Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 805: 3 Great Saints

Chapter 805: The Three Saints

Chapter 805: The Three Saints

"Today, Ben Sheng estimates that someone will open the ancestral ancestor's graveyard. The people who shot are from a long history, and the Yuan Dynasty emperor will also participate in it. That ancestor was known as the first master of the Three Realms and no one got him. The hands of the ancestor , There is a forbidden treasure, called the Proto-Altar. In addition, there is also a timeless soldier, called the Proto-Sword. "

A half-sage could not help asking: "Da Sheng, the ancient tomb of the evil ancestor, was it built by the evil ancestor himself? If so, why did he do it?"

A weird expression on the holy king's face said, "In the past, the evil ancestors, who crossed the heavens and earth and the dragon realm in the Three Realms, were said to sit and discuss with the ancestor of Chunyang. However, this man behaved evil and offended too many people. At the end of his life, it took a lot of effort to build the tombs of all evil and suppress the flesh. "

"Suppress the physical body?"

That saintly king explained: "The evil ancestors created the Proterozoic evil ways, so his physical body is also very scary. According to rumors, if his physical body is not suppressed, it is likely to be transformed into demons and endanger the world. Therefore, the evil ancestors suppressed For the physical body, one is to fear the revenge of the enemy and to dig the whip corpse. The other is to guard against the demonization of the physical body and endanger the Three Realms. "

The ancestor and the half-saints looked at each other and did not know what to say. Leaving a physical body, so arrogant, that evil ancestor then, I do not know how strong it is, no wonder dare to call the first master of the Three Realms!

Saint King said: "As long as you enter the ancestor's graveyard and take the opportunity to seize the Protoss sword or other ancestor treasures, you can completely open the seal of this saint. At that time, one saint can also take the shot and release the seals of the other two saints. On. By then, it will not be difficult for the three saints to wake up and kill the emperor.

At the moment, none dare to answer. They knew, however, that once they entered the tomb, they would fight against the mixed emperor and another force. This was absolutely dangerous and no one wanted to go.

However, the Holy King seems to have anticipated this situation and said, "After the three saints are awakened, we can perform the" evolutionary technique "to help you wait for ascension and achieve the Holy King!"

As soon as this remark was made, the ancestors and half-saints were all moved. They know that the three holy kings in front of them are the characters of the undead, ghost, and prophets, and the first three holy kings in the history of ancient royal families. The height of the state has reached the extreme level of the Holy King, no small matter!

Compared with the three old antiques, the one who stepped into the realm of the Holy King not long ago is not worth mentioning. If these three powers are really willing to help, everyone present will indeed have the opportunity to advance to the Holy King and become the Holy King of the lower realm.

This temptation is too huge. After a moment's thinking, all ancestors and half-sages agreed to rob the evil ancestors.

When the ancient royal family prepared, far away Antarctica.

The west of West Antarctica is a vast ocean. This ocean is called the Great Aral Sea. On the Dawei Sea, there is a mountain called Mount Sumi. There is a golden temple on Mount Xumi, which is called Daleiyin Temple.

In the Daleiyin Temple, sits various arhats, bodhisattvas, protector Vajrayana, scattered flower maiden, in the central position, sits a powerful, golden light, known as Buddha.

Every action of that Buddha revealed great compassion and great wisdom. The Buddha smiled slightly, and said to the bodhisattva and monks: "A great power emerged in Tianyuanzhou, known as the Great Emperor of Yuanyuan. The Buddha has always had no dispute with the world.

"Below." A middle-aged man stepped out. This man, with a sharp head, purple hair, wearing a green robe, holding a rosary, looks like a monk but not a monk, walks out with a smile.

"Maya, at the beginning, the Buddhist monks were shielded from the real people of ancient times, jealous of all the immortal realms, and pushed out. They moved the realm to the world of dragon elephants. Today, the birth of the great emperor of Yuanyuan will certainly make a break. In the future, you will have unlimited achievements. You sent the Tianxie Emperor a cause and effect, and now it falls on him. And when the Yuanyuan Emperor first practiced God, he thought of the image of the ancient Buddha as a cause. ”The Buddha said.

Mayer and blinked, and said, "Sir, you have the cultivation of the heavenly holy realm, why not do it yourself? Why do you need to send a disciple?"

The Buddha's eyes opened slightly and he said, "Mayaya, if you have a monk to practice, can you break through this level and all fall on the hybrid emperor? It is your chance. In the near future, the heavens and the outer world, and even the power of the earth, , It will be against him. If you can help him, it will be of great benefit to the Buddha and to you. "

Meyer and know that the practice of Shizun has reached the level of heavenly sacredness, and even he has begun to contact the state of Dazun. The cultivation is unfathomable, and his words are certainly true. He also understood that, if it were not for the Buddha Realm being expelled from the heavens, the Buddha Realm would definitely be the first force in the major heavens. The move of the Supreme may be to prepare for the return to heaven.

He thought about it and said, "Shizun, the disciples' practice is a little worse."

The Buddha smiled and ordered to guard Fa-Kang Dao: "Protect Fa-Kang, get him a Da-Kang wheel."

