Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 787: Heavenly King

Chapter 97: The Three Heavenly Kings

"There are even things that are amazingly thousands of times more effective than the blood of Xing Tian, ​​but such things will not easily appear in the world, and only the strong are worthy of possession." The more things, the more fundamental it is to improve our strength. "

Li Xing nodded: "Master said!"

Next, it was the arduous practice. Li Xing absorbed the blood of Xing Tian, ​​and the surge of the power of the Yuan God made the practice of the fiendish Zen a lot easier.

Few months passed, and Li Xing consciously made progress. The vision of the demon of beings had signs of a breakthrough. However, he has been here for more than a month and decided to return to Qi Yunpai first.

Coming out of the mountains, the Jinwu tribe's hunt has long ended, and no one will eat and drink, always looking for it in one place. Therefore, Li Xing did not encounter any crisis and easily went west.

When passing through the Kingdom of Heaven, the destiny sign on the waist suddenly brightened, and a line of text flashed on it: God has requested, and stands by.

Li Xing's heart moved for more than three years, and the time limit that he had agreed with God had passed. God, the head of the destiny organization, agreed with him at the beginning that he would spend three years.

After the trial period, Li Xing can choose to stay or leave. Now that more than three years have passed, it is time to give an answer.

After thinking about it, he stopped and waited. It didn't take long for a ray of light to come. Shenguang was suspended in the air, and a middle-aged man appeared, arching, "You are a thunderstorm. I am a destiny messenger. Come and pick up."

"Where to go?" Li Xing asked.

"Destiny Shenzhou," quoted the messenger, "attended the seven-year destiny competition."


"The competition for the title is a means of competition for destiny held in order to re-determine the rank of the killer." The envoy said, "Thunderstorm, although you are in the trial period, God made an exception and allowed you to participate in the championship."

With a smile, Li Xing, the destiny's killer has four levels: heaven, god, earth, and soul. He has played against the destroyer, ghost, coward, and showgirl of the prefecture-level killer, and all have the upper hand.

"It is said that there are many powerful characters in the god-level killer. It was not bad to see it in the past." During a flash, he nodded, followed the messenger, and flew to the Destiny Shenzhou.

The two flew one after the other, headed northeast, flew more than 3,000 miles, and entered a mighty mountain. I saw a huge flying boat floating in the sky, several times larger than his Tianfeng Shenzhou.

The Shenzhou is so huge, it is just an island that can move and fly. It has temples, gardens, and squares built on it, and people move between them.

The messenger came first. When he landed on a square first, and then led Li Xing, before a row of tall houses, he said to Li Xing: "Thunderstorm, wait here first, and God will meet you in a moment."

"Wait a day?" Li Xing frowned slightly, he didn't want to waste time here. However, since people are here, they can't leave anymore. After thinking about it, they finally say, "OK."

The messenger said: "There are many killers here, you better not conflict with them, these people are extremely dangerous."

"Is it dangerous?" Li Xing smiled, "Thanks for reminding me."

After the envoy left, Li Xing stepped into the hall. As soon as you entered, you saw a long, hundreds of meters long, luxuriously decorated living room filled with people of all kinds.

As soon as Li Xing came in, there were hundreds of gazes. These gazes were cold, bloody, and ruthless. He looked freely, seemed to feel nothing, and looked at it with care.

Some of these people are scholars, some are gods, and even there are mages among them. There was a murderous look on everyone. Among them, the weak are all standing, and only a small number of people are sitting in chairs.

In the large, long living room, there were hardly any seats available. However, in the most central position, three top chairs were placed. The chair is not an ordinary chair, and qualified people can sit.

Moreover, these three top chairs are actually placed in the most conspicuous position, which can better show their identity.

Somehow, no one was sitting on the chair at the moment. So, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Li Xing swaggered over and sat on the middle chair.

Suddenly, the whole hall was dead. All people stared at Li Xing with a look at the dead, with mockery and glee in their expressions.

"This man's face is very strange, it must be new! He is really tired and crooked, and dare to occupy the seat of the three kings. The three kings, but the king of the god-level killers, rank fourth, fifth, and sixth. Peerless master! "

"The three great kings, Angry King, Hate King, and Heavenly King, not only have the realm of Fa Tian, ​​but they are also said to be able to assassinate even the strongest of Fa Tian!"

"The three heavenly kings each have a golden rank magic weapon that can kill people beyond the ranks. Look at this person and practice the gods five times. It is ridiculous to dare to challenge the majesty of the three heavenly kings!"

"It's not ridiculous, it's pitiful! The three great kings are extremely dangerous and cruel people, and they will certainly make him unable to survive or survive."

The killers talked and waited for the show. Li Xing heard these words in his ears and said, "Three kings actually have magic weapons, but it is not easy to deal with them."

