Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 790: Half holy

Chapter 790: Half Saint

Chapter 790: Half Saint

The old man has a terrifying breath, far surpassing the only ancestor of the ghost tribe, and he must be the semi-holy. . . Before the ancestors became princes, they would become quasi-sages, also known as semi-sages. Their strength was between the ancestors and sages.

The old man's eyes locked on Li Xing, invisible coercion shrouded down, full of intention to kill. It's no wonder that once Li Xing came up, he even beheaded and killed the members of the ghost clan, and even the ancestors were refined. This move has angered the ghost's semi-holy.

Li Xing sneered, and said, "Before the devastation, there must have been many human beings and countless souls living on Nether Island. But all this has been destroyed by the ghost clan. You steal the vitality of others and let this piece of land die, isn't it? Shouldn't you kill? "

The old man's face sank: "Hunyuan emperor, how dare you think you can take control of Jiuzhou?" When it comes to this, you don't need to say a word.

A dim shadow suddenly rushed from the ground and rushed to Li Xing. This phantom is specially able to plunder the vitality of the spirits. Once caught by it, it will turn into a ghost slave.

Li Xing suddenly disappeared, leaving Xingying empty. At the same time, he appeared behind the ghost trinity and punched him.

The Ghost Trinity not only masters the strange mystery, but also has a strong physical body. Facing Li Xing's punch, a half black fist suddenly appeared on the back of the half-sacred man, and he met with a severe blow.

The fist and the fist collided, only a dull buzzing sound, but a violent storm rushed around, and within 100,000 miles, the mountains and rivers turned into powder, and all life was destroyed.

With this punch, Li Xing felt the powerful strength of Semi-Saint, only slightly worse than him. The half-sage murmured, his body was distorted, the whole world suddenly changed, and a huge black vortex appeared on the sky.

In that vortex, the power of terror was revealed, which made Li Xing unable to evade, and his face was surprised.

In the empty space, the semi-holy Senran's words came from the ghost: "This person's ghost tribe has the highest secret skill, and only the holy king can spur it. Great Master, since you entered the Nether Continent, the holy saint has accumulated strength, and finally the secret Surgery! "

Li Xing knew that no matter where he hid, this power would lock him in, and this huge black vortex would appear above his head. He was thoughtful and said, "It really is a good idea!"

"This mystery is called 'Great Karma'. You are a hybrid emperor. What is your karma? I do n’t know what your cultivation means." The ghost holy voice is cold. "In the face of karma, what you want to overcome is Yourself, so no matter how strong you are, you can't escape today. "

"You really deserve me. In order to launch this secret technique, there must be no loss?" Li Xing calmed down, without fear, and seemed to have a chat.

"Yes, the use of this mystery has caused the saint to consume almost half of his original power. But it is well worth it, because once you die, the vitality and luck of this body will belong to the saint! The emperor Yuanyuan had to Say, you are amazing. The blood of the ghost clan made me feel that your vitality is very strong and your luck is endless. Only the ancient true Saints can compare with you! "

"Award." Li Xingdan said indifferently. "At this level, the emperor will have to pass sooner or later. Today is in front of you and cut off the future!"

"Huh! You're a big word! Although you are strong, but the realm is a mage, do you want to learn the saint to cut three lives? It's ridiculous! I want to see how you can cut the future!" Ghost Trinity sneered.

In the black vortex, a black lightning suddenly descended. The black lightning contained the power of the future.

In human life, there is a past, a present, and a future. The three periods have to be related to everything around them, such as enemies, benefactors, lovers, loved ones, etc., intertwined into a complex relationship, like a huge net.

As long as you are in this world, you will be in a big net. This net can be called karma. For karma, it doesn't matter whether good or bad, as long as you live in this world, you will be in "karma".

When you are in the karma, you cannot escape the causal reincarnation of this world, as if there is a deep power that controls everything. This power is called karma.

Weak people bear weak karma; strong people bear strong karma. Therefore, regardless of the strong or the weak, the karma assumed is relatively equal. The mystery of the Ghost Tribe, called karma, is to trigger Li Xing's future karma in advance.

Karma calamity can be said to fight against yourself.

The black lightning, however, contained extremely terrifying power, which made Li Xing unable to escape. "Boom", lightning struck his shoulder. Da Luozhen was ninth heavy, but he couldn't resist this kind of power. He banged his shoulders, exploded, fluttered flesh, and exposed golden bones.

Li Xing didn't move, he looked up at the sky, and through the black vortex, he seemed to see another himself. That is the future "Mixed Yuan emperor", he is stronger, he can destroy the ground with his hands.

It is not without reason that the ghost clan claims to be able to destroy the future of the enemy. This "major karma" actually triggered a hint of power in the future Emperor Yuanyuan, used to kill the current Li Xing.

