Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 796: Trembling

Chapter 796 Jiuyin Fengfeng Ling

Chapter 796: Shaking the Seal and Sealing the Spirit

The young man said: "In the realm, the Ethereal Gate has the most power. But there is also the Spring and Autumn Gate outside the Ephemeral Gate. There are two great saints in the Spring and Autumn Gate. They have jointly cultivated a talent of heaven, and a master of spring and autumn.

"The realm of the young master in the Spring and Autumn Period is comparable to that of the young master, and is the great counterpart of the young master." The young man flicked his finger, "The young master will release the news, saying that the dragon elephant world mixed emperor has entered. Territory, known as a generation of wizards, is far behind even young masters. "

"This young master of the Spring and Autumn Period always keeps his eyes above the top. When he hears this, he will definitely find the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and kill with all his strength to show his strength."

Tianshen Tao said charmingly: "The master of the young master! The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and the young master of the Spring and Autumn Period fighting for the tiger, there must be an injury. At that time, the young master can suddenly kill, kill the winner, kill two birds with one stone!"

The young man said indifferently: "This matter is less self-concerned, but it's you, but the strength is insufficient. This younger decided to break up your practice and let you practice again."

A few people in Tianshen Daozun did not feel shocked, but quickly thanked them. It turns out that the rules of the dragon elephant world are incomplete, and the Taoism that is cultivated is not very powerful, and it has defects when it is laid.

If they can break the practice and re-cultivate, they are all in the realm, practice thousands of miles a day, and soon they will not be able to resume the original practice, and their strength will increase greatly.

Of course, if you want to break the practice, you must have the power to help.

Day after day, unknowingly a year passed, Li Xing realized more laws of the land. For three years, the wonderful family did not disturb him. Only a few times when foreigners invaded, they asked Li Xing to help.

On this day, a veteran of Miaoxiangmen asked for an interview, saying that in the recent past, many powerful monks have appeared nearby, including many masters of sermons. All these monks are inquiring about the whereabouts of "Hunyuan Emperor".

At the same time, the veteran also told Li Xing that there was news from the frontiers. In the dragon elephant world, a mixed Yuan emperor came down. The mixed Yuan emperor was very young and talented, and he was already very strong and could kill the king.

Rumors also say that the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty can be ranked in the top 30 in the realm of beheading! The Realm Beheading List is an all beheading master, arranged in order of strength. Among them, the Spring and Autumn Master and the Taiyin Master ranked tenth and eleventh respectively.

The veteran said: "The ancestor, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, isn't it ..." He guessed that the ancestor of the wonderful phase was actually the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Li Xing said lightly: "Yes, I am the emperor of Yuan Dynasty."

The old man was shocked and said: "Old ancestors! Outside rumors, the young masters of Spring and Autumn are looking for the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. The old ancestors must not go out, but can hide here for a while."

"Why do you evade?" Li Xingdan said indifferently.

The veteran hurriedly said: "The ancestor, the master of spring and autumn is very close to the sacred realm, and one step is the Great Holy Order. Moreover, the parents of the young master of Spring and Autumn are both the Great Holy. His mother is the Great Spring, My father is the Great Saint of the Autumn and Autumn. Even if he defeats the young master of the Spring and Autumn, that would be a big trouble! "

Li Xing waved his hand: "No need to say more, I will leave today." Then his body gradually disappeared.

There are hills 100,000 miles away from the wonderful family. On the hills, a group of monks fell, and their cultivation was high or low. High, has reached the performance of the sixth state of Taoism. The lower level also has a level of complete realization, and most come from the Spring and Autumn Gate.

The monks performing in the realm of Taoism have the same strength as the strong among the princes. They belong to the powerful realm in the realm. A middle-aged monk acting in a sacred state, his eyes were ruthless, and he said to everyone: "The young master asked us to look for the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and the ghost knew who was there and where to go?"

"Mixed emperor, who is it?" Asked another monk who preached the Five Realms. "Can the dragon elephant world above the realm be a master? Everyone knows that the road to the dragon elephant world is incomplete. Incomplete, the people there practice to the extreme, known as Taoism, and their strength can only be compared with monks who practice the Three Realms of Taoism. "

"Yes, that dragon elephant world is incomplete, and it is not suitable for cultivation at all. If it is not the case, our territory will be attacked early and occupy the dragon elephant world." Another monk who realized the great consummation also said.

