Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 815: Rescue Yan Zhenzhen

Chapter 815: Saving Yan Zhenzhen

Chapter 815: Saving Yan Zhenzhen

On that day, when the great evil emperor and Li Xing were about to enter the underground world, rescue Yan Zhenzhen, and teach the Supreme Avenue, a major event happened in the dragon elephant world. . . Weizhou, which is not the strongest, actually has a saint in the middle of the world!

Moreover, the middle-aged saint, young and young, practiced less than a century. This is definitely a shocking wizard. Even some of the great powers of ancient times cannot be compared with it.

The Wizard was announced after he entered the Midland Saint. People immediately thought of another person, the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He seems younger and more famous than the Dodo Wizard.

This Wizard of Tolerance, known as Prince Edward Ninja, issued a war book to the mixed Yuanjiao on the seventh day of the breakthrough. After deciding in March, the decisive battle with the emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

Before entering the underground world, Li Xing and Emperor Tianxie first returned to the Eight-pole Tower. When he returned, he was so imposing that he did not hide his whereabouts. I saw the sky full of light, tens of thousands of miles, shocked the Three Realms.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, finally out of customs!" The monks exclaimed.

Outside the Eight-pole Tower, the monks rushed out and worshiped: "Welcome to the emperor!" Some monks were in tears, and they were happy and relaxed in their hearts, and they felt that they had found the backbone of the main body and had a patron.

Li Xing smiled slightly, his eyes slowly glanced at everyone, and said, "You've worked hard." His tall image appeared in the world of the Eight-pole Tower, so that every Yuanyuan disciple could see and listen. Here.

The practitioners were so excited that they wanted to see the emperor unfortunately. Unfortunately, most people did not have this qualification and could only see the image of the emperor. However, many of them secretly determined that they must work hard to achieve the qualifications to meet the emperor.

In mixed Yuan teaching, rewards and punishments are distinct. As long as you practice hard and have certain strength, you will be favored by the emperor. It is not impossible to see the emperor.

In the Hall of Mixed Yuan, Li Xing told everyone about the journey of the ancient tomb, and then introduced everyone to the Emperor Tianxie. This old antique is the master of the mixed Yuan emperor. His status is not high, and people worship him respectfully.

Mayer and Emperor Tianxie are old acquaintances. He took a look and was shocked. "Tianxie, have you reached that point?"

Emperor Tianxie stared flatly at Maya and nodded slightly. Most others do not know what the so-called "that step" means. Only Li Xing understood that the cultivation of the Emperor Tianxie was unfathomable, not even how strong he was. In short, this realm transcends the polar state of the Great Saint.

Maya and lamented: "You finally succeeded!"

Emperor Tianxie said, "Mayer, tell me the word of your Lord Buddha."

Maya He calmly nodded slowly, "Maya and listen."

"The ants in the cave do not know the vastness of the world; the immortal Buddha has no eyes, and there is no sky outside the sky." After saying this, the Emperor Tianxie kept silent.

Meyer and respectfully wrote down, "Little monk must tell."

When Li Xing came back, everyone was naturally happy, and talked about what happened in the recent period, especially mentioning Prince Qian Ren's next battle. After listening, Li Xing smiled coldly: "It doesn't matter, he will be taught to come back."

Li Xing was going to stay for a while, and then he had to resolve Prince Qian Ren first. However, only seven days later, the Emperor Tianxie suddenly sighed and said, "The limit is up, Li Xing, as a teacher, you can only retrieve Yan Zhenzhen, the power of the dragon elephant, and seal in the sea of ​​reincarnation. You can take it out in one day. You do it yourself. "

While speaking, the great hand of the Great Emperor Tianxie grabbed the void, breaking through layers of space.

In the layers of space, there is a sea of ​​sinking. In the sea, hundreds of millions of demon heads lived and blocked the sea surface. There are many demon kings in the sunken sea, and even saints dare not enter here easily.

