Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 827: 3 Qing Da World. Bliss World

Chapter 827: Three Great Worlds. Bliss World

Chapter 827: Three Great Worlds. Bliss World

In particular, mixed-yuan religions, batches of Taoist figures were born, and even monks at the ranks of Tianshi, Tianwang, and Tianjun appeared. The most surprising thing is the women of Li Xing, one by one, all step into the Heavenly King series.

Even, that Xueling has loomed to break through and step into Tianjun level. This, in turn, put a lot of pressure on Li Xing. He estimates that if he stays behind, he may be surpassed by his wife.

And the older generation characters like Zhiyi, Perfection, Sincerity, Tianzhu, Dragon Emperor, and Demon Emperor are also blooming a strong light and have stepped into the level of Heavenly Kings. You know, they can all become Taoist characters under the condition that the rules are incomplete, all of them are mortal talents.

Now that the rules are fulfilled, one by one the practice continues to improve, and even have a chance to finally glimpse the great sacred realm. Today, there are thousands of Taoists in the mixed Yuan religion. On top of that, there are more than 300 Tianshi and 40 or so Kings.

In addition, there are also spring and autumn pens, octopus towers, Mayer, and other holy figures sitting in town, which is extremely powerful.

And, for eight years, monks from all over the country continued to join the mixed Yuan religion. Quite early, Li Xing disappeared for a few years, and the monks walked away. Now someone wants to come back, but it is a little difficult. Mixed Yuanjiao is very strict in its examination of disciples. Not only must you have good qualifications, but you also have high requirements for your mind.

Even so, there are a large number of strong practitioners who join the group. They are convinced that they have a promising future in entering the Yuanyuan religion, can obtain a large amount of cultivation resources, and can be sheltered in the event of disaster. This is something other forces cannot give .

Who is the Heiyuan Emperor? Killing the Holy God, slaughtering the gods, proud of the heavens and earth, on the third acre of the dragon elephant world, the emperor sneezes, and it will rain in Jiuzhou. The earth stomped, and Jiuzhou was going to quake.

What Taiwomen, Protestantism, and ancient royal families were all suppressed by the mixed Yuan emperor. In addition, the most mysterious and powerful, West Antarctica, where the polar world is located, has a close relationship with the mixed Yuan religion, and even sent Mayer and such masters to help the town.

There are also rumors that Tianwaitian and the realm of land are in good hands with the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty. All these things, even a fool, can see it. There is absolutely a lot of promise in following the Yuan Dynasty emperor.

Li Xing returned to the Eight-pole Tower and immediately began to figure out how to enter the heavens and collect the stars. That star, like the heart of the Dao, was condensed from the law of heaven that has always fallen. If it can absorb and refine a large amount, it can make his sun **** complete.

By that time, the yin, yang, and law gods are in harmony, and they can consummate the pure yang exercises and condense them into heaven, earth, and law gods. This God of Law will contain the ultimate law of heaven and earth, and the power is unparalleled.

Originally, Li Xing evolved three or three, originally to refining the yin and yang gods and the royal avatars together. However, when he learned that the ancient royal family originated from a certain world, he canceled the idea and always felt insecure.

The "Tao" cultivated by the ancient royal family is different from the laws of heaven and earth. It belongs to the Tao created by the heavenly monk who abandoned the law and created it. What kind of person is that Tianzun, whether it has fallen, and whether it will have an impact on himself in the future, Li Xing cannot predict, so he is unwilling to take risks.

"If you want to enter the realm of heaven, you must not be brazen, you must change your identity." Li Xing was heartbroken, thinking of this, he thought of Prince Qian Ren. Therefore, Qian Ren was taken out of the mixed Yuan Ding.

Prince Chinen said: "What does the emperor command?"

Li Xingdao: "Thousands of forbearance, your high ancestor is forbearing heavenly respect. If you enter heaven, can your status be guaranteed?"

Prince Chinen proudly said, "Natural security is guaranteed. I am the grandson of Tianzun. Who dares to move me?" Then he said, "If the Emperor asks this, is it necessary to enter heaven?"

Li Xing nodded: "Beijing, you have to enter the realm of heaven and do a great thing." Then looked at Prince Chinen, "If you can help me, in the meantime, the Great will pass on you as the emperor."

