Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 819: Challenge Heaven

Chapter 819: Challenge the Heavenly Saint

Chapter 819: Challenge the Heavenly Saint

Prince Qian Ren said scornfully: "Everyone says how you are the great emperor of Yuan Dynasty. Seeing today, he is just a monk with five heavens and five heavens. Five heavens and five heavens are simply insignificant people in Weizhou. What powerful secrets do you have, and there is nothing better than that. What does it cost to kill a little man like you? "

Li Xing laughed, and his voice was conveyed far and wide in all directions: "Very good, Prince Ninja, if he loses today, he will be beheaded by the emperor. You can't escape death if you flee the world."

Prince Chinen sneered again and again: "Big words!"

In the empty space ahead, a heavenly sacred **** suddenly descended, and this sacred exuded a breath of breath. At one glance, it was the **** who sanctified the flesh. With two women standing behind him, Li Xing recognized at a glance that it was the goddess of ice and snow who had a relationship.

Saint did not speak that day, but watched the field indifferently. Li Xing smiled, and strode toward the heavenly holy, saying, "This heavenly holy, I haven't asked your name."

Behind the ice goddess behind him, Ertian Jun said in unison: "The heavenly heaven comes, and the mortals below, don't you meet?"

Li Xing "hehe" smiled, staring directly at the heavenly god, as if he was evaluating a product, saying: "It is only a small downhill heavenly **** that the emperor has not yet taken into account. The two goddesses, who had been helped in the first place, met today. Thanked. "

The goddess of ice and snow changed slightly. Li Xing's words in the face of Heavenly Saint so inevitably made people doubtful. Her two gods, born from the original power of the ice and snow gods, belong to the innate gods. Being able to have today's status and practice can be said to be very difficult, thanks to the care of God.

Tiansheng Lengheng said, "What a big breath!" His words turned into a thunderous thunder, rushing towards Li Xing Pai, the void burst, and electro-optical lasing.

Li Xing didn't move, and said lightly, "Tiansheng, you said that this emperor is a common fetus. Well, this emperor will use an avatar to compete with you!" Above his head, a brilliance burst out.

In that glory, there is a holy king in the royal family, with the same appearance as Li Xing, revealing that the sky is the only master in the heavens and the earth, the only holy king in the heavens and the world.

This saintly king carried the Tianyin in the Five Elements Town, and was murderous and imposing. He watched two golden awns and was destined to be holy. The Jin Mang struck, and Tian Sheng's eyes also struck two Jin Mangs, striking them together.

The Great Emperor of Yuan Dynasty dared to take action against Tiansheng as soon as he came up. This shocked everyone. Moreover, just releasing a clone, wouldn't the deity's strength be even more incredible?

"Tian Sheng is one of the heavenly saints. Xuan Gong belongs to the practice of sanctifying the body. It is unpredictable to cooperate with the cultivation method of the gods. It is rumored that the state of Tian Sheng has approached the Holy Saint infinitely. The Prince Ninja shot They ca n’t take advantage of it, the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty actually shot it and said it was too domineering! "

"I only heard about the name of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and I always dismissed it. He did not expect that he was so powerful. He had the power of a saint when he was a clone! Look at people. His cultivation is that only Fatian is fivefold. This To explain, the practice of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is different from ordinary people. His Road to the Yuan Dynasty must be the Supreme Avenue. "

"Yeah! Legend has it that countless years ago, the Great Dragon Elephant created the Supreme Avenue of Dragon Elephants, where dragons are gods and elephants are shaped; gods are yang and shapes are yin; yang is heaven and yin is earth. In the end, they have made a great generation. Celestial Being, Dragon Elephant Celestial Being. Will this Mixed Yuan Emperor also become a great Celestial Being?

"Today's view of the magnificence of the emperor Yuanyuan may not be possible." A monk shocked and said, "The law on his body gives people the feeling of a king of heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect. Even the polar saints do not seem to produce this. Such a temperament! "

Everyone talked, but Li Xing and Tian Sheng had already started. When the two of them came up, they stared at each other first, and four golden lights cut the space-time in the vertical and horizontal direction. Everywhere they went, there were explosions. I do n’t know how many hidden deep spaces were blown into pieces.

Both of them are obviously controlling the destructive power, otherwise, there are millions of miles in the circle, I am afraid that no creature can survive.

As the eyes exploded, Li Xing's royal family strode forward, slamming down with the Five Elements Zhenyin. This avatar is not trivial, and combines all the advantages of all royal families.

The chaotic bursts of micro-operations, one hit of life, one hit of returning to one yuan, one hit of heavenly kill, and three great killing techniques, are now merged into one big move, no one hit!

A lifeless blow, all life is blocked, there is no life! Li Xing had practiced Wushu of martial arts at the moment, complemented each other at once, suddenly revealed the supreme power, holding the Five Elements Town Tianyin, and smashed it in the past.

This time, it was really fierce. On that day, the Holy One felt that the world was blocked, and he couldn't escape at all. He spit the Holy Word and sang, "Break!" He fisted straight at Da Yin.

The Five Elements Town Tianyin, the greater the user's ability, the greater its power. This thing was originally an ancient true holy masterpiece, a masterpiece of heavenly craftsmanship, and it was also a holy artifact.


