Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 807: Live Refining Ninja

Chapter 807 Live Refinement

Chapter 807 Live Refinement

At a glance, Li Xing saw the general strength of these people. If you take the realm of heaven and man as the standard, there are at least eight people in the realm of heaven and there should be holy artifacts in your hands, and the overall strength is close to the saints of the lower realm.

There are more than twenty Tianwang series, and the number of Tianshi series is more than fifty or sixty. Once such a group of forces are united, Li Xing is also reluctant to work hard and can only take wisdom. Otherwise, even if it wins, it will cost a lot.

Seeing such a situation, the Emperor Tianxie was anxious and said, "You must deter this group of people to let them understand that they will never have good fruit against you."

Li Xing also understands that regardless of the heavens and earth, or heaven and earth, he will not deal with him. It can be said that he is the enemy of all forces. Indeed, as Emperor Tianxie said, if he doesn't come up with some real materials and let these people have scruples, it will become the target of criticism. "

With his gaze fixed, he locked in Tianzong Taoist, Wuji Xianzun, etc., lowered his face and drank, "Tianzhang! Qingman! Wujiu! Do you rebellious convicts?"

Tiansong Taozun and others turned pale and backed away, and Wujixun shouted shrewdly: "Li Xing! You are not arrogant, and the masters here are like clouds, which will definitely make you escape justice."

"Justice?" Li Xing sneered, "This emperor is justice and justice!"

Immediately, he held Wuxing Tianyin on his left and a diamond wheel on his right, approaching in large strides. At each step, they shook ten parties, carried the general trend, and horrified Tianzhuang Daozun and others backed up and shouted, "Little master!"

Master Taiyin's face changed drastically, and he stood in the middle, screaming: "Big Yuan emperor, don't bully people too much! God has respected them, and they have joined the Taiyin door, no one can hurt! Move them, that is, Taiyin door!"

Li Xing smiled: "Even if the realm of the Nine Saints is all together, don't even think about overcasting me, get away!" Wuyin Zhenyin struck down in his hands, crushing countless spaces, and the power of terror made Taiyin Shaozhu feel suffocated. .

Forced helplessly, he had to sacrifice the Taiyinmen, fight 3,000 Yin soldiers, and resist the Five Elements Town Tianyin. In the hands of Li Xing, if there is no Diamond Wheel, it may not be much advantage today. But King Kong is in hand, and his strength has risen so much that he has an absolute advantage.

I saw that the diamond wheel "Sisi" in Li Xing's hand spun, emitting 300 billion golden lights, and in conjunction with the day's attack, he severely struck down. The Diamond Wheel is no small feat. It is the Supreme Buddha's holy weapon that the world respect condenses with great wisdom and perseverance, and can fight against the saints of the upper world.

Although Li Xing couldn't fully use the power of Vajrayana, he was too Yin Shao to drink a pot. Vajrayana shot a fan-shaped golden light, which was extremely sharp. With a "ding", he cut off the Taiyin Gate.

In the yinmen, a roaring sound was heard, and Ye Ming screamed, and quickly flew away. The gate of the Taiyin is a sacred artifact made by the hard work of the Taiyin Gate.

Ye Ming was scared in his heart, only then, if he was killed in his body, Xiaoming Bacheng explained.

The Taiyin Gate was damaged, and it immediately lost to the Five Elements Town Tianyin. It hurriedly collected 3,000 Yin soldiers. The Taiyin in front of it repeatedly rolled and retreated. There are instrumental spirits in the sacred vessels, and wisdom is not worse than human beings. When it sees that it is not the way, it is also reluctant to fight hard and wants to retreat.

This retreat flashed out Tian Tian Dao Zun and others, facing Li Xing directly. Suddenly, Tianzhuang Taozun felt the murderous horror and suddenly covered them. Just killing them makes them unable to move.

Li Xing stepped forward, Senran said: "You had revenge against the Emperor, and Su Nianer came from Tiandaomen, and this will not be investigated. However, if the thief does not change his heart, he still has to fight against the Emperor!"

Ye Ming no longer speaks for them at this moment, the young master Ji of the Spring and Autumn Period hates even more silent. As for the other forces around, they are all watching the lively mood, who would ask?

Tianzhuang Taozun and others had a tremendous fear in their hearts. They knew that there was no way out for resistance, and they fell to the ground. The Taoist Taoist cried and cried and came forward and hugged Li Xing's legs: "The Emperor spares his life! We people are fascinated and don't know what to do, they dare to oppose the Emperor. Damn it, but please the Emperor read that I am a disciple of Heaven, Rao us ! "

The rest of the people also begged for mercy, saying that in the future, they will change their minds and be loyal to Li Xing.

Li Xing Leng snorted: "Forgive you? A group of **** things, who repeatedly committed me, all died!" He flipped his hands and suppressed them. Above the true-shaped hand, there are two phosgenes in black and white, which complement each other and carry great power.

After condensing the yin and yang magic gods, Li Xing's strength has risen to a higher level, and has been greatly improved compared to the time when he confronted the enemy Spring and Autumn Master and Tai Yin Master. At this moment, with a simple palm, you can take a picture of Can Tianjun, not to mention Taoist Taoist?

However, someone at the scene did not want Li Xing to be so showy, so he listened and said, "Stop!"