"However, I heard that in Tianyuanzhou of the Dragon Elephant World, an emperor will be born every time. The emperor's cultivation can also be opposed to the monks who perform our path. It is rare. But there are often so-called great emperors. Only one appears in the year of the year. Therefore, the overall strength of the Dragon Elephant World is actually very weak. "

"In fact, if it wasn't for the relationship between heaven and earth, our world would have attacked long ago and destroyed those so-called real descendants. In ancient times, the dragon elephant world monks were really powerful, and they also killed some of the heavenly gods. I heard that even heaven was also Attacked. "

"Everyone in the world of heaven and earth occupies the world of the dragon elephant. However, the avenues there are incomplete and unsuitable for cultivation, and occupation is useless. Moreover, if one side starts, the other side will inevitably fight. So many generations have passed. Neither heaven nor earth has ever started at the dragon elephant world. "

"It may not be the case. The Heaven Realm must have started to arrange dark chess in the Dragon Elephant World. Also, do you not know that several powerful people in the Earth Kingdom have already done the same thing. I have heard that the Dragon Elephant World is gradually moving forward. Restored, Jiuzhou united, and the avenue is complete. At that time, it must be that the realm of heaven and earth is the official hands, destroy the real descendants, and then occupy the dragon elephant world. "

"Speaking of which, the dragon elephant world really hates hatred, suppresses the realm of the earth, and communicates with the realm of the heavens. At the beginning, it also gave birth to powerful ancient real people. It was simply the nails of the heavens and the world of the world.

These monks have been looking for the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. After searching for a long time, no result, and the mood was depressed, and they chatted here.

During the speech, one person suddenly asked: "There is no strong dragon dragon world. Why should we kill all the monks above?"

When the monks saw the interrogator, the other side's practice seemed to be just the beginning of Taoism. It was very weak. How could it appear here? No one knew the monk, or even when he appeared.

"Who are you?" The monk who acted in the situation stared at Li Xing. "Why have I never seen you?"

The monk smiled lightly: "I'm the mixed Yuan emperor you are looking for, from the dragon elephant world."


Everyone was startled, quickly left the spot, kept a certain distance from Li Xing, and then stared at him.

Li Xingshen came to the scene unknowingly, listening to these monks talking about the dragon elephant world. The thoughts of these people surprised him very much. It turned out that the realm had long had the ambition to engulf the dragon elephant world, but the timing was immature.

Presumably, as long as the dragon elephant world is restored, the heaven and earth world will start to destroy the monks of the dragon elephant world.

"You haven't answered my question yet," Li Xing said. "Why is it necessary to kill everything?"

The monk who preached the Six Realms and acted in the realm of Taoism, while secretly releasing information, sneered, "You are the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty? It ’s really ignorance to ask such a question, isn't it clear that the entire dragon elephant world is in the realm? Was it established on the basis? The dragon elephant world absorbed the laws of the territories, suppressed the territories, and cultivated the ancient real people. This matter is known to all monks in the territories. "

"That's right! The dragon elephant world shouldn't exist at all. It interfered with the realm of the earth and gave birth to the kind of human beings of ancient times. As soon as the time comes, the land boundary will occupy the dragon elephant world and become the master of the big world! By that time , Heaven is nothing! "

Li Xing sighed and said, "Do n’t you know that the dragon elephant world can blend yin and yang? If the laws of the two worlds of heaven and earth can be merged into one in the big world, the yin and yang will become stronger, and the big world will be stronger. The way. "

"Let's talk nonsense! You, the emperor Yuanyuan, did you obediently resist, or did you resist in the end? The implementation tells you that your emperor's cultivation is only as good as his own." The monk acting in the state of affairs chanted.

Li Xing stopped talking. He looked at the acting monk and nodded again and again, like a customer buying food, commenting on the goods: "Yes, the morals are successful, should you practice a lot of rules?"

The monk was unknown, so when Li Xing shocked him to practice many rules, he sneered: "I am Chunqiu and Wu Chaoyuan, and when I am enlightened, I learn a hundred and twenty rules. This is an elder of Chunqiumen!"

Li Xing nodded: "Very well, you have been tempered and saved me a lot of time." After he said that, he took out the seal of Ling Ling and shook it a little, then he shot tens of thousands of filaments and entangled that Wu Chaoyuan.

Wu Chaoyuan's strength is indeed not under the emperor, and even a little stronger than the original Emperor Tiannu. He yelled and cast hundreds of Taoism in one thought.

In the sky, the wind and thunder rose suddenly, the lightning flashed, the colorful Taoism flashed colorfully, gathered into a formidable force, and resisted the suppression of Feng Lingyu.

There are nine congenital treasures on the Feng Lingyao, and a large number of congenital treasures are being displayed by Li Xing at the moment, exerting unparalleled power.

"Click!" A sound ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wu Chaoyuan's Taoism was completely broken. Later, his mind was hazy, and he was locked by Feng Lingyu, replacing a real treasure, and becoming one of the nine main themes in Hei.

At the scene, there were two characters performing the Tao. Li Xing caught one, another Yao, and hundreds of millions of filaments entangled to the second monk.

The monk hurriedly dodging, trying to break through the space and escape from here. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty casually suppressed Wu Chaoyuan, but he never dare to take it.

Unfortunately, it was too late to escape, and the power of the Ling Ling to seal Wu Chaoyuan increased by one point. The monk was settled and immediately suppressed.

The remaining dozens of monks dispersed and fled.

"Want to leave? Leave me all!" Li Xing waved Feng Lingyu, the sky's rays of light fell, and the power of each line of light had the power of Taoism. The monks at the scene, regardless of the level of preaching or the level of enlightenment, were **** one by one and pulled into the 3,600 auxiliary positions, becoming the spirits.

Suddenly, the power of this lingering maggot increased a lot and made Li Xing very satisfied.


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