Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 808: Anonymous old man.

Chapter 808 Unknown Old Man. Fierce God

Chapter 808: Unknown Old Man. Fierce God

808 Unknown Old Man

The talking old man was described as ordinary, not tall or short, not fat or thin, and could not see any characteristics. Such a person, even if he is put into ordinary people, will not be found. But because of this, Li Xing was a little surprised, he couldn't see how deep the old man's cultivation was!

The old man's appearance definitely does not look like an expert, nor does he release any breath. Not only did Li Xing not see the depth, none of the other monks could see it, and no one knew the old man.

"This man is very dangerous." The Emperor Tianxie suddenly said that although his cultivation was not there, his eyesight was still extraordinary.

Li Xing secretly said: "Master, apprentice feels that there is a vaguely familiar temperament in this old man, but he can't say why."

As soon as the old man's words came out, there was a monk saying: "It makes sense, the world is terrible and terrible, and it is extremely horrible. Alone, I am afraid that no one can fight it. We can only open it if we shoot together."

Some people also asked, "The world is so fierce, so powerful?"

"Huh! When the evil ancestors killed and killed eight Zhongjing Tiansheng, they were all fiercely powerful men in history. Then they used the body of the eight fierce gods to consolidate a world-wide array of unparalleled arrays, and the world's eight fierce arrays." Someone said.

"The eight fierce gods are obviously not in the same era. Why are they all beheaded and killed by evil gods?" Some monks wondered this history and asked curiously.

"Then you know something about it, the evil ancestors resorted to the sky, and directly from the long river of history, the eight fierce gods who were about to die will be captured one by one, and then beheaded again to seize their deities."

As soon as this remark was made, everyone took a breath. Reversing the tide of history, catching dead people and killing them again, this is simply an evil one!

The following discussions are one after another, and the results cannot be discussed for a while. On Li Xing's side, while refining Ren Tianjun, he turned his palms. In the palm of his hand, a cloud of overcast sunlight flowed, among which several enemies, Tianshen Daozun and others were sealed.

Just now, he didn't immediately kill a few of Tianzhu Daozun, he wanted to ask how they colluded with the realm. I have just read the reading memory, knowing the cause and effect, these people naturally do not have to stay.

"In the next life, don't fight with the Emperor anymore, or you will end up miserable." Li Xing said indifferently, and then turned it over with his hands, and Tianzhuang Taozhuang and others screamed, all falling into the Yuanyuan Ding, and Nitianjun Refining together.

They are not heavenly monarchs. They cannot stand the power of the Yuanding Ding. The impurities are discarded, and the useful rules are extracted by Li Xing to perfect the yin-yang gods.

Seeing that everyone couldn't work together and were jealous of each other, the old man was not in a hurry, but walked in front of Li Xing, and said with a smile, "Good mastery!"

Li Xing's heart moved, and he said lightly, "The seniors have passed the prize." Then he took the opportunity to explore his bottom, "Where did the seniors come from? Heaven or heaven? Or heaven?"

The old man smiled slightly: "The old man walked ten places and walked all walks of life, there is no fixed place." This is naturally sloppy and unwilling to tell the calendar.

This time, Li Xing was even more jealous of the old man and murmured in his heart. Just at this moment, another monk was finally impatient and yelled, "Wish to fight with me, and stand up!"

The monk was eight feet tall, as if a small hill was standing there, revealing a mighty demeanor. Li Xing can see that he is a master of bones, and it should be from Tianwaitian, because the rules of the earth are circulating in him.

Since condensing the Nine-Yin-Yang Law and God, the laws of Heaven and Earth have no secret in Li Xing's eyes. When it comes to the law, he can see at a glance.

The monk yelled, and sure enough, several people walked over and said, "I do!"

The old man was just a wise man, and everyone couldn't see the depth, so he didn't want to follow. The cultivation of this big man, everyone can see a seven or eight, so they all made a decision.

Seeing this scene, the old man sighed and said, "It's impossible to break a large array of scattered sand."

Li Xing asked: "The predecessors seemed to know the ancient tombs very well."

The old man said, "Eight fierce battles in the heavens and the earth, the fierce name, who doesn't know? The eight warriors gathered together, even if the heavens are in person, there is not much chance, let alone these little people?"

"This man is so suffocating, he doesn't seem to put Tiansheng in his eyes." Li Xing was surprised, and said, "How can I enter the tomb?"

"Wait." The old man said lightly, "So many people will always figure out a way."

Li Xing closed his mouth, knowing that this old thing was definitely reluctant to elaborate, and that Bacheng already had a good chance. He thought so, sneered secretly, and walked to the side. The old man looked at Li Xing's back, his eyes were full of unpredictable depth, and he could not see the expression.

Li Xing naturally has his own plan. He has long used the chaotic array, deduced the world and the eight fierce arrays, and understood the true meaning of the gossip. Understand that the eight fierce battles must not be forced to attack, but only outsmarted.

He ignored the rest, and stepped out into the tomb. Others, as soon as Li Xing went in, they were not assured. For fear that this ruthless man would benefit in advance, they followed.