A sword of light suddenly cut down from above. When Jianguang first came out, it was silent and invisible, until it was close to the back of Li Xing, it suddenly flashed light, shining like lightning, carrying infinite intention of killing, extremely vicious breath.

It seems that this sword light has always been hidden in the sky, and when it comes to the body, it makes people feel that it has a strange power and cannot be avoided.

However, Li Xing didn't dodge, he didn't look, he raised his hand. This grasping speed is extremely fast, and the dark transport mixed Yuan Ding, directly refining Jianguang. At the same time, he whispered, "Look for death!"

The big-handed man grabbed another vacant space, heard a roar, and caught a middle-aged monk. This monk had fat and big ears, and his eyes were thin and long, and his ears were large and round.

In the crowd, someone suddenly exclaimed: "It seems to be the Lord of the Heaven Realm Ninja Realm, forbear the Heavenly King! Dignified Heavenly King, was caught by him at once? Isn't this emperor of the Yuan Dynasty rehabilitated in five ways? ? "

"Nice! Ren Tianjun is good at assassination. He didn't want to be unsuccessful, but he was caught on the spot. This mixed Yuan emperor is really terrible. Does he have Tiansheng's practice?"

Ning Tianjun was caught by Li Xing, shocked and angry, his body suddenly exploded, turning into a dark smoke, and wanted to take the opportunity to take away. Tianjun means, it is not trivial, it is not easy to subdue.

Li Xing sneered: "You can make it?" True shape hand turned down, Hun Yuan Ding shot billions of brilliance, radiated billions of time and space, intertwined the heavens and the world, blocked the heavens and earth, suppressed the eight poles, and let this bear the sky Jun has no choice.

I saw that the black smoke rushed to the left and right, always unable to escape, but was forced to shrink by the brilliance emitted by the mixed Yuan Ding, and finally turned into a ball the size of a fist.

The purpose of Li Xing's move was to establish a prestige and let everyone know his power. Then, when preparing to deal with him, weigh yourself, are you really sure, if you are unsuccessful, what terrible consequences you will face.

"You can be arrogant to this emperor when you are a heavenly monarch? Mix Yuan Ding, give me refining!" Li Xing's voice was cold, and in front of everyone, he opened Mix Yuan Ding and directly refined the person.

Li Xing, a mixed Yuan Ding, united with the power of the dragon elephant and combined his mixed Yuan avenue. It can be said that there is no such powerful weapon in the sky and underground. Perhaps its power at this time is not as good as some holy artifacts, such as diamond wheels. But as long as time passes, the mixed Yuanding will definitely surpass them.

At this time, with the power of mixed Yuanding, refining Tianjun is more than enough. This is also the unfortunate luck of Tian Tianjun. If he wants to appear at this time, Li Xing is going to get someone to operate. Where can he let him go?


In the mixed Yuanding, the thunder was rumbled, and Ren Tianjun was desperately struggling, but was still engulfed by the thunderous light emitted by the mixed Yuanding, and in the end, he could only continue to emit vicious curses.

Everyone saw that a great tripod was steadily floating in the middle of the air, and a Tianjun screamed and kept cursing. The emperor of Yuan Dynasty stood side by side with ease, staring at Ding coldly.

This scene chills everyone. Those who were preparing to do so, forcibly pressed the killer. This Junyuan Emperor is too dangerous to be provoked!

Refining a Heavenly King is not an easy task, even if it is mixed with Yuan Ding, it is not a day's work. Li Xing then put away the big tripod, glanced at the crowd, and finally fell on several semi-sacred royal families.

Those semi-sages were embarrassed in his heart, but they could not be weakened. One of them said in a deep voice: "Mixed Yuan emperor, you killed the ancient royal family some time ago. Is this possible?"

The half-sage was frightened of Li Xing, and while talking, raised a scepter. The stick, black and smooth, was about five feet long and covered with weird textures.

This half-holy one stood out, and the other two half-holy ones also took a step forward, and each person also held a scepter. Li Xing felt immediately that the three sticks were released, exterminating the future, beheading the present, and obliterating the past.

He immediately understood that ~ www.readwn.com ~ The three royal sacred artifacts must be the treasures of the ghost, the undead, and the prophets. Moreover, there is a mysterious connection between the three holy artifacts, which can form a terrible killing array at any time.

Li Xing originally wanted to kill people by hand. At this moment, he felt this breath and had to hold it down temporarily, and said lightly: "Why are the three so nervous? The ancient royal family is also a child of the dragon elephant world. They are all subjects of the emperor. "

Annoyed by several sacred hearts, this mixed Yuan emperor actually regarded the ancient royal family as his people. However, they were also afraid of Li Xing, for fear of fighting, and let other forces take advantage, so temporarily forbear.

Li Xing no longer cares about the ancient royal family, shakes aside and walks aside, takes out the Yuanyuan Ding, pushes with all his strength, and refines the Ninja King. Ding Zhong heard screams one after another, and heard everyone's scalp numb.

There was a silence at the scene, only the cry of Ren Tianjun. Finally, a voice broke the silence: "Everyone! There are eight fierce battlefields in the world, no one is trivial, and none of us can break the battlefield alone! The old man suggested that everyone work together and open the tomb first, then, how?"


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