Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 800: Su Yin Gong

Chapter 800 The Nine Yang Xiejun Chapter 800

Chapter 800

Li Xing was by no means a clever move and suddenly had to teach the mixed Yuan Avenue, but he had this idea long ago. . . Based on his observations and speculations, the dragon's laws of the dragon world originated from the territories. The entire world of the dragon elephant is based on the land boundary, and the law of the dragon elephant world is the law of the land boundary.

However, this is not the original intention of Dragon Elephant. Da Tianzun originally established the dragon elephant world to make use of the power of dragon elephants to make the laws of heaven and earth merge into one, so that heaven and earth can be integrated into one and achieve the supreme reality.

However, Da Tianzun's plan eventually failed, or it has not been successful for the time being. In spite of the power of the dragon elephant and the laws of the territories, there are also ancient real people. To this day, the power of the dragon elephant has disappeared, the real person has fallen, the rules have been broken, and everything is ordinary.

For Li Xing, the power of the dragon elephant and his mixed-yuan avenue are two-sided. After learning about Yunyuan Avenue, he studied the power of the dragon elephant, and he gained considerable experience, which made the Yuanyuan Avenue truly complete.

Of course, at present, the so-called Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is still a slogan, because Li Xing's Avenue of the Yuan is still not complete enough to talk about teaching. However, even just a slogan is still exciting.

No one doubts that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the word of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, is the golden rule of jade, and it will be realized. Since recent times, Li Xing has long been the spiritual pillar of monks in Wuzhou. He is a true emperor and respected by the world.

All the elites of the royal family in the ancient times were arrested, the seas were leveled, and the continents returned to peace. Monks, go to each place and learn the practice.

The eight-pole tower also reappeared in Tianyuanzhou, and in the future it will serve as the imperial palace.

This return, Li Xing does not intend to return to the realm immediately, he will give Jiu Yinzhu to the eight women, so that they can further improve Jiuyin. At the same time, his Jiuyang Gong can also go up to the next level.

Jiuyin Gong and Jiu Yang Gong are the ways to guide Li Xing to understand the core laws of heaven and earth. Jiuyang Reiki and Jiuyin Reiki are the manifestation of the power of the core laws.

Inside the eight pole tower, the sky is in the sky.

Li Xing sat in the middle. Around him were eight women: Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Xiao Xiu, Xue Ling, Shui Yue, Murong Jiao Jiao, Bei Shibing, and Xiao Xue. These women have played an important role in Li Xing's life and have a significant status.

Chen Shuang, Chen Xue, and Xiao Xiu met Li Xing in the Sanyi Garden. He saw the true feelings in adversity and continues to this day. Shuiyue is also a woman whom Li Xing met in Qiyun School.

Xueling and him met in the Bone Spirit Gate, trapped in the tomb for several years, and then walked away. Murong Jiaojiao, Bei Shibing, and Li Xing have gone through many things.

Of the eight women, only Xiaoxue has some extraordinary identities, and she is of ethnic origin. However, she has a lively heart and no intention, which is quite loved by Li Xing. Emperor Tianxie condensed eight seeds of Jiuyin Gong that year, and one was given to Yan Zhenzhen, so Xiaoxue didn't get it.

Outside of Xiaoxue, the other seven women each practice a kind of Yin Gong. Suyin, Lieyin, and so on, respectively, are seven types of Yanggong on Baiyang and Chiyang.

Li Xing took out the Nine Yinzhu from his body and called out: "Baby."

On the Nine Yinzhu, Guanghua flashed, and the baby appeared in front of everyone. I looked at the girls with curiosity and laughed, "Big brother, are they the sisters you said?"

Li Xing nodded: "Baby, sisters, can you borrow your Jiuyin beads to practice for a while?"

The doll nodded: "Of course, big brother, do you want to enter now?"

Some things, Li Xing is not good to talk to the doll, only said: "Doll, you go back first, after a period of time, I will send a sister in."

The doll nodded. She was extremely comfortable in Jiuyinzhu, her figure flickered, she disappeared, and she obviously entered Jiuyinzhu again.

Looking back, Li Xing Chaoshui squeezed his eyes and said, "Siaoyue, Jiuyin Gong must be cultivated step by step. For your husband, you should practice to the ninth level of Su Yin Gong. When the time comes, I will use Jiyang Reiki to stimulate Jiuyin Zhu's Sleeve. "

To put it plainly, it is double cultivation. This matter is really not good to tell the baby girl, can only practice secretly.

Shuiyue didn't "exercise" with Li Xing, but glanced at Li Xing charmingly and said nothing. The other six women all pouted and smiled. Murong Jiaojiao said: "Xing brother really is, only to accompany Shuiyue sister, but they called us all, isn't that dazzling."

Li Xing rolled his eyes: "What are the eyes closed? It is not a snack for your husband."

Bei Shibing blinked and smiled, "Hee hee, isn't Xing Ge just a delicious dim sum, everyone wants to eat it. But, here comes one by one."

Li Xingle said, "Although cultivation is important, husbands should not be left out. When they are lonely and uncomfortable, they will still do their best for their husbands." These words have attracted the beauty's eyes and styles.

