Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 820: 8 pin display

Chapter 820: Eight-pole Shows Prestige

Chapter 820: Eight Poles Show Prestige

He reached out and grabbed in the void, and countless spaces collapsed. The true-shape hand ignored the space distance and grabbed Prince Prince. . . Prince Chinen felt that he could not help but retreat abruptly and growled again and again.

At this moment, three great figures appeared behind Prince Chinen, and one yelled, "Bold!" When he reached out his hand, there was an incomparable and fierce force shaking.

Li Xing's body was numb, his big hands almost loosened. He gave a loud sigh, holding Prince Chinen's big hand, and suddenly struck forward, hitting "Nothingness". Suddenly, the shadows of sky and sky swept in endlessly.

The three figures snorted coldly, and they all shot to resist, and it was too late to rescue Prince Chinen. At the same time, Li Xing's true shape regained his hands and yelled, "Tell me!"

Suddenly, Prince Yuan Ding sealed the Prince. This Prince Nirvana, but in the realm of Zhongsheng Tiansheng, at this moment was locked up in the Yuanyuan Ding, with an angry roar: "Hunyuan Emperor! You are brave and bold, and you want to refine the saint. Sin should die! Don't die! "

Li Xing said indifferently: "After refining and refining you, the emperor's cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Don't think about it! An Ren can't move!" Suddenly, Prince Qian Ren released the supreme trend of An Ren, and even the Yuanding Ding couldn't break through his power.

It is indeed a sage in the middle of the world, and it really is not that easy to kill! Li Xing nodded secretly. The more powerful Prince Ninja was, the more helpful he was after refining. If this person can be sanctified, there must be special adventures, very special means, and they must be asked one by one.

Here, Prince Yuan Ren was suppressed by the mixed Yuan Ding, Li Xing confronted the three holy kings and said coldly: "Three come, seem to want to be the enemy of this emperor?"

An immortal saintly king said: "Mixed Yuan emperor, Prince Qian Ren is the heir of the Lord of Heaven and Peace, you kill him, are you afraid of angering the Lord?"

Li Xing sneered: "Is the self-cultivation of the Lord God better than the three?"

The three holy kings did not speak, Li Xing was not afraid of them, and of course they were not afraid of forbearing the Lord. Another monstrous saintly king Shen said: "Miscellaneous Yuan, forbearance of the Lord ’s cultivation, although not as good as I am, can take the initiative to deal with you in the whole world. How will you be at that time?"

"God come to kill gods, and immortals come to kill immortals!" Li Xing said, "You don't have to use the heavens to overpower this emperor. At the beginning, ancient people would go to heaven and kill the blood and flow into the river. Why have you ever feared heaven?"

A man with a gloomy whole body, shrouded in mystery and a kind of "excessive breath", he said darkly: "Mixed Yuan emperor, do you want to be more holy than the original? The seven sons of the flood and wasteland were so earth-shattering, not the same. All gone down? "

Li Xing arrogantly said: "If this emperor wants to surpass the true saint, even the dragon elephant, what is the realm of heaven?"

The faces of the three holy kings changed, and the undead holy king said: "It is arrogant! The sky and the earth have existed for billions of years, and they have experienced countless devastation. There are only so many great deities that have appeared. How can you stand by?"

"This is the gap between you and this emperor." Li Xing mercilessly rebuked the three kings of the state, "Although the great deity is strong, he cannot die forever. On the great deity, there should be a better one realm!"

During the years when he practiced with Emperor Tianxie, he knew many secrets. For example, every 180 million years, heaven and earth will be destroyed. When Heaven and Earth were torn down, only Da Tianzun had the chance to survive.

It is impossible for the remaining monks, monarchs, and lower monks to survive. That is because the destruction of heaven and earth is the destruction of the laws of heaven and earth. All monks in the world, except for the Great Heavenly Supreme, have their mana derived from the laws of heaven and earth.

The laws of heaven and earth have been destroyed, and the monks will naturally fall, and no one is spared.

The destruction of heaven and earth is billions of times more frightening than the era of the dragon elephant world. It is not a level of destruction at all. Even if Da Tianzun is not good, he will die in the great destruction.

After the devastation, heaven and earth rebuilt a new law.

Datianzun is not immortal. Generally speaking, after undergoing three to ten major destructions of the heavens and the earth, if Da Tianzun cannot break through, there is a danger of falling. Emperor Tianxie even told Li Xing that in this world, there definitely existed dragon-like great deities. They were bound by this side of the world and could not be broken.

This kind of high-level secret is not even known to sages, but Li Xing knows it very well, so this kind of shocking speech is issued.

Li Xing was full of confidence, and the majesty of an emperor emanated, which made the three holy kings faintly shocked and scolded. The ghost holy king gave a cold drink, and shot a black light in his eyes, and shot at Li Xing.

Li Xing retreated in succession, with double fists and horror mana, and retreated to the vicinity of the octopus tower. The eight-pole tower burst out of eight light, and the roar of the eight-pole boy came out: "What **** holy king, suppress the little master!"

The eight-pole tower "shocked", emitting billions of brilliance, and the fierce array of fierce battles on that day, forcibly turned on, shooting a thick kill, covering up the suppression. The eight fierce battles in this world are urged by the physical bodies of the eight heavenly holy gods, but they are used to suppress the physical body of the evil ancestors, how powerful they are.


Suddenly, the three holy kings were taken aback. They didn't even have the thought of resistance. They turned and left. The sacred king of Shangjing had to leave, and the eight-pole tower couldn't stop it, but he fiercely killed three million miles all the way, and then returned with hate. Seeing the monk pumping air-conditioners.

Outside, Tiansheng was still fighting with Li Xing, and failed to gain the upper hand. At this moment, Li Xing's deity returned, Tiansheng's face was ugly, and he felt that it was dangerous today.

The goddess of ice and snow looked at each other ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly came forward, Qi Qi, a brittle and authentic: "Please stop the emperor."

Li Xing smiled, the avatar flew back directly, let Tian Sheng Yi Ma laugh, and said, "The two goddesses had kindness with the emperor at first, and they had fate.

Tian Sheng made a loud "hum", and suddenly took off, apparently returning to heaven. The ice goddess looked slightly panicked, nodded to Li Xingwei, and all followed.

When the three holy kings left, Tiansheng also retreated, and Prince Qian Ren was suppressed, and the emperor Yuanyuan won. Looking at the lively people, their moods are different, and some have decided to go to the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. Some are vigilant and ready to go back and figure out how to deal with it.

Li Xing turned back, looking ahead, and said lightly, "Why don't you come out, friends?"

Differentiating in the void, a man in white came out of it, with a clear eyebrow and a personable look, as if he were a teenager. Behind the boy, he followed four heavenly gods.

One God stepped forward and yelled, "The ancestor of the dharma law is here, and all the priests of the dharma law are here to see you!"


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