However, at this time, there is a big hand, ignoring all rules, and plunging directly into the sea. That horrible atmosphere made hundreds of millions of demon heads curl up, and they didn't dare to put one.

Inside the sinking sea, there are heavy forbidden things, and they are destroyed by destruction. It is Yan Zhenzhen that grabs a woman directly from the core. In the bottom of the sea, a great demon drank, "Evil ancestor, haven't seen you for many years, haven't you died?"

"Huh!" The voice of the evil ancestor said, "Sinking the demon ancestor, in the future, Laozi's apprentice, Yuanyuan, will enter the underground world. You better be honest."

The sinking demon ancestor shrank his head and said, "Where does the evil ancestor say, if the apostle comes, the demon ancestor must treat him with heart and never dare to neglect."

"Just understand." Big hands flinched and backed out.

Moments later, Yan Zhenzhen appeared to Li Xing. She had just returned to Qingming, and her expression was still a little confused. After seeing Li Xing, she thought for a while before asking: "Li Xing, I ... where is this?"

Li Xing smiled slightly, held her hand, and said softly, "This is home."

The Emperor Tianxie said, "Apprentice, I hope you and my teachers and students can meet in that world and go as a teacher." This day, Xie said that he would leave, and his body would disappear.

"Who is he?" Yan Zhen asked strangely. "The breath on my body is so strong."

Li Xing sighed: "He is Master, we will see him in the future."

As a result, Li Xing's plan to find the power of the dragon elephant can only be temporarily suspended. Fortunately, Yan Zhenzhen was rescued, but he had a wish.

In March, we will accept the challenge of Prince Ninja. Li Xing understands that this challenge is actually a temptation. Heaven and earth, the dragon elephant world, and even Tianwaitian will take advantage of his strength.

Therefore, he attached great importance to this challenge and decided to continue practicing Tianyang Gong, the eighth priority of Jiuyang Gong!

This time, Li Xing decided to retreat with Yan Zhenzhen. However, before that, he had to do one thing, and that was to raise the strength of each eight pole tower again. The Emperor Tianxie gave eight heavy treasures to him.

The eight treasures are the Earth Seal, Lihuo Flag, Howling Wind Bag, Shock Hammer, Can Kettle, Genshan Axe, Cang Tianyin and Jingze Map. The eight treasures have extraordinary power.

Of course, the Emperor Tianxie handed over the eight fierce gods to his body, and he could deploy the eight fierce battlefields at any time.

Li Xing, however, gave the eight fierce gods physical bodies and eight heavy treasures to the eight-pole boy, and ordered him to make another breakthrough. The eight treasures and the gossip doctrine coincide with the Eight-pole Tower, which can be cultivated.

Moreover, the eight fierce gods can be used as another power of the eight pole tower.

In the eight-pole tower, all monks were summoned and temporarily stationed in Taixutu ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eight-pole tower began a long practice.

It is a long time. In fact, the eight-pole boy adjusted his time on his own. He practiced for one day, compared with the practice of others for thousands of years. This practice is 30,000 years. The eight-pole boy completely merged eight treasures and refined eight fierce gods.


The eight-pole tower broke through again, and the congenital mysterious order in the middle reached 256. Two hundred and fifty-six heavy innate bans, so that its strength suddenly soared to the middle of the sacred artifact, Kankan will break through and enter the ranks of the upper sacred artifact.

In addition, inside the eight pole tower, there is a large array of eight fierce warriors in the heavens and the earth. With the help of eight fierce gods in the heaven and sacred realm, you can definitely fight against the extreme powers.

During the trip to the tomb, Li Xing realized the terrible situation of the saints in the realm, so he spared no effort to upgrade the eight pole tower. With the octopus tower, he is almost invincible, regardless of his master. As long as it is not such a terrible existence as Master or Master, there is nothing he can do.

The eight-pole boy was full of joy. As soon as he was out of the gate, he came to see Li Xing: "Thank you, master! The little one has finally risen again!"


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