Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 821: Is there any geometry in the world?

Chapter 921: Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter Heaven has geometry?

Chapter 821: Is there any geometry in the world?

As soon as this remark was made, Qun Xiu moved. The ancestor of Jidao is the founder of Tianyuanzhou Dharma. One generation of masters can be said that the entire monk of Tianyuanzhou is the descendant of the ancestor of Jidao and he should be regarded as his ancestor.

At that time, many monks bowed to the ground and exclaimed with excitement: "Late juniors, see Patriarch!"

Only Li Xing, as well as the congregation members behind him, did not say anything. Li Xing just bowed his hand and said humblely, "See Patriarch."

The ancestor Jiji nodded slightly to Li Xing and smiled: "Hunyuan Tao is friendly and prestigious."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "The ancestor has passed the prize." Then he said, "What is your advice, here is the ancestor?"

"Here is the representative of Heaven and Earth, and he wants to talk to Daoyou about major events." He said, speaking of Daoyou, obviously, he did not treat Li Xing as a descendant, but treated them equally. In fact, with Li Xing's current strength, he is not afraid of any saint. However, Li Xing has always been called the "ancestor" and acknowledged his ancestral status on the Fa.

Hearing about the important events, Li Xing said: "There is no deep hatred between the younger generation and Tianwaitian, but they have been repeatedly embarrassed by Tianwaitian. Is this the matter to be discussed?"

The ancestor of Jifa sighed and said, "The sky and space organization established on Tianyuanzhou was indeed cultivated for aging. The purpose is to lay seeds in Tianyuanzhou. Once the dragon elephant world is restored, a supreme religion will be established. No, Tianwaitian actually clashes with you, and it ends. "

Li Xing looked still and said, "So, did the ancestor come to question?"

"How dare you." The ancestor of Ji Fa smiled slightly. "Tianwaitian is opposed to heaven, and you are the enemy of Heaven. You are here to cooperate with Taoyou to fight against hegemony of heaven."

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and said, "The ancestor represents himself or the whole world?"

"Nature is the whole heaven and the sky." The ancestor of Ji Fa smiled slightly. "As a result of the discussions between the heavenly gods and the Lord, if the two parties cooperate, what happened in the past will be misunderstood. Tianwaitian will never blame it."

"Oh?" Li Xing's chaotic array quickly deduced, and then laughed, "Okay, the Yuanyuan Church is willing to cooperate with Tianwaitian to fight against the heavens together. However, how can the Yuanyuan Church be weak compared to Tianwaitian? I am afraid that he is not an opponent of Heaven, and can easily be eliminated by suppression. "

The ancestor of Jifa smiled: "You are modest, you are the descendant of the evil ancestor, and you can urge the heaven and earth and the eight fierce arrays in that sacred octopus tower. Even the sages of the extreme ca n’t help you. Fear of heaven? Besides, Tianwaitian hopes that Taoists can rule Jiuzhou and become the master of Jiuzhou. "

"The Lord of Jiuzhou?" Li Xing looked calm, "The ancestor thought I could?"

"Of course you can." Ji Fa ancestor said, "Tian Wai Tian confronts the heavens, so that they cannot easily take action on the dragon elephant world. And you, Daoyou, must be able to calm Jiuzhou and become Jiuzhou. Lord, be the true Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. "

"After that?" Li Xing was very clear, there was no free lunch in the world, the other party must have some requirements.

Sure enough, the ancestor of jifa said: "When Daoyou unified the Dragon Elephant World, Tianwaitian will move into this world as a whole and become one with the Dragon Elephant World. By that time, Daoyou can be a god."

As soon as Li Xing heard it, he knew that sooner or later the world would occupy the entire world of the dragon elephant. The so-called cooperation is only a means to achieve the goal. For a moment, he was silent.

The ancestor of Jifa further said: "Mixed Yuan and Taoist friends, the two are beneficial to each other. Above the heavens, there are countless mysterious time and space, some powerful existence, hidden in it. If the heavens decided to eliminate Taoism, Taoism will never be spared. Only Out of heaven, you can compete with heaven. "

Li Xing's eyes flickered: "So there is an existence beyond heaven in the heavenly realm? There is also this kind of existence in heaven outside the sky?"

"Yes." The ancestor of Jifa did not deny, "But such an existence would not easily intervene in the matter of the Nether. They are all hidden in endless time and space, and they comprehend the laws of their own creation, or the methods of painful thinking and brokenness. "

"They are all big deities?" Li Xing asked.

The prince of jifa shook his head: "After the monk broke through the holy realm, he entered the level of heaven. Only in the state of heaven, can he be called a great heaven. There are three levels of first state, upper state, and perfect state. Both the realm and the upper realm are called small celestial beings, and only those who are successful can be called large celestial beings. Therefore, most of those strong are small celestial beings. There are also some large celestial beings hidden in deeper time and space. Those great celestial beings have experienced some The world has been destroyed more than once, with a long life span and immense power. "

"Tianwaitian also has a great deity?" Li Xing asked again.

