Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 816: Tianyang Gong is a complete success.

Chapter 816 Tianyang Gong is Complete. Shock Pure Yang Gong

Chapter 816: Tianyang Gong is Complete. Shock Pure Yang Gong

Li Xing smiled and said, "Baji, it seems that you have to change your name. It's the right name for the eight murderers ... When the eight murderers come out, the Shangsheng ca n’t be killed."

Eight-pole boy smiled "Hey": "Thanks to the host for help."

Li Xingdao: "The theory of gossip can be infinitely improved in theory, but if you want to continue to advance, you must condense your own gossip array, instead of condensing 256 innate laws."

The eight-pole boy was stunned for a long time, he suddenly patted his head and said, "Yes! It ’s not the master's indulgence, but a small life can't understand it. Not only can't there be more, but it must be reduced. Eighteen, reduced to eighty-one! "

"Ninety-nine is the supreme number, endless, you can understand that step, you can step into the great holy realm. One day, if you can reunite nine-nine and one, maybe you can break through." Li Xingdao.

Thanks to the grateful boy, he finally found the direction of cultivation today. As long as he has enough time, he can step into the ranks of Shangjing holy vessels.

Next, Li Xing and Yan Zhenzhen went into the depths of the Eight-pole Tower to practice. On the body of Yan Zhenzhen, the seed of Xuanyin was planted in the dark by Emperor Tianxie. At this moment, she entered Jiuyin Pearl according to Jiuyin Gong and began to practice Xuanyin Gong.

The practice of Jiuyin Gong is not a day's work. Outside of Jiuyin Pearl, Li Xing practices the eighth weight of Tianyang Gong of Jiuyang Gong while refining the three sage sticks with mixed Yuanding.

The three scepters are three scepters, all of which are holy artifacts, which belong to the undead royal family, the ghost family, and the prophet family. These three ancient royal families. Three sticks can be cast together, and they can form a three-member battle, and they are very powerful.

At the beginning, with these three lives, the three and a half saints broke into the tomb. Later, Emperor Tianxie personally shot, killed three royal and semi-sacred kings, and seized three staffs.

Li Xing has little interest in the San Sheng Da Zhen. What he wants is the blood power of the ancient royal family in the staff. In Yuanyuan Ding, a fetus was born. This pair was not perfect because of the lack of bloodline power of the Prophet royal family.

This holy fetus can be said to have gathered all the advantages of the blood of the ancient royal family. After its introduction, it will definitely shock the world and become a powerful and incomparable avatar.

The previous time, Li Xing was destroyed by the candle dragon to destroy the body and the gods of yin and yang. The Emperor of Heavenly Evil exerted unparalleled means and ordered Li Xing to cultivate the Evil Sacred Body, which not only recovered as before, but also became stronger.

At this time, his yin and yang law and god, his ability to perceive the laws of heaven and earth, was ten times stronger and ten times stronger than before. The changes in the physical body are even greater. After Li Xing's self-made Da Luo Zhen body combined with the Heavenly Holy Eucharist, he finally broke through again and entered the tenth weight!

Da Luo Zhen's body is the tenth most important. How strong is it? In a word of the Emperor Tianxie, it is more intuitive to describe: Although letting ten Zhongjing Heavenly Saints take turns to kill, it will not kill you for a hundred years.

Three sticks in the Yuanyuan Ding, whine and howl, sent out a strong blood power, want to resist. It's a pity that Junyuan Ding is too powerful to even obliterate the candle dragon. It is not difficult to practice these three staffs.

After seven or forty-nine days, the power of the blood in the staff was refined. In fact, the three staffs themselves are made from a bone of the Holy King, and they have strong blood power.

When the Sansheng staff was refined, three great beings raised their eyebrows at the same time, and one opened his eyes and said, "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty is so bold, he dare to refine our holy weapon."

Another existed: "He has the evil ancestors around him, and even if he refines the three of us, he can only stare. That evil ancestor belongs to the Great Heavenly Deity series. You and I have desperately could not hurt him. Nothing. "

The third existence snorted: "Evil ancestors can't shelter this son forever, wait and see!"

Only Li Xing knew about the departure of the evil ancestors. I am afraid that this evil ancestors will not return to this side of the world when they leave. But outsiders don't think so, they think that the evil ancestors must be hiding somewhere, and they are still sheltering their apprentice Li Xing.

This makes even the existence of the King of the Sacred King dare not attack him, watching his holy artifact refined.

