Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 810: Break 3 levels in a row

Chapter 810: Breaking Three Levels Consecutively

Chapter 810: Breaking Three Levels

Although the treasure is good, it can be used only if it has a life, so no one present is willing to venture into it. Until Li Xing received the ground seal, the "dead gate" suddenly dimmed and seemed to disappear.

Ye Ming shouted, "They must have entered this portal, go!" A group of six people rushed in and entered the "dead gate".

However, after Ye Ming and others entered, Li Xing and the old man had left the "dead gate" and entered the "jing gate". The so-called Jingmen actually corresponds to the departure from the gossip.

As soon as you entered the Jingmen, you saw a raging fire, burning, turning into a fire dragon. These fires are not ordinary fires, but sky fires! More than one!

Danshi refining Dan uses three kinds of fire, ground fire, real fire, and sky fire. Real fire is more precious, but Li Xing has some, such as the five elements of real fire. Tian Huo, however, has never seen or seen it, and finally got his wish today.

Countless fire dragons, flying in the sky, a fire dragon represents a kind of sky fire. The power of each fire dragon can instantly kill a king!

The old man looked dignified, his body glowed with a layer of golden light, if it existed, if not, he and Li Xing walked forward cautiously, for fear of alarming these fire dragons.

And Li Xing, not only fearless, but the expression on his face was very excited. Wherever you are, there are flames everywhere, and the enthusiasm of force hits them, all blocked by Jin Guang.

"This is a fire dragon battle, seniors are careful not to alarm them!" Li Xing reminded.

The more they walked in, the larger the fire dragon they encountered, and some even tens of thousands of feet long, spitting out fire **** constantly. Among the fireballs, it seems that a new fire dragon was born.

Later, the old man also felt struggling, and his golden light gradually began to feel the pressure, shrinking and shrinking. At this time, Li Xing was in a chaotic array and finally calculated a miniature fire dragon array.

As a result, he got rid of the golden light of the old man with a single meal. Immediately there was a finger-thin, seemingly just-generated fire dragon, drilling towards his nostril.

Li Xing wasn't afraid. Instead, he sucked hard. There was a miniature fire dragon array hidden in his nostril, and the small fire dragon was captured instantly, which enhanced the power of the small fire dragon array. Next, more and more fire dragons rushed over.

Li Xing's nostrils were continuously sucked, one by one captured, and gradually, his body exuded the smell of sky fire. Above his head, a large array of fire dragons gradually evolved and began to devour fire dragons.

These fire dragons are not intelligent, they only instinctively attack. When they saw Li Xing's fire dragon array, they didn't know what to do, they rushed over happily, but they hit the dog with meat buns, and they never returned.

The old man was still worried at the beginning. At this moment, when he saw that Li Xing was at ease, he could devour the fire dragon, and he was relieved. Instead, he followed Li Xing and put away his body protection.

The fire dragons swallowed more and more, Li Xing's fire dragons continued to grow, and in the end, the surrounding fire dragons have been swallowed up to seven or eight, with little left. Only at this moment did they see what the eyes were, a flag.

That flag is also not an entity, but a treasure condensed from the true meaning of the fire, called the flag of the fire.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes lighted up, he quickly spurred the fire dragon into a battle, and immediately took away the fire flag. The old man on the side couldn't help but be jealous. He finally realized at this moment that no matter whether the ground seal or the fire flag was not trivial.

In front of this emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, if he can search for eight treasures, maybe he can be transformed into a world of eight fierce battles, that is really to see the Buddha kill the Buddha, see God to kill God.

When the fire flag was obtained, the fire dragon array was completed immediately, and the whole world trembled slightly. All the fire dragons rushed to Li Xing in a split second, and put into the newly condensed fire dragon array. This is equivalent to Li Xing stealing the fire dragon into his body.

At this time, the third portal in front of it was a ghost image, "Dumen".

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the portal, all kinds of winds filled the world. The wind is pervasive, light and weak, but sometimes it is indestructible.

Thanks to Li Xing's realization of the Eight-pole Way, his mind turned extremely fast, and he drank, "Converge!"

The old man was puzzled at first, but suddenly, when the breeze came, he felt his five senses and six senses, and scattered with the wind. Can't help but be startled, if it goes on like this, it will be impossible to get the spirit.

Here, although there is no power of the fire dragon array, it is even more dangerous and terrible!

Li Xingdao: "This is a rally, the wind is the most ethereal and unrecognizable." Above him, there was a condensed array, and the whole person was like the earth, unbearable.

The old man was not so fortunate, Li Xing's dihedral array couldn't cover him, he could only endure hardships, and felt that there was always a risk of flying away from the sky, and he was careful all the way.

Li Xing still deduced the change of wind gust. When walking in the center, I heard a roar of roar from behind, and then the whole wind gust was excited, the wind roared, and the sound of thunder blasted.

The old man's face changed, angrily: "Damn thing!"

It turned out that it was Ye Ming who finally broke in. Unlike Li Xing, they could not detect the danger of being swept into a large array, and were hit **** the spot. They quickly formed a line and forcibly resisted the wind.

However, in this way, the rage was immediately launched completely, and even Li Xing and the old man were unlucky. By this time, Li Xing had not been able to fully demonstrate the changes that have come to the wind.

The two heavenly princes released the sacred weapon, but they couldn't stop the gust of wind. I saw five colored smoke constantly emanating from the sacred weapon, which was consumed by the gust of wind, and the holy light gradually faded.

"What to do?" The two Tianjuns turned pale, feeling that as long as they were blown away by the wind and the body, I was afraid they would soon be scattered and turned into sludge.

The three royal families and semi-holy men formed a large array of three lives. They ignored the eyes of the two Heavenly Kings for help.

In addition, the gates of the nightmare of Yeming have also been eroded by the wind, and they can not persist for a long time. He did not ask for help from the three holy sages, but instead called Li Xing, "If you save me, emperor Yuanyuan, Taiyinmen will be rewarded!"

Li Xing originally wanted to watch the excitement. When he heard this, he said in a hurry: "Oh?

"Have you heard of Da Da Xin?" Ye Ming cried. "If you save me, Tai Yin Men tells you Da Da Xin!"

Since the emergence of the territories, many great saints have also appeared. When the celestial sacred life is over, the world established will condense into a star. This is the origin of the three thousand celestial stars in celestial realm.

By the same token, if the monk in the realm cuts the road, if he cannot enter Nirvana and become the general existence of the Great Celestial Master, his life will eventually run out, and the world he opened up will also condense into one thing, called the heart of the road.

The heart of the avenue is completely condensed from a world and contains great power. Like the stars, this thing is useless to most monks, because no one can refine the power of the Great Saint.

However, the heart of the avenue is like the stars that emit stars, it can release the power of the earth, a force that is not weaker than the stars. In the realm, there are many monks tempering the flesh with the power of the earth.

But Ye Ming saw with his own eyes that Li Xing even refined Tianjun, extracting the laws of heaven, and immediately thought of this, for exchanging lives.

Li Xing said nothing, hurried forward, and pulled the night to his side, and said lightly, "Dare you keep your word, I will kill you and kill you."

He really needs the avenue heart. If he can directly refine the avenue heart, then the speed of the rules of emotional realm will be thousands of miles away. Similarly, if one day he enters heaven, he will find a way to refine the stars.

Ye Ming was close to Li Xing, and the nearby wind was suppressed by the large condensate, which hurt him. He breathed a sigh of relief, closed the gate of the Yin, and arched, "Thank you, Emperor."

"Don't thank me, just trade." Li Xing said lightly, and then looked at the two heavenly princes like dead people, as if to say, see when you will die.

After all, he was the deadliest. Two days later, Shen cried out: "Mixed Yuan emperor, how about we make a deal?"

"Sorry, not interested." Li Xing refused directly.

The two Tianjuns were desperate immediately. In despair, they began to curse Li Xing, Li Xing turned a deaf ear and pulled Ye Ming away.

Sure enough, not long after Tianjun's holy weapon was scrapped, the spirit of the instrument all made a scream. Later, the bodies of the two heavenly men turned into gray and black, and they were blown away by the wind like layers of sand sculptures and disappeared from the world.

The three and a half sages were still able to hold on. They did not dare to approach Li Xing, but just followed immediately.

After walking for a while, the old man said: "If the San Sheng Da Zhen can be fully exerted, the power will not be under the eight fierce battles in the heavens and the earth. These three royal families should be ordered by the Three Saints.

"Three Saints?" Li Xing groaned. "Are they going to wake up?"

Among the ancient royal families, there have been three holy kings, and legends have fallen. However, Li Xing knew that those holy kings should not have died, and they did not know what method was used, and they actually live to this day.

Several times, when he was not early on the ancient royal family, he was able to sense a killing intention and locked him from an unknown space, which made Li Xing very frightened.

"It's not possible to wake up. They should want the things of the evil ancestors and use them to open the seal." The old man said, "At the time, a holy king was suppressed by the evil ancestors."

"Why didn't the evil ancestors kill him?" Li Xing feels a pity ~ www.readwn.com ~ The evil ancestors are just suppressing casually, how will a sacred king be taken seriously? The old man said, "It is said that the three royal families have a secret in them. If that secret can be solved, in the ancient royal family, there will be a big demon, a kind of existence that can counter the great deity. "

With a jump in Li Xing's heart, he was a little worried. The three royal princes were clearly mixed up. Would you like to reveal this secret?

As the distance became smaller and smaller, Li Xiaoxing finally condensed successfully. Like before, Li Xing began to absorb the power of the wind and expand it. When the three reached the end, they saw a huge pocket floating in the air.

The pocket kept blowing all kinds of wind, filling the whole space. This pocket is exactly the wind-wrapped bag. Like the earth seal and the Lihuo flag, it belongs to the treasure.

Of course, Li Xing was not polite, and in the same way, he closed the bag.

At this moment, the entire space shuddered, and the old man's face changed slightly, saying, "No! We broke three times in a row, and the power of the eight fierce battles weakened. I'm afraid the seal cannot hold the body of the evil ancestors!"


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