Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 822: Punch god

Chapter 822: Fighting Deities

Chapter 822: Fighting The Spirit

"It seems that there are many large and small planes in this heaven and earth ... If the dragon world is not integrated with the realm, it is itself a powerful plane." Li Xing thought to himself, "Tianzun In this side of the world, it belongs to the ultimate existence. Their goal is to break through themselves, to achieve ultimate supreme fragmentation, to leave this side of the world, and to get rid of the bondage. "

In the tower, Li Xing retreated for three days and thought about many things. For a long time to come, he had to cooperate with Tianwaitian. As a result, Tianweitian was less of an enemy and had more help.

Celestial beings have more powerful and mysterious beings, but those great beings generally don't take action. At the beginning, the true saint of the dragon elephant world, who killed heaven, did not see any deity come forward to stop it.

From this point, we can see that the characters of the celestial series should have a high-minded attitude. If it were not for their interests, they would not have shot it. However, in the future, if someone makes the heavens too chaotic, those who are strong may not continue to stand by.

It won't be long before Tianwaitian will send people to the Dragon Elephant World. At that time, Li Xing must cooperate. Although I know that there are ambitions in the sky, I am afraid that I will definitely enter the world in the future.

However, at this moment, Li Xing has little choice. Tian Waitian is willing to cooperate with him, I am afraid that for a large part it is due to the evil ancestors. But no one knows that the evil ancestors have actually left.

Although not sure, Li Xing feels that the true strength of the evil ancestors should not be under the Great Heavenly Supreme. If not, how could he leave this world?

Knowing that some powerful planes hide a batch of tyrannical existence, Li Xing had to keep a low profile. He knew very well that even if it reached the level of true sacredness in the extreme, it would be nothing.

Only when you step into the Heavenly Respect Level can you be proud of the world without fear of any existence in this world. Obviously, he is still far from this level.

"The next step is to continue to fully enlighten the Heaven and Earth Avenue to make the Yin-Yang Dharma perfect. Only in this way can we continue to practice pure Yang-gong and prepare for the breakthrough." Li Xing heart trembled.

After leaving the customs, Li Xing had one thing to deal with, and that was Yan Zhenzhen. Yan Zhenzhen belongs to the disciples of God Wangzhou truth, no matter what, he has to go back to the truth and give an explanation to the leader.

However, Li Xing was not very optimistic about this trip. Some time ago, he had just taken away the living beings' shrine from the teachings of truth, and had killed a saint. Presumably, the truth lord hated him.

If the mixed religion is not strong enough, the truth leader may have come to the door to discuss it.

After a little preparation, Li Xing and Yan Zhenzhen set off to Shenwangzhou this day. Li Xing lightly took the beauty hand, walking through the void, the layers of space disappeared to the rear, and he immediately arrived at God Wangzhou, the truth teaching.

Truth is built on a mountain of gods. This **** mountain, calling for the **** mountain of truth, has a vast space within it, which belongs to the core dojo of truth teaching. When the two arrived outside of Shenshan, Yan Zhenzhen smiled at Li Xing and said, "Xing brother, wait a moment, I've seen the leader first."

Li Xing nodded. He wouldn't have the patience if he didn't look at Yan Zhenzhen. He only said, "Be careful, if they are tough, you don't have to be polite."

Yan Zhenzhen nodded, put his body into the mountain, and entered the truth. In front of me, there is a familiar scene. Crystal mountains are rising up from the ground. Above the crystal mountains are the practice places for disciples of truth.

Just as a truth taught the Son of God to pass by, he saw Yan Zhenzhen at first glance and was taken aback. Then he shouted in joy: "Sir!" Then he hurried forward to see him.

Yan Zhen really smiled slightly. The maiden and the son belong to the same rank and have a very high status. Nowadays, her strength breaks through the Holy Son and enters the realm of Heavenly King. Only the leader and several elders can compare with her.

"Are you a new **** son? You informed the temple and said Yan Zhenzhen is back."

The son of the **** nodded excitedly and turned into a light of God.

The maiden is back!

The news spread like truth in the truth. Soon, the temple of truth was opened. Many holy sons, gods, and elders of elders gathered under the leader of the truth.

Yan Zhenzhen's temperament was dusty, like a gust of wind, the white shirt fluttered into the temple. In the hall, the truth lord looks bad, but he is a middle-aged man with big ears and a majestic expression.

"Yan Zhenzhen, see the leader, see your elders too." Yan Zhenzhen bowed down, his voice soft and sweet.

"Bad barrier!" A pale-haired talented woman, who belongs to the elders of the Shinto religion, pointed out that her nails were really true, and she reprimanded and shouted.

It turned out that on that day Li Xing was fighting Prince Prince Qian Ren, and people from God Wangzhou also appeared. They naturally saw Yan Zhenzhen, and after some enquiry, they realized that Yan Zhenzhen was actually a puppet of the mixed emperor.

