Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 791: Territorial laws

Chapter 791: The Rule of Land Realm

Chapter 791 The Law of the Territory

Prior to Li Xing, although practice practice was mixed, Fa-dao, immortal-path, Buddha-path, Shinto, bone-path, witch-path, real-life path, and the cultivation methods obtained from the ancient Xuanjing. Da Luo Zhenshen, Dragon Elephant Gong, Tian Silk Gong, and so on, even if he practiced mixed Yuan Gong, it also made him difficult to find and could not find the point.

Li Xing's previous practice can only be described as chaos and hardship. In fact, no matter which way to go, with his qualifications, great achievements will be achieved. But he has to take a step on each road, and appreciate the mystery.

At this moment, he merged with the future emperor of Yuanyuan, and his heart was crystal clear, and everything became clear.

Consuming the future is tantamount to beheading the future. How does a person without a future survive? At this moment, Li Xing is already an anti-celestial being, which is unacceptable to heaven, and should not exist in this world.

At this moment, he had a feeling that his consciousness was out of this world, and he looked at all kinds of things with cold eyes, like a compassionate Buddha, an indifferent god, and a vanity immortal.

"It was a success!" The ghost tribe was surprised and terrified, his body flickered, and he disappeared. He is going to convene the entire ghost clan, and quickly leave the Nether Continent, how far he can go. In his view, Li Xing is undoubtedly the most terrible existence. It has reversed the heavens and is still strong without a future.

"I didn't belong to this world." Li Xing seemed to be standing at the highest point of the world, looking down at everything, "Who brought me to this world? Who controlled my destiny?"

He was asking the sky, the earth, the unknown world, and himself.

Li Xing, from another world, the soul traveled through an unknown amount of time and space and entered this world, another human body. He does not belong to this world, and his soul contains another law.

It seems that after ten thousand years, Li Xing suddenly returned to the body, and the chaotic array continued to operate. In the battle, a series of incredible changes occurred.

The power of the dragon elephant is completely integrated into the chaotic array, turning into a power of mixed elements. In fact, the dragon elephant and the hybrid Yuan are on both sides, they are both a kind of realm. At this moment, the dragon elephant is a hybrid, and the hybrid is a dragon.

Wu Dao, Xian Dao, Buddhism Dao, Bone Dao, etc. are decomposed and integrated into the Fahai. The Fahai contains two kinds of forces, the laws of heaven and earth. Those nine sun beads have entered the Fahai and become the core of the heavenly laws.

The territorial laws are much weaker and need Li Xing to make up for it and look for Jiuyin Gong. The rest of the laws, divine power, avenues, etc. have all been integrated into the Fahai.

All these changes took more than a month. When Li Xing returned to his true form and looked at the world, Ningzhou had returned to Qingming. The ghost clan has already moved out of this place. They are afraid of the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and they leave in advance.

Li Xing's eyes were plain and simple. He is both a heavenly man, a mage, and a real person. You can say he is a god, or you can say he is a fairy.

He does not belong to any avenue, but contains any avenue, heaven and earth, all avenues, his heart. In the end, he attributed everything to the cultivation of the Fa.

At this moment, Li Xing is still a mage, and Fa Tian is revisited. However, I am afraid that this level will take a long time. He wants to fulfill the laws of heaven and earth, collect the power of dragon elephants, and then mix Yuanyuan Avenue to achieve supreme achievements. This is his way.

In one thought, he can send out all means such as immortal, magic, divine, witchcraft, astrology, etc., and even the royal family secrets. His physical body is still domineering, and his big Luo true body still exists. In short, Li Xing seems to have changed, and it seems that nothing has changed.

The entire Nether Island is deserted everywhere. Although the Ghosts leave, they are left full of mess and are not suitable for ordinary people.

Li Xing stepped out and went to the junction of Nether Island and Tian Yuanzhou, punching out with a punch. This punch is much stronger than before before he cut the future. The barrier was directly broken into void, completely disappeared, and the two continents merged.

Suddenly, the laws of Nether Island resonated with the perfect laws of Tian Yuanzhou, and they began to transform to a state of perfection. It didn't take long for Tianyuanzhou to start having curious monks coming to see what the legendary Nether Island looked like.

Li Xing is still wandering on the Nether Island, he wants to find the entrance to the underground world. The power of Jiuyin exists only in the underground world. If Chen Xue's eight daughters continue to practice Jiuyin, they must find the Jiuyin rule.

He used Falun Dafa as a model, and the next step is to complete the Fahai and the laws of the earth, so that the entire underground world can be restored to the ancient times.

Using his means, Li Xing soon discovered the entrance to the underground world. According to ancient Xuanjing, there is a bottomless pit in the land of the Nether Island, which is dark and dim, and reaches the underground world.

