Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 786: Only 1 Supreme Avenue

Chapter 786: The Only Supreme Avenue

Chapter 786: The Only Supreme Avenue

As soon as Shanhai Tongzi was liberated, he cheered and thanked Li Xing. Li Xing waved his hand and said, "You are the body of the spirit. After you break away from the shell, you are very weak. It is best to practice for a period of time with peace of mind. Just speak up."

After the Shanhai Tongzi was placed, Li Xing picked up the Shanhaijing and dropped it directly into the mixed Yuan Ding. Then he released the eight-pole tower, plunged it into it, adjusted the time and started practicing.

The seventh emperor of the Star Emperor will officially begin to accept the power of the Star Faith. The power of the stars, which belongs to the heavenly saints of all ages, is very powerful, and its belief is naturally incredible.

According to the Xingdi Jing, Li Xing's practice went smoothly all the way. Soon, a terrifying force descended and wrapped Li Xing. With his arrogant physical body, Da Luozhen was ninth most important and felt pain.

The power of the star's faith is too strong, it can be compared with the power of the dragon elephant, and it is indestructible. Li Xing insisted on gritting his teeth, running the chaotic array with all his strength, guiding the power of faith, and opening up the kingdom of gods.

The kingdom of one hundred thousand gods, and the ghost of three thousand stars appeared in the sky above each of them. As if there were indeed 3,000 stars, they appeared in the kingdom of the gods, releasing bright star power.

The power of the star faith continues to expand the kingdom. At the same time, the power of the ocean and the power of the mountain peaks are constantly being released in the Shan Hai Jing. The imaginary shadows of the mountains and the contours of the ocean appear in the kingdom of gods, and the mountains and seas are continuously refined and absorbed.

In the Shan Hai Jing, some ancient beasts of the seal existed arrogantly, and were directly put into the kingdom, becoming the first inhabitants of the kingdom of Li Xing.

At this moment, the kingdom of gods opened up by Li Xing began to undergo earth-shaking changes and transformed to completeness.

Time passed day by day, Li Xing went into deep cultivation without asking foreign affairs. With three thousand stars, he continues to grow the kingdom of gods, and the gods' power hidden in him is getting stronger and stronger.

Celestial spirits, practicing Shinto, are also a way to open the heavens, and the gods also belong to heaven and man. Therefore, the power of the stars' faith is the power of the sky, the power to open up the world, the power of the laws of heaven.

The monks on Jiuzhou, taking the Tao as an example, also comprehended the power of the laws of the big world. This is also a force to open the sky, but only of a different nature. This force of opening up the sky was able to open up cave days when Fatian was in the ninth stage.

However, due to the incompleteness of the rules of the Dragon Elephant World, the caves opened up are not perfect, compared to the world created by heaven. In fact, regardless of the realm of heaven and earth, the practice of cultivation has the same goal. During the cultivation process, Li Xing gradually understood this, making the cultivation more smooth.

"The practice method is actually the same, except that the rules on which it is based are different. With the power of Jiuyang, I can practice both rules at the same time, and then mix them into one."

It was 10,000 years long, but to Li Xing, it seemed to be just a snap. By the seventh millennium, Li Xing's Star Emperor's Sutra had been cultivated to the ninth level, achieving the position of star emperor.

Of course, although he reached the level of the star emperor, because his kingdom of gods is not complete, he is far inferior to his predecessor, the heavenly monarch.

In the next three thousand years, Li Xing wholeheartedly completed his own kingdom of gods. There are 100,000 kingdoms. In each kingdom, there are laws of heaven and power of dragons. In this process, Li Xing gained a new understanding of the power of the dragon elephant.

Three thousand years of enlightenment, three thousand years of continuous deduction of chaos, and understanding of the Yuanyuan Avenue, so that his understanding of heaven and earth has reached an extreme level.

The power of the dragon elephant is a complete, yin and yang unity, just like a flying dragon, just like a giant elephant, reaching perfect balance. This kind of balance should be the realm pursued by Dragon Elephant Datianzun I. Undoubtedly, the Dragon Elephant Great Tianzun succeeded, otherwise in the dragon elephant world, there would not be such a perfect dragon elephant power.

