Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 798: Advent of Heaven

Chapter 798 Heavenly Monarch Comes

Chapter 798: The Coming of the Heavenly King

A knife stunned the Taiyin Shaozhu, leading a strong hand, killing Daoguang. However, Li Xing didn't have time to fight, snorted coldly, broke through time and space, and flew away. He wants to return to the world of dragon elephants, where something important happened, and he had to come forward.

Back in January.

Youzhou, Gumanzhou, Lingzhou, and Tiannuzhou, the four continents and Tianyuanzhou are integrated into one, and the laws affect each other and remain consistent. Such a major incident alarmed heaven.

On this day, Tianyuanzhou, a high-flying glory fell. This brilliance, magnificent shore, brilliant, shines on the Quartet. Under the shining light, it gradually condensed into a human figure.

The figure was clear, but it was a man in white. He holds a Fangtianhua halberd in his hand, and his body contains the supreme divine power, which is actually a god!

This deity, watching two divine lights, follows Jiuzhou. All monks felt an irresistible power in the place of the God's Light, and many people fell to the ground with trembling.

However, he said that the sword penalty Tianzheng was self-cultivation. His mind was tense, he suddenly opened his eyes, rose up, and cut out a sword. This sword is separated by eighteen thousand miles, but that sword energy can tear open the space and kill before the gods.

The sword air is three thousand miles long, brilliant, and the color of blood is red. It belongs to the unique sword skill practiced by Jian Xingtian, and Xingtian hits.

The person in white reached out his hand and was indifferent, showing a flick of his fingers, listening only to the loud noise of "Boom." In front of it, the sword gas that came to death was exploded. Jian Xingtian also trembled, exhaling blood.

Jian Xuntian's cultivation is that he has reached Dao Zun level, and in recent time, he has comprehended some complete territorial rules, and his strength surpasses that of the Dragon Emperor and Demon Emperor. However, the opponent just broke his sword with a single finger, and seriously injured him.

"Great!" Jian Xingtian's complexion changed slightly, his shape flickered and disappeared.

Knowing that he is not his opponent, Jian Xingtian will naturally not fight hard. He cut out the sword, and many characters saw it, secretly shocked, no one dared to shoot again.

The people in white broke the punishment of Xingtian. It seemed improper. They still looked around and seemed to be looking for someone. His eyes had a strong penetrating power, ignoring time and space. As long as people are in Jiuzhou, they can't escape the tracking of his eyes.

After Jian Xingtian was injured, he found Jun Qianheng for the first time. The first thing Jun Qianheng did was to send a message to Li Xing.

However, because Li Xing is in the realm of land, although the message symbol left is valid, it was passed after January.

"Mixed emperor, come out to see me." The voice of the people in white was like a thunder, and every corner of Jiuzhou's biography.

"This man must have come down from heaven, he's looking for the boss!" Jun Qianheng was with Jian Xingtian and others, his eyes flashed. "The power of Wuzhou is basically shocked by the boss. Never imagine that heaven will have The gods are descended, and this is trouble. "

Xiao Xiaobao sneered: "What about the god? The boss comes back and maybe chops it off."

Jian Xingtian shook his head: "You and I also have the blood of the gods, which can sense the strong spirit breath in his body. This person should have strength beyond the rank of the emperor. If the boss can defeat him, he also said two things."

The man in white shouted three times, and no one responded. He snorted coldly, and reached out to scratch. I do not know how much time and space, a Taoist Supreme was caught in his hands. The Guanghua's flashing large hand covered the sky and covered everything.

This Taoist deputy, also shortly after his ascension, is preparing for a successful practice and does not want to be caught. He sensed the arrogance of his opponent, and he was afraid.

"Say, where is the Emperor Yuanyuan?" The Baiyi asked coldly.

This Taoist deity didn't say a word to Li Xing, but a series of experiences told him that the Emperor of Yuanyuan is the guardian of Jiuzhou. Therefore, the belief in his heart was quite firm.

However, this person was not a fool, and his mind turned around and said, "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty should not be in Jiuzhou."

"Huh? Where did he go?" Shen in white asked.

"It is rumored that the emperor went to Tianwaitian." He was full of nonsense, only to know that Tianwaitian is a place that can compete with heaven, and the strong ones are like clouds, so he spoke and distracted the other party.

The people in white pinched their hands, and this Taoist body shattered and fell directly.

"Dare to bully a monarch, stupid!" He smiled coldly, and his big hand was fishing again, and a second person was to be asked.

In the distant time and space, an old man with white hair, with a wave of his sleeves, his body disappeared, and at the same time a voice came out: "Our ancestors have no dispute with the world, this heavenly monk, please ask others. . "

The man in white was very surprised. He didn't expect the dragon elephant world. Someone could hide from him. Among the heavenly monarchs, his cultivation is medium, but he has an absolute advantage over the world monks.

Jiyang ancestor, I don't know where to go. People in white are about to continue to catch people, suddenly a voice called: "Tianjun!"