Not long after, a man, wearing a golden royal robe, was overbearing, with a lion-nosed mouth and a long walk. This person is the Devil King. When he saw a stranger sitting in that middle position, he first looked at him and then showed a playful smile.

Deceiver didn't say anything. He sat directly to the left head of Li Xing and greeted with a smile: "What's your brother's name?"

Li Xing squinted at the other side: "Thunderstorm."

"I've heard that Lord God has recruited a Wizard, and made him participate in the Sky Competition, it turned out to be you." The King of Heaven was very polite.

"Don't dare to be." Li Xing said, "Which is your Excellency?"

"People call me King of Heaven, in fact, King of Heaven dare not be a king." He said modestly.

Talking, there was another man, in a red royal robe, flaming like flames, looking like a copper bell, and angered. When he saw Li Xing, he looked the same, and watched Detective King talk to the kid of unknown origin, and then he turned his eyes and smiled, "Brother, who is this brother?"

The King of Heaven deliberately exclaimed: "This brother, recruited by the Lord himself, once defeated the thunderstorms of the three killers of the destruction, the ghost, and the coward."

In the heart of the King of Anger, how could this person, the quintessence of the gods, be so powerful? He bowed his hand and sat in his right seat with a golden sword.

Decepticon is on the left, and Angry King is on the right. Both of them are Fa Tian's heavy cultivation, with magic weapon in his body, extraordinary strength, and powerful power that can be imagined. For ordinary god-man, it will soon collapse.

However, Li Xing, with a clouded and light expression, seemed to have no feelings, talking and laughing with the two kings. As a result, those who thought he would be tortured to death by the three heavenly kings were suddenly surprised and completely confused.

"Does this person have any special origins? Otherwise, how could the two great kings be so kind to him? Especially when the king of anger is angry, and blood flows into the river, how can a god-man ride on his head? , There has always been only Hate King, you can overpower them. "

"I don't think things are so simple on the surface. The two kings might have thought otherwise ..."

Among the various speculations, Li Xing has talked with the two heavenly kings a lot, and further understood the fate of the destiny. Among the destiny organizations and god-level killers, the fourth is the King of Hate, the fifth King of Heaven, and the sixth King of Wrath.

The three heavenly kings are known, but they are not the strongest of the god-level killers. The top three killers, mysterious and unpredictable, rarely show up. Only God knows their true identity.

However, in the legend, all three of them are not trivial, and they can kill mages above five levels! All three of them have a special cultivation method, which is far superior to ordinary mage.

"It seems that the top three killer rankings are not easy to deal with. They must have had many adventures, otherwise they would not have such strength. Maybe they will become an obstacle for you in the future." Said, "The world is big, the strange people are countless, Li Xing, you must remember that there is no strongest, only stronger!"

"Yes!" Li Xing was taught.

During the conversation, a man wearing a dark royal robe, pale and wet, with a gray body rolling into the hall. There was a horrific hatred emanating from this person, making people reluctant to approach.

Come, naturally hate the king. His appearance caused both the King of Heaven and the King of Fury to turn their heads, as if they had seen nothing, not even Li Xing.

At this moment, Li Xing finally understood what the King of Heaven and the King of Fury had made, and he simply wanted to use him to humiliate and hate the King of Heaven. You know, there is a chair in the middle, but hate the king to sit, but now it is sitting by a **** man, what kind of attack and insult is that?

Hate the King to stop his body, the two of them are like the essence, the extremely cold eyes projected on Li Xing. The supreme hatred contained in the eyes can make the top ten gods instantly become enchanted and become crazy people.

Huge pressure was coming, Li Xing secretly operated the demon fierce Zen, visualized the image of the demon of all beings, directly absorbed this monstrous hatred, and transformed it into the power of training the devil of all beings ~ www.readwn.com ~ To absorb the demon thoughts of beings, love, hate, jealousy, etc., can be transformed into the nourishment of all demon heads.

As soon as he hated the shot, Li Xing felt like a bottomless pit and quickly absorbed the momentum he released. At this moment, he couldn't help but be surprised, and quickly converged, but his killing was more intense in his eyes.

"Boy, who are you, you dare to challenge the dignity of the King of Heaven!" Hate the King, approaching Li Xing step by step, it seems that at any time, a thunder attack will be launched to completely kill it.

Feeling the strong momentum of the other side, Li Xing estimated that the other side really wanted to take a shot. I am afraid he could not beat, and he could support a maximum of 100 moves. Of course, if he took out the Cold Light Sword and the Tower of Tolerance, he could be tied with him.

"I'm just an unknown soldier. If you have to know my name, you can call me a thunderstorm." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

"You are a thunderstorm?" Hate King actually stopped, "The thunderstorm that defeated the three top-level masters?"

"Do you know me?" Li Xing was surprised. Seeing that it was quite famous, even the three heavenly kings knew it.

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