The future emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, killing the current emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Li Xing looks very dangerous, there is no chance to survive. This is why the ghost tribe is so confident.

In the near future, the emperor of Yuanyuan must achieve extraordinary achievements and be more powerful than now. When a person is strong, of course, he can kill his weak. This is exactly the reason.

"Click!" Black lightning intensified and kept hitting.

I saw that Li Xing's body was flesh and blood, blood splattered, and he became a blood man in a moment. Among his flesh and blood, there are hundreds of thousands of kingdoms of gods, and these kingdoms explode, destroy one after another, and generate terrifying power.

The power of each deity kingdom is equivalent to that of a state figure, which shows how powerful Li Xing is. The power of countless kingdoms of gods has exploded, and the power produced is terrifying.

So, it didn't take long for Li Xing to become an inhuman form. He was blown up by lightning into an inexplicable phosgene, pale golden and slowly rotating. Outside, there was a half-holy triumphant laughter from the ghost clan: "Great! You, the Great Emperor Yuan, you have cultivated a kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits!"

After a while, he seemed to find something and exclaimed: "No! Your gods' kingdom is very ordinary, with the power of dragons in it! This saint understands you, you need to use this Shinto method to cultivate ancient true power?"

Li Xing didn't answer, it seemed that he was unconscious and unconscious.

The Ghost Tribe continues to marvel, Li Xing's body breaks down, and all secrets are revealed. Da Luo Zhenshen, the nine star emperors, and finally the chaotic array also appeared.

"Mixed emperor, you are so brave! The practice method is so complicated, like you, there is no great achievement!" The ghost tribe was shocked and sneered.

"You forgot, my emperor is" Hunyuan ", even if there are billions of ways, it will be nothing to me. In the end, it is all Hunyuan Avenue." Li Xing's voice came, nothingness.

The Ghost Tribe was shocked, and he saw the golden haze, instantly condensing into a perfect chaotic array. In that large array, there was a ghost image of a tripod, mixed yuan tripod!

"You ..." Half Saint rubbed his eyes, surprised, "What are you doing?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Hybrid Yuan Avenue can mix everything. Today, this emperor wants to fuse the present with the future!"

"What?" Ghost Trinity is almost stupid, and is it possible to fuse this life with the future?

The black vortex still emits black lightning, hitting chaotic bursts, and the bursts seem to have no response. On the contrary, the large array began to expand and grow larger, and eventually, it became larger than the black vortex.

"The emperor of Yuanyuan, everything of Yuanyuan!" Li Xing's dull voice came out. The central Yuanyuan Ding suddenly issued a strong suction, and the goal was a black vortex.

The Ghost Trinity was shocked and shouted, "No!" At this moment, he finally understood why Li Xing just dared to say that he was going to kill the future. Isn't that just killing, but devouring, one can devour one's own future? This is a bad move!

This semi-sacred heart gave birth to a great sense of fear. If he really succeeded, then he would have no place to die!

"Red lotus industry fire! Burn everything!" The ghost tribe fully urged, and in the black vortex, a lotus-like flame suddenly fell. The flame is black-red and can melt everything.

A flame fell on top of the chaotic array, which was suddenly burned out of a hole. But for a moment, it was replenished again and again, the chaos was endless, and it did not seem to be afraid of defects.


The violent shocks made the suction even more horrible. Suddenly, the red lotus was burned into the fire, and it was actually taken into it, regardless of whether it was 371-2, directly refining.

At this moment, Bansheng's face was all white and he was stunned, and he finally realized that he couldn't stop what the emperor Yuanyuan had to do!

"Impossible! How can a person devour the future? Without a future, what do you think?" The Great Holy Ghost roared, his body continued to recede, and he seemed to run away.

Li Xing's indifferent voice sounded: "The Emperor said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Today will kill the future, not only to kill, but also to draw its power! Thank you for giving this great emperor this opportunity, and then broke Stand! "

As much as the red lotus industry fire fell, it was devoured. In the end, they were all swallowed up, and in the end, the whole whirlpool screamed and was sucked into the mixed Yuanding. In the whirlpool, it seems that there are countless worlds, including the future of Emperor Hunyuan.


The chaotic array of explosions occurred as if eating countless explosives. But the more it explodes, the more the chaotic array will condense, and the clearer the Yuanyuan Ding will be, and the breath of terror will appear, it seems to be able to devour the world and refine everything.

Suddenly, the chaotic array began to transform. This kind of mysterious change, Li Xing's kingdom of gods, nine star wheels, three portals, many exercises, all kinds of power, have been disrupted and become chaotic.

The huge damage is also an opportunity for Li Xing, a chance of great transformation!

(It's so tense, the first three chapters are about to hang, try as much as possible. The little demon should regain his passion.)


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