Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 788: Thunder King

Chapter 788: The Holy King of Thunder and Lightning

Chapter 788: Holy Thunder King

At this moment, it is equivalent to the three Bone Gods, fully exerting their power to help Li Xing practice. . . This kind of power, together with King Kong Yuanli, made Li Xing's already extremely arrogant Daluo true body, and once again ascended upward.

Da Luozhen was ninth in weight, and achieved perfection in an instant. Li Xingzhen released a force of Vajra, all invincible, just heard a loud sound of "Boom", a coercion was released, and the whole world trembled violently.

"What?" One king was shocked. "He actually carried it?"

The three heavenly kings saw that there was a layer of King Kong Yuan force outside Li Xing's body, blocking the strangulation. In other words, today they are working together to suppress Li Xing at best, and it is impossible to kill him.

"This ... he actually used our strength to absorb King Kong's strength. What kind of exercises did he practice?" Another king also said in shock, "His physical body seems to be able to continuously strengthen, incredible!"

"In the legend, the ancient real man had a unique means of refining, not under the bones, can he also?" The third Heavenly King judged, "If this is true, then he is a confidant and must not stay!"

"If you want to kill this person, you don't have to do it yourself." One day the king sneered and sneered, "The King of Thunder and Lightning! Help me wait to kill this person, and the three of me will help you to a higher level!"

Space trembled, and a middle-aged man stepped out of it. The man was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and his body seemed to be transparent, showing a mighty power. The man looked down at Li Xing, raised his eyebrows, and thundered. "Do you want to help me?"

"Yes!" Said one Heavenly King. "You have broken through the power of your ancestors, sublimated, and become the King of the Underworld. But unfortunately, it is very difficult to step into the midfield, and you cannot reach it in this life."

The thunder King Sheng Leng hummed: "As soon as this saint broke through, you came over and wanted to suppress it. Do you want to draw back if the suppression is not possible? Without you, this saint can break through and enter the upper and even extreme! In the end, the saint will break through the realm of the holy king and become a great demon! "

If the ancient royal family can break through the holy royal realm, they can become the great demon. The big demon can be said to be the nemesis of heaven and man. They will continue to grow by feeding on heaven and man. Only the Great Celestial Master can fight against the arrogant Great Devils.

Upon hearing this, the three kings' faces changed greatly, and they all screamed, "You can't help it! Big demon? You know how many royal families are outside the realm of heaven? But from ancient times to now, only one big demon has appeared, and it has also been big Celestial Kill! "

"The predecessors can do it, the same saint." This thunder king sneered with a cold smile, and did not even put the three kings in his eyes. "You let me kill him, I want to let him go!"

During the talk, the thunderous thunder king stomped and the whole world shook violently, and a crack appeared in front of Li Xing. Although the time was short, he seized the opportunity, immediately rushed into it, and disappeared.

The three heavenly kings were furious and shot at the same time, to suppress the Holy Thunder King, and shouted, "Damn! Take him to the heavens, you must cut it off!" Suddenly, this world directly tears the void and rises to heaven.

A brilliance rose into the sky and disappeared instantly. Not long after, Li Xing appeared in place, looking at the sky thoughtfully. Fang Cai ’s sacred king had no small ambitions and wanted to become a big demon.

Big demon, but the strong one of Da Tianzun series. According to ancient Xuanjing records, the big demon can also break through and become a kind of horrible existence, calling for nothing. Xuan can devour heaven and earth and is the destroyer of the living world.

When the guts swallow enough creatures, they can even break through, never ending. This is the terrible aspect of the ancient royal family, and the realm can be continuously improved. Of course, each step of the royal family's promotion is extremely difficult. The big demon has only appeared once, and the virtual never appeared.

At this moment, Li Xing couldn't help but wonder, what is above the Supreme Master? No one had ever told him, I'm afraid even Dragon Elephant Datianzun didn't know. However, referring to the path of cultivation of the ancient royal family, the Great Heavenly Supreme is obviously not the final state.

"It seems that if you want to know what is above the Supreme Master, you can only practice that step. There is no end to it. I don't even know what the world that existed at the time was related to this world today."

On the same day, Li Xing returned to the Imperial Palace. Nowadays, Tianyuanzhou and Tiannuzhou, Lingzhou and Gumanzhou are all connected. Tianyuanzhou has been complemented by the complete rules, which can also affect the laws of these three continents and make them complete.

In the imperial palace, Li Xingli stands in the void, fully sensing the laws of the big world. The ancient Xuanjing told him what is the complete law of the territories. In ancient times, the sage had disappeared for some time.

Li Xing speculated that the sage was most likely to enter the underground world, collect the laws of the avenues of the boundary, and then create the ancient Xuanjing. At this point, he was going to retake the path of the sages, and he would also take a trip to the underground world, both of which have different purposes.

At this step, Li Xing's goal of cultivation has been very obvious. He wants to cultivate the Hybrid Yuan Avenue. To prove the mixed element, he must fully grasp the laws of the earth's borders, and also have complete control of the laws of the heavens.

In the past, the real people in ancient times only realized the laws of the realm of the realm, and used them to merge with the power of the dragon elephant to condense the meridians of real people and to stretch the ancient times. If the laws of heaven and earth can be fused together, and then the true power is condensed with the power of the dragon elephant, then it can be called the strongest true power.

Moreover, Li Xing's decision to make up the rules also requires him to know all the laws of the territories, so he must enter the underground world. According to the ancient Xuanjing records, the underground world should preserve all the complete laws.

At this moment, Li Xing only knew what the so-called role of the Great Emperor was. The emperor was lonely, and he was looking for the way to call hope. Emperor of nothingness, Emperor Yuansheng, Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Tianwu must also be lonely.

This world has changed ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no complete rule, they have to rely on their wisdom, perseverance, and hard to find. Obviously, the four emperors failed. Including Emperor Tianxie, he failed even though he created Jiuyin Gong.

On this day, Li Xing crossed the western Osawa and reached the barrier. He stretched out his fingers, separated the space, and walked into it.

There was a faint glance in front of him, and Li Xing entered the underworld. There was no trace of anger in Ghost Continent. The sky is gray, the soil is gray, and even the vegetation is gray. Between heaven and earth, there is only one color, which is gray.

Only Li Xing, his color is bright and incompatible with this world. Therefore, as soon as he appeared, he caught the attention of nearby beings.

A gray earth snake, curiously showing a triangular head from the grass, stared at Li Xing. A gray bird flew out of the woods and noticed this.

Li Xing found that no living thing seems to be alive. They seem to be things in the picture scroll, which have nothing but gods. Suddenly, his heart sank slightly, this ghost family is indeed one of the three royal families, and the means turned out to be evil!


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