Yan Zhenzhen is a virgin of truth. The virgin is pure and steadfast. She can only dedicate life and body to the gods of heaven. How can she marry a mortal in the lower world? In addition, this great emperor of Yuan Dynasty was so wicked that he beheaded and killed the gods and sages of truth, and robbed the living beings of the living beings, which is simply unforgivable.

Then, after the news came, the Lord of Truth and the elders were furious, anxious to immediately go to clean up the portal. However, due to the ferocious name of the emperor of Yuanyuan, he never dared to act.

At this moment, Yan Zhenzhen actually dared to come back, and suddenly made them angry, and the elder too directly cursed.

Yan Zhenzhen sighed and said, "Zhenzhen really commits a felony and should not marry mortals in private. Just ask the Lord and the elders, forgive this time that Zhenzhen once gave up his life and forgot to serve the truth. Forgive this time. . "

"Daydreaming!" The old woman with goose cranes was furious. "You blaspheme against the gods, and you deserve to die! Never forgive!"

The Emperor Guangwu, who was released by Li Xing that day, hated Li Xing very much. The most important thing is that he has always been interested in Yan Zhenzhen. When he was not a holy child, Yan Zhenzhen was his dream goddess.

At this moment, the perfect image in his heart completely collapsed, making him unacceptable, his heart filled with hatred, his eyes full of fierceness, and roaring: "Don't know how to be ashamed!"

The sage was jealous of anger, and was so angry that he shot directly at Yan Zhenzhen with a punch. His shot showed Tianshi's means, and he was definitely a great master.

Yan Zhenzhen was not afraid of him, but was angered, and Liu Mei raised his head upright: "The martial art of light, you can't teach me." Yushou waved lightly, billions of gods of light rushed up into the sky, as if a river of magical light swept over. .

Takeshi Takeshi was taken aback. He foresaw that if he took the blow, he would be seriously injured. At this moment, the old woman hummed coldly, raised an iron cane in her hand, the light of the light was surging, and the majesty was so great that she immediately shook Yan Zhen really.

"Dare you take a shot at the Son and take it down!" This time, the Truth Lord was also angry, and the three elders all started at the same time to suppress and kill Yan Zhenzhen.

The three elders and the leader of the truth all have the practice of the Heavenly King series. In this shot, Yan Zhenzhen was extremely strenuous and unwilling to work hard, so he suffered a lot.

Three gods of light condensed into a light spear, assassinated, on the light curtain emitted by Yan Zhenzhen.


The light curtain shattered, Yan Zhenzhen spurted a spit of blood, and looked sadly at the three elders and the truth leader, seemingly asking: "Can you really forgive me? Why should you be so cruel?"

"Damn bitch!" The truth leader looked stunned, staring at Yan Zhenzhen, "I killed you today, and then some **** will carry the holy weapon to the world, and beheaded the emperor!"

During the talk, the four shot again, showing no mercy, apparently trying to kill Yan Zhenzhen. Yan Zhenzhen was injured just now. Even if he wanted to work hard, there was not much chance.

She sighed and closed her eyes unbearably. This was not because she was afraid of death. Instead, he knew that Li Xing was going to take a shot.


A great figure appeared directly in front of Yan Zhenzhen. He glanced at the injured Yan Zhenzhen, stared at the cold light, and said, "You should all die!"

"Not good! Great emperor!"

The truth master naturally knew Li Xing, only then did Li Xing and Yan Zhen really come silently. In addition, they were furious and did not consider that Li Xing would follow. At the moment, when I looked at her, my face turned pale.

In truth teaching, absolutely no one can restrain this cruel man. Four figures, fled the scene as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Li Xing did not give them a chance.

"Come back all!" Li Xingzhen grabbed his big hand forward, strong suction, suddenly locked the four of them and pulled them forcibly.

The Truth Lord shouted, "Please God!"


Above the temple, a dark and sullen cave suddenly appeared, and the inner part conveyed a terrifying coercion and rushed towards Li Xing.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, dare!" A magnificent voice warned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huh! Observing your might, but just a sacred heavenly god, dare to order this emperor? Break me! He blasted a punch at the cave with arrogance. This punch directly crushed the coercion and penetrated the infinite space to the heavens.

Among the vast boundless heavenly realms, there is a realm of gods, and the gods live in them. At this moment, a sacred place where the heavenly holy place was suddenly violently exploded. The heavenly holy man was beaten with incomparable punches, and the dojo was blown up beyond recognition.

This explosion stunned the monks in the whole God Realm and came to see them curiously. Suddenly, they saw an unforgettable scene in eternal life. A black hole appeared in the void, with a huge golden fist inside.

This fist hit the mighty power of tearing the cracked ground and locked them in the **** of heaven who considers it supreme. That day, Saint's face was ugly, and he was blown away by a punch first, then locked in shape by the fist intention, and lost his face.

Li Xing ’s fist penetrated the infinite space and directly locked the heavenly saint. He felt the strength of the upper heavenly saint and said coldly: "The so-called heavenly saint, but this is so!" Then he smiled fiercely and hit it fiercely. With a punch, he blasted to the **** Tiansheng with a blue face!


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