Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 799: Kill the Heavenly King

Chapter 799: Killing the Heavenly King

Chapter 799 Killing the Heavenly King

The endless space in front of them is shattered, as if the layers of curtains were uncovered, revealing the other side of the world. A man, wearing an imperial crown above his head, wearing a Chinese suit, can move the world with every move.

He seems to be the master of heaven and earth, the supremacy of ancient and modern, standing on all heavens and earth. His gaze, indifferent and compassionate, locked Baiyi Tianjun.

Here comes Li Xing. After getting the news from Jun Qianheng, he immediately rushed back and finally appeared today.

"Mixed Yuan emperor?" Bai Yitian Jun spoke with a dignified look. He felt that the strength of the person in front of him did not seem to be under him.

"Tianjun?" Li Xing faced the advent of this heaven, and he was not very light, and he did not pay much attention to it.

"I am the Heavenly King Ruyi Tianjun!" The other side said with a dignified voice, "I am ordered to come and take you!"

"Take me? What crime did I commit?" Li Xing asked without any surprise.

"You break the barriers of Jiuzhou, and bring disaster to the world!" Ruyi Tianjun said in a deep voice. "People who know the truth, return to Heaven with this Heavenly King, accept punishment, and maybe save their lives."

Li Xing smiled, showing Sen Leng's expression, and asked in return: "It's you who trouble the world? I think it's you who have troubled the world. You have been the patron of the ancient royal family for this month, and let them slaughter innocent civilians. People, mutilate monks. "

Ruyi Tianjun was speechless, saying only: "Destiny is like this, the emperor Yuanyuan, give you one last chance, either follow me or die!"

"Destiny?" Li Xing laughed. "Heaven and earth are not more noble than the dragon elephant world. Why do you want to dominate the destiny of others? My life is not in heaven, you can't scare me!"

He took out the extermination knife, his face was quiet, and he said lightly: "Good hand! Today, this great emperor is going to slaughter a heavenly monk, and let the people in the world see that no matter whether the gods, gods, immortals, or demons, they cannot control the fate of the dragon elephant world. ! "

Ruyi Tianjun was completely enraged, and he snorted coldly, pointing his hand at the sky painting halberd, chaos and turbulence, and the electric power flying, and this side of the world was locked by a terrible and overbearing momentum.

In the eyes of Li Xing, the war was surging, and he exclaimed: "In ancient times, the ancestors of their predecessors once cut off the gods in the wild. Today, as the descendant of the dragon elephant, I am the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and today I will cut off the king of heaven. Now, I hope the world will repair and testify together! "

His voice, rolling like thunder, penetrated countless spaces, and the monks in the eight-pole tower could hear it clearly.

"The Emperor is back!" The monks were ecstatic, and immediately increased their courage and warfare by a hundredfold. Some monks shed tears and found hope in despair.

"Boss is here." Jun Qianheng smiled slightly, and Changchang breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you going to cut Tianjun? Interesting, unfortunately we can't make a point."

Li Xuanbai smiled "Hey," I know most about the elder brother's temper. When he said that he would cut Tianjun, he would definitely cut Tianjun. Without 100% certainty, he would never say this.

"It's time for Liwei." Jian Xingtiandao said, "When the boss leaves, there are always people like this who come out and bully the weak. Only killing a few big people can deter the world."

Li Yingxiong narrowed his eyes and said, "I care about another issue."

Everyone looked at him and asked, "What's the problem."

Li Yingxiong said, "What kind of death is that Heavenly King?"

After listening to Li Xing ’s words, Ruyi Tianjun said angrily: “Even if you are the true king of ancient times, this heavenly monarch may not be afraid!” He strode forward, every step out, shaking the mountain, It seemed that the whole world was shaking with it, the sky was tilting, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Li Xing held the knife in his hands, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Extinct knife, you have been with me for many years, thank you."

"Xie Dao is useless, but I begged Tianjun to spare you!" Ruyi Tianjun sighed, and Fang Tianhua drew a severe jab, straightly taking Li Xing's head.

The extinction knife suddenly gave out a slamming knife, and it was fierce and decisive, revealing the meaning of supreme killing. The sound of this slamming knife contained the murderous energy saved by the extinction knife's life. It seemed to be in the next blow to show its full potential.

"Heavenly strike!" Li Xing spit out four words coldly, and then shot.

That knife light, as if the scorching sun swept through the sky, brilliant, sturdy, cut off everything, leaving no retreat. This knife is a sword that destroys the world and a sword that dominates the world. No one can describe this knife.

Under the world, no power can be as sharp as it is, as strong as it is. As soon as the sword light came out, the sky and earth cried, and the ghosts were terrified. This sword cuts the gods and destroys the saints, kills the immortals and kills the Buddha, leaving no vitality.

What a knife this is, it seems to be extremely fast, and it seems to freeze into the void very slowly. It seems to be full of killing intention, and it seems to contain compassion; stillness and movement, slowness and fastness, killing and compassion, are clearly contradictory moods, but they appear in this sword.

Ruyi Tianjun's face showed great terror, and his voice was a bit sharp, shouting, "This is impossible! This sword actually contains the concept of the saint. Do you get the inheritance of the God of Heaven?"

