Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 806: Tian Wai Tian

Chapter 806: Heaven and Earth

Chapter 806: Heaven Outside

The world is fierce and fierce. At the beginning, Li Xing just observed it and realized the magic of the gossip, which made the Eight-pole Tower upgraded from a heavenly magic weapon to a mysterious magic weapon.

Moreover, in the ancient tomb, there is no danger whatsoever, no one knows, maybe even more terrible than the fierce battle.

Hearing the words, Li Xing nodded: "Okay, wait for the apprentice to arrange and start immediately."

His so-called arrangement is to explain things to Jun Qianheng and others. In the eight-pole tower, the seven women are all practicing, and no errors can occur, so they must be fully prepared. Chunqiu was left to sit on the eight pole tower.

Jun Qianheng is still the agent of Tianyuanmen, and Wutong and Minmin both stay to help. Wutong deserves to be tuned by Emperor Tianxie. His cultivation has reached the level of Taoism.

Minmin's cultivation is even more remarkable. She belongs to the reincarnation of heaven and human. Now she has entered the rank of heavenly class and opened up her world of heaven and human. However, it seems that the cultivation of her previous life is definitely above Tianshi, and she will continue to improve. As for whether it is the King of Heaven or the King of Heaven, or even the Holy Saint, it is not yet known.

With all arrangements in place, Li Xingzheng was going to leave, and he heard his subordinate report: "The Great Emperor, a weird man came out and said he would meet the Emperor."

Li Xing asked: "Who did the other person say?"

"The self-proclaimed Maya is from West Antarctica, and said, as long as he mentions his name, the emperor will meet him." The reporter said humanely.

Li Xing was taken aback. Mayer and He, weren't they the ones who talked with the Emperor of the Heavens at that time and taught the fierce Zen of the Demon? The fierce Zen of this man has been cultivated to the fifteenth level, a higher level than Li Xing.

He hurriedly said, "Hurry up, please!"

Mixed Yuan Hall, a skinny middle-aged man, entered with a smile. He ignored the monks on both sides, and only looked at Li Xing. He smiled with one hand, and said with one hand: "Little monk Capricorn, see the mixed Yuan emperor."

Li Xing stood up and greeted him with a smile: "Mayer and his seniors, the younger are polite."

Mayer and Lian didn't dare. He and other Buddhist practitioners have a mind outside the Three Realms and are not restrained by foreign objects. They said lightly, "The great monk, the little monk is here to help the great monk."

Li Xing was shocked and happy, and quickly asked about the reason.

Mayer and talk about a past. In ancient times, the real person straddled the two realms of heaven and earth. At that time, the Saints in the sky could not suppress it. Later, a witch saint united with eleven great saints to perform the Proto-Altar of the Forbidden Treasure, and wanted to destroy the dragon elephant world.

At that time, the Buddha was compassionate and unwilling to create evil, so he refused to act. As a result of this, the envy of the remaining heavenly domains will naturally be incurred, and the Buddha's domain is finally pushed out of the heavenly realm and forced to move into the dragon elephant world.

Since the time of the Great Destruction in ancient times, the Buddha Realm has been located in West Antarctica, on the Sumi Mountains in the Great Aral Sea, and has been innumerable years.

In the meantime, Mayer also mentioned that the so-called "Extreme Void Shadow" that Li Xing used to practice God was actually a trail left by the Buddha when he preached. In addition, Li Xing has also cultivated the fierce Zen of the demon. It can be said that he has a relationship with Buddhism.

At the end, Mayer said, "The world respect allows the little monk to come and help the emperor to achieve great cause and make a good destiny."

Li Xing said positively: "The world has kindness to me, and there is something wrong with the Buddhist gate in the future.

Mayer smiled slightly, and said, "Thank you for the great emperor." Then he said, "The little monk came here without any presents. He caught two people and gave it to the emperor."

Li Xing froze and caught two people?

I saw, Mayer and patted his pocket, two Guanghua fell from his body, and turned into two monks after landing. The cultivation of these two people is very high, is definitely a master of the Heavenly King series.

When they met Li Xing, they were stunned and pointed at Mayer and scolded: "Mayer and you! Do you dare to fight against the people outside the sky? Do you Buddhists go to war with the sky outside?"

Heaven outside? Li Xing reached out and lifted one of them. The monk felt that as long as Li Xing exerted his strength, he could let him die, his face was pale, and he trembled, "Hunyuan, what are you doing?"

Li Xingsen asked: "Mayer and his predecessors won't catch you both for no reason, and say, what's the purpose of you going to the dragon elephant world?

Tian Wai Tian, ​​the era of the Great Destruction so far, monks of Jiuzhou have chosen a place for ascension. As Li Xing speculated, the monks in Jiuzhou are not alone. Not only are there, but the number is not small, and each one is extraordinary.

These people soared into the outer world of the sky and became a great force that can compete with the realm of heaven. Tianwaitian sent two masters to the lower world, they must have a plan, of course, Li Xing must ask clearly.

The monk sneered, "Dun Yuan, don't you know?"

"Let's stop talking nonsense and give you one last chance." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

The other side was startled and busy: "I want to know how much effort it took Tianwaitian to build the Tianwaitian organization in Dragon Elephant World. I don't want to be completely destroyed by you."

Li Xing immediately understood that Tianyuanzhou ’s sky outside sky really had a relationship with the true sky outside sky. He asked, "What's the situation outside Tiantian, you tell me."

