Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 801: 9 Yin 9 Yang

Chapter 801 Jiuyin Jiuyang

Chapter 801: Nine Yins and Nine Suns

The embryo contains a great holy atmosphere, which made Li Xing also startled: "If my clone can really grow up, it must be a saint! Unfortunately, although the blood advantages of the royal families are gathered, they seem to be still What's missing ... "

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought that the blood of the three strongest royal families, the ghost family, the prophet family, and the undead family, he also acquired one of them, and the blood of a prophet royal family was not drawn.

"The three ancient royal families represent the past, the present, and the future, and have a mysterious relationship with each other. If they cannot fully absorb the advantages of the blood, the saint will be deficient." Li Xing said, "It seems that as long as I can find the blood of the prophet , And absorb refining, you can form a true sacrament. "

Thinking of this, he thought of another point. According to the ancient Xuanjing, many ancient royal families suddenly moved into the Dragon Elephant World in batches. What was this for? Is it just a coincidence?

Or, the Dragon Elephant Grand Heaven expected this early, and even paved the way before opening the Dragon Elephant World?

Li Xing didn't know the answer, but he vaguely felt that it was by no means easy for the ancient royal family to enter the dragon elephant world. There must be another hidden feeling. Next, the embryo could not form a holy fetus unless the bloodline of the prophets was found.

He was not in a hurry, and continued to absorb the power of the gods, running chaotic arrays, and combing the power.

The royal families of ancient times, the real human origins turned in in recent years, have been taken out by Li Xing, including the true holy origins that have not been fully refined. All the origins are gradually refined.

The origin of real people, in fact, after real people realized the laws of the realm in the ancient world, they came to understand their own Tao. Then the Tao merged with the power of the dragon elephant to form such a power. Li Xing, however, has a way to separate this power, and separate it into the power of the dragon elephant and various Taos, and then separate these "daos" into the laws of the land boundary.

The chaotic array was very mysterious. In a moment, a door rule stripped from the avenue was clearly displayed, then flowed into the sea of ​​the law, condensing into a **** of rules. After the Tao was decomposed, the power of the dragon elephant was refined.

Li Xing turned on the one hundred thousand dragon elephant real element, and later merged with the one hundred thousand deities kingdom. Some time ago, after using powerful enemies, all of them were sorted out again, and many forces were integrated. Only two forces remained, and they were not thoroughly refined.

These two forces, one is the blood power of the ancient royal family; the other is the power of the dragon elephant.

The power of the dragon elephant can be said to be the foundation of the dragon elephant world. The last legacy left by the dragon elephant heaven in this world is a guarantee of ancient human cultivation. The power of the dragon elephant makes Li Xing's mixed Yuan Avenue more complete and pure.

Strictly speaking, Li Xing has not really comprehended his Tao. According to the practice of the level of Fa Dao, he is only in the "warm" state of the fourfold of Fatian, and one step away from the "entrance" of Fatian. distance.

His mixed-yuan road is just a means, and the level still needs to be improved. However, the power of the dragon elephant made up for this shortcoming and made the Yuanyuan Avenue to a satisfactory level.

Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue evolved from a chaotic array. And the chaotic formation was a fusion of chaotic martial arts and the heavenly formation. The predecessor of Chaos Martial Arts is even more complicated.

He walked step by step, each step deviation, will not appear today's chaotic array, mixed Yuan Avenue. In the midst of it, it seems that there is a force that dominates all of this, making Li Xing finally take this step.

Before and after, all the power of the dragon elephant, as well as the power of the dragon elephant just peeled off, have come together, slowly penetrated, and entered the mixed Yuanding. The Yuanyuan Ding was originally just a ghost image, but now it became an entity.

In fact, from the day when the Yuanyuan tripod appeared, Li Xing unknowingly conceived this tripod according to the "refiner" method recorded in the ancient Xuanjing. The Yuanyuan tripod, the most respectful instrument, has no general power at all. Cohesion can only be achieved by the power of the dragon elephant.

Today, he continues to refine the origins of real people and enhance the power of the dragon elephant, which is used to condense this mixed Yuanding. Finally, the hybrid Yuan Ding became clearer and clearer and seemed to become a real weapon.

Day after day, year after year.

Three years have passed, Li Xing's mixed Yuanding is almost physical, and the power is much stronger than before. This tripod will be the foundation of Li Xing's testimony in the future, and the power of his mixed Yuan Avenue will be presented with this tripod.

All the real human origins are consumed and decomposed into the law of the avenue. Even in this process, the avenue rules contained in ancient divine magic, the rules previously extracted from the Heavenly King's avatar, are all decomposed one by one and become the gods of the rules in the Fahai.

No matter where the rules are obtained, once they enter the Fahai, they will be clear-cut. Either the law of the territories or the law of the heavens. There is no third law.

This also proves from the side that heaven and earth are indeed two poles and two cores of heaven and earth, and their status is extremely important.

The mixed Yuanding is slightly larger, Li Xing opened his eyes, and saw Xue Ling sitting opposite him with a smile and said, "Xing brother, you finally made it."

Li Xing also knows that Xue Ling stepped out of Jiuyin Beads more than a year ago. His prime Yin Gong has broken through from the first to the ninth major consummation, condensing into a grade of prime Yin qi.