The diameter of the bottomless pit is more than a hundred miles, and within a thousand miles nearby, there is black dirt, revealing a gloomy atmosphere. Bursts of wind and black gas blew from the entrance of the cave. Even if Dao Zun is blown by this wind, he will fall apart and cannot bear it at all.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, very few people approach this bottomless pit. Some strong men in the history of the ghost clan have come to observe, but no one dares to enter, even the semi-sacred.

Of course, in the ancient dynasties, there were true kings and holy kings who had entered the underground world and had conflicts with the powerful men in the underground world. These things are just a brief mention. Li Xing has no way of knowing what happened.

Looking at the big hole leading to the underground world, Li Xing frowned slightly. Even if he had never entered the underground world, he knew that there must be a lot of powerful things below. Real people in ancient times are just the masters of the earth, not the masters of the underground world.

The underground world is the core of the dragon elephant world, the true realm!

"This trip is dangerous, but I have no choice." Li Xing sighed and said to the Emperor Tianxie, "Master, the real people in the ancient times are really pathetic, and they hate heaven and earth."

He said this sentence without a head or a tail, but the Emperor Tianxie understood it. Although the Ancient Xuanjing is not recorded in detail, it is also mentioned that the ancient real people were created by the dragon elephant. They don't belong to heaven or earth, they have a mission by nature.

The mission of the real people in ancient times, that is, Li Xing's mission, is the dragon elephant, that is, the mixed Yuan, to integrate the laws of heaven and earth into one. The core to do this is to find the Jiuyang Rule and Jiuyin Rule.

"Your strength is already able to compete against the First Saint, King Bimei, and as long as you enter the realm and fulfill the laws of the realm, you can make you?" Tianxie Emperor looked at it openly and relaxedly.

Li Xing stopped talking and jumped. The dark air billowed in front of me and the wind was piercing.

Every time I landed a distance, it felt as if I had entered another world and felt a different breath. This feeling never disappeared and lasted a long time. In this process, Li Xing couldn't even calculate how much time was spent.

I do not know how long it has been, it may be long or short, Li Xing entered a vast land. Above the sky, the sun, moon, and stars also hang, and at a glance, this place is no different from the world on earth.

But Li Xing understands that this place is the core of the realm of the earth, the big world under the eyes of real people.

At that time, the dragon elephant Tianzun plunged into the territorial embryo, and eventually opened up the dragon elephant world. Although the dragon elephant world is integrated with the realm, the two are separated. The big world is connected to the heavenly realm, and the earthly realm lives on it.

It can be said that the Dragon Elephant World is a bridge that connects heaven and earth. Presumably, the idea of ​​Dragon Elephant Datianzun should allow ancient real people to sense the laws of heaven and earth at the same time. Unfortunately, his wish was ruined by the power of heaven.

All these are speculations inside Li Xing after entering the realm. In combination with the ancient Xuanjing, and knowing everything, his speculation, if not accurate, must be very close to the truth.

As soon as he entered the realm, Li Xing felt that the rules of the realm here were actually complete!

"It was only the dragon elephant world that was destroyed!" Li Xing sighed. "Master, I can be sure that there must be someone in the realm of the era of ancient destruction. Maybe when they destroyed the world, they also scored a point. force."

Emperor Tianxie said with emotion: "The world of dragon elephants is located in the boundary of the earth. Communicating the heavens and the earth is indeed a sacred place! If all goes well, the ancient real people will become the most powerful race.

Li Xing was suspended in the air, observing the Quartet. Suddenly, two figures flew in front of him, and two monks appeared. These two monks, unlike humans, had dark skin and ugly faces, had four feet and four arms, and had a foul odor.

One of them yelled, "You're a wonderful person?"

Where does Li Xing know what wonderful couple, look at the appearance of these two people, think he is a wonderful couple, but do not feel like. Presumably, the wonderful family is also a family of the land.

As soon as my thoughts turned, I said, "I am a wonderful family, what are you looking for?"

"Very well, follow us and meet Princess Tama." During the conversation, a monk turned to Li Xing and reached for his hand. He has four arms and is flexible and powerful.

Where did Li Xing allow him to get close, double-extend and push and pull, the monk made a dense sound all over his bones ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then screamed and fell to the ground. He pushed and pulled just before, he was seriously injured inside the body and lost his combat effectiveness.

Another monk was taken aback and was too late to respond, Li Xing already pointed out. The latter couldn't escape, and a loud noise in his head made him unconscious.

Li Xing casually knocked down two territories monks, and said: "The rules of the rare territories are complete. It is better to practice for a period of time. After going up, you can directly make up for all the principles."

Thinking of this, his body flashed and disappeared. After a while, the two bodies on the ground also turned into rotten earth.

After killing the two monks, Li Xing also read their memories and learned about the entire boundary.

The land boundary is a place larger than the dragon elephant world, or the dragon elephant world is only a world pinned on the land boundary, which is created by the dragon elephant heaven.

Before, he used to think that the dragon elephant world was the land boundary, but now it seems that this idea is very wrong. The land boundary is the land boundary. Like the heaven boundary, it has its own soul master and its own rules.


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