Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 818: Evolution 33

Chapter 818: Evolution

Chapter 818: Evolution

In the world of the eight-pole tower, in a certain mysterious time and space, Li Xing sat cross-legged, ran the Yuanding Ding, put Sanqing Daotu into it, and vigorously refined it. . . In the Sanqing Dao map, the true essence of Sanqing is gradually manifested for its use.

The beauty of Sanqing lies in its endless development, which means the evolution of Sansan. This is a great complement to the mixed Yuanding tripod. In fact, regardless of the immortals, Buddhas, and witches, they have gone through the evolution of countless seniors, and they are perfect.

Each avenue has great reference value for Li Xing, which can help to complete his mixed-yuan avenue. Everything that is available in Hunyuan is the core of Hunyuan Avenue.

In the Fahai, the yin and yang law gods have their own side. With Li Xing's enlightenment on the Sanqing Dao, a place was actually reserved between the two deities. In the mixed Yuanding, the holy fetus suddenly appeared on this position.

At the same time, the stars obtained from the shrines of sentient beings were also put into refining and refining. This star evolved from all the laws of the saints, and immediately released the powerful laws of heaven and entered the sea of ​​law.

The yang god, which represents the laws of heaven, began to grow stronger, obviously stronger than the yin god. However, at this moment, the holy fetus suddenly exploded, bursting out of a phoenix, condensing into an avatar.

This avatar can be said to belong to the blood of the royal family, but it has all the advantages of the royal family. Even the immortal royal family, the ghost family, etc., are far from comparable. Once this avatar came out, it released the supreme coercion, occupying the central position at once, and its status was higher than that of the yin, yang, and gods.

"Three-three evolution, the road is infinite!" Li Xing opened his eyes and smiled, and he has learned a lot today. His three-three evolution in the Fahai will be even more immense and his strength will be improved a lot.

The image of the avatar is no different from Li Xing, but it has an unparalleled physical body. In the future, he will perform the merging of Yuan and combine the yin and yang gods with the royal family into one, and he will definitely enter a new realm.

Among the Fahai, the royal avatar is powerful. Although he belongs to Li Xing, he can practice independently. This avatar, just born, is the level of the sacred king of the lower realm, and will break through all the way in the future, step into the middle, upper, extreme, and even the extreme, and become the great demon.

Vaguely, Li Xing seems to have caught something. Heaven and earth divide yin and yang, and there must be a balanced power between yin and yang. Is this power the ancient royal family? After the idea came out, he jumped to his heart and said to himself: "Creation is really magical, balance between yin and yang, stand on three legs, and have the best arrangement in the meditation."

When Li Xing was out of the gate, there was only a few days before the challenge of Prince Ninja. After he left the border, Junqian yelled, "The prince, Prince Qian Ren has invited monks from all over the world, and it looks like he wants to become famous in a battle."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Anyway, the more people come, the more people come." Turning to the question, "Who are these people?"

Jun Qianheng said: "Three heavenly gods and three ice and heavenly kings descended in the heavenly realm; heaven and heaven descended a saint and his descendants, dancing on the heavenly people list; the earthly world, the main shadow of the Taiyin gate, and Masters of beheading the kingdom of the king. The ancient royal family also sent three heavyweights, three holy kings of the ghost, undead and prophets. These three holy kings are said to have been the kings of history. .Even if it has been suppressed, at this moment there is still the cultivation of the King of the Holy Land. "

"Of course, there will also be people from the Dragon Elephant World. The Buddha sent only the four heavenly kings, the King of the Kingdom, the King of Growth, the King of Duowen, and the King of Wide. The figures of all parties have arrived one after another a few days ago, and are waiting for the shocking battle between the leader and Prince Chinen. "

Speaking of this, Jun Qianheng couldn't help asking: "Is the leader trying to destroy Prince Qian Ren?" He didn't worry that Li Xing would be defeated. In his impression, Li Xing once we cut God and destroy the Buddha, we never lost. .

"Prince Thousand Tolerance is trying." Li Xingdao said, "We must fight back strongly to let the world know that the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is the emperor of Jiuzhou. The religion of the Yuan Dynasty is also the teaching of Jiuzhou.

With such a big tone, Jun Qianheng took it seriously, nodding his head again and again: "It is time for the leader to show his prestige. In the recent period, there have been clowns jumping around and arrogant."

Li Xing laughed and said, "Qianheng, it seems that your cultivation is about to break through again. Uranus is in a stable position. Congratulations."

Jun Qianheng smiled "Hey": "It's not thanks to the leader that collects the precious treasures of the world, but also slows down the practice of thinking. Not only me, but also some qualified apprentices in the Yuanyuan religion practice a thousand miles. Yesterday, the retreat had already impacted the heavenly kingdom, and it was a step closer to the brothers. "

Li Xing was very pleased and said, "It's the best." In fact, as soon as he came out, he knew that the fastest progress in practice was actually Chen Xue and their group of women. It is worthy of practicing Jiuyin Gong, and they all broke through in the eight pole tower.

In the few tens of days of his retreat, Xue Ling and Yan Zhenzhen both stepped into the heavenly kingdom. Of course, they are actually practicing the laws of the territorial boundaries, and they are prepared to say that they should have entered the realm of beheading.

However, their cultivation is also the means of heaven, one is the Fa and the other is the Shinto, so they are also the kingdom of heaven. This is somewhat similar to the monks in heaven and sky. They are clearly practicing the laws of the realm of the earth, but they have all come to understand the Tao of the heavens.

The heaven and earth were born before the heaven and earth, with a longer history, and the path created is more complete and has more potential. The practice of the heavens and the laws of the earth, so practiced together, complement each other, not worse than the monks native to the heavens.

Long before Li Xing went on a business trip, Jun Qianheng, the acting leader, had already begun the battle. In the middle of Tianyuanzhou, Taixutu was taken out to greet guests.

Of course, some guests do not visit Tianyuanzhou. Most of the people who are willing to come are monks who went out of the original Tianyuan Gate. After they arrived, they first had to visit the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty.

For Li Xing, these people are convinced and respectful, and they are often called "the emperor". At the beginning, if it was not for the Yuan Dynasty emperor, the monks of Wuzhou would have been destroyed by the ancient royal family long ago. This is a great grace and an eternal life.

Of course, these monks now have their own forces, and they no longer belong to today's mixed Yuan religion. However, as long as Li Xing calls together, they still have to obey their efforts and dare not quit.

For several days in a row, Li Xing met some old acquaintances who had fought side by side. Few days passed, and the period of appointment was over. On this day, a provocative voice came from outside the Eight-pole Tower: "Hunyuan emperor, are you afraid? Why not come out to fight?"

I do n’t know when the Prince Ninja has arrived. Prince Ninja himself is nine feet tall and has a magnificent shape. He is followed by five women. All of them are cultivators of the ranks of the heavenly class, and each of them exudes the five elements.

At this moment, Prince Chinren was riding on a silver, huge exotic bird. The bird spreads its wings for thousands of miles, looks like a phoenix and an eagle, and has a bird's eye like lightning, a beak like a machete, and the movement of its wings can penetrate layers of space. Above the bird's body, there is a layer of silver phosgene, as sharp as a sword light.

"Is that Prince Edward Ninja? It's so majestic to ride a sword and phoenix!"

Around 30,000 miles, there are many monks from all walks of life unconsciously. Among these people who looked lively, some monks recognized the strange bird, which belongs to the ancient beast, Jianhuang. The strength of an adult sword and phoenix is ​​comparable to that of a heavenly king.

In the wild and ancient times of the Dragon Elephant World, only the true king can domesticate the sword and phoenix and take it as a mount. After the destruction of ancient times, Jianhuang disappeared. Unexpectedly, this Prince Ninja in front of him actually caught a sword phoenix!

Prince Qian Ren stands on the back of the phoenix. Behind him are five graceful women. They are chic and imposing, and speak loudly to ridicule the emperor.

Behind him, a yellow-clad woman laughed and said, "What kind of emperor Yuanyuan would not even dare to fight, I suppose he was called the mouse emperor." She laughed clearly, her voice was soft and she could not hear. Young monk was in a panic.

"Huh!" Minmin separated from the void and came out, Liu Meier picked, "What's your name? Anxious to send you to death?"

"Well, where's the Huangmao girl, so big or small, let my sister teach you how to talk." One of the women in red suddenly gave a finger to Minmin. This finger contains a ray of fiery sword energy, and its power is extraordinary.

But Minmin sneered, and fluttered his sleeves, and the sword qi disappeared, disdainfully said: "Is this triangle cat kung fu out of shame?" Turned and said, "Brother, come out and teach these few unwisely." Guy. "

"Boom!" The void slowly separated like a curtain, Li Xing fluttered out of his sleeves, walked out with a smile, followed by a group of masters. Jun Qianheng, Li Xuanbai and others, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, and some other masters, of course, have a **** dog.

As soon as the people came out ~ www.readwn.com ~ The seven teenagers spit out fire, slowly stood up, and shouted, "Leader, let us teach these **** things!" They heard Prince Prince Ninja's provocation, It's so frustrating that I can't care less about the strength gap, and I'm going to shoot.


Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "Prince Thousand Forbearance belongs to the practice of the Great Holy Middle Kingdom. How can you fight? Get back!"

The seven little Jinwus were raised by Li Xing from an early age. Those who dare not listen to him closed their mouths and returned to their original positions, but still stared fiercely at Prince Qian Ren.

Li Xing's glance lightly glanced at Prince Qian Ren: "You are Prince Qian Ren, and it really has a good reputation and is very strong."

"Why, are you afraid?" Prince Qian Ren was insulted by seven little Jinwu before, his face was not so good, and now he was full of gunpowder, and seemed to want to start immediately.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Prince Qian Ni, your challenge was accepted by the emperor." Then he looked slightly cold. "But to challenge the emperor, you have to pay the price, you have to think clearly."


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