Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 824: Extremely dark abyss

Chapter 824: Extreme Dark Abyss

Chapter 824 Extreme Dark Abyss

Ye Ming was overjoyed. He thought that Li Xing would put forward more conditions, but he did not expect it to be so easy. Where did he know that Li Xing actually had the intention to pull the borders. That land boundary is almost integrated with the dragon elephant world and has the same rules.

The dragon elephant world belongs to a plane that has lost its master of creation. Now that the law is restored, of course, it will lead to success, and he has to guard against it. On the other hand, the strength of the territories is actually not as strong as Tianwaitian or Tianjie, and there is also a need for alliances.

This time, if we can help the territories suppress the demons in the extremely dark abyss, we will naturally form friendship and help each other in the future. More importantly, Li Xing will also enter the underground world in the future, looking for the suppressed dragon power.

The power of the dragon elephant, the power of the rules established by the dragon elephant. After the death of Datianzun disappeared, the law of dragon elephants condensed into the power of dragon elephants and became the source of cultivating ancient humans.

The power of the dragon elephant, a kind of will and law belonging to the Great Celestial Master, contains powerful power. Li Xing must find it, and then use it to promote his own cultivation. The power of the dragon elephant is complementary to his mixed-yuan avenue, the more you get, the better.

"The mixed emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is unparalleled, and the Yeming era realm thanked the Emperor Houde!" Yeming worshiped again and said, "The emperor, the realm of the earth, and the dragon elephant world, it is difficult to get in and out. I propose that among the two schools, establish Teleportation, how about the Great Emperor? "

There was no major obstacle to such a small request. Li Xing immediately nodded and said, "The master of the door came to the Dragon Elephant World the last time and failed to entertain him wholeheartedly. This time, he stayed for a few days to let the mixed Yuan religion do his best. Friendship. "

The suppression of the extremely dark abyss was not too urgent, and it was not a day's work, Ye Ming responded, and thank the emperor. In the next few days, Li Xing ordered Li Xuanbai and Li Yingxiong to accompany him, inviting Ye Ming to appreciate the scenery of the dragon-like world.

Li Xing won the heart of the twelve avenues, and immediately entered the tower to refine. An avenue heart was thrown into Yuanding, and the eight-pole boy adjusted the time at the same time.

Nowadays, although Li Xing has no additional life force, but because he is the tenth most important player in Da Luozhen's body and he has practiced the hybrid Yuan Avenue, his life is very long, which is close to the extreme heaven. The heaven of heaven is about one million years. One million years, it is extremely long, and it takes nothing to train for ten thousand or eight thousand years.

In addition, his future practice will continue to increase, and his life will continue to increase. He is not worried about the loss of life.

Refining the heart of the road is not much easier than the stars, but it is much easier than refining Prince Ninja. It took him more than a year to refine this first one. The Prince Ninja has been trapped in the mixed Yuan Ding, witnessing the whole process of Li Xing's cultivation.

"Mixed Yuan Avenue is really an evil gate, but it is directly refining the heart of the Avenue, this is the avenue rule condensed by the saints world!" Prince Qian Ren admired and feared, and feared that Li Xing would be unhappy one day, and directly refine him.

He clearly saw that in the heart of the avenue, the various rules of the land had escaped, absorbed by Li Xing, and refined. Although he is not a monk, he knows the cultivation process of the Tao.

Fa Tian is five-fold, and is called the infant god. At this time, the mage condenses the infant. Among the French infants, those who are particularly powerful and perverted are respected as the gods of law, and there is nothing in them. Generally speaking, the babies will continue to feel the power of the law to strengthen themselves.

However, this perception is very limited. For example, a mage originally mastered the mysteries of the five rules. Then when he condenses the babies, he generally only comprehends about five more rules.

Because understanding the rules is a very time-consuming thing, and the mage has a limited life. How can I have too much time to cultivate? Therefore, most of the five rules of the heavens and the heavens have only comprehended more than a dozen kinds of territorial laws.

But now the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty still does not know how many kinds of territorial laws have been enlightened, and he is still not satisfied, and continues to enlighten. To the prince's surprise, this person's speed of enlightenment was extremely fast.

In the heart of Fang Cai's avenue, there were thousands of large and small rules and various rules, but he was absorbed and refined by him for more than a year.

Next, the second, the third. Before and after, Li Xing spent fifteen years refining all the twelve avenues and absorbing many thousands of rules. Gradually, the yin **** became very strong, almost condensed into the entity, and pressed the yang god.

"The emperor, Yuanyuan, is willing to worship the Yuanyuan religion!" Suddenly, Prince Qian Ren spoke, his voice was extremely excited.

Li Xing opened his eyes and said lightly, "Do you want to worship the mixed Yuan religion?"

"Yes, the emperor's mixed-yuan road is compatible and eclectic. If I can practice, I will be able to step into the extreme and even become a god!" Exclaimed Prince Ninja.

Li Xingdao: "You have to stay for a while, you won't be accepted, and we will discuss it later."

Prince Qian Ren closed his mouth, he knew that Li Xing should be watching for a while, and then see if he could accept him.