Although the Dragon Elephant Grand Celestialism originated from the heaven, the power of this dragon elephant is not the laws of heaven and earth, but something unique to the heavenly god, a state, a realization, a wisdom, and a place. Unparalleled power.

Dragon Elephant, Mixed Yuan.

One day, Li Xing opened his eyes suddenly, and the dragon image in Dantian suddenly became vivid. At this moment, he finally realized the true meaning of the dragon elephant, and also understood what the lack of the dragon elephant is.

"Ancient real people, there are also regrets!" He sighed. "The power of the dragon elephant, yin and yang, Fangcheng Avenue. Unfortunately, Tianzun failed to obtain the nine-yang rule and did not find the nine-yin rule, otherwise it must be possible. Make a more perfect real person. "

The Emperor Tianxie, who has been watching, finally realized at this moment, and asked in shock: "Do you understand?"

Li Xing nodded: "The apprentice has not been able to figure out why the dragon elephant Datianzun entered the realm of the earth. Now he understands that Datianzun pursues the integration of yin and yang in his life, and controls the two realms of heaven and earth. In his realm, if he can find the rule of Jiuyang, Revisiting the Nine-Yin Rule and blending Yin and Yang with the power of the dragon elephant, then the Great Celestial Master can reach the highest state and be supremely broken. "

Emperor Tianxie lamented: "Amazing, worthy of being the Great Celestial Master! He entered the realm, and must have worked hard before finally eliciting the rule of Jiuyang. Speaking of which, all of us are descendants of Dragon Elephant Grand Celestial Master, and we also get His blessing. Without the dragon elephant, there would be no dragon elephant world, no ancient human beings, and no human beings today. "

This practice, combined with the understanding of heaven, allowed both Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie to see the mystery of heaven and earth.

In the long distant past, the dragon elephant Tianzun always wanted to make a breakthrough. In the process of breakthrough, he must have encountered great obstacles. Therefore, Datianzun tried to break through this obstacle.

One day, the embryo of the territories was born, and the dragon elephant might have a clever idea, or he might have thought long ago, and actually devoted himself to the embryo to help the territories be born earlier. As a result, there was a future that created a world of dragon elephants.

After the birth of the Great World, Da Tianzun used supreme means to penetrate the mystery, and eventually the Jiu Yang Rule was discovered in later generations, and the Emperor Tian Xie discovered the Jiu Yin Rule.

It is possible that the dragon elephant Datianzun eventually broke down and left this world.

It is also possible that the dragon elephant Datianzun has fallen. There is also a heaven and earth declining five gods, it is impossible to live forever. But no matter what, Da Tianzun still left his life's insight, which is the power of the dragon elephant.

The power of dragon elephants has created dragon elephants and ancient real people. Real people in the ancient world were born with a mission, they must achieve perfection, perfect harmony between heaven and earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, once they are strong, they will enter heaven and go to understand the laws of heaven.

However, this will inevitably lead to conflicts with the forces of heaven, and the two sides will have heavy grudges. In the end, heaven will cast taboos to destroy the entire dragon elephant world. Although unsuccessful, it also killed the ancient people, leading to the era of the Great Destruction.

This historical mystery was originally buried underground, but today it is chaotically operated, and it is deduced one by one. At present, he has only one thing that has not been calculated. Who is the ancestor of Chunyang, and why can he take a step ahead of the dragon elephant and see the beauty of Jiuyang? Found the Nine Yang Rule? This person is really too mysterious and too incredible. The realm is definitely not under the dragon elephant!

"Today, I finally know where the road is." Li Xing smiled, and what he was going to cultivate was beyond the ancient Taoism of Yuanyuan. Mixed Yuan Avenue is also Longxiang Avenue, Chaoyang Avenue, and the only Highest Avenue.

After thousands of years of hard work, Li Xing finally saw the way forward, and he felt plainly that his time was coming. In the near future, I am the only one in heaven and earth!

(Less words.)


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