Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 67: Red Crown 1 is angry

There are four ranks of the Marquis, including Shenhou, Yuhou, Fanghou, and Zhenhou. Wang Zixing is the Fanghou, and he is in charge of more than one city. Qingyun City is just one of them. Although Fang Hou's status is not as good as that of Murong Tianhou, he should not be underestimated.

Murong Jiaojiao knew the identity of the visitor and thought, "Yes, please."

"Wang Yang is a mixed-world demon king. He came to Qingyun City, and I don't know how many people will be harmed." Murong Jiaojiao said in her heart, and between her thoughts, there was an extremely arrogant laugh.

With laughter, a tall figure stepped into the room. The man was wearing a five-color brocade, wearing a jade crown, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a round face. He had a dark complexion and looked twenty-one or two years old.

"Jiaojiao, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are getting more and more beautiful!" As soon as Wang Yangren arrived, his eyes were bright and he did not live in Murong Jiaojiao to look around.

Tong Murongjiao looked cold and said, "Do you still want to be hit by me once?"

She said so, a glimmer of fear flashed in Wang Yang's eyes, and quickly looked away. Obviously, he was beaten once by Murong Jiaojiao, and he was not beaten lightly.

As soon as King Wang Yang appeared, Li Xing felt that this so-called mixed-world demon king should be a figure of qi training level, because there was a layer of real qi in his body. This shows that shortly after he reached the point of practicing Qi, he could not completely control the Qi in his body.

With a dry laugh, Wang Yang's gaze swept away and fell on Li Xing. He pointed at Li Xing and asked, "Jiaojiao, who is this kid and deserves to sit with you?"

Murong Jiaojiao said, "He is my friend."

With a smile, Wang Yang sat down opposite Li Xing and Murong Jiaojiao, and took out a pair of golden scrolls from his arms to spread out, and laughed: "This is the 'beauty profile' presented by Zhu Yun, the host of Qingyun City. Beautiful women, all painted on it. "

Wu Murongjiao frowned: "Have you three hundred beauties hidden in your house, aren't you satisfied?"

King Wang Yang proudly said: "This son has to play enough 10,000 women! What is 300?" He found Murong Jiao sneered, and immediately said, "Jiao Jiao, do you believe I can do it?"

Murong Jiaojia turned her face in disgust and refused to answer.

Wang Yang felt boring and asked Li Xing: "Boy, do you think I can do it."

Li Xing only felt that Wang Yang was even more livestock than a farm animal, and he sighed, "I think that Shizi will not be able to do it."

Wang Yang was furious and made a case: "What! You said I couldn't do it?" His eyes revealed the murderousness and approached Li Xing step by step.

Li Xing has no fear, Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin behind him stand in front of them, showing fierce light.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Even if Shizi collects one beauty every day and collects ten thousand people, it will take thirty years. For thirty years, how many wars will occur in Pingguo, how many princes will disappear, and how many Is anyone dead? "

Suddenly Wang Yang heard and stopped, he suddenly realized that his position in this world was not stable.

Murong Jiaojiao laughed and said: "Wang Zixing may not be able to persist for ten years, Wang Yang, you better happily, or you will have no chance in the future."

King Wang raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not necessary! But you're right, people should be extremely happy, and this son will go to find a beauty, haha ​​..." Then he left.

Ye Wang Yang came fast and walked fast.

As soon as Wang Yang left, Murong Jiaojiao suddenly asked, "Did you see the beauty painted on his beauty spectrum?"

Li Xing shook his head: "I didn't see the reason for the angle."

Murong Jiaojiao laughed and said, "Six beautiful women in Qingyun City, two of them are from Sanyi Garden."

Li Xing was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Who is it?"

"Chen Shuang and Chen Xue." Murong Jiaojiao said, "Chen Jinsong will not refuse Wang Yang's request."

Li Xing sank inwardly, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were beautiful, but they were strong, would they agree? What happens if you don't agree?

Seeing Li Xing's spirits, Mu Rongjiao asked inquisitively, "Why, do you fancy their sisters?"

Li Xing turned his mind, and stood up and arched his hand: "Can the county owner help Li Xing once."

Wu Murongjiao sneered: "Did you want me to stop Wang Yang from starting to Chen Xue and Chen Shuang?"


Murong Jiaojiao turned around and said indifferently: "The person who promised you a new identity just now is very simple. But to stop Wang Yang, even if I am the daughter of the jade prince, there is a price to pay. What to pay back? "

Li Xing said lightly: "One hundred pieces of mysterious crystal!"

Murong Jiaojiao was moved by this. Xuanjing is the precious stone needed by the god-man at the level of God. One hundred pieces of Xuanjing, even if she is the county's owner, have a little heart.

After groaning for a moment, Murong Jiaojiao said, "I have always wondered why you are so confident, is it because you have huge wealth?"

Li Xing did not answer, but asked: "Did the county owner agree?"

Murong Jiaojiao laughed: "One hundred Xuanjing, if I give it to his father, he will be very happy. Well, this thing is covered by me. However, all I can do is to stop Wang Yang, I won't ask anything else. "

Li Xing frowned: "Why, is there any other thing that will happen?"

Bian Murongjiao Jiao asked Li Xing: "If you are Chen Jinsong, would you dare to offend Wang Yang?"

Li Xing: "Don't dare." As soon as he thought about it, he figured out the key points and sighed. "You mean, as long as Wang Yang asks, Chen Jinsong will obediently give me Chen Xue and Chen Shuang in order not to sin him ? "

Wu Murong Jiaojiao nodded: "Yes, if Chen Jinsong is willing to give his daughter to Wang Yang, then I can't manage it."

Li Xing thought about it and nodded: "Okay, the county master only needs to stop Wang Yang. I'll take care of the other things. One hundred mysterious crystals will be delivered within ten days." He finished and left. Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin were left behind temporarily, and they will have new identities in the future.

的 On the way back ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has been thinking about one thing, what exactly does he do to avoid Chen Jinsong sending Chen Xue and Chen Shuang?

The moment he entered Sanyi Garden, Li Xing suddenly thought of something. He paused, hesitated, and thought secretly, "I wouldn't I run into great danger when I did this?"

But he immediately remembered the experience of the previous life, the scene where his girlfriend was dragged to the car by the robbers, and his girlfriend turned to him for help. After that, he died with the gangsters and his girlfriend was saved.

"Chen Xue must not be sent out!" The experience of the previous life suddenly ignited Li Xing's anger, a flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes, and he continued to stride.

Li Xing still dressed as Zhao Yun and returned to the accommodation provided by Chen Shuang. He did not rush to do anything but continued to cultivate his blood.

In a blink of an eye the day passed.

She said that Chen Xue had been stunned in the past few days. In her mind, Li Xing's shadow was always lingering. At that time, facing the siege of the seven masters of blood training, he blocked without hesitation. At that moment, Chen Xue was completely shocked.

On the cobweb, the man healed her with shameful means. Thinking of this, Chen Xue will have a strange feeling in her heart. She has never been touched by a man like this, and she is pressed tightly underneath.

I spent a few days like this, Chen Xue didn't do anything. Until this day, the maidservant came to the newspaper: "Miss, master please."

Chen Xue didn't think much, nodded, went to the hall to meet Chen Jinsong

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