Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 797: Level 11 Skyscraper

Chapter 797: Eleventh Level Sword-killing Technique

Chapter 797: Eleventh Level Killing Sword Technique

However, he just sealed a monk here, and a large number of monks came after him. Fang Cai Wu Chaoyuan sent a message that all the monks who could reach him had already rushed to catch Li Xing.

Li Xing did not stay in place, urging Feng Lingyu to turn into a strong light, hurried towards one side, as if to escape. The monks in the back happened to see this scene, and they roused their spirits and followed closely behind.

With Li Xing's strength at this moment, of course, he will not be afraid of these little people. He deliberately fled in order to attract more monks to come and use it to enhance the power of Feng Lingyu. This seal is a strange treasure, no matter how powerful it is, as long as it is sealed, it can enhance its power.

Theoretically, Feng Lingyu can infinitely increase his strength. Of course, the premise is that Li Xing is capable enough to capture a powerful existence.

The speed of Li Xing's limping is unpleasant and not afraid. It is not difficult to catch up. So it didn't take long for a monk to preach the Six Realms, and the monk who performed the realm caught up, and the man yelled, "Where to escape!"

Li Xing didn't turn his head back. He shook his back and pulled back, tens of millions of filaments of lightning tangled, and tied the monk all at once, so that his Taoist technique was aborted halfway through and failed to hit. He yelled and struggled hard, but how could he resist Feng Lingyu? The next moment, he was suppressed and became one of the spirits.

The second person with a successful sermon replaced another congenital treasure, ranking above the nine main themes.

Escaped all the way, captured all the way, half a month passed. One after another, Li Xing was arrested by nine masters who had witnessed six realms, all of which were sealed in the hall. Seventy or eighty monks at other levels were also sealed, and all were sealed to the auxiliary positions.

The monks chased and chased after them. They found that the more they went down, the more monks disappeared for no reason, and there were a lot of powers to preach the six realms. Finally, some clever, quietly quit the hunting army.

Seeing that fewer and fewer people were pursuing, Li Xing turned suddenly and killed a returning carbine. This time, they ran into more than a dozen head-on, and all who dared to chase this time were all masters of the level of sermon.

As soon as Li Xing screamed, the sky was dangling with light, covering a thousand miles, and none could run away. The monks were furious and kept cursing, but they couldn't stop Li Xing from continuing, and all of them were sealed.

There are some monks in the back who saw this scene and turned away. They finally understood where the missing monks had gone, and hurry up this Emperor Yuanyuan is stronger than everyone else, and fled just to attract more people to appear.

"Damn! Quickly inform the young master, we have suffered heavy losses, and the Spring and Autumn Gates can't afford it!" A monk yelled angrily, sending messages again and again, asking the young master to come out of the mountain.

In the spring and autumn gate, in a small hidden space, a young monk in a yellow robe with a crown and twenty looks suddenly opened his eyes. He frowned slightly like a sword, humming slightly, and whispered to himself: " There is such a character in the Dragon Elephant World! This person really has the qualification to let this young master shoot! "

But he said that Li Xing continued to limp, and he had come a long way. No one dared to chase his monk, the seal of the seal, or the escape. He also reached the extreme west. In front, a misty glory condensed the enclave, blocking the way. He tried to enter Guanghua, but as soon as he approached, he was ejected by a powerful force.

"It seems that here should be the end of the land boundary. Outside this boundary, it is likely to be the dragon elephant world." Li Xing thought.

In the very west, no one was seen. This fits Li Xing's intentions. He practiced in situ and learned the laws of the land.

Suddenly, for a few days, Li Xing opened his eyes suddenly. He stood up, looking ahead, and said lightly, "Where is sacred?

Around him, a thick black mist emerged from the ground, and among the dense mist, a demon head emerged. This devil looks like a young man, but has long fangs, big mouths, bright eyes, and magical energy.

When the demon appears, he knows which one of the devil's powers. The first step in beheading is to cut off the demon and form a demon head. Territory monks are very strong in heart. If they cannot prove the demon, they will hinder future cultivation.

Li Xingguan watched this demon, his spirit was strong, and his strength must be very powerful. After a little calculation, he knew what the devil's head was. He sneered: "Master, Spring and Autumn, are you afraid of death?"

"Huh! Do you know it is me?" The sound of the demon sounded from the sky, spreading everywhere, majestic.

"Your monks at Spring and Autumn Gate have been arrested by me a lot. You came here and stayed together." Li Xingdan said indifferently, but this time he did not take out Feng Lingyu. Between thoughts, there was also a demon head behind him.

As soon as the innocent demon appeared, the master of the devil's head in spring and autumn was startled, and cried: "Innocent demon! You have some means! But it's nothing, this devil is just the demon of the demon, not very powerful!"