"No." The ancestor Jiji was very frank. "But you don't have to worry about it. Even if there is a Great Heavenly Supreme, they will never ask about the lower world. In the eyes of Great Heavenly Supreme, this side of the world is not worthy of attention, let alone a monk? The Elephant King is only an exception. He wanted to find the ultimate broken path by integrating the laws of the heaven and earth of this era, but ultimately failed, leaving only the dragon elephant world. "

Li Xing also knows that after entering the heavenly realm, he can gradually abandon the original laws of heaven and earth and establish his own laws. Then, use your own rules to build a new world. When this new world is complete, you will enter the Great Celestial Master.

This is why, when the heavens and earth are destroyed, and the law is gone, the Great Heavenly Supreme can continue to exist, because the Great Heavenly Supreme has its own rules and established its own new world.

The world of Celestial Master is absolutely different from the world of Heavenly Saint, Heavenly King, Heavenly King, etc. Below Heaven, any world established must be built on the laws of heaven and earth. Either rely on the laws of heaven, or rely on the laws of earth.

Tianzun is different. Tianzun will completely abandon the laws of heaven and earth. They have to create the laws themselves. The rules established by Tianzun still can't compete with the natural laws in this world.

If one day, a great celestial being can create and can counter the strong rules of the laws of heaven and earth, then he can break through the bounds of this heaven and earth, perform supreme fragmentation, leave this world and enter another world.

Hearing all this, Li Xing couldn't help asking: "In the realm, can there be a strong man with the rank of Heaven Respect?" In the realm, he will go there sooner or later, naturally he must ask clearly.

"The end of a great destruction of the heavens and the earth, and the beginning of the next great destruction of the earth and the earth, this period of time is called the Era. It is only one tenth of the past in our era, and the birth of the land boundary is still shallow. The heavens are ancient, and there is no power of heavenly ranks in it. "

Li Xing's heart trembled, and even Tian Xie great emperor never told him about it. Only one tenth of this century has passed! The realm of land was first established, but the realm of heaven was relatively mature and complete, so there was a lot of power.

The two talked, and the monks could not hear it outside. They just saw that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty stood opposite the ancestor of Ji Fa, and seemed to be confronting him. The monks on Tian Yuanzhou raised their hearts.

They were thinking, if the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty fought with his ancestor, how could he be at home?

On the one hand, the Great Emperor of Yuan Dynasty is the backbone of the entire Tianyuan Island, and the ancestor of Ji Fa is the founder of Fa Dao, and the cultivation of Fa Dao is the strongest. If monks in the future want to soar into the heavens and heavens, they must definitely enter the domain of the ancestors of the extreme law, because the ancestors of the extreme law are the sacred masters of the heavenly domain.

Fortunately, the emperor of Yuanyuan did not take action, and the two great men did not know what they were talking about. After a while, the ancestor of Jidao followed the airborne flight, and the Emperor of Yuanyuan also returned to the Eight-pole Tower.

This was the end of the excitement, the monks went back and forth, and the quietness of the mixed Yuanjiao was restored.

In the eight-pole tower, Li Xing's chaotic array of crazy calculations. The words of the evil ancestor, the prince of Jifa, and his own insights continued to combine calculations. Finally, a flash of thunder flashed in his mind, and his eyes opened suddenly, whispering: "So it is!"

He hadn't been sure why the dragon elephant big heaven entered the realm and established the dragon elephant world. At this moment he finally got his eyes on the eye.

In order to find the supreme broken road, Longxiang Datianzun sat in the heaven for a while. After some planning, Datianzun finally entered the terrestrial embryo and merged the new world he established with the territorial boundary.

The dragon elephant world where Li Xing is located is actually the new world that Dragon Elephant Datianzun established at that time, but it has only established a magical connection with the realm. Dragon Elephant World is directly grafted on the land.

In this side of the world, there is obviously more than one dragon elephant world. There must be others in the same space as the dragon elephant world, but they belong to different big heavens.

The dragon elephant big heaven respects the dragon elephant world to build on the realm of the earth, and then uses the power of the dragon elephant to communicate the laws of the heavens and the earth, and then merges them into the rules of the real person. However, it is clear that Da Tianzun failed.

Dragon Elephant Da Tianzun must try to find the ultimate broken path by establishing the rule of real people, but he has not succeeded.

With Li Xing's current state, he can only calculate to this step. However, this was enough. He once again made clear that his original choice was absolutely correct. The path he took ~ www.readwn.com ~ is actually the path that Longxiang Datianzun wanted to take but could not finish.

As for this road, whether it will eventually lead to supreme fragmentation, he cannot be sure.

With this calculation, Li Xing also understood the origins of the ancient royal family. The ancient royal family must be a race out of the world created by a certain deity. Their practice does not have to rely on the laws of heaven and earth, but only on their own blood, the blood of a great heavenly respect.

Linking this section, Li Xing vaguely worried. He unites the ancestors of the ancient royal family, which belongs to a deity. In the future, will he be disturbed by that deity?

This idea flashed through, and he remembered it in his heart. In the future, if he had the opportunity, he would try his best to solve this hidden danger.

A deity can create a plane. A large number of heavenly respects have established a large number of planes. However, these planes all exist in the "planet" plane.

The Dragon Elephant World is a plane created by the Dragon Elephant. Da Tianzun himself is the Creator in the plane. One day, Li Xing will embark on this path and establish his own plane.


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