Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 809: Earth seal

Chapter 809 The Earth Seal

Chapter 809: Landmark

Li Xing's words made the old man smile a little, disapprovingly said: "You can see through the mysteries of the world and the eight fierce earth, you may not be able to make unanimous announcements here. The presence of the old man can help you."

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "So, the seniors are completely out of good intentions?"

"It's too hypocritical to say that," the old man said lightly. "The old man is here, of course, there is a purpose, you and I are using each other."

In the face of such a powerful existence, Li Xing was very frightened and couldn't think of a way to deal with it. He had to say, "Since the seniors want to cooperate, please tell your identity truthfully."

"What kind of person I am, it has nothing to do with us." The old man apparently did not want to know the origin, only said, "We have entered the world of eight fierce battles, and in turn have to go through eight portals and break through the eight battles. To enter the core. "

"What is the core place?" Li Xing asked. "Seniors should be very clear? Otherwise, they won't be here."

"Natural is a good thing." The old man was reluctant to say more and shifted the topic. "I look at you and I am quite good at deduction. In this way, the old man is responsible for breaking the battle, and you are responsible for deducing the changes in the big battle. How?"

Li Xing moved in his heart and secretly said: "Although now it has entered the world of eight fierce battles, but the fierce fierce battle is not difficult. Let this old guy open the way in front, it may be a solution."

Of course, he also knows that the old man is very powerful, and when the core of the large group is finally opened, there is inevitably a fight. However, for now, we can only take one step at a time, and we will discuss other issues at that moment.

Thinking about it this way, he said, "It is natural for you and me to cooperate, so please ask your predecessors to lead the way."

The old man smiled and strode forward, followed by Li Xing. The two were in a temple at the moment, surrounded by a dim atmosphere, I do not know how wide. It is not enough to use marginal search. However, the old man was clearly prepared. He took a plate-shaped thing out of his body.

On the plate, there was a spoon-like object that kept spinning. The brilliance flashed on the plate. Finally, the end of the spoon pointed in one direction.

Li Xing couldn't help asking: "Senior, what is this?"

"Vitality." The old man said, "There is always a vitality between heaven and earth. Although you and I are in a fierce battlefield, there must be a vitality."

Li Xing nodded, stopped talking, and followed in a sullen mood.

Before long, there are phantoms of eight portals in front of them. These eight portals correspond to eight directions and form a battle. This made Li Xing think of the situation when he first entered the Eight-pole Tower. The reason between the Eight-pole and the Eight Diagrams was the same, two sides of the same. In other words, Baji is a superficial truth, while gossip is a deeper deduction.

The old man's eyes flickered and he said, "This should be the real entrance of the Eight Territory, through this portal, when you can enter the core." Then asked Li Xing, "You can push the show, which portal should we enter? "

Li Xing nodded and spit out a cloud of chaos. His five fingers trembled with a mysterious rhythm. Suddenly, the chaotic phosgene evolved into a portal. Each portal seemed to lead to another world.

The eight portals, constantly moving their positions and phosgene, seem to be a very clever deduction method. Seeing this scene, the old man was shocked and seemed very surprised.

When Li Xing broke with the old man, the fight outside had already become heated. Every monk who came in was dead. The ancestors from the ancient royal family died clean, and a half-sage was also beheaded.

At this moment, there are only three and a half saints, with a scepter in their hands to form a large array of three lives, barely blocking the attack of the fierce god. In addition to these three people, there were only two Tianjuns on the scene, as well as the Spring and Autumn Master and the Taiyin Master.

Taiyin Shaozhu Yeming used the Taiyin Gate to shoot three thousand Yin soldiers to resist with the other two Heavenly Kings. The two heavenly kings also opened a portal, the gate of killing and the gate of war.

The three portals are holy artifacts, supporting a piece of Guanghua, and gradually approaching the Sansheng killing array, eventually blocking the attack of the fierce god. The young master Ji of the Spring and Autumn Period hated the Spring and Autumn Period, and could only hide behind Ye Ming, which saved her from death.

On the ground, there are stubbles of flesh everywhere, all monks beheaded by fierce gods. There are only six people who can survive. It seems that they have no chance to start the eight fierce battle.

Just then, in the void, three shots were shot suddenly. One is golden light from heaven, the other is silver light from earth, and there is a three-color strange light from unknown space. Both Guanghua were extremely sharp. They came forward and swept together to open up a production capacity, which actually opened the eight fierce battles!

Among them, the silver light rolls away Ji hate away.

"Get in quickly!" The three majestic voices sounded almost simultaneously.

The six screamed and rushed into the battle.

At this time, on the eight portals of Li Xing's palm, a word appeared, namely Hugh, Birth, Injury, Du, Jing, Death, Surprise, and Open. Eight words, representing eight meanings, are constantly changing and deducing.

The old man thoughtfully asked, "What is the deduction method?"

"Qi Men's Armor," Li Xing said.

