Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 813: 1 year 8 years

Chapter 813: Eight Years In A Flash

Chapter 813: Eight Years In A Flash

That being said, no one can rest assured that they spend their day in anxiety.

After urgent discussions, the Eight Heaven Towers of the Eight-pole Tower cried, and the eight girls cried in a ball, unlike the calm handling of affairs before. Xiaoxue cried the worst: "Brother will not be okay, brother will be okay, Sister Frost, do you mean it?"

Chen Shuang also shed tears on Yu's cheek, holding her back and saying, "Of course it's okay. When did Xing Brother let us down? Wait, he will come back."

Chen Xueyu flicked his hand, and the tears on his face disappeared suddenly. He sternly said, "Xing brother is not here, we can't spend time idle. Starting today, we will work hard to cultivate! When Xing brother returns, we will give him a surprise.

The girls nodded, and at this moment, only efforts were made to cultivate. Not only for Li Xing, but also for Tianyuanmen, and even the entire world of the dragon elephant. The nine Yin exercises they have practiced have been completed, and their future achievements are immeasurable. They can all become peerless powerhouses, instead of Li Xing, acting as the emperor.

At the same time, the Emperor Yunyuan was injured, and the news of the evil ancestors spread from the ancient tombs of the evil ancestors spread. This makes the ancient royal family, heaven and earth, and heaven and earth more fearful.

The strength of the mixed Yuan emperor has already reached the sacred level. Even if the heavenly saint is out of the horse and the king is out of the mountain, he may not be able to do what he does. Now that it has been inherited by the evil ancestors, its strength will probably advance by leaps and bounds, and it will be harder to suppress.

Day after day, year after year, three years have passed. All circles are calm, and even fighting rarely happens. However, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty has never appeared, and various forces have speculated about various possibilities.

Emperor Yunyuan, is it in retreat? Is the heritage of the evil ancestors fulfilled?

Everyone speculated that on this day, Jiuzhou shook and the barriers between the continents shattered by themselves. Weizhou, West Antarctica, Wuzhou, and Shenwangzhou appeared on four continents.

In Jiuzhou, the aura rises, communicates with the boundaries of the land by itself, and the broken laws begin to repair themselves. At all times, monks in Jiuzhou can feel that Jiuzhou's laws are constantly being fulfilled.

Three days, just three days, Jiuzhou's law, all the best. The monks of Jiuzhou all rejoiced and practiced in isolation. You know, the rules they practiced before are not perfect, and they can finally make up for it at this moment.

On this day, the eight-pole tower suddenly shook violently, ejecting all the people from the Tianyuan Gate, and the tower body turned into a glorious ray, entering a different time and space. In the space at that time, the Eight-Pole Tower continuously deduced changes, constantly absorbing the heaven and earth aura, and evolving the avenue of boundary.

"The evolution of two, two, four, four, six and six, and gossip avenues will finally be fulfilled!" The eight-pole boy sang softly, and the eight-pole tower was brightened. One hundred and twenty-eight!

In general, the eighty-one heavy innate law is considered the supreme treasure of creation. However, the eight-pole boy reached 128, breaking this restriction and becoming a holy weapon!

The Baji cave sky exploded at this moment, and then reorganized into a gossip world. Life is two, life is four, life is eight, life is sixteen, life is endless, and the evolution is infinite. This is gossip.

In the gossip world, Xingna's work of evolution has evolved into the sun, moon, mountains, forests, plants, fish, birds, and beasts.

Originally, the step-by-step transformation of the octopole tower required extremely long-term accumulation. But not long ago, he suddenly realized the gossip in his heart, which caused his skills to rise sharply, and he became a holy weapon.

One hundred and twenty-eight heavy Xuan steps are congenitally forbidden, and the power of the eight pole tower has become a holy weapon for the lower reaches. When he next ascends, it will be the holy holy weapon of the middle realm, and then the upper realm and the extreme realm.

The Baji Tower King returned, and the world of the Eight Diagrams suddenly became the core sacred place of the Tianyuan Gate, and the monks entered one after another to find the land to cultivate. In the depths of the Eight Pole Tower, the eight women are retreating.

Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Murong Jiaojiao, Shuiyue, Xueling, Bei Shibing, and Xiao Xiu all practiced Jiuyin and made rapid progress. Xiaoxue itself belongs to the Xuanjie true form, and the cultivation speed is not slow.

The laws of heaven and earth changed, so that the monks of the Dragon Elephant World soared. In just three years, the strength of many Taoists has already approached the Great Emperor's series, and they can fight against the great conqueror.

Taoists and monks in the realm of Taoism can also be as beautiful as the heavens and men, and not worse than the previous Tao. The dragon elephant world has greatly improved its overall strength. However, trouble followed.

The four emerging continents, West Antarctica, are undisputed. Moreover, there is Shizun sitting in the continent, and no one dares to commit it. But Wuzhou, Weizhou, and Shenwangzhou are talented. It can be said that they are the three most powerful continents outside West Antarctica.

Among Wuzhou, there are not a few masters of Wudao, there are a few powers of the Heavenly King series; Nuozhou, there are many masters of Ninja, some of them have reached the rank of Heavenly King; God Wangzhou is the most special one. .

After the ascendant of God Wangzhou, he directly entered the realm of heaven and became a god. Among the gods, the three wise sons, the five hundred **** sons, are all peerless powerhouses. In particular, the three wise men were originally the strength of the Great Series.

