Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 68: Chen Xue is a woman of the Li family

Not long ago, Wang Yang arrived in Sanyi Garden. The entire Sanyi Garden, including Li Ying, came out to greet. Wang Yang was the eldest son of Wang Zixing, and Qingyun City belonged to Wang Zixing, so Sanyiyuan definitely did not dare to neglect a little.

When Wang Yang arrived, he smiled and asked, "Where are Chen Xue and Chen Shuang?"

Everyone was stunned, Chen Jinsong was even more surprised, and hurried forward to yell: "Son son, hasn't the young girl offended the son? The son came to Xingshi to inquire?"

Wang Yang laughed and said, "It's wrong! It's not that they offended Ben Shizi, but that Ben Shizi fancyed two beauties, and wanted to accept them as uncles."

Chen Jinsong paused for a while, but immediately he laughed and said, "That's the case! Shizi said earlier, it's their blessing that the little girl can serve Shizi!" She turned and drank, "Go and invite two ladies!"

King Wang Yang sat down with a golden knife and waited for a while, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang came one after another. The two sisters were surprised when they saw strangers and the three homeowners were present.

劲 Chen Jinsong said in a deep voice: "This is Wang Shizi, can't you just come and see me?"

At first hearing, it was "Wang Shizi", and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were slightly stiff. Wang Yang's notoriety, they have heard of it for a long time. What did he do? There was an ominous hunch in the hearts of the two women.

一 As soon as the flowers of the sisters came out, Wang Yang's eyes narrowed into a seam, slowly stood up, and approached the two women.

If Chen Xue and Chen Shuang's faces are dead, now they finally realize what's going on.

Squinting at the sight of Wang Yang's approaching, a servant suddenly came and exclaimed: "Three homeowners, the master of Murong County."

Li Ying, all three were at a loss, what did Murong Jiaojiao do? But Murong Jiaojiao is the daughter of Yuhou, and she should not neglect. They first pleaded guilty to Wang Yang, and then hurriedly welcomed them.

When Wang Yang heard that Murong Jiaojiao was also here, he stopped and frowned.

Wu Murong Jiaojiao came with a smile, and the three homeowners followed respectfully and went to the hall together.

As soon as people arrived, Murong Jiaojiao laughed and said, "Wang Yang, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are my sisters. You can't make them think."

Wang Wangyang was afraid of what came from him. Upon hearing this, his face became blue and angry, and said, "Murong Jiaojiao! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Wu Murongjiao smiled lightly: "Whether you are afraid or not, you can't force Chen Xue and Chen Shuang to go with you, or even if you talk about Wang Zixing, the county's Lord also makes sense."

The king of kings trembled with anger, and if he changed another person, he would have come forward with one hand and killed him. But the person in front of him is the owner of Yuhou County, and he is stronger than him. He has always been domineering.

Chen Jinsong saw the two confronted each other, anxious in his heart, thinking secretly: "I'm not afraid of the officials but afraid of the management, Qingyun City is the prince Xing, this Wang Yang can never offend!" His eyes turned, he "hehe" smiled and came forward Dao: "The lord of the county, the son of the world, both of them are angry. As the saying goes, the female university is married, and as a father, it is reasonable to decide who her daughter will marry."

Mu Rongjiao glanced away, but did not see Li Xing appear, and said lightly: "This is a matter of Sanyi Garden, will the Lord of the County ask it?"

Chen Jinsong secretly rejoiced, and quickly said to Chen Xue and Chen Shuang: "Xiao Xue and Xiao Shuang, today Ni will return with the sons of the world. Those who can become the royal family are the glory of Sanyi Garden."

Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, both felt that they had fallen into the bottomless abyss, and their souls were emptied, and 怔怔 speechless. In their minds, they all remembered one person at the same time. Chen Xue thought of Li Xing, the man who married her with her fingers.

Chen Shuang thought of Zhao Yun, the one who saved her.

At this moment, the two sisters thought unexpectedly: "If he is here, dare to stand up? Can he help me out?"

This unrealistic illusion has given the sisters a hint of hope in their hearts, a faint hope.

"I disagree!"

When Chen Jinsong's words came to an end, a thunderous voice sounded, and Li Xing stepped out. He was wearing a white robe, standing upright, carrying his hands, and stepping out. His expression was cold and his eyes were cold.

"Li Xing? What is he doing here?" Most of the people present were very surprised.

Chen Jinsong frowned: "Li Xing, with a noble guest present, how can you be so unreasonable and break in at will?"

Li Xingshen said: "If I do n’t break in, my fiancee has been given to you by others! Chen Jinsong, my father Li Ziran, married with his fingertips, indicating that if a woman is born, it will be my wife's wife! My daughter is destined to be from my Li family! "

"Today, you want Chen Xue to be sent to the royal family! Chen Jinsong, as a homeowner, why should you be so shameless and do such a shameless move!" Li Xing, then, surprised everyone.

These people, whether they knew or didn't know it, were shocked. I don't know, I was shocked by this. Knowing, was shocked by Li Xing's boldness.

Even if she already married with her belly, how can she grab a woman with Wang Yang?

劲 Chen Jinsong's face was covered with dark clouds, his eyelids fluttered a few times, and he said, "Li Xing, back down!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey, Chen Jinsong, in order to preserve the status of the Chen family, at the cost of sacrificing two daughters, aren't you afraid of the daughter's chill?" He turned his face and seemed to disdain to talk with Chen Jinsong, but looked at Chen Xue.

雪 Chen Xue was startled, then rejoiced. At this moment, she looked at Li Xing with tears in her eyes. She hasn't had much contact with Li Xing. At first she watched Li Xing compete with others for a place. Later, she and Li Xing went through the life and death together at the mine ~ www.readwn.com ~ that's all.

But somehow, Chen Xue felt that the two had known each other for a long time, and they were already extremely familiar.

At this moment, she understood what it meant when Li Xing stood up. It means that he stood on the opposite side of the Chen family, and stood on the opposite side of Wang Yang, waiting for him, maybe death, even more terrible end than death.

After all, Li Xing stood up, after all, he would only rescue her in Chen Xue's fantasy.

What happened in front of me was not an illusion, but a real thing.

Li Xing cast a smile of relief on Chen Xue, then his eyes fell on Chen Shuang again.

霜 Chen Shuang, rejoicing for her sister, was able to have such a man and stand up at such a moment. At the same time, she was very sad, she smiled sadly, and cried.

Someone saved her sister, what about herself?

"Zhao Yun must not be here, right? He didn't even feel that I liked him ..."

凄 Chen Shuang's euphemistic expression made Li Xing's heart tighten, and he secretly said, "Get out of here!" His body suddenly grew a bit, and changed into Zhao Yun's appearance.

变化 This change stunned everyone, and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were shocked.

It turns out that Li Xing is Zhao Yun! Zhao Yun is Li Xing!

Li Xing, who changed into "Zhao Yun", apologized glanced at Chen Shuang, and then said to everyone: "There is one more thing, Chen Shuang, has already ordered a lifetime with me in private! I can't leave with Wang Yang!"

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