Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 69: audacious in the extreme


劲 Chen Jinsong was completely outraged. In a flash, he had reached the opposite side of Li Xing, his eyes were cold and cold, and an aggressive murderous sent out, making Li Xing's hair straight. Chen Jinsong, this ten-year success in blood training, became a master of blood dandelion. When he was furious, it seemed like a **** of murder came to earth.

In the face of such a person who can kill him with one palm at any time, Li Xing just sneered. Perhaps he has experienced too many trials of life and death. He doesn't have a strong sense of terror about death. Even if he will die next moment, he can still keep calm.

"Do you think that, depending on your father, I won't kill you?" Chen Jinsong's angry face, and that killing gaze, were so close to Li Xing.

Li Xing's eyes also revealed his fascination. He actually took a step forward. He was not overwhelmed by Chen Jinsong's momentum. Su Rong said, "Chen Jinsong, have you forgotten the custom of marriage?"

The custom of marrying?

People stayed awake and suddenly thought of something, all of them showed weird expressions.

的 The people living in Tianyuanzhou are sturdy and civil, everyone is martial, and there are many people who practice blood and energy. So if two men look at a woman at the same time. At this point, even a woman's parents cannot intervene, and two men must compete.

In this world where the strong are the most respected, looks, wealth, and status are not as strong as strong force. Therefore, the means of competition is naturally more forceful, who has the strength and who will be eligible to marry the woman of his choice.

Of course, the woman is not without choice. If she doesn't want to, she can reject the victorious man's proposal. But this choice must be made after the duel.

一个 This one has inherited the customs of countless generations, and it is almost forgotten by those who are in the high position in the temple. Their marriages, including those of their children, were overwhelmingly determined by their predecessors. Marriage is bound to interest.

As for those who dare to stand up and challenge powerful people like Li Xing, they rarely appear. Even if it has appeared, it has already been killed silently and left in the wild.

Li Xing's words stopped Chen Jinsong. Tianyuanzhou's customs are applicable to everyone, regardless of superiors, wealthy people, and strong people. Of course, he can not obey, but doing so must attract jokes from outsiders and make the Chen family unable to look up in the future.

"You really eat a bear heart leopard! You dare to grab a woman with this son!"

Wang Wang Yang was finally angry. He approached Li Xing step by step. He who practiced heavily had the confidence to strike Li Xing with confidence!

Li Xing sneered, looked over without fear, and said faintly: "Wang Yang, if you have a seed, after March, we will fight to death! Those who survive are eligible to marry Chen Xue and Chen Shuang. Those who die will naturally be disqualified. ! "

Wang Yang laughed wildly, but the laughter was full of chills: "Oh! You a pariah people! Are you also eligible to fight with this son? Today this son will break you to pieces!"

Suddenly, light and shadow flashed, Murong Jiaojiao stood in front of Li Xing, forcing Wang Yang to stop.

"Do you dare stop me?" Wang Yang's eyes flashed wildly. He was so angry today that he even urged to Murong Jiaojiao.

Wu Murongjiao faced the frost, and Shen said, "Wang Yang, don't you dare to fight with Li Xing after March?"

"I don't dare?" Wang Yang laughed wildly, pointing at Li Xing, "A small, bloodless Dalit, how could he be my opponent? Ben Shizi can kill him with one stroke!"

Murong Jiaojiao sighed: "Since you are so sure, why not kill him after three months? If you are afraid that he will rise too fast in these three months, and you are afraid, then start now."

When she saw that Li Xing was going to marry Chen Xue and Chen Shuang at the same time, she was also very curious. Although she was somewhat dismissive of Li Xing's greed, Li Xing's courage really made her appreciate.

几个 A man, willing to give his woman such a disregard for life and death, how many can there be in the world?

Murong Jiaojiao ’s words made Wang Yang ’s muscles jump quickly. He slowly pressed his anger. Leng Sensen glanced at Li Xing and said in a yin voice: “Okay! I ’ll give you three months, three months. Later, this son will come to Sanyi Garden to take your life! "

兴 Li Xing said lightly: "Who exactly died is unknown."

Wang Yang laughed wildly, turned and strode out of the living room.

Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong are all stunned, and the situation has reached this point, completely beyond their expectations. This Li Xing is really a courage!

Who is Wang Yang? Wang Zixing's son, the son of Fang Hou, is lawless. Such a person ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing dare to mess with? Is he tired and crooked?

The three homeowners all cast their annoying eyes on Li Xing. Offending Wang Yang today is equivalent to offending Fang Hou Wangxing, how can Sanyi Garden have a good life in the future?

"Li Xing! Do you know what you did today?" Li Ying stared at Li Xing, asking word by word.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Of course I know what I'm doing. The world is big, but the dead is the biggest. Even if Wang Yang is the best master in the world, can he kill me ten times?"

Li Ying was stunned, a person is not afraid of death, what else is he afraid of? Even if all the strong men in the world stand in front of him, he will never frown. With such a smile on life and death, what else can threaten him?

Murong Jiaojiao clapped her palm at this moment, praising: "Okay!" Then she smiled and said, "It's a good man not to be afraid of death, but you still have to prepare carefully, and a decisive battle after March. By then, no one can You can only save yourself. "

Li Ying had nothing to say, but when she saw that Murong Jiaojiao was clearly helping Li Xing, she closed her mouth and said nothing.

Li Xing gave Murong Jiaojiao a hand: "Thank you!" After looking at Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, they saw that the two women looked different.

Chen Xue's expression, I do not know whether it is joy or sadness, froze. And Chen Shuang, the whole person is like a stunned soul, no smile on his face. The appearance of Chen Shuang made Li Xing's heart sink.

He suddenly realized that women's minds were extremely complicated? Is he right today?

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