Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 814: 1 request

Chapter 814 A Request

Chapter 814: A Request

Minmin's face showed contempt, saying: "'Humble human being'? What do you think you are? You must be a human being, but you should despise your fellow race and put yourself? Where do you want to see my brother? Really a joke, your strength is not worthy to my brother as a follower, what qualifications are there to meet him? "

Minmin's words made the Son look pale and murmured: "I don't know what to do! I saw that you were a woman, so I didn't want to take a shot ... I dare to teach this Son, it's bloody!"

The holy son moved to kill Min, so he had to start with Minmin. At this time, suddenly there was a shocking stick that caused the sky to fall, carrying the sound of wind and thunder, supreme power, and slammed the Holy Child severely.

The Shengzi was shocked, and when he raised his hand, he felt Wanyue pressing, his body could not help sinking, his palm was sore, and he groaned. However, the stick was also popped open, flashing a monkey.

This monkey is naturally Wutong. The stick in his hand, the star light flashed, is the star soldier that Li Xing gave him. This star soldier was nourished by San Qianxing for a period of time, and was sacrificed by Li Xing in the way of refining.

However, as Li Xing's strength soared, the power of the star soldier was gradually insufficient, and it was simply given to Wu Gong in the end. With a stick in his hand, Wutong can play the King of Heaven to run.

Seeing a stick didn't kill someone, Wu Tong grabbed his face, very annoyed, and wanted to hit the stick again. Just at this time, the seven Daojin Changhong landed, and seven handsome and handsome young men appeared, and it was exactly seven small Jinwu who were transformed into them.

Immediately afterwards, a **** dog came out and snorted: "Who is this kid?"

At the sight of seven teenagers, the monkey hurriedly said, "These seven bird people, this one belongs to me, you must stop buying business!"

It turned out that the seven little Jinwus joined forces to form a sun to kill the array, and even the monkeys were afraid. Once, the monkeys and the seven brothers clashed, and as a result they were burned and covered with hair.

At this moment, Wutong saw seven people appear, for fear they would take the lead. For him, the Son is a rival, and it is used to practice his hands.

Seven little golden blacks, named according to their elders, are Li Huojin, Li Huoyin, Li Huotong, Li Huoquan, Li Huo, Li Huofei, and Li Huoyang. Li Huojin is the boss. He froze and stared at Wu Dao: "We don't need monkey control for our business."

The eyes of the Son have narrowed. The young girl just stopped, but a monkey came out, and her strength seemed not to be under him. At this moment, there are even more seven monsters, and they are all terrifying.

How many masters are there in this mixed Yuan emperor? As soon as this idea came out, it was seen that Guanghua had landed, but it was spring and autumn. During the eight years of Chunqiu's writing, he did not leave the Eight-pole Tower. He is now a senior elder of the Yuanyuan religion.

"Why are you all running out? Go back to your husband to practice!" Then he gave the Son a slight glance, and said impatiently, "Go away."

The Holy Son was surprised when he saw Chunqiu's pen. You know, Chunqiu has the strength of a sage, and he is also a master of first-class status when he places heaven and earth. He hurriedly fisted: "How dare you call seniors?"

Chunqiu's brush ignored him, which made the Son very shameless and was preparing to say something. A monk, walking around holding a gourd, is Mayer.

Seeing this man, the Son was taken aback and shouted, "Mayer and his predecessor? Is it you?"

At that time, Mayer and he had traveled to the God King Continent to discuss with the truth lords and were regarded as honored guests. At that time, the saint was just an ordinary disciple, and his cultivation was not deep. Seeing Mayer at this moment, he couldn't help but get excited and stepped forward to see him.

Mayer looked at him, and for a long time he didn't remember, and asked, "Where are you?"

The Son laughed: "Younger ..."

Maya He waved his hand: "No need to introduce, what are you looking for?"

The Son moved in his heart and asked, "Senior, I don't know the Emperor Yuanyuan, can I be here?"

"Oh, you're looking for the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty? He is retreating, impacting the Great Holy Land, and has no time to see you." Mayer and casually said.

The heart of the Son tightened suddenly, what? Shocking the Great Holy Land, this ...

What is the concept of the Great Holy Land? As long as the heavens and the world do not have a great celestial body, then the world and the earth are the only ones who have the esteem and no one can defeat it. It is a pastime of nine days and ten places.

Maya asked: "If you want to see the emperor, you might as well go to the Baji Tower and wait a few days. Jinghou the emperor will go out."

Where did he dare to wait, he had a few fights with Minmin and Wutong, already knowing the depth of others, I am afraid that there will be more evil than others.

"It seems that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is unfathomable and has not fallen at all. He must return quickly and report this news to the leader!"

"Where to go!" Li Huojin yelled, and he was about to shoot.

Maya and scolded: "Git boy, get back and practice."

When the old monk was angry, the seven little Jinwu were afraid of him. On one occasion, seven of them mischievously made a mixed Yuanjiao disciple and wept. As a result, the old monk released the avatar of Daying Ancient Demons, beat these seven guys apart, and screamed day and night.

Mayer He also stayed in the Baji Tower until Li Xing returned. The old monk understood that if the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty did not return, the religion of the Yuan Dynasty would be more dangerous. For example, the Son of Truth teaches today.

"Grandfather Ge Shang, this boy is crippled, why do you let him go?" Li Huo complained boldly.

Mayer and rolled his eyelids: "They are a visitor from far away and must not be rude." Then he said to the Son, "Let ’s go, next time you come, do n’t be so arrogant. Your cultivation is not weak, but it is mixed Yuanjiao is really nothing. "

The Son looked embarrassed, and repeatedly said that he and the seven people behind him slumped.

The Shengzi was taken away there, and Minmin said hatefully, "Why isn't Master coming back? This is the third batch. Taizhou Gate of Weizhou and Tianwu Gate of Wuzhou have all sent masters to test it. Do n’t look at mixed religions. "

Wu Channel: "What are you afraid of? Come and fight one by one. We can pack them without the need of a big brother."

The black dog said: "What do you know as a monkey, the real master hasn't shown up yet. The king heard that the three holy kings of the ancient royal family have been unsealed by the heavens and the sky. Today's dragon elephant world is full of storms. No Xeon master sits, not a long-term solution. "

Mayer and Dandan said, "You don't have to think much." He narrowed his eyes. "The emperor Yuanyuan will come back."

In a different space, Li Xing sat cross-legged, and opposite him was the Great Emperor of Heaven. Li Xing's body exudes a breath of terrible horror, which is many times stronger than in the ancient tomb.

At this moment, he opened his eyes and smiled: "Master, the apprentice has been fully recovered and his strength has been greatly improved."

Emperor Tianxie nodded: "It's hard for you, because I've been so badly injured as a teacher. However, I use the" Sky Nine Changes "to help you rebuild your physical body. Your body is ten times stronger than before. , And more pure cohesion. Now you can fight against the heavenly saints in the middle of the world, and you do n’t have to run away from the saints in the upper world. "

Emperor Tianxie and Li Xing have been in this alien space for more than eight years. In the eight years, the Emperor Tianxie exerted unparalleled means, using a magical method, the nine evils of Tianxie helped Li Xing recover the physical body, and his strength soared.

On that day, in order to help Tianxie Emperor win ten breaths, he carried it with Candle Dragon, and was seriously injured. The physical body was destroyed, the yin and yang gods were shattered, leaving only one mixed Yuanding still left.

Fortunately, Li Xing's core strength was preserved in the mixed Yuanding Ding, so the Emperor Tianxie finally exerted incomparable means to help him recover the physical body.

To be more precise, this master of Li Xing is not an evil emperor, but an evil ancestor. At that time, the evil ancestors overwhelmed eternity, and they straddled the three realms, but they did not meet their opponents. However, he eventually sealed the flesh, and then put a ray of Yuan Shen into reincarnation.

That ray of gods made the great Emperor of Heaven. In other words, Emperor Tianxie belongs to the reincarnation status of the evil ancestor. Coincidentally, Emperor Tianxie lost his physical body, leaving only the Yuanshen.

That's why, during that time, he always felt that the tombs were of great significance to him. Today, the ancestors of the evil ancestors are united with the physical body, and they have restored the strength of 10% or 20%.

Although it is only 10% or 20%, it is enough for him to cross the heavens and the world, and there is no one to stop it. Not only did he help Li Xing recover, but he also greatly enhanced his strength and the high strength of his tools, making people startled.

However, the evil ancestor did not tell Li Xing his life history, nor did he say the reason for the original seal body.

After hearing the praise of Emperor Tianxie, Li Xing smiled, "He is far worse than Master."

Emperor Tianxie shook his head: "Your potential is far above being a teacher. It only takes time." He thought about it, "before leaving the realm for the teacher, I promise you a condition.

Li Xing blinked: "Master, what about the three?"

Emperor Tianxie opened his eyes and said, "You have to go in. You have a lot of time as an old man? I have delayed you for eight years, and I have only one."

Li Xing didn't want to mention any conditions. He just gave up, sighed, and asked, "Where is Master going?"

Emperor Tianxie looked at Li Xing and asked, "Apprentice, do you know what kind of world is outside the realm of the heavens?"

Li Xing stunned ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "I don't know, but the apprentice comes from a completely different world."

Emperor Tianxie: "There is a wider world outside of heaven, and that's where the teacher is going."

"Is Supreme Broken?" Li Xing asked.

"You can say this, you can say no." Emperor Tianxie looked inscrutable, "Cultivation is endless, you are already a strong teacher. But leaving the world, I am not even a master."

Li Xing frowned. With his cultivation as his realm, he couldn't see through the world, so he couldn't understand the words of Tian Xie.

"Well, what do you want?" Tianxie asked.

Li Xing thought about it, and said, "Master, can you help me rescue Yan Zhenzhen? By the way, find the seal of the power of the dragon elephant?"

This is obviously two requirements, but the natural evil emperor naturally does not account, and nodded: "Okay, then you go with the teacher and see the various beings in the underground world."


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