Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 825: The road is 1 foot high and the magic height is 1 foot

Chapter 825 The Dao Is One Feet High, The Devil Is One Feet High

Chapter 825: Dao Is One Feet High, Devil Is One Feet High

"The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is really a good way to make me wait and admire!" Ji hated his parents, Chun Yuan Da Sheng and Qiu Yuan Da Sheng.

Li Xingdao: "How long have the Saints suppressed the demons here?"

"It's been more than thirty years ago, and before the extremely dark abyss, although it will occasionally run out of a demon head, it is not a cause for concern. But in recent decades, there have been large demon heads rushing out, and it is a terrible realm." The Holy Word, "The underground world is a breeding ground for demons, and there are many eternal demon heads that have survived forever. Once they are let out, it is not easy to suppress them."

Li Xing glanced at the strongest magical qi, and said, "This is the breath of the ancient Yingying demon. This magical power is extraordinary, at least it has the strength of the Shangjing demon."

Taiyin Dasheng sighed: "Every out of the world, a demon is born in the realm, and the road is one foot high and the devil is one foot taller. The longer the time, the more demon awakened in the realm, and the stronger the power."

Li Xing also understands this principle. The time for the birth of the boundary was limited after all, and it was moved by the dragon elephant that day. Therefore, many powerful monsters in it have not yet awakened or are still in the process of gestation.

Most of the monks in the realm are irritable, and they are related to being near to the underground world and being infected with magic. If this is not the case, the monks in the realm will not have the so-called "choice". The so-called beheading is in fact a bewitching and a clear state of mind.

Furthermore, some territorial races, such as the Shura and the Yasha clan, are also people and demons. They are the descendants of humans and demons.

The monks who live in the realm of the land are hard to suppress. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the magic. Until the enlightenment, the demon head can be cut out. This method coincides with the fierce Zen of Li Xing's cultivation.

"In this way, the underground world will definitely give birth to powerful demon heads in the future, and there will be strong men in the ranks of Tianzun." Li Xing frowned.

Qiuyuan Dasheng nodded: "Hundred years ago, the underground world was relatively stable at that time. I and I went hand in hand to go deeper into it. It was discovered then that the underground world gave birth to many ancient and mysterious magic fetuses, with a terrifying atmosphere inside.

Chunyuan Dasheng added: "In the demon world, the more powerful demon heads, called demon king, demon prince, demon saint, and deities, are equivalent to the three realms of beheading in my realm. It is especially terrible. Exalted first class. "

Li Xing nodded and said, "It seems that as long as there is enough time, the underground world will never be weaker than the lower bound. Moreover, the territories will be controlled by the monster sooner or later."

All the saints sighed helplessly and acknowledged this. They are suppressing the devil now, but it is only one day after another. One day, there will be an extremely powerful devil, completely contaminating the entire land.

At that time, the realm of land will be completely transformed into the demon realm. This trend can be stopped by non-human resources, and it is the result of the evolution of the heavens and the earth.

"If that day really comes, there will be help from laborers and Taoists who are willing to let the monks in the realm enter the world of dragon elephants." At this moment, Taiyin Dasheng said suddenly.

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Yes, but as long as the monks in the realm are not in trouble, the dragon elephant world is very wide, and even more monks can tolerate it."

"Natural," said All Saints.

While suppressing the magic, Li Xing was not idle, and Yuanyuan Ding adopted the magic directly to cultivate the fierce Zen. His fiendish fiendish Zen has reached the 14th level, and he is about to practice the 15th level.

Daying ancient demon, like the innocent heavenly demon, belongs to the demon-level character, which is equivalent to the land-level deity, and has very strong strength. However, at this time, Li Xing was fully capable of suppressing the devil. Even when his deity came, he was not afraid, and it was just the imagination at this moment.

In the past, when I thought about the devil, I guessed it out of thin air and gathered it with my magic. But today, if you directly inhale the magic energy and condense the devil, it will be much lighter. So in a moment, a demon head formed.

Seeing this, all the saints watched with all their attention, only to feel that this trend of Li Xing, although dangerous, was a superior means of refining the magic. Once successful, the willpower would be extremely powerful, and all the magic would not touch it.

Soon, the clone of Wanying Ancient Demon was revealed by Li Xingguan. As soon as this demon came out, it immediately echoed the magical spirit below the abyss, and with a snorting cry, an infinite demon emerged in the void, and they attacked Li Xing in order to collapse his will.

Li Xing scorned, and released great power all over his body. The Yuanyuan Ding swallowed up all the demons and directly refined them. He was absolutely domineering and looked at the sacred hearts.

"How dare to hold on to the avatar of the Holy Saint, so bold!" The big ancient roar roared, and the extremely dark abyss shuddered and echoed.

Li Xing's real hands covered the past, slaying the magical fingerprints, and shouted: "Devil, obediently obey the great emperor!"

Fu magic handprints, specifically restrain the demon head. In fact, when Li Xing first practiced God, he contemplates the appearance of the Buddha. Among his will, he has congenital buddha meaning, which belongs to the devil's nemesis. There is one thing born to overcome it, so is the Buddha and the demon.