The innocent heaven and demons rose up into the air, and there was no trace of magic in their bodies. They were magnificent and magnificent, as if the gods came into the world, shining all over the world. When he saw the young master of the Spring and Autumn Period, he gave a roar of shouts and said, "Bold devil, trouble the world, kill!

The innocent demon shoots directly, and uses the demon means to fight with the avatar of the young master of Spring and Autumn.

Although the master of spring and autumn disagrees, his heart is very careful. The innocent devil lives in the underground world. He knows what a powerful devil is.

According to legend, between the heavens and the earth, there is every kind of Tao; the underground world is accompanied by a demon. The ancients once said that the Tao is one foot high and the demon is one foot high. The innocent demon, in the underground world, belongs to the level of magical sacredness, and the strength is still above the nine great sages in the realm.

Chunqiu Shaozhu's demon turned into a demon head, with a greedy and vicious atmosphere, stormed innocently, and prevailed. Two demon heads, each with their own might, perform magic at the same time against each other.

As a spectator, Li Xing thoughtfully observed the fighting methods of the two demon heads quietly.

After a hundred strokes, the innocent demon head suddenly couldn't support it, and "banged" with a smash, half of his head was broken, and the devil dissipated. The young master of Spring and Autumn laughed loudly, the avatar demonized a big hand, and shot to Li Xing.

Li Xing felt that a strong magic blockade all around. He showed a hint of contempt, and his real hands flew up in the air, hitting him hard and making a loud noise. The avatar's arm exploded, humming.

After a bump, Li Xingzhen's large hands continued to approach, with his palms facing down and his five fingers inverted, resembling a large bowl. Five fingers, each slamming Supreme Mana, sealing the devil head.

"Rules! In such a short time, you have realized so many rules of the realm!" The devil roared again and again, and it felt that the power that Li Xing used to suppress it was purely the power of the laws of the realm.

This surprised the Master of the Spring and Autumn Period. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty belongs to the world of dragon elephants. Soon after he came to the realm, how could he realize the power of so many rules? When a monk in the realm knows the Tao, he usually learns a few kinds and a dozen kinds of rules.

Only some timeless figures can understand hundreds of rules. Such people can never live forever, such as Spring and Autumn Masters. The person in front of him could not understand how many rules he had realized. He only felt that the opponent's mana was immense and boundless, as if carrying the power of the law of the entire land, which could be described by terror.

Li Xing's five fingers trembled slightly, a big tripod was suspended, shooting billions of tripods of light, and the magic head was included in it. This tripod was the Yuanyuan tripod, which began to refine the devil.

The Spring and Autumn Gate, the young master of the Spring and Autumn Period, roared again and again: "Big Yuan emperor! You dare to accept the lord's avatar, **** thing!"

In the rage of the young master, he broke through the void and rushed to the scene. However, when he appeared at the extreme west, Li Xing had already disappeared, and he did not know where to go.

Although Li Xing was not afraid of the young masters of the Spring and Autumn Period, he had more important things to do, so he left immediately after refining the demon. Just now, when refining the demon head, from the memory of the demon head, he knew that the news was about the entrance to the underground world, the extremely dark abyss.

As he was about to go to the far north and entered the extremely dark abyss, Li Xing's face changed greatly and became extremely cold. He snorted loudly, and suddenly rose into the sky, and flew from the original road to the exit of the boundary.

The exit of the boundary was the place where he first entered the boundary, and it required the supreme power to open it. As soon as his people appeared, a young boy stopped in the street and yelled, "Hunyuan, do you want to go?"

This young man was extremely horrified. He sneered and stared at Li Xing: "Come where you want to come, go where you want to go, where is your local community? If you want to go, first go through the stage where I am too overcast!"

Li Xing didn't talk nonsense with him either, and the extermination knife was in his hand, and he suddenly split two swords. These two knives, a gloomy dark and cold, a bright day like the fierce sun, but it is a heavenly sword, the eleventh level!

There are twelve levels of Heavenly Sword, and the Heavenly Evil Emperor practices to level ten, and can issue four swords. Li Xing's strength has been soaring, and he has long been able to go to the next level. At this moment, he is exhibiting the eleven-level sky-killing method ~ www.readwn.com ~ two swords.


Two sword lights, one left and one right, are like yin and yang, sealing all life.

Master Taiyin's face changed greatly, and he cried, "What is this?" He tried his best to send out his own avenue, and hit a void in front of him.

The two sharp blades of light seemed to be able to cut through the heavens and the earth, and cut back and forth into the void, all of a sudden no sound. But after a while, Master Taiyin turned pale and suddenly left the scene.

As he stood, the void suddenly exploded. The two swords were still very strong, breaking through many spaces and continuing to kill the Taiyin Master.

Taiyin Shaozhu, desperately escaped, loudly: "Father save me!"

In the void, a large, dim hand was stretched out, carrying a breath of death, decay, and coldness, and gently swiped forward. The two unparalleled potentials issued by Li Xing suddenly fell silent, and it never seemed the same.


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