Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 802: Ancestor

Chapter 802: Evil Ancestor

Chapter 802: Evil Ancestor

The master of spring and autumn, named Ji hate, the founder of the spring and autumn gate, the son of Ji Chunqiu. Ji Chunqiu is a great sacred place, with strong strength and high status.

Ji Heng said scornfully: "A small figure in the world of the dragon elephant, the young master has not yet put it in your eyes. You Ye Ming, almost was killed by a little monk. If it wasn't for your busy schedule, , You have fallen now, where can you stand and talk to me? "

Taiyin Shaozhu, named Ye Ming. The creator of the Tai Yin Gate, the son of the Night Tai Yin. Ye Taiyin is also a great saint. The entire territory has experienced baptism for many years, but today there are only nine saints.

Countless great saints have fallen, but every great saint will create a peerless great faction when he is alive. For example, Chunqiumen and Taiyinmen were created by a great saint. The power of the Great Saint is unfathomable.

Hearing the irony of Ji hate, Ye Ming looked cold and sternly said, "Ji hate! The nine saints in the realm of the world, join forces to suppress the extremely dark abyss, and prevent the birth of the ancient Yingying demon. Therefore, this time the dragon elephant world tour, Only you and I can do it. Without my help, do you think that you can open the ancestral cemetery on your own? "

Ji hated for a while, and on the world beheading list, he and Ye Ming ranked tenth and eleventh. Of course, besides them, there is an even more outrageous Xiao Mo. However, Xiao Mo's recent demise has impacted the realm of the Great Holy, and it is impossible to come out.

Counting and counting, only two of them have the opportunity to open the ancient tomb of the evil ancestors.

Ye Ming continued: "The evil ancestor is known as the first stranger in ancient times, and its origin is unknown. Once born, it shocked the world, and even the ancient real people who were strong at that time could not suppress him. There was a taboo device in the hands of the evil ancestor, called Zuo Yuan Ancient Altar. The Proto-Altar almost destroyed the whole boundary at the beginning, leading to the decline of the dragon elephant world. The power is incredible. "

Ji hate: "The altar of the ancient times was obtained by the sage of the Wu tribe. I do n’t know what was left in the ancestral graveyard of the ancestors. Nine saints in the realm of the earth strove to suppress the Daying ancient demon. It is said that it is stronger than the Daying ancient demon One of the demon saints is gradually awakening. If you cannot find a way to restrain the demon head from the tomb of the evil ancestors, the whole land will be unlucky. "

Ye Ming nodded: "The underground world belongs to the most dark and evil places in the heavens and the world, and it is easy to produce monsters. My father mentioned that the dragon elephant world is gradually recovering. I am afraid it is not a good thing."

Ji Hate: "I have also heard that within a thousand years, there will be a great catastrophe in the heavens and the world, and this will cause the devil to move."

Although the two young masters looked down on each other, at this juncture, they were still able to stay awake and cooperate together. On one side, Tianzhu Daozun turned his eyes and said, "The two young masters will succeed and open the ancestral ancestral cemetery. However, before this, the villain thought that he would deal with the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty first."

Qing Man Dao Zun also yelled, "Yes, two young masters. The mixed Yuan emperor has always been troublesome. If he doesn't remove it first, it may interfere with the opening of the cemetery."

This time, when it comes to ideas, Ji hate and Ye Ming, the most worried about this. They looked at each other, nodded to each other, and resented Yin Yin: "So, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty cannot stay!"

Ye Ming frowned slightly: "Listening to you, this person can send such a sharp and powerful sword, and the strength is definitely above you and me. However, this time you and I each brought a sacred thing, which should be able to suppress each other."

Hate sneer: "Taiyinmen and Chunqiu pen, under you and me, the power is comparable to the first Saint, what are you afraid of?"

In the realm, the artifacts made by the Great Holy Spirit are called holy artifacts. If a holy instrument is to be measured, its power is roughly equivalent to the magical power of the Xuan hierarchy. In the future, if the eight-pole tower can break through again, it can reach the level of holy artifacts and become a treasure of creation.

Reaching the highest level, there is no longer a portal, it is almost the same. Regardless of Heavenly Holy, Earthly Holy, Holy King, True Holy, all are divided into four realms. Down, Mid, Down, Polar.

The saints in the underworld can basically enter the midlands. However, if China Realm is to enter the upper realm, chances are needed. It is even more difficult for Shanghai to enter the extreme. For example, there are nine great saints in the realm, there are seven great saints in the middle, but only two great saints in the upper realm, the masters of the Spring and Autumn Period and the masters of the Taiyin gate.

Once in the sacred realm, it is not a realm at all. Even if it is the first sage, the strength is unbelievable, and it is not something Tianjun can compete with. For example, the difference between Tiansheng and Tianjun is like the gap between a mage and a man of God.

The two masters of the realm discussed and let Tianzhang Taozun and his party lead the way to find Li Xing.

However, on the five continents, the people of the mixed emperor are all. Therefore, as soon as these people appeared, Li Xing knew the first time.

Teana Nozomi? Tsang Man Taoist?

Thinking of these two people, Li Xing sneered. At the beginning, Wan Fa Men and Tai Xu Men were enemies, and both sides were enemies. Later, he became a real human being, beheaded the king of ancient times, shocked Tiandaomen, and caused Wanfamen to disappear.