Past, future, and present, the three blood powers flow into the fetus together. Almost instantly, Li Xing felt that the holy fetus became a lot more fulfilled. As long as he gave enough heaven and earth aura, he could emerge from the cocoon.

"After exiting the customs, I will open the three evil villas to make the sacrificial fetus consummate and condense a supreme avatar! After further study, we can use the mixed powers of nature to integrate it into the real body of Da Luo. Let Da Luo Zhenshen make another breakthrough! ”Li Xingru thought, and began to practice Tianyang exercises.

Tianyang Gong and Jiuyang Gong are the eighth layer of Gongfa. This practice is more important than the first seven. It took him thirteen years to finally practice to the ninth level. The following time was used to complete the yin and yang law.

Yin, Yang and God, mixed Yuan Avenue, belong to the foundation of Li Xing. The top priority of cultivation must be treated with heart.

For another three years, a ray of light flew out of the Jiuyin Beads, and Yan Zhen really stood in front of Li Xing. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was a little shy to look directly at Li Xing. However, she knew that she would have to repair with Li Xing as soon as she came out.

Yan Zhenzhen, unlike other women, had already had a room with Li Xingxing for the first time.

Li Xing smiled and stepped forward to hold her ... (a few words omitted here)

Yan Zhenzhen has been sent to the peak of bliss countless times, sending out intoxicating light chants, Xuanyin Reiki and Tianyang Reiki, blending water and milk, and mutually beneficial. Among Li Xingfa's seas, the Jiuyang Beads opened to the eighth floor, and the Jiuyin beads also reached the eighth floor.

The gods of yin and yang are almost complete, their power soars, and their ability to perceive the laws of heaven and earth is once again improved. Li Xing even felt that it wouldn't be long before he could completely fulfill the laws of heaven and earth.

While Yan Zhenzhen was on the road between male and female, Li Xing's chaotic array, but he was deducting the pure Yanggong of the ninth level by himself. Pure Yang Gong, Jiu Yang Gong to High Power Method, borrowing this and Jiu Yin Gong, Li Xing wants to promote the ninth level of pure Yin Gong.

In fact, it is nothing more difficult than drawing a gourd. However, after all, it is Supreme Mystery, which still took Li Xing three months.

Three months later, Yan Zhenzhen was completely powerless and converted into Li Xinghuai, saying, "Xing brother, I am the sage of truth teaching. After a while, I want to return to the truth teaching and explain everything to the leader."

Li Xing did not persuade her, but said, "Okay, I'll stay with you."

Yan Zhen really smiled sweetly, and offered to send a sweet kiss, and the little tongue that moved aroused Li Xing's fire. You know, one of them is practicing Jiu Yang Gong and the other is Jiu Yin Gong, that is, the Tianxie Association fired the ground fire, and it couldn't be extinguished when it started.

After lingering, he had to practice earnestly, Yan Zhenzhen couldn't bear it, and started retreat. At the same time, Li Xing called Xiaoxue over.

Xiaoxue, this is not the little girl who was awkward at first, she has come out like a little white flower, let people look at it, and want to take care of it. This guide clearly knew what Li Xing was going to do. He was so nervous that a small face turned red, and looked at Li Xing with fear and expectation.

Li Xing smiled, patted his leg, and said, "Xiaoxue, come here."

Xiaoxue didn't move, pouting, "I won't go."

Li Xing rolled his eyes, stretched out her hand and pulled her into her arms, grabbed her round, tender jade and tender body, and said with a smile, "Afraid?"

"I'm not afraid." Xiaoxue looked up, exposing a large snow neck.

Li Xing couldn't help but take a bite and said, "I know you're not afraid, then you start?"

"I ... I won't come!"

After half a push, this little girl was finally eaten by Li Xing. After joy, Li Xing passed on her pure yin gong and sat opposite the stack of stocks. At the same time, he was practicing pure yang gong.

The level of pure Yanggong is very important. Li Xing didn't dare to take care and was very careful. He practiced with Xiaoxue first, and then explained the situation first.

Day by day, Xiaoxue's talent is extraordinary, and like Li Xing, it belongs to Xuanjie's true form. The difference is that she doesn't have pure yin seeds in her body.

Day after day, year after year, three years have passed, and Chunyang Jingtian has not opened on its own like the previous times. Li Xing, however, had to stop practicing. He realized that he could not practice pure Yang Gong until the laws of heaven and earth had been fulfilled. For the same reason, it is not easy for Xiaoxue to practice pure Yang Gong.