Qi Men's armor was learned by Li Xing from Qi Men. There was a treasure in the hand of the strange door, called eight strange doors. There are similarities between Baqimen and Baji Taoism and Bagua Taoism.

Qimenyu's strength is naturally far from being comparable to Li Xing. However, she devoted her life to studying Qi Men's Armor, which greatly inspired Li Xing. Later, he learned this technique from Yun, and then used the chaotic array to combine Baji and Bagua Avenue to develop improvements and form his own style.

Baqimen, also known as Xiumen, Shengmen, Injury, Dumen, Jingmen, Dead Gate, Shocked Gate, Opening Gate. These eight portals are the three fierce gates, the three gates, and the two Zhongping gates.

At this time, Li Xing was showing off the strange door armor, and the calculation was good and bad.

On hearing that, the old man nodded and said only three words: "Great."

The eight gates changed, and one of the portals rose, but it was a "dead gate." Li Xingdao: "Let the dead come and live, we enter from the dead door."

Above the eight portals, there is no description of dead or alive, everything is performed by Li Xing. Moreover, the door of life or death is just a kind of name. It's like giving a new name to the portal.

The old man hesitated, and said, "Although the old man didn't quite understand it, he also understood this reason. In the dead door, there was a deep and horrible killing. Why did you enter it?"

"Large fierce land, there is a turning point." Li Xing said, "Every fierce battle in this world is almost lore, if you can't survive everywhere, there is nothing to break."

The old man nodded, stopped talking, and walked directly to the "dead gate", followed by Li Xing. Entering the portal, Li Xing and the old man both felt that their bodies were sinking and walking became extremely difficult.

Li Xing wasn't surprised, and said, "Okay! This step is right. Next, as soon as the level is cleared, we can pass here!"

"What if you go wrong?" The old man asked, although his strength was strong, but if it was calculated, it was far less than Li Xing, and he could only ask for advice.

"If you go wrong, you will be all evil, and the Heavenly Saint of the Polar Realm will also die. Unless the Great Heavenly Supreme, you cannot fight." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

As he spoke, an ancient authentic text appeared on the palm of Li Xing, exactly as the "land" in the ancient Xuanjing. The ancient Xuanjing was about to be completed by him. However, this is not to say that the ancient Xuanjing is perfect, it also needs to be perfected.

As soon as Li Xing entered this realm, he sensed the pure and perfect atmosphere of the earth, so he deduced the enlightenment and successfully completed the word "ground" to make it more perfect. Although this word was created by the ancient sages, it is not perfect.

The real text in his hand, flickering, and the appearance intertwined with reason and reason, really became more and more unpredictable.

The old man glanced at the real text, said nothing, and walked silently. The more they went down, the more resistance they felt, and they struggled. The strong pressure from the Quartet makes people almost suffocated.

Li Xing's whole body cracked, and Da Luo Zhen's body was a bit too much. On the other hand, the old man also saw sweat on his forehead, his brows froze tightly, and said, "What kind of team is this?"

"The ground condenses." Li Xing spit out four words. "In the gossip, the meaning is Kun, the Kun is deep, and it is difficult to move."

The old man was responsible for breaking the battle. He thought about it, the dark movement exercises, the breath of the whole body suddenly became extremely sharp. Suddenly, I felt stress. He seemed to have a sharp blade and cut the stagnant air, which made Li Xing in the back feel a lot easier.

He said at this time: "There must be a treasure that suppresses the large formations. Please allow the juniors to collect them and use them to study the formation method."

The old man didn't seem to be interested in anything other than the core, and said, "Take it with you."

As he walked, Li Xing's chaotic formation was constantly deducing the changes of the formation. Later, in the chaotic array, there was actually a small earth-condensing array, but it was just a short shot away.

Halfway through, the two walked for three full months ~ www.readwn.com ~ before seeing a big seal in front of them. Above the big seal, the book has three ancient characters, "The Landmark."

This seal is not a physical object, but a condensed from the pure atmosphere of the earth. This breath, as if it were the breath of the boundless earth, was so deep that it was too breathless. Even the power of the old man cannot be too close.

He turned around and asked Li Xing: "I'm afraid it's not easy to collect, can you do it?"

Li Xing smiled slightly and spread out his right palm. Suddenly, he spurred the entire ground formation, and the ground seal jumped, then "Booming" rose, turned into a yellow light, and fell into the miniature ground formation in Li Xing's palm.

Suddenly, this miniature ground condensate array began to undergo qualitative changes, almost perfect, and pressed Li Xing's palm to sink. He rejoiced, put his palms together with a smile, and said, "Senior, you can go to the next level."

Li Xing and the old man walked through the first pass, and the outside Ji hated six people, but they had been exhausted outside the eight portals for a long time. Although they are not as proficient in calculating as Li Xing, they also feel that there are major dangers in the eight portals. If one is not good, they will have no bones and they will not know how to die.


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