Ruyi Tianjun urged Fang Tianhua to die, almost desperately. He must be desperate, or else he might be here today.

The knife light seemed extremely gentle, and obviously very strong. Fang Tian painted the halberd, this peerless soldier, which was cut in half at once. The blade of light, like drizzle, like flood, suddenly permeated and wrapped everything.

The body of Ruyi Tianjun was scattered all over the sky, with stars. Before the dispersal, his expression was extremely cold, staring at Li Xing and saying: "Mixed Yuan emperor, you are very good! Actually annihilate the incarnation of Bentianjun, Bentianjun will definitely return!"

It turned out that this was just the incarnation of Heavenly King. However, this incarnation of Tianjun should carry most of the strength of Ruyi Tianjun, otherwise there would be no such power.


The extinction knife suddenly exploded. This ancient sword that accompanied Li Xing for many years finally failed to bear the power of the sword and disappeared completely.

In the empty space, a big hand was stretched out to grasp firmly, and Ruyi Tianjun's original strength was caught in it. Among the big players, Junyuan Ding absorbed refining. The origins of the heavenly monarch are different, and they are transformed into a large number of heavenly laws, which are used to supplement the heavenly laws in the Fahai, and produce more gods of laws.

Ruyi Tianjun was chopped, and a little blood shed in the corner of Li Xing's mouth. The twelfth level of Heavenly Sword, also known as Heavenly Strike. He was very reluctant to perform an assault. However, there is no other way out. If Ruyi Tianjun cannot be repelled in one shot, the consequences are very serious.

Li Xing stole the Yuanding Ding, held Feng Lingyu, broke the void with one foot, and walked towards the direction of the eight-pole tower. Hundreds of kings and thirty-one kings felt that the breath of Ruyi Tianjun disappeared.

The next moment, a frightened expression appeared on each of their faces. Could Ruyi Tianjun be defeated? How could Tianjun be defeated? That ’s a god! The Heavenly King is in the Divine Realm, and it can be regarded as a very powerful existence. How can it not kill a little emperor?

"Boom!" In the void, the Emperor Yuanyuan walked slowly, every step, like stepping on the hearts of the members of the ancient royal family, their hearts are tight.

How to do? This time is completely broken!

The undefeated ancestor stepped forward, facing Li Xing, Shen said, "Hunyuan emperor! What are you going to do with today's affairs?"

Li Xing looked indifferent, saying: "Human beings on the five continents have been tortured, and this crime is inevitable. Everyone, die."

Simple, straightforward and domineering. This is the answer from the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. The monks applauded in the eight pole tower.

At this point, there is no point of manoeuvre. Li Xiao, the undefeated ancestor, said: "Let's go together and kill the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, success or failure!

As soon as Li Xing stunned Ling Ling, the sky shone down and blocked the entire space. The Baji Tower also moved at this time. Jun Qianheng and others hated to die the ancient royal family. Now they find opportunities and fight to the death.

The octopus tower shoots out light continuously. With each hit, one king can be killed and one ancestor is seriously injured. However, this is still not comparable to Li Xing's methods. Feng Lingzhang turned out to be evil. As soon as he came up, he sealed dozens of kings.

The elite of the royal family in ancient times can do everything here.

"Ah! What kind of evil gate is this?" A king screamed, losing his meaning and becoming a puppet spirit, making Feng Lingyu's power even higher.

The light shone, and more and more kings were captured, and the thirty-one kings were also sealed, unable to move. However, with so many kings and ancestors joining hands, Li Xing could not catch them all at once, only Xu Tu.

The capture of one king after another makes Feng Lingyu's power more and more powerful. Later, even the ancestor could not support it. The undefeated ancestor was sealed first, followed by second and third.

The ancient races were desperate, and desperately played a mystery to resist death. Unfortunately, it's too late at this time, and Feng Lingquan has become a trend, and they can't even fight back.

"Seal all!"

At the end, Li Xing shuddered, and a strong light curtain fell down, sealing the last dozens of kings and ancestors. At this moment, Feng Ling's power rose sharply. Langzhong, however, sealed dozens of sermon masters, hundreds of spiritual treasures, hundreds of kings, dozens of ancestors, and nine real treasures.

It can be said that this maggot has become the first killer in the hands of Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ And, the further down this thing is, the stronger it is, there is no upper limit at all.

This time, the ancient royal family suffered heavy losses and was almost cut off. Of course, there are also a large number of people in each royal family. As long as enough time is given, they can slowly recover their vitality.

However, by that time, human monks had already had an absolute advantage.

Li Xing is not going to kill everything, he understands that if he really does that, there must be powerful figures to intervene. Among the ancient royal families, there are sleeping holy kings. If they are forced too hard, the holy king will wake up in advance.

The eight-pole tower flickered, and before Li Xing, all the figures flew out of it, and bowed down before worshiping.

"See the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty!"

Li Xing nodded slightly, smiling, and said, "All of you are working hard." Then Jian Jian raised his eyebrows, "Human monk, tortured to the fullest, this great emperor will spread the Yuan Avenue to the world, let human beings stand on their own lines, and compete against the two worlds boundary!"

(The normal update will resume tomorrow. One more today.)


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