Tianxun Daozun and others had been hidden for a while, and Li Xing didn't ask him for a moment. After all, Tiandaomen has already expressed his submission and must not go too far. No, this batch of dead things ran out and brought two masters.

Of these two people, Li Xing has of course heard that one is the young master of Spring and Autumn and the other is the young master of Taiyin.

It's no wonder that the news was so accurate that the Taiyin Master and the Spring and Autumn Masters acted with high profile all the way. Many monks were arrested and forced to ask the Emperor Yuanyuan. In the meantime, Tianzhuang Daozun and others made troubles for the tigers and came up with many insidious ideas.

After getting the news, Li Xing stopped practicing and went to welcome each other. Before leaving, he took out the star soldier.

This star soldier was originally a nameless **** iron, extremely heavy. Later, he was tempered by Li Xing for thousands of years. That star power was evolved from the source of Heaven's Holy Power. With its tempered weapons, the power is naturally extraordinary.

After that, Li Xingxiu became higher, and this weapon was almost abandoned. However, some time ago, he realized the twelfth-level killing sword, and the extinction knife was damaged, which can be replaced by this soldier.

The Star Soldier in his hand changed for a while, turning into a knife, similar to the shape of an extinct knife. Li Xing had a good idea, and if he had no choice but to do so, he would send an assassination blow. He already knows that the one-day strike in the Heavenly Sword is the true Saint of the Seven Heavenly Sages, and the way of heavenly death has been spread on earth.

By the twelfth and second level, the Heavenly Sword Technique has been able to show the power of the saints and kill the immortals. However, with his current strength, he is doing his best to perform a smashing attack, causing slight damage to his body.

The young masters of the Spring and Autumn Period and the young master of the Taiyin and Shao dynasties stepped out of the Nether Continent and entered the realm of Tianyuanzhou. Suddenly, they were locked with a murderous spirit. Everyone stopped, his expression solemn.

The owner of Chunqiu Shao holds a large pen. This pen is called a spring and autumn pen, a holy instrument of the spring and autumn gates. The pen, golden in color, released the meaning of vicissitudes, and between the strokes, writing the meaning of spring and autumn, locked the time and space of heaven and earth.

Taiyin Shaozhu also held up a portal. This portal, in a semi-hidden void, is supremely high, supremely large, and the gates are sky-high. The inner world of Tai Yin can seal people and things.

Tianzhuang Taozun and others were shocked and retreated.

Li Xing separated from the void. He carried a long knife and did not conceal his killings. Shen said, "What are you going to do in my dragon elephant world?"

The young master of the Taiyin hated Li Xing the most, snorted coldly, and the Taiyin shook, yelling, "Come!"

A portal that connects countless time and space, overlaps, and sends out a powerful suppression and absorption force, crashing into Li Xing. At this moment, Li Xing was also surprised, and felt that the power of this object was somewhat unstoppable.

"God strike, break!"

I ca n’t wait to think about it, he cut it straight and killed it! This sword is three points more powerful than the beheaded Tianjun avatar that day. Just because of his double-minded strength, his strength has increased. At the same time, this knife is also much easier to split.

A dagger, fiercely split the 100,000 world, centered on the body of the vulva, emitting a "ding" roar. There seemed to be hundreds of millions of deities roaring in the Taiyin Gate, and Taiyin and Shaoyan retreated back and forth and turned pale.

At this time, the young master Ji of the Spring and Autumn hated seeing the situation is not good, and also shot. With a large swipe of his hand, he blocked the void directly and wanted to lock in Li Xing.


Regardless of 37, 21, Li Xing cut off with one knife, divided the mountains and cut the sea, destroyed the realms, cut the tip of the pen, and made a "ding" twice. At this moment, Ji hate the same back and forth, the Chunqiu pen in his hand kept moaning, seems to be angered.

With two consecutive rounds, Li Xing saw that the blade in his hand was curled and he could no longer make a third strike. He sighed and had to collect the Star Soldier and take out the Five Elements Town Seal.

This five-element town of Tianyin belongs to the Seven Sages of the Wilderness. The Heavenly Craftsman left behind and was powerful. However, to exert this seal, it requires ancient true power. In Li Xing's body, there is no trace of real power, only the power of the dragon elephant and the power of the mixed yuan, which is quite inconvenient to urge.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can't find the weapon at hand, and I can only use it like this. Holding a big seal, he was extremely brave, and evolved into a true form of movement. He came forward with a note and directly suppressed the circle for 3,000 miles.

This time, Tianzhuang Daozun and others were so shocked that they called for help.

Fang Cai and Li Xing had a hard spell, and the two sacred tools of the Spring and Autumn Period and Taiyinmen did not take advantage. Both were shocked in their hearts. Seeing that Li Xing took out another big seal of unknown origin, their hearts were choked up and resisted with all their strength.

Xiu has reached the level of Li Xing, and it is not necessary to use a knife to cast a smash shot. Either a knife or a seal, even a stick can hit the sky. This hit is the will to kill.

Unexpectedly, Li Xingyi Yin took a photo and found that this seal is even easier to use than the star soldiers, and has an extraordinary power. Once the Great Seal came out, the void collapsed, lawless, and suppressed everything.

Both Chunqiu and Taiyinmen were excited and screaming, and seemed to meet their real opponents. The Taiyin Gate shoots out a light of the Taiyin, which is also used in spring and autumn, to block time and space. The two cooperated tacitly to form a Jedi counterattack trend.


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