The people in white stopped moving, only in the void, and came out of a group of kings and ancestors of the ancient tribe. They worshiped flatteringly to the ground: "Tian Tianjun, I'll wait until the emperor of Yuan Dynasty falls!"

"Huh?" The indifferent gaze of the man in white fell on an ancestor, "You know?"

This is the undefeated ancestor, who has just awakened and has not seen the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. However, all the royal families were paying tribute to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, which made him very angry, and he deeply disliked the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and hated it.

The undefeated ancestor hurriedly said: "Tianjun, according to reliable information, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty disappeared after entering the Nether Continent. He should have gone to the underground world."

"The underground world!" Bai Yiren frowned, and he was silent for a moment, and said, "Because of this, this day Jun will wait for him to come back."

The royal families worshiped again, and the people in white said lightly: "You ancient families are so unprofessional that they have been suppressed to such an extent by waste humans. It is ridiculous!"

The undefeated ancestor looked ashamed and said, "Tianjun, it is said that the mixed Yuan emperor did have some means. The ancestor of the royal family has not yet fully recovered, and the holy king is not even awake."

Humane in white: "Give you a chance of the ancient royal family, this heavenly king sits in the big world and acts as your backstage."

The ancestor's eyes lit up: "Thank you Tianjun!"

That same day, the royal family of Wuzhou came together for the first time to worship people in white together. Many royal families, because of Li Xing's relationship, were hidden in the dark and did not dare to show their heads. At this moment, Tianjun stood up and all came out.

In the land of Wuzhou, more than 500 kings and 33 ancestors gathered, forming a horrific fighting force. Their respective divisions of labor began to attack human monks, and this day gave them a good opportunity to exterminate humanity!

Tianyuanzhou, the capital of Emperor Taiwei. This metropolis has a large population and business prosperity. On this day, the sky's blood light suddenly dropped in the sky, and the blood light fell like rain.

Rain silk seems to be invisible and invisible, penetrating any object and directly entangled on the human body. Suddenly, all the human blood was drained. Within a short period of time, all the people in the emperor's capital were extinct, and none survived.

Among the caves of the Dan Ding faction, three kings broke into the sky and led the 800 warriors to start a slaughter. Among the Dan Ding faction, there is only one Taoist deity, Xiu Wei has not yet consolidated, how is their opponent?

The royal family was domineering and mysterious, and it took only three days to exterminate the Danding faction.

The same tragedy is being performed every day, forcing monks from Wuzhou to gradually converge to one place. Today, human strength is no longer weak. There are more than two hundred monks. Taoist monks are as many as thousands.

This kind of combat power, as long as it does not meet the strong men such as the Heavenly King and the Holy King, can fully protect themselves.

For a month, it is not long or short. A large number of ordinary people were killed and monks suffered heavy casualties. The ancient royal family has an absolute advantage for human beings.

On this day, all the royal families finally formed an encirclement to the human monks. They used mystery to condense the large array and trap the eight pole tower in a space.

This month, the eight-pole tower has become the last refuge for all. In the eight-pole tower, the sixty-fourth Xuanjie congenital ban is a true treasure of Xuanjie! The power of this treasure is absolutely above the alarm clock.

Two hundred and eight Taoists, thousands of monarchs, all sit in the eight pole tower. The Baji boy has a general style. He takes all monks and stands in the direction of gossip. He is the leader in the middle, eight positions, and each is seated by the eight strongest Daozun.

The eight Taoists are Jun Qianheng, Dragon Emperor, Demon Emperor, Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong, Jian Xingtian, Nangong Xiaoyi, and Xi Xiaobao. These eight Taoists honored the first floor.

In addition, there are sixteen Taoists, forming a second-tier formation to assist the above eight. By analogy, there are 32 Taoist deities on the third floor, 64 Taoist deities on the fourth floor, and 128 Taoist deities on the fifth floor.

Below the Dao, the 256th Daojun sits on the sixth floor; the seventh and third floors are also chaired by Daojun. After the ten-story battle, there were monks at the Taoist and Fajun levels.

At this moment, all of them worked together to bring out all their strengths and completed the eight pole tower.

The Eight-Pole Tower ~ www.readwn.com ~ is unstoppable. It used to kill and kill two ancestors and thirteen kings in one fell swoop. But it was so powerful that it also caught the attention of the entire royal family and was eventually trapped here.

In the gloomy space, a pagoda was suspended, emitting heavy brilliance. In space and time, hundreds of kings and 31 ancestors also shot together to block the space. Today, human monks will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The ancient royal family has repeatedly asked Baiyi Tianjun for help. However, the people in white dismissed the shot and refused the request.

The eight-pole tower slowly rotated, and suddenly shot out. This brilliance, regardless of the rules of time and space, is highly condensed and extremely powerful. A king accidentally shot him in the chest with Guanghua and disappeared instantly. He could not die any more.

Although the space is blocked, the eight pole tower can be attacked, and there is nothing wrong with killing the king.

At this moment, people in white seemed to sense something, also appeared near the space, staring into the distance. The void in front of it was like a substantive murderous force. It straddled the infinite space and locked the people in white.


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