After refining the heart of the 12th Avenue, Li Xing thought to himself: "Refining the Avenue Heart and the stars is really a good way to cultivate quickly. Next, just go to the realm and find more Avenue Hearts. As long as you can refining With more than a thousand avenue hearts, the Yin God will be infinitely close to completion! "

After more than ten years of training, only a few days have passed since the time of leaving the customs. After he came out, he gave a command to a high-ranking member of the mixed religion, and then went to the realm with Ye Ming.

When Ye Ming came, he had already brought a teleportation array and arranged it in the eight-pole tower. The other end of the circle is built on the **** of the earth. During this trip, Li Xing and Ye Ming will directly pass through the legal array and enter the realm, which is much more convenient.

The two enter the legal array, and suddenly, time and space change into a dark and empty space turbulence. In the turbulent flow of space, there is no concept of time. It seems to be a long time, and it seems that after only one breath, two people reach the vulva.

"See Master of the Young Master!" Outside the circle, waiting for a group of sermon monks, they hurriedly saw.

Ye Ming loudly said: "This is the mixed Yuan emperor of the dragon elephant world. He has the strength of the great saint. You don't see it yet!"

The monks were taken aback, and quickly met: "See the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!"

Li Xingwei nodded and said to Ye Ming: "It is not too late, you take this emperor to the extremely dark abyss."

"Yes." Ye Ming then led the way and flew towards the extremely dark abyss.

The extremely dark abyss, located in the far north, when the two flew, they bumped into the hatred of the young master Ji of the Spring and Autumn. This Ji hated and was chased and killed by a teenager, extremely embarrassed. He saw Li Xing and Master Taiyin and shouted, "Save me!"

With that said, Ji Heng flew to Li Xing. At the rear, the young boy snorted hard, and a hand of the holy lord flew towards him, cracking down fiercely. This boy is actually a great saint!

Li Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised his hand to one palm. The true shape of the big hand, the mighty shore is boundless, infinitely expanded, and the young man is wrapped up all at once, and then he catches him in his hand and suppresses it with the mixed Yuanding.

At that time, even Prince Qian Ren, a saint in the middleland, could not escape, not to mention that such a saint in the middleland was easily caught by Li Xing.

The teenager's face changed drastically, "Who are you?"

Ji hated Changshu with a sigh of relief and stared fiercely at the young man: "Xiao Mo, this is the first master of the dragon elephant world, the Emperor Yuanyuan!" Then he gave a gift to Li Xing, "The emperor, this man is Xiao Mo, Not long ago broke through to the Great Holy Land. "

"Why did he kill you?" Li Xing asked.

Ji hated and looked embarrassed, and said, "This Xiao Mo has a young girl who was so beautiful, so she got along with me. I do n’t know. After this Xiao Mo knew, he had to chase me down. This is really why."

Li Xing froze and looked at Xiao Mo. Xiao Mo was furious: "What a bullshit! When is my little girl good with you? You obviously bantered her, and you bumped into me, shouldn't you have killed?"

Li Xing sneered, and said, "Since you are joking at your sister, you should kill you." Then you stared at Xiao Mo. "But if you are indiscriminate, you start off with strangers, which is not a good thing."

Xiao Mo closed his mouth, and then he was furious and indeed murderous. If not Li Xing was strong enough, he would be killed directly. Xiuwei arrived in the great sacred realm and regarded beings as ants, and the weak life was not worth mentioning in their eyes.

With a slight groan, Li Xing said, "You offend this emperor, and you should have been killed. But now the realm is lacking masters to suppress the extremely dark abyss. If you are willing to go and fight against the devil with this emperor, you can spare you once."

Xiao Mo thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, I promise." He is also a member of the realm. Now that he has become a great saint, he should have gone to suppress the demons. This is almost the mission of the great saints of the past.

In this way, Li Xing accepted a master halfway and went with him to the extremely dark abyss. That spring and autumn young master, Li Xing saved his life, is also very grateful, even Li Xing's revenge on Spring and Autumn pen was abandoned.

When he reached the extremely dark abyss, Li Xing saw a huge abyss, wide and boundless, deep and bottomless. A wave of evil spirits, nine ghost fires, **** gloom, evil glory, constantly rising from below.

At the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Screams of screams came from below, stabbing people.

In the midst of the magical light of the sky, nine tall bodies suppressed the power and released powerful power. These nine people are the nine saints in the realm.

At a glance at Li Xing, Li Xing saw that there were nine Great Saints. There are two people in Shangjing, four people in Zhongjing, and three people in Xijing. They are trying their best to suppress the strongest magical qi, among which there is a faint shadow, which is the ancient Yingying that Li Xing once thought impossible.

The devil looks fierce and keeps pounding, and it is more horrible, Jiusheng seems to be struggling. They saw Li Xing coming and nodded their greetings. Among them, a saint from the upper world, Taiyin Dasheng archway, said: "Mixed Yuan emperor, it's polite!"

Li Xing nodded and walked directly into the air, walked to the center of Jiusheng, and then sacrificed Yuanyuan Ding. As soon as the tripod came out, there was boundless coercion, and the magic pressure was cut down all at once.

At the same time, Xiao Mo went to a certain position, used the holy means to suppress the magic. The joining of the two made the pressure of Jiusheng greatly reduced, and they were relieved.


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