The big Yingmo screamed again and again, finally surrendered completely, and bowed down: "See the master!" In fact, at this moment it has become a clone of Li Xing, similar to the result of the "beheading" of monks in the realm.

When the two are separated, all the saints are overjoyed, and the Taiyin is overthrown: "Hyunyuan Tao is a friendly means. In this way, this great ancient demon should not be afraid."

Li Xing nodded, and released the head of the demon directly, rushing down the abyss, and began to devour a large amount of the ancient Ying demons' breath, and used it to strengthen his body. At every moment, the power released by the big Ying ancient demon is consumed.

It can be said that as long as enough time is given to the demon head, it can even grow to the realm of the devil. Of course, the premise is that the ancient hero should be stupid enough to continue to release his power, but this is obviously impossible.

After a month, that magic faded. Obviously, the ancient and ancient demons noticed Li Xing's means and were unwilling to continue wasting magic to achieve others.

The Saints above the abyss all breathed a sigh of relief and nodded and thanked Li Xing again and again.

At this time, the Taiyin Great Holy Path: "Inuzi once said that Daoyou needs a lot of avenues. That avenue, deep in all parts of the territory, has devil-level repression everywhere, which is not easy to collect. Taiyinmen went through countless years before Just twelve. "

Li Xing also understood that after the monk had beheaded, there was a demon head. After the fall of the Great Saint, the demon avatar is immortal, which is a powerful existence at the same level as the demon. If Li Xing wants to subdue the devil, he must first deceive the devil.

After hearing this, he thought for a moment and said, "Dare to work for the saints to take a shot, just say the heart of the road." In his heart, he had his own plans, and it was not a bad thing to have a demon guard.

All Saints looked at each other and nodded one after another, expressing their full cooperation with Li Xing to help him find his heart.

All the saints guarded for another month, and when the Great Ying ancient demon did not appear, only three of them were suppressed, and the remaining saints returned. Li Xing was sacred to Tai Yin. Please enter the gate of Tai Yin. After stopping for a few days, Li Xing decided to start looking for the heart of the road.

The Saints of the Territory are grateful for his help, and are willing to tell the direction of the heart of the road. In fact, Daxinxin is not only useless to them, but sometimes it becomes a time bomb.

You know, every avenue heart contains a small world, a magic holy. Once the small world is broken, the inner magical sage will come out and make people feel a headache.

Since Li Xing wants to collect the heart of the road, it must face many deities. This is probably a good thing for the realm. In fact, if there is one less heart, the land will be stable.

However, Avenue Heart is not so well charged. It took a long time for the Taiyinmen to collect only twelve.

These great saints did not just tell Li Xing, there were also several great saints who sent the heart of the road without the devil to Li Xing. These great saints are all real people. Li Xing is very grateful and repays them with the devil's fierce Zen spirit, making all saints happy.

Territory monks, although most of them are extremely vicious, but once they are beheaded, their minds become clear. Especially at this step of the Great Saint, all of them are old and good people, and they will not easily offend anyone.

For example, Ji Heng and Ye Ming were both taught by Li Xing. However, the parents of both sides didn't feel anything about it. They still wanted to draw Li Xing and ask them to help suppress the abyss.

All the holy beings exist in the realm and travel the world, so only by memory can tell Li Xing the location of many buried avenues. Roughly, there are more than 1,800 places known so far.

As for the whole territory, it is hard to say how many roads there are. But right now, he decides to lay down more than 1,800 avenues before talking.

The first place where the heart of the avenue was buried was near the Taiyinmen, on a desolate hill. This mountain is called no return peak, no intention to come back. It turned out that there was a boulevard heart on this mountain, and the guarded demon was very powerful.

Taiyin Dasheng warns that the power of this demon is very difficult to deal with when it is at the level of the Great Holy One. If not, Taiyinmen would have already dealt with it and would not sit still today.

In Li Xing's mind, there was the heart of the avenue passed by the All Saints, and he quickly found Wuhui Peak. Before reaching the peak, I really felt a strong demon, which emanated from the peak.

"This demon head is really extraordinary ~ www.readwn.com ~ can release the magical spirit outside the world of the heart of the road." Li Xing was very vigilant, and he was very risky against the magic **** in the upper world, and he sacrificed the eight pole tower.

He had previously called the eight-pole boy with the help of the Tai Yin Men's teleportation array. At present, with his strength, it is not easy to suppress the magic head, and he needs to help with this tower in the early stage.

As soon as the eight-pole tower came out, it immediately shrouded the entire tower without returning peaks, releasing supreme coercion, and alarming the Quartet. Monks from all directions came to see what was happening, how could there be such a huge movement.

I saw a giant tower, flying across the sky, and actually blocked the famous Wuhui Peak. Under that tower, a fierce array was gathered to suppress the Quartet. A man, standing aside, also exuded a terrifying breath.

"Who is this person? How dare to suppress the devil without returning to the peak!" Someone exclaimed.

"This person seems to be a noble guest of the Tai Yinmen. I heard that even the Tai Yin Dasheng is kind to him, presumably also a Da Sheng?" Someone speculated.

"Look, the demon is showing!" Someone yelled at this moment.


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