All of a sudden, everyone entered the tomb hall. The evil ancestor was the first master of ancient and ancient times. The things he left were absolutely precious, and even the saints would be impressed.

Li Xing was unwilling to be with these people. After entering the temple, he walked quickly. However, there are always a few people who seem uneasy about Li Xing and have been following not far and close.

After just a few laps, a few people had perseverance and never gave up. At this moment, Li Xing was annoyed, suddenly turned around, and hurried to the front, screaming, "Dead!"

Who can think of him calling out without calling? On top of that true-shaped hand, the flow of yin and yang turned, entrained with diamond wheels, and ruthlessly beheaded.

Poor those followers are the power of the Heavenly King series, but they were cut off at once. Later, Li Xing collected it with Yuanyuan Ding, continued to refine, then glanced backward, snorted heavily, and walked away.

In the distance, the power of several heavenly monarchs were astonished and the people killed were all their subordinates. It was under their instruction that several kings dared to follow the past.

"This man is too arrogant!" An emperor was so furious that he couldn't hide his murder, but was held down by another emperor. "Don't care about him for the time being. There are many masters here. It is not advisable to fight. Evil ancestor treasure, it is not too late to kill him. "

Another Tianjun also said: "Tianwaitian has issued a slay order and no one can save him. It is only a matter of time, so we don't have to worry about it."

On hearing that day, Jun only relieved his anger a little, and laughed aloud: "At that time, I will let this mixed Yuan emperor die better than life!"

No one dared to follow Li Xing anymore, and no one wanted to be cut by his King Kong wheel, let alone die alive. In the mixed Yuan Ding, there is still a cry of forbearing Tianjun's half-death. Obviously, Tianjun can't persist for long.

As he walked, Li Xing observed the fierce battles of the heavens and the earth, while deducing the chaotic battles. He had already understood the gossip method, and now he was recalculating at this moment. He did more with less, and gradually became more happy, secretly rejoicing.

At the same time, the monks on the other side finally reached an unanimous understanding, and under the auspices of several monarchs of the monarch level, began to attack a fierce god. In the hands of these heavenly monarchs, there are holy vessels and extraordinary means.

Suddenly, the fierce **** was triggered. The tall body suddenly turned around, and opened his eyes sensibly. Space collapses, time flows countercurrently, laws are chaotic, and heaven and earth are reversed.

"Flap flutter!" The three masters of the Heavenly King series, together with their weapons, were smashed and smashed to death. Several monarchs also spurted their blood, and retreated sharply. But where to go? The fierce **** woke up, that is, the power of eight Zhongjing Tiansheng to make a full shot.

A sacred artifact was crushed directly, and Tianjun fell. The fierce **** sent out billions of ferocious thoughts, fired in a horizontal and vertical direction, and was not ready to let anyone go.

Under the operation of the Eight World Wars, Li Xing found a breakthrough from the track of the world war. He shot a white awn in his left eye and a black awn in his right eye, hitting a portal.

Beyond the ancient tomb, there are eight portals, and on the portals, there are countless runes. At this moment, the runes, under the inspiration of Li Xing, radiated thousands of golden lights. The chaotic bursts of madness are running wild, and Li Xing is looking for the best time.

When the fierce **** showed his might and killed a prince, Li Xing finally showed his joy. The portal opened with a bang, revealing a dark portal. Li Xing flashed quickly and rushed into it.

As soon as he moved, a shadow followed closely behind him, almost touching Li Xing and entering the tomb together. The tomb portal only opened for a brief moment and then closed again.

Outside, fierce gods are still killing these monks who entered the hall, swords killing people, and the sacred vessels cannot resist.

The moment Li Xing entered the tomb, he felt his back cold, and he turned and punched. With this punch, carrying great power, Tianjun will also be beaten. However, a calm word came from the opposite side: "So powerful."

Then Li Xing felt ~ www.readwn.com ~ his fist was grasped tightly by an old hand, and he couldn't move whatever he could. For a moment, Li Xing was shocked. Who is this person?

Li Xing was so self-supporting that he could not be so restrained even in the face of the First Saint. At this moment, his heart was cold and he was about to work hard.

"It is indeed the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the No. 1 figure in the Dragon Elephant World." When he was down-to-earth and entered an ancient and dark temple, the old voice sounded. It was the old man!

The old man is still the same, with a plain appearance and no depth. He holds Li Xing's fist in one hand, so powerful. He smiled slightly, slowly released his hand, and said, "The practice of Emperor Yuanyuan has already reached the next level of throne. When I say it, no one will believe it. My husband is very curious. How did you cultivate? It's not how profound it is. "

In the eyes of the old man, he was full of confusion. He seemed to be asking Li Xing, but he seemed to be thinking on his own.

This sentence, however, made Li Xing's heart cold. If this old thing thinks of the ultimate rule of heaven and earth, things will be bad. Then he said, "Senior, you move fast!" In the discourse, Man It's ironic.


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