"It seems that it is still necessary to consummate the yin and yang Fa-shen. When the Fa-shen is consummated, it is time to practice pure Yang Gong." Li Xing Xinxin said.

A year later, Li Xing brought Xiaoxue and Yan Zhenzhen out of the eight-pole tower. At this moment, more than a month has passed outside, less than about the moment of Prince Ninja. So he decided to go to open the three evil cities.

Before setting off, he photographed the unconscious night from the sky of Bai Yangjing. That night, he promised Li Xing that day, and if Li Xing saved his life, he would exchange it for the heart of the road. The heart of the avenue is in the realm, the treasure behind the Great Saint falls, and the avenue rule condenses into a treasure that works in the same way as the stars, but in different forms.

Li Xing took a photo of Ye Ming, soberly awake for convenience. He could not remember what happened at all. When he saw Li Xing, he only asked, "We have come out of the tomb?"

Li Xingdao: "You are in Yuanyuan religion now, Ye Ming, I will let you go back first. Remember, the emperor will go to the realm and ask you for the heart of the road, and you should prepare for a while.

Ye Ming repeatedly said yes, hurriedly retreated. Li Xing really wasn't afraid of his promise. He would go to the border sooner or later. If the Taiyinmen dare not surrender the avenue, then he would have to open up a killing ring. He is not afraid of the great saints in the realm.

After letting Ye Ming go, Li Xing ordered the eight-pole boy to mingle with Yuanjiao, and asked Mayer to act as a nurse, and then he brought his spring and autumn pens and went to find the three provinces.

The three evil palaces are the Living Gods' Palace, the Sanqing Xianfu, and the Shidi Wufu. The first place he went to was the shrine of sentient beings. The halls of all living beings are hidden in a secret space-time gap. Looking out, the air was only the size of dust and had no special breath.

If it wasn't for Li Xing's direction, the Emperor Tianxie wouldn't be able to find it so soon, no matter how capable he is. However, it was strange that when he arrived in the void, he found many monks who were also in the vicinity.

This time he was surprised, and decided to find out clearly. In the endless space, a man and two women limped like electricity, Li Xing stepped forward to cut off the road and laughed: "Three, please."

The man, in the center, had a beautiful woman on each of the left and right sides. He hugged from left to right, and squeezed his hands gently. Seeing someone blocking the way, the man frowned, "Who are you?"

Li Xing smiled: "I passed by here and saw many monks infested. What is going on?"

A woman on the left of the man, wearing a green shirt, a handsome body and a skin-snowy face, was originally charming, but when he looked at Li Xing, he had a look of contempt and disdain, and a cold murderous look.

Because in her eyes, Li Xing is just a five-fold monk in Fatian, and her practice has long reached the realm of the **** in white, equivalent to a master of Taoist ranks. She reached out her finger and said coldly, "Are humans like a dog mean to speak to the Son?"

Immediately, she shot a divine light at her fingertips. This divine light, called the gods at dusk, can make people die instantly and turn into dead bones, very vicious.

Although Li Xing did not state her identity, the woman actually uttered insults. As an emperor of Yuan Dynasty, she was absolutely unforgivable. Seeing that the other party dared to take a shot, he snorted coldly, and a black light shot from his left eye, which directly dispelled the light.

The power of black light was not diminished. The woman in the middle of her brows frowned. She groaned, her body exploded, and her bones were destroyed.

The nun in the middle was stunned with another woman ~ www.readwn.com ~ The nun shouted: "You dare to kill the **** of truth! Damn it!"

He was furious on the surface, but did not dare to rush any more, but kept back. Only then Li Xing casually struck, killing people at the level of the white goddess. This skill is terrible.

Since shooting, Li Xing was not prepared to show mercy. Only then did he sense that all three were about to kill him. Just ask a word, it will kill people. Therefore, all three people have a way to take death, and he has no weakness.

"Don't leave." Li Xing reached out and wiped away at will, and the void suddenly collapsed, and the two were swallowed up at once. Then, a mess of space-time energy was caught in his hands.

The pair of men and women were sealed into the energy of time and space. Immediately, he threw this group of energy into the Hunyuan Ding and directly refined it. Anyway, he is also a holy son, but he threw out a pity, but still worked out some rules.

One holy son, two **** sons, they never imagined that they would meet Li Xing and other masters when they went out. Li Xing also knew from the memory of the three of them that one thing made him angry, and truth teaching was also looking for the temple of sentient beings!


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