The guardian King Kong, with a height of thousands of feet and a glittering golden body, the Emperor's progression, turned and took out a golden wheel, which released great wisdom and could break all magic barriers. "

Mayer and Laugh said: "The Donkey Kong Wheel is the supreme holy weapon that the world has refined with wisdom. The power is better than the heavenly holy spirit, and the disciples are at ease!"

Outside the situation changed, Li Xing felt faintly, but he did not take it seriously. At this moment, he put away the yin, yang, and gods, and suddenly asked, "Master revered to the eighth weight of Jiu Yin Gong. What step did he take?"

Emperor Tianxie had extraordinary qualifications at that time, and he learned Jiuyin Gong, and Xiu Wei was certainly no small feat. Li Xing had this question.

Emperor Tianxie: "When I was a teacher, I did n’t see Tianjun, King, or Jiuzhou in the world. However, now that I have gained knowledge, think about it, I should have the strength of Tianjun."

Li Xing nodded: "If Master can soar then, it must be the power of heaven."

Emperor Tianxie sneered: "The saying of ascension is purely a rumored statement. I think those who are cultivators will be free and free to live in heaven and earth. Regardless of where he wants to go, go wherever he wants."

Li Xing couldn't help laughing: "Master said yes. I have calculated that the apprentice, since the era of the Great Destruction, the dragon elephant world has indeed risen a lot of strong people, but all have gone to heaven, not heaven. Some also entered heaven. But failed to survive. "

"Li Xing, as a teacher recently, always feels restless and always feels what is going to happen." The Emperor Tianxie suddenly said, "I am afraid that there will be great changes in the trip to the ancient tombs. You must be careful."

Li Xing nodded: "Master, rest assured, I will be careful." Then smiled, "Master had made the disciples to complete the dragon elephant world, but now it seems. This dragon elephant world and the land are integrated on both sides, the dragon elephant world The law is the law of the territories. Rather, the master comes out first and goes to the territories to practice. "

Emperor Tianxie: "To put it bluntly, you have to wait."

Li Xing felt that in the depths of the Jiuyang Realm, the unopened Yuyang Realm and Pure Yang Realm "buzzed", and then burst out a shocking light and appeared in front of Li Xing.

This is a young man with a good-looking appearance, a black robe, long hair and shoulders, and a touch of evil in his mouth. He looked up and rolled his eyes to Li Xing and said, "Apprentice, why don't you see Master?"

Li Xing froze, then smiled "Hey", obediently stepped forward to meet, and then said: "Master, you are so young, how can you show me that old look?"

For a long time, the phantom of Emperor Tianxie's manifestation in Jingtian was a middle-aged man, not like what he looked at.

The Emperor Tianxie coughed and said, "As a master, of course, it's better to be mysterious."

Li Xing looked up and down, and said, "Master Reveals the God, should you concentrate your body now?"

Emperor Tianxie waved his hand: "wait for the flesh, wait for the teacher to look down, wait for a while." With a wave of his sleeve, a girl and a golden retriever monkey appeared to him.

The girl looked fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a shirt condensed by pure yang aura. Her aura was pretty and beautiful. When she saw Li Xing, she smiled sweetly, called "Master" and smiled.

Li Xing froze, and then remembered that he had found a heaven and earth fetus in Pingguo. He couldn't bear refining at that time, so the Emperor Tianxie was accepted as a disciple, and he didn't want to grow up so big.

After returning to God, he smiled slightly and said, "Sister, you are more than you were when you were young."

"Brother, my name is Minmin." The girl smiled and came over and hugged Li Xing's arm, as if he was the closest person, softly, "Master, Master said. If it was not a master Kindness, Minmin is no longer in this world. "

Li Xing immediately understood the painstaking efforts of the Emperor Tianxie. In this way, he wanted to make the little teacher grateful and help him do things. He nodded and said, "Minmin, it's all in the past."

Then he looked at the monkey. As soon as the golden retriever came out, he stared at Li Xing, and Fang said at this time: "Originally I wasn't convinced, but now I saw the big brother, and I knew that Xiu was far behind."

After saying this, the monkey bowed down: "Little brother Wutong, see elder brother."

Li Xing helped him to get up and said, "The younger brother doesn't have to be polite ~ www.readwn.com ~, and then asks," How do you call Wutong? "

As soon as the name was mentioned, the monkey was very dissatisfied. He took a peek at Tianxie and saw that he didn't speak. Then he said, "Master said, Wu Tong Wu Tong, Wu Wu can not understand, so he took the name."

Obviously, the monkey was quite dissatisfied with the name.

With a smile, Li Xing said to Emperor Tianxie: "Master, you and your younger brother and sister, stay in the Eight-pole Pagoda first. When the disciples return from the ancient tomb, try to find ways to respect the physical body of the teacher."

Emperor Tianxie shook his head: "As a teacher, enter the tomb with you."

Li Xing was taken aback and said: "Master, the trip to the tomb is very dangerous. Your old man is only in the state of the gods, so he should not go."

Emperor Tianxie said: "I always feel that I must go, otherwise I will miss something." He waved his hand. "It is unnecessary to say that, when the teacher hides in the realm of heaven, he will not be hurt. It is you, be careful for the teacher Point. There were eight fierce battles on that day, and the practice of each fierce **** is probably the Heavenly Holy Series. Otherwise, heaven and earth would have already started working on the ancient tombs and would not wait until today. "


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