated, "We are all in the realm of heaven, under the gate of Jiuyi Tianjun, ordered to come here to monitor Jiuzhou."

"Monitor Jiuzhou? What to monitor?" Li Xing asked again.

"Everyone in Heaven Realm knows that the Dragon Elephant World belongs to the other pole of the heavens and worlds and has the same status as Heaven Realm. There are many treasures in the land realm, which are important to the people of Heaven Realm. At the same time, because of the real human misfortune of the year, Celestials are terrified of monks in the territories, so they must monitor the situation in Jiuzhou. "

Li Xing asked a few words, and said lightly: "There are many words, you need to ask slowly, now, please go to a place."

Everyone's faces have changed. Are they going to kill?

When I saw Li Xing waving his sleeve, ten kingdoms of gods flew out, and after shaking, he swallowed up this space. Ten kingdoms of gods are intertwined into a single world, and including this space is equivalent to imprisoning the entire Yingxian Valley.

Li Xing casually beheaded a Tianshi, suppressed a Tianshi, and imprisoned the entire Yingxian Valley. After doing all this, Taiyuan Xianzun and other talents arrived and found that Yingxian Valley had disappeared.

Li Xing said to Taiyuan Xianzun: "Grandpa, Yingxian Valley will no longer pose a threat, and the rest is left to Tiandaomen. Before leaving, I want to see the ancestors of Jiyang."

An ancestor of Jiyang, a contemporary character of Emperor Tianxie. Li Xing has something to ask the ancestors of Jiyang. Of course, this is what Emperor Tianxie wanted to ask.

A grandfather said that Li Xing was not hostile, and Tai Yuanxian Zun had no reason to disagree, saying, "The ancestors haven't come out yet. If they want to see him, they have to wait three years."

The matter was not urgent, Li Xing was not reluctant, and nodded: "Okay, three years later, I will come back to Lingzhou."

After erasing Yingxian Valley, Li Xing returned immediately. He wanted more important things to do, which was to break the barriers of the Nether Island, enter the Nether Island, look for the power of Nine Yins, and rescue Yan Zhenzhen who had fallen into hell.

However, before entering the Nether Continent, Li Xing had to torture the Tianshi and the ten heavenly men to find out what happened in the heavens and what happened in the era of the Great Destruction.

Baiyang Jingtian, the Tianshi look shocked, the moment he entered, he shouted: "Baiyang Jingtian! It is Baiyang Jingtian! How is this possible?"

Li Xing has always ignored him, and only asked him after returning to the Imperial Palace: "You seem to be surprised by the existence of Baiyang Jingtian?"

"Of course it is an accident! The rule of Jiuyang belongs to the ultimate rule of heaven, and even the Supreme Master cannot enlighten. How did you enlighten?" The scholar even forgot about his situation and asked eagerly.

"Oh?" Li Xing said in his heart. "You mean, even the Supreme Master can't comprehend the rules of Jiuyang? Why?"

"It's very simple, you will become the master of heaven if you understand the rules of Jiuyang! Although the Great Celestial Master is powerful, it is not possible to completely grasp the entire heavenly universe, and you can only control the Celestial Infinite Limit. "" Shi Shi said with excitement that day, he couldn't understand how Li Xing could get the Jiuyang Rule ~ www.readwn.com ~ In a flash, Li Xing thought a lot. The dragon elephant, the heaven, the realm of the earth, the power of Jiuyang, and the ancestor of Chunyang all linked together, letting him vaguely capture something. Then he asked again, "The Nine Yang Rule belongs to the ultimate rule of heaven. Hasn't anyone ever seen it? Haven't you heard of the Nine Yang Gong?"

The scholar shook his head that day: "There are so many heavenly gods in the heavenly world, and no one has even seen enlightenment. As for Jiuyang Gong, I have never heard of it. The Jiuyang rule is the core law of the heavenly world. It ’s a celestial hub, how can it be enlightened? ”

Li Xing was secretly surprised that the power of the nine positives was indeed the ultimate mystery between heaven and earth! Actually, even the Great Celestial Master cannot understand. But he was even more puzzled. Even the Supreme Master could not understand, where did Jiuyang Gong come from? Created by ancestor Chunyang? If this is the case, then the ancestor of Chunyang is too terrible. What kind of existence is it?

At the same time, he also greatly admired the Emperor of Heavenly Evil, and based on Jiu Yang Gong, he actually created Jiu Yin Gong! Based on this alone, Li Xing believes that his master respects the Heavenly Evil Emperor, and he can definitely rank second in the Heaven and Man list!

(Update a little later today, before 10 o'clock in the evening, all passed on.)


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