Now that the avenue is complete, the strength of the Three Saints can already be compared to the extreme existence of the King of Heaven, and even close to the Heavenly King.

The Emperor of Yuan Dynasty did not appear for seven or eight consecutive years. As a result, the original five continents became unsettled. Moreover, Wuzhou, Weizhou, and Shenwangzhou all intend to expand their sphere of influence and establish rule.

The people of Sanzhou, because they were in a relatively closed state before, did not know much about the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. What they heard was only legend. Legends can't scare people. The three major forces have gradually started their annexation plan.

Li Xing has disappeared, it is the eighth year. On this day, Xueling broke through. After eight years of cultivation, her cultivation finally reached the rank of Tianshi. Due to the cultivation of Yin power, he can even challenge the King of Heaven in terms of combat effectiveness.

In the next three months, the other seven women also went out of customs. The one who made the least progress was Xiao Xue. He did not practice Yin Gong, but he had already reached the rank of Tianshi, but his combat strength was slightly weaker.

There is progress, not just them. Jun Qianheng, Li Xuanbai, Jian Xingtian, Wu Xiaobao, Li Yingxiong, Nangong Xiaoyi, and a dog.

This dog is the **** dog that Li Xing first encountered. After discussing the conditions with Li Xing, I don't know where to go to collect the real fire of the sun. It really found the true fire of the sun, used to help the seven little golden owls grow.

This dog has been back for five years. In five years, the seven little Jinwus have grown rapidly, and they have all become adults, all of them are 13 or 14 years old. Seven teenagers, each one has a shocking means, killing the Tianshi careless.

Moreover, they are very arrogant one by one, except for Chen Xue and other girls, they are all cool to everyone. Li Xuanbai once was unconvinced and wanted to teach the seven boys a meal, but was beaten and blushed.

Of course, the ones who have made the most progress are Wutong and Minmin. The two young masters and younger sisters of Li Xing were really amazing. After retreating in the Eight-pole Tower, they gradually entered the realm of Heavenly Kings.

In recent years, the hearts of monks from all walks of life have gradually spread. You know, they are not as weak as they used to be, they have to be sheltered by the emperor. Now, they can compete with Tianshi and not fear the King, what else can they worry about?

Moreover, many envoys descended from Heaven and Heaven and Heaven Realm, indicating that Heaven and Heaven and Heaven Realm were not hostile to the Dragon Elephant World, and welcomed the monks of Dragon Elephant World to fly to the two places to further promote cultivation.

Even ambassadors appeared in the realm to express goodwill. As if overnight, the status of the dragon elephant world monk suddenly rose to a level never before thought possible. The reason for all this is the enhancement of strength.

In the Tianyuan Gate, many monks gradually left, scattered forces to establish forces, and established schools. These things have happened in the past three years. Nowadays, Tianyuan Gate actually exists in name only, leaving all the monks that Li Xing originally had.

Finally, a speculation spread that the emperor of Yuanyuan has already fallen, and there is no emperor on Jiuzhou! As soon as this spread came out, it was quickly accepted by the monks. This made the monks of all parties more active, one by one, and quickly gathered the disciples.

In desperation, Jun Qianheng had to announce the dissolution of the Tianyuan Gate and establish a mixed Yuan religion. The people in the mixed Yuan religion are all the foundations of the Taixumen and Qiyun factions. In terms of strength, they are still regarded as the first big faction in Tianyuan.

Among Jiuzhou, it can be regarded as a super giant, and its strength is strong enough.

On that day, a ray of divine light came from outside the Yuanyuan religion. The **** light stopped outside the octopus tower, showing a man in white. Behind the man, seven followers followed. Outside the tower, there are mixed Yuanyuan disciples who are patrolling the tower. When they see someone coming, they come forward and ask, "Who is coming?"

A follower drew a slap in the air, and then there was a big hand of Shenguang who beat him hard. I only heard the sound of "Boom", smashed the Yuanyuan disciple seriously, and shouted, "Jungle! The priest of truth teaches me, and let you the emperor of Yuanyuan come to see you!"

The disciple was full of bones. Although he was slapted and seriously injured, he was still sneering: "The emperor of Yuanyuan retreats and retreats. I have no time to see idle people, etc. You better get out of here!"

"you wanna die!"

The follower was furious, his face was sullen, and his big hand was drawn out twice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Seeing that this disciple was about to be killed, suddenly a sword light emerged from the sky, shining brightly, shining through the world .

The sword was magnificent and majestic, and the power was unparalleled, so that the seven followers' faces changed greatly, and they all played the guard of Shenguang. The man in white looked cold, and punched with a mediocre punch.


Jian Guang exploded, the man remained motionless, and a girl stepped forward, not Min Min? With a wave of her hand and a roll of white light, she threw the disciple back and said, "Go back."

The disciple worshiped and turned back.

The man in white brightened his eyes, looked up and down Minmin, and nodded: "Good qualifications, can this girl be known?"

"Dare to hurt my mixed-religion person, don't give an explanation today, don't have to go!" Minmin's pretty face flashed with anger, coldly.

The white man was slightly angry, and said, "It's just teaching a humble human being. Why should a girl be angry? Girl, let the emperor of Yuanyuan religion come out and meet this deity."


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