With a smile, Mayer said, "Heaven and sky, the little monk has gone back several times. What the emperor wants to ask, just ask me."

Li Xing nodded, holding his hands empty, and took the two monks into Baiyang Jingtian, temporarily suppressing them.

Meyer and He then talked about the cause of the sky and the situation today. In the era of ancient disillusionment, real people in ancient times were not extinct immediately. After the great changes of the earth and the earth, many real people in the battlefield, real people in the sky, and real people in the world did not die, but their bodies were traumatized.

However, at this moment in the dragon elephant world, the power of dragon elephants is no longer available, and these real people can no longer cultivate the true human way. As a result, among the real people in ancient times, wise men began to enlighten the immortals and the Buddhas.

In the era of great destruction, a hundred schools of thought quarreled, and a large number of amazing talents emerged. Most of these people became the veterans who opened up the sky. The first person who proposed to open up the heavens and the heavens is the ancient power, the second place in the list of heaven and earth is too vain.

Gongye Taixu, the ancestor of Candle Dragon and Chunyang, and called the Three Saints in ancient times show how extraordinary Xiu is. After the ancestor of Chunyang, it disappeared afterwards, but the candle dragon, Gongye was too empty, and Ou Dinggong and Wu Qianhua, who were the fourth and fifth in the heavenly man's list, all entered Tianwaitian and became the ancestors of Kaishan.

Tian Wai Tian, ​​imitating the celestial realm, establishes the celestial realm. Immortal realm, Buddha realm, witch realm, **** realm, and so on. Under the lord, there are immortal lords, buddhist lords, **** lords, and witch lords, each governing one side.

Since the monks in the outer world are based on the laws of the realm of the earth, the Lord is equivalent to the great saint of the realm of the earth.

The monks who first ascended into the heavens and the heavens, according to the practice of practice, entered different heavens. These new monks are often inferior in strength and are called Dongtian monks. When the strength of monk Dongtian rises to a certain level, he can enter the realm of God, even the realm of God.

Today, there are ten lords in Tianwaitian, which respectively manage the legal domain, **** domain, witch domain, magic domain, **** domain, fairy domain, Buddha domain, bone domain, demon domain, and Confucian domain. There are more masters in each domain, and the overall strength is not weaker than heaven.

At this point, Li Xing only knew the situation of Tianwaitian, and said, "Senior, after the Great Destruction, the rules are broken, how did they soar?"

"In the early days, the people who cultivated the Immortal Buddha are real people, and they are very strong. Therefore, they quietly entered the realm to practice for a period of time, completed their own avenues, and then ascended. In the later period, monks actually did not soar. The little monk knew that only one Void Emperor successfully ascended into the sky, and the rest fell. "

Li Xing couldn't help but be sorrowful. In theory, Tian Wai Tian should have been created by a real person. There are so many masters in Tianwaitian, can not change the dragon elephant world, can you do it yourself?

When the idea came out, he couldn't help laughing.

Mayer He seems to see Li Xing's thoughts, saying: "The mixed Yuan emperor is different and has great ambitions. Even the heavenly and heavenly lords add up, they are not as good as the emperor's one finger. The little monk does not mean strength, but It means potential and responsibility. "

"Think of the era of destruction. As real people in ancient times, they could actually do their best to save the situation, but they eventually chose to escape and enter the heavens and the sky to practice." Mayer and sneer, "Just looking at this, they are not as good as the emperor."

Li Xing: "The seniors have passed the award. This road is extremely difficult. No one knows whether it will succeed in the end."

The two talked about each other. Li Xing talked about the trip to the ancient tomb. Mayer and said: "The tomb of the evil ancestors is indeed evil. The emperor must be careful during this trip. The little monk has a world-renowned treasure called a diamond wheel. It can be temporarily used by the Emperor. "

Then, he took out the Diamond Wheel. That wheel, at this moment, only had a big palm, and Li Xing took it in, and immediately felt that the wheel had great wisdom and perseverance, which could suppress all evil demons and cut off all upside-down fantasy.

A joy in his heart, thanks again and again. Then asked Mayer and Chunqiu to sit on the eight pole tower, and then officially went to the ancient tomb.

On the way, Li Xing asked the Emperor Tianxie: "Master, why don't you come out and meet Mayer?"

Emperor Tianxie: "At the beginning, I wanted to overpower this old monk as a teacher, but now my body is shattered and his strength is worse than him. How can I come out and meet?"

Li Xingdao: "It turns out that Master is a good face ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's no problem. In the future, the apprentice will find a heavenly and underground body for Master, and keep the pressure on Mayer and one head."

The Emperor Tianxie was very satisfied and said, "Because you have conscience, don't hesitate to teach for the teacher."

Li Xing smiled, said no more, and limped at full speed. It didn't take long for him to reach the ancient tomb. When people arrived, Li Xing's face sank. It turned out that a large number of monks actually appeared near the tomb, and they have already confronted each other.

The number of these monks appeared, and their strength was greatly unexpected by Li Xing. Spring and Autumn Master and Taiyin Master need not say, they are naturally there. In addition, the immortals, gods, wizards, ancestors, and semi-holy gods in different realms are all there.

Even, Li Xing also saw several acquaintances, such as Tianzun Taozun and Wuji Xianzun. These people, when they saw Li Xing appeared, looked at them in unison, all revealed their hostile eyes.

Some of them are from heaven, some are from heaven, some are from heaven, some are native to the dragon elephant world. At this moment, Li Xing is regarded as an enemy.


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