Of the eight women, seven women practiced on their own. Only Shuiyue, who practiced Su Yin, took Lianyin with Li Xing and entered the other layer of the eight pole tower.

Li Xing's Bai Yang Gong has already reached the ninth level of consummation long ago, condensing a taste of Bai Yang Reiki. However, due to the lack of Qiyin's gas, Shuiyue has always stayed at No. 1 and has been unable to break through.

Once she acquires Su Yin Aura and Jiu Yin Gong's practice, she will break through in a short time. At present, Shuiyue first entered Jiuyinzhu and began to practice Suyin Gong second.

Su Yinjing, surrounded by Su Yin aura, is very similar to Baiyang Jingtian. Shuiyuepan sat in it, vomiting aura, and was very comfortable in body and mind.

When Shuiyue practiced, Li Xing outside Jiuyinzhu was not idle. During his trip to the boundary, he captured many territories monks, and after returning, he captured a large number of kings and ancestors. These strong ones are just refined one by one.

Feng Lingzhang suspends in front of Li Xing, and between his thoughts, a monk will fall on the bow and enter the Yuanyuan tripod in his palm. Junyuan Ding runs slowly. The hard-won enlightenment rules of a monk are extracted by Li Xing, leaving only a walking-like body.

The monk of the sermon belongs to a relatively powerful existence in the realm, but at this time was refined by Li Xing one by one and died. At the same time, in the Li Xing Fahai, a large number of territorial laws appeared, condensed into a deity of gods.

Although it is said that the Jiuyin rule is the ultimate rule of the realm of the earth, this does not mean that you can understand everything in the realm of the world only by understanding the Jiuyin rule. The reason why the Jiuyin rule is called the core rule is because it is a key factor for understanding the supreme mystery of the territories.

The laws of territories other than the rule of Jiuyin are not as important as those of Jiuyin, but they cannot be ignored. Moreover, there should be a subordinate relationship between the rule of Jiuyin and the common law of territories.

Of course, all this is just Li Xing's speculation. If this is the case, he needs to verify step by step.

It didn't take long for all monks to be refined, and Li Xing condensed a lot of gods of the law. After that, he began to refine the ancient royal family. There are hundreds of ancient royal families and thirty-one ancestors in the Fengling Temple.

In the mixed Yuan Ding, an ancestor king struggled for a while, then broke down into a blood power, flowing into the chaotic array. The chaotic array predicts evolution, and Li Xing can see that the power of this bloodline has yet to be perfected.

If the ancestor can break through again, it can make the blood of the ancestors sublime and evolve, and become the holy king. The Holy King is a very tyrannical being. Above the holy king, you can also be promoted to be a great demon, a greater **** than beauty. Above the big demon, there is even more "virtual", a kind of horrible existence.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for the ancient royal family to break through. However, Li Xing, who has mastered the power of blood, has found an opportunity and an opportunity for evolution.

There were more than one ancestor of Li Xing's refining. At this moment, the blood power that had previously absorbed the refining was extracted and gathered in a chaotic array. At the same time, more kings and ancestors were drawn out of their original forces and entered a chaotic array.

The practice method of the ancient royal family has nothing to do with the avenue. They are powerful themselves, which is an alternative way of cultivation. For ordinary monks, whether in the realm of heaven or heaven, or the world of dragon elephants, monks must master the laws of heaven and earth, and then use their power to establish their own path.

Unlike the ancient royal families, their "Tao" exists in the blood. As long as they can awaken or break through, they can continue to become stronger. The ancient royal family can still dominate the world without resorting to the Law Avenue.

The chaotic array predicts that Li Xing continues to discover the mysteries of blood power. In the process, he suddenly realized that the means of cultivation of the ancient royal family was also a kind of "Tao".

The Tao is something that transcends the law and belongs to the monk himself. Everyone, every person's word, is never the same. Tao and law are different. Law is the inherent order between heaven and earth.

The Tao, on the other hand, relies on the law and overrides it. From the several rules, the most core thing is extracted and formed according to its own conditions. This is the Tao.

The difference between the practice of the ancient royal family is that they do not need to use the laws of heaven and earth to understand their Tao. The avenue is invisible, there is no fixed form, any method can produce its own way, but it is difficult to distinguish ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing feels that his eyes are bright and he laughs With a sound, in the chaotic array, countless bloodlines kept tumbling and changing. Hundreds of thousands of blood powers have shown their perfect side and then integrated with each other.

Each type of blood has its own characteristics. Cultivation to the extreme is a supreme existence. Different ways must be cultivated separately. Li Xing must treat the power of the ancient royal family differently and cultivate separately.

"The practice method of the ancient royal family is also a road to the supremacy of the mighty. It is a must try." Li Xing thought in his heart, and put a touch of thought into the chaotic array.

He used the mixed Yuan Avenue to refine all the advantages of the blood of the ancient royal family, and then merged to form a new blood. This blood is strong and pure, and a sage breath is released.

Suddenly, the fusion of ideas and blood power turned into a great embryo. Among the embryos, a great life was born. This is equivalent to Li Xing's use of means to cultivate a strong avatar.

(There are two chapters tonight.)


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