Slightly nodding, Li Xing came up with an idea, and Shuiyue, who had strong Yin power, came. She flew to Li Xing and rolled her eyes, and said, "Xing, is it my turn?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "I try to inspire Lie Yin Tian Tian. If you succeed, you will practice Lie Yin to perfection."

After that, he took the Jiuyinzhu and, like last time, triggered it with Chiyang Reiki. Sure enough, there was a loud noise again. Among the Jiuyin Pearls, the second largest sky appeared. The doll's joyful voice came out, saying, "Brother, you are so good, the doll's home has another place."

Shuiyue asked strangely: "Xing brother, why not inspire all nine heavens? It's too much trouble to cultivate one by one."

Li Xing shook his head: "Nine shades of heaven, progressive layers, it is impossible to open all. Well, you go to practice, after two years of giving, you can successfully complete."

Shuiyue knew that this matter was related to Li Xing's practice of Bai Yanggong, nodding his head, and the second entered Jiuyinzhu, and practiced in the fierce sun.

Shuiyue disappeared, Li Xingchao Xueling blinked, and said, "Little spirit, obediently cultivate with your husband."

Xue Lingyu's cheeks blushed and she bit her lip, "Do you want to start now?"

Li Xing smiled, stretched out his hand, took the girl in his arms, and said, "Yin and Yang are in harmony, water and fire are in harmony, spirits meet, and the body is in harmony ..."

In his mouth, he chanted the double cultivation methods taught by the Emperor Tianxie, while exerting his imagination, displaying various postures and spreading clouds. Soon, Xue Ling was sent to the Supreme Cloud, and without knowing where he was, he whispered and danced slowly.

Li Xing still wanted a serious book, saying: "This is the avenue of male and female, the essence of yin and yang, you have to settle God, don't move, you can't bite me ..."

In the past, Xue Ling also practiced with Li Xingshuang. However, the feeling at that time was definitely different from today. At one time, Xue Ling's Su Yin Gong only reached the first priority, which completely failed to satisfy Li Xing.

It's like a man who is very energetic meets a woman who has only one point of energy, the latter simply cannot meet the requirements of the former. That's all right, one Bai Yang Gong is nine heavy, one is Su Yin Gong nine heavy.

It can be said that Yucai will be met and the battle will be impossible. The Xueling fragrant sweat was dripping, and Li Xing was also very comfortable. I just felt that this avenue of heaven and earth is really mysterious, and it is often hidden in simple and shallow things.

As the saying goes, Dadaozhijian means just that.

What happened in the French Sea is far more profound than the sorrowful scenery outside. Li Xing felt that the indomitable rule of Suin and Invasion permeated from the mysterious land of Taoyuan, followed the meridian, and finally flowed into the Fahai.

A miraculous breath once subdued all the laws of the land. A **** who respects the laws of the earth, as if he met the Ming Lord, worshipped on the ground reverently.

The rule of Su Yin in Xue Ling's body actually started to move towards Li Xing's body. There are more and more rules to be entered. On the 33rd day, the rule of Suyin finally came to an end. Finally, in the sea of ​​the law, a nine-yin pearl was hugged.

These nine Yinzhus clearly have only the first layer of realm. This bead, corresponding to the other nine beads on the other side, has a yin and a yang.

At the same time, the white sun law in Li Xing's body also flows into Xueling's body. Xue Ling was in Jiuyinzhu as early as when the cultivation of Suyin Gong reached the ninth level. The cave he opened up turned into Suyin Cave directly.

At this moment, Li Xing's rule of Baiyang entered the sky of Suyin Cave and condensed into a totem pole. The totem pole is as high as 33,300 yuan. The engraving of the magical patterns on the totem pole suppresses the sky.

In fact, Xue Ling, with the help of Li Xing, has mastered the way of heaven. Yin and Yang transform at this moment, giving birth to the meaning of creation. It won't take long for Xueling's Suyindongtian to evolve into a world, become a heavenly man, and have his own world.

Invisibly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xueling's strength has been greatly improved. Nowadays, her cultivation is higher than ordinary Tianshi. If she consolidates for a period of time, she will definitely be able to fight against the Heavenly King! This is the magic of Jiuyin Gong and Jiuyang Gong. Once double cultivation, the benefits are huge!

Of course, Li Xing is the one who gets the most benefits. Nine Yinzhu also appeared in his Fahai. As soon as Jiuyinzhu emerged, the original scattered territorial laws began to be uniform.

The practice lasted for thirty-three days before it ended. Xue Ling benefited a lot and went straight to retreat. Li Xing, meanwhile, had no idea what to do, and only hoped that Shuiyue would come out earlier, so that he could condense the fierce shade of the Nine Yinzhu.

However, good things abound, while he waited, Nether Island, a ray of light burst out of the bottomless pit. Among the light, there were a number of monks, namely, the Tianzun Taoist, the Qingman Taoist, the Wuji Xianzun, and the Dragon Elephant Taoist.

These old acquaintances of Li Xing are surrounded by two young monks, namely the Spring and Autumn Master and the Taiyin Master. These two people didn't deal with each other very much. Taiyin Master sneered: "Ji hate, I can't think of you dare to come, I don't know your family, what magic instruments did you give?"

(One more chapter. Evening party more.)


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