As soon as Prince Ninja was happy, he wanted to worship the mixed Yuan religion some time ago, just to get to know the mixed Yuan Avenue. In fact, his qualifications are exceptionally high, otherwise it would not be possible for him to enter the ranks of the Heavenly Saints in the young age.

"Entering the realm of heaven is a trivial matter, all wrapped up in me." Prince Qian Ren was overjoyed.

Li Xingdao: "That being the case, you and I will treat each other equally."

Prince Qian Ren Anyhow is also a sage in the middle of the world. He is not a weak person everywhere. Since Li Xing has not pursued the past, he naturally has to respect him a little, and he can't scream and drink like Xiao Sansan.

Prince Qian Ren smiled: "So, Brother Rong called Brother Li."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Brother Qian Ren seems to have a good understanding of heaven."

Prince Qian Ren nodded: "Brother Li has no idea. Most of the characters in the world that day are actually representatives of the major worlds, not real strength."

"How do you say this?" Li Xing was not very clear and began to ask him for advice.

Prince Ninja knew a lot of things, and he detailed the situation of heaven at the moment. Above the realm of heaven, the so-called immortal realm, **** realm, witch realm, etc., all have powerful existences behind the rest.

For example, Xianyu is only a small world in the Sanqing Great World and the descendants of the Sanqing Great Celestial Master. The true immortal power lies in the Sanqing Great World.

The Sanqing World belongs to the whole world, one of the top existences among countless planes. This big man easily does not bother about things in the lower world. Even if the fairyland of Tianjie was wiped out, he would not care much.

Another example is the original Buddhist domain, which belongs to the Elysium World, where Elysium Tianzun sits. Later, Buddhism was driven out of heaven, and the Bliss World didn't bother. These little things are not worthy of attention.

The bliss world has the Tao of the bliss world, and the Sanqing world also has the Tao of the Sanqing world. These monks who have stepped out of their respective worlds have also abandoned the ways of the original world and practiced the laws of heaven.

After all, neither Sanqing Avenue nor Bliss Avenue can be compared with the real laws of heaven and earth. Otherwise, the Sanqing Great Celestial Master and the Bliss Great Celestial Master had long since broken and left this world.

Heaven and earth are like a huge space, bound by the plane created by a great man, tolerant of everything. The laws of heaven and earth operate in this space, suppressing all planes.

This is why it is said that the Jiuyang Rule and the Jiuyin Rule belong to the ultimate mystery between heaven and earth. By mastering the core laws, it is possible to truly master the core forces of this world.

Prince Chinenji also said that after the realm was opened in the future, it would be settled by a large number of monks from all over the world like the realm of heaven, and become a place similar to the realm of heaven.

Of course, the territories are special, and there are many peerless fetuses, and there will be another scene.

After listening to Prince Qian Ren ’s commentary, Li Xing nodded: “It seems that the powerful between heaven and earth are not in the heavens at all, but are in powerful planes.”

Prince Chinen nodded: "Of course this is the case, the strongest monk belongs to Celestial Master. Celestial Master will abandon the laws of heaven and earth, understand his laws, and establish his own order and world." It seems that it can absorb all the avenues and admire them! "

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I will wait for you to practice the Hybrid Yuan Avenue in the future.

Immediately, the two men discussed the matter of entering heaven. In the end, Li Xing decided to enter the Heaven Realm with Prince Ninja, as a successor of the Ninja Realm. There is also a Witch Realm in that world, all of which are Prince Prince's "family".

In the meantime, Prince Qian Ren said: "There are two types of monks above the heavens. The first group of monks belong to the heavenly aborigines. They do not belong to the world established by the heavenly deities. It surpassed all monks in the heavens, and there were also many powerful beings. They established a powerful force, and even the heavens did not want to offend. "

"So, after entering Heaven, Brother Li must guard most of those heavenly people. It is said that among these people, some people have cultivated to the level of heavenly respects, and they are very protective and cannot easily offend."

Li Xing nodded: "No matter, I entered the heavens, not to fight with others, just to be careful."

In this way, the two prepared for a period of time, and finally set off for heaven. However, this matter must be carried out in secret, and it is impossible to let people know the news that the Yuan Dynasty Emperor "flying" entered the heavens