Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 811: Evil ancestor

Chapter 811: Evil Ancestor Body

Chapter 811: Evil Ancestor Body

Everyone felt the world turned upside down, the time and space were chaotic, and when they stood firm, they were already in a solitary void. In the void, a rectangular jade platform was suspended, and a man stood on top of it.

The man had a jade crown on his head and was wearing a black robe. His eyebrows resemble swords, his eyes are like knives, his looks are dazzling, his body is strong, his heroes are extraordinary, and he exudes a world-like atmosphere. He stood in the void like that. He seemed to be the center of heaven and earth, the emperor of all heavens and earth. In the world, there are ten sides.

The man's eyes were looking straight ahead, his expression was a bit wicked, and he seemed to be laughing at thousands of worlds, billions of beings. This expression is like the attitude of humans to watching reptiles.

The old man who came with Li Xing had a ray of light in his eyes, stared at the figure, and said loudly, "The evil ancestor's body!"

The three and a half sages of the ancient royal family all widened their eyes and were trembling with fear from the evil ancestor's physical body.

Li Xing even became difficult to breathe, only feeling the momentum of the other side, flooding the world with nine days and ten places. This person is the only master between heaven and earth. No one can be stronger than him.

Ruthless, domineering, noble, dominating the world, overlooking the world, this is the feeling of the evil ancestor to Li Xing. Such a person cannot be defeated at all and cannot be disobeyed.

"Quick! Capture the flesh! At any cost!" Emperor Tianxie suddenly made a decisive voice, he never spoke to Li Xing like this. Even if Li Xing was his apprentice, Emperor Tianxie always respected Li Xing's wishes.

But today, he directly issued an order to let Li Xing take the evil ancestor's body at all costs. This is a very unusual thing, which surprised Li Xing.

However, the Supreme Master had a life, and Li Xing did not hesitate to stand up to the powerful momentum and push it towards the physical body of the evil ancestors. He only made a move, and the old man suddenly grabbed Li Xing and said angrily, "The evil ancestor belongs to the old man!"

Just now, he and Li Xing are still partners. At this moment, when he turns his face, he turns his face and shoots directly. As soon as the old man shot, Li Xing felt tingling on his back. He understood that as long as he was caught by the other side, Da Luo Zhenshen would also be caught in a hole.

In a critical moment, Li Xing shook his hand and threw it back. This palm, seemingly ordinary, actually contains a decisive blow.


The two palms collided, Li Xing was shocked by the fly, the skin on his arm exploded directly, Fa Haibo Tao suddenly started, and Yin Yang Fa Shen was almost scattered.

"It's amazing!" Li Xing was shocked, only to realize that the old man's true strength far surpassed him.

"Old thing, who the **** are you?" Li Xing quickly adjusted his interest while frowning. He believed that this old man was by no means a casual man.

The old man gave a slap and saw that Li Xing was actually hard. Next, he did not die immediately, and was surprised. He stared at Li Xing and said, "It's a pity that you, a talented person, should have made great achievements, but wanted to oppose the old man. . "

Li Xing sneered: "Many people are going to kill me in heaven and earth, but the emperor has been alive! Old things, report your identity!"

The old man had no sorrow and no joy on his face, but sighed and said, "Who are you asking me? I almost forgot, long ago, in the era of great destruction, monk Jiuzhou called me the candle dragon."

Li Xingmeng was startled, eyes widened, what? This man is actually a candle dragon!

Candle Dragon, the third strongest person on the list of heaven and earth, is second only to Chunyang ancestor and Gongye, but he is still alive?

After seeing Li Xing's reaction, Candle Dragon laughed at himself and said, "You have traces of King Kong's refining skills on your body, can you be regarded as an old man's heir?"

Li Xing took a breath and bowed down to the other side: "After entering school, I went to Li Xing, see Senior Candle Dragon! The younger did have practiced Vajrayogini and benefited a lot."

Candle Dragon nodded and said, "Very well, your refining skills are better than your old husband's, but based on great refining skills. You are young and have such qualifications and are really geniuses."

"Yes, the juniors created nine lives and nine destroys the King Kong. It is not bad, and then they learned about the ancient Xuanjing refining articles, they learned about the mixed Yuan Avenue, and created their own Da Luo Zhenshenju." Li Xing stared at the candle dragon and turned his Achievement speaks out.

For a moment, Candle Dragon looked at Li Xing carefully and said with emotion: "Yes! You combined the Gongye's too-nine and nine-nine-nine-birth nirvana method to create the nine-nine-nine-nine-birth King Kong. good, very good!"

He smiled. "And you actually practiced the Ancient Xuanjing, great, good luck! The old man changed his mind. If you would like to worship the old man as a teacher, I won't kill you today."

Li Xing shook his head immediately: "The junior said this because they wanted to use the ancient Xuanjing refining articles and the nine lives and nine destroyers of the King Kong to do good magic, in exchange for the evil ancestral body.

Candle Dragon looked cold and said lightly: "It's a pity! If before, the old man would definitely be tempted. Nine lives and nine destroyers of King Kong are not bad, and coupled with the form-making chapter, it will definitely make the old man's cultivation reach an unprecedented height. "

"Seniors don't want to?" Li Xing frowned.

"You don't even know what the evil ancestor's body means." Candle Dragon sneered. "The strength of the evil ancestor is not under the ancestor of Chunyang. However, he quickly rises like a meteor and disappears quickly, causing Jiuzhou people. Gradually forget him. "

"The cultivation of the evil ancestors is infinitely close to the Great Celestial Master, and he has even possessed the ability of supreme fragmentation and jumping out of the Three Realms. However, at the heyday, he cut off the Yuan God. Few people know that the evil ancestors are the most The strong one is his Heavenly Evil Holy Body! If the old man can get the Heavenly Evil Holy Body, he will have a chance to break through the great holy realm and become the Great Heavenly Supreme! "

The words "Tian Xie Sheng Di" made Li Xing jump, but he didn't have time to think about it. He had to be fully prepared for the candle dragon. Candle Dragon is a sage in the polar realm. The strength of the candle dragon is far above him.

However, since Master needs the physical body of the evil ancestor, he always has to find a way to get it.

At this moment, the Emperor Tianxie sighed and said, "Li Xing, let him go out as a teacher and block the ten breaths of the candle dragon."

Ten breaths? Li Xing smiled bitterly ~ www.readwn.com ~ but nodded firmly: "Master, rest assured, ten breaths, no problem!"

"Okay!" Tian Xie Emperor went silent.


Li Xing held a Vajra wheel, and struck out the enemy with a fierce blow. The Diamond Wheel, which emits the light of wisdom, kills all evil demons, plus Li Xing's assassination blow, the power is multiplied.

With this blow, you can definitely kill the saints in the lower realm and hurt the saints in the middle realm. It is a pity that Candle Dragon is a saint in the extreme realm. The extreme existence in the holy place is too powerful.

In the candle dragon's eyes, two rays of golden light were shot, cutting the void, and shot at the diamond wheel in Li Xing's hand. Suddenly, the Diamond Wheel buzzed and shook, and it was so bright that he jumped off his hands and was suddenly shaken.

At the same time, most of Li Xing's body bones were shattered and blood spurted. However, he did not give up, a cloud of chaos, holding up two yin and yang gods, one left and one right, standing in front of him.

(A chapter today.)


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