The fist seals collided, and the sound of a metal symphony sounded. Tiansheng "噔 噔" stepped back a dozen steps, while Li Xing's avatar remained motionless, and suddenly yelled again, and the seal smashed.

"Boom boom!"

After three consecutive blows, Tiansheng didn't even have a chance to breathe. He was beaten back and forth, his expression on his face was furious, and he shouted, "Bold!"

"Huh! Old ghost, you can't even defeat this Emperor's avatar, is it worthy of being called the Holy Saint?" Li Xing's avatar taunted, but his men were not idle.

A distant view of Prince Chinen, with blue and white on his face. He never imagined that Li Xing's strength was so strong. Originally, he just heard that there was a mixed Yuan emperor in Tianyuanzhou, who had beheaded the ancestor of the royal family.

It was only the slaying of the ancestor that it was not a great achievement for his Prince Ninja. He had slayed the ancestor long ago. Therefore, when he broke through to the Holy Throne in the Middle Kingdom, he immediately challenged the Yuan Dynasty Emperor.

The challenge is to make a name and let Jiuzhou know the existence and strength of Weizhou; second, to observe the reactions and strengths of monks in the world and prepare for Weizhou's next plan.

Tiansheng was furious. Finally, he used the means of Tiansheng to fight against the heavenly seals of Wuxing Town with his bare hands. However, Li Xing entered the Tao by martial arts, and the art of tactical attack was the first in the world, no matter whether he was heavenly or not.

During the battle between the two sides, Li Xing's eyes fell lightly on Prince Qian Ren, and he said lightly, "You can shoot, Qian Ren."

"What? He actually fought with two heavenly sages at the same time?" A monk exclaimed, "It is indeed the emperor of Yuan Dynasty. It is arrogant and powerful!"

"This time, the Emperor Yuanyuan is really about to rise. From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of anyone who is so overbearing and powerful! Crossing the Emperor Yuanyuan, you can absolutely laugh and stand on all sides!"

Some people are shocked, they have different emotions in their hearts.

Prince Qian Ren stood upright with his eyebrows and yelled, "Prince of Yuanyuan, Prince Ben does not want to take advantage of you. After you have fought against Heaven, you and I will fight again."

"No need, to deal with you, the great emperor does not need to go all out." Li Xingdan said indifferently, standing up and raising his hand is a punch. This punch is powerful and powerful, compressing the world, striding forward from ancient times to modern times, unparalleled domineering.

The Prince Ninja "Yeah" yelled, and the five women behind him shook their sleeves and greeted them with all their strength. A black spear appeared in his hand, called a spear of forbearance, and came to kill.

Li Xing's fist, ignoring the spear, slammed into it, hitting the tip of the spear.


The spear of forbearance belongs to a sacred holy weapon, which is extremely tough, but it suddenly breaks the spear tip, and the spear wails.

After the disaster of the tomb last time, Li Xing broke up and stood up. Da Luozhen's body broke through to the tenth due to the cultivation of the Celestial Sacred Body. At the beginning, the ninth-large Daluo Zhenshen could hardly shake the sacred artifact. Now, the tenth-old Daluo Zhenshen was even more incredible, and the spear of forbearance was broken in one hit.

The Prince Ninja had a numbness in his arms, and the spear of forbearance was damaged, and he flew away. At the same time, Li Xing's fist arrived, and "Booming" smashed over, carrying a force of terror, which seemed to tear the world apart.

"Thousands of forbearances!" Prince Thousands of Forbearance felt the threat of death, and at an urgent moment, cast the most powerful holy art, his body suddenly disappeared, hiding all the breath.

Li Xing smiled coldly and stood up.

Suddenly, in the direction of the back, a fist was hit from the void and hit the back of the head. Li Xing didn't move. It wasn't until the other's fist hit his head that he suddenly backhanded, grasping the other's arm.


Even if Vajrayana wasn't as hard-headed as Li Xing, Prince Qian Ren was shocked with bone pain. It wasn't until Li Xing grabbed his arm that he understood why the other side didn't hide. This brutal physical body can ignore his attack at all!

"Thousand forbearance changes!"

His arm was caught, and Prince Chinen suffered severe pain in his wrist. He urgently performed another holy art, and suddenly turned into a phosgene, slipping away from Li Xing's palm.

"Walk? Where do you go?" Li Xing's palm ~ www.readwn.com ~ suddenly gave birth to a great suction, but it was the Yuanyuan Ding who was running and wanted to refine the middle-aged saint.

"Bad!" Prince Chinen yelled. He had a bad feeling in the first place, and deep fear in his soul seemed to face death in the next moment.

"Break it for me!" Prince Qian Ren shouted wildly, and even instantaneously burned the power of the Heavenly Saint, giving birth to a great power, and suddenly opened Li Xing's arm.

"Click!" Li Xing tingled in his hand, letting the other off. Then he grabbed it again and said coldly, "Give me back!"

"Thousands of forbearances!" Prince Qiannine yelled, and after hearing only "sense", it disappeared without a trace. There was a voice in the sky, "Big Yuan emperor, we will have a period!"

Only after some fighting, Prince Qian Ren felt deeply that if he continued to fight like this, he might fall into it and lose his life if he was not careful. The proud man in the sky, the first master of Weizhou was finally afraid and was about to escape.

"You can't leave!" Where did Li Xing dare to let him go? He snorted, stepping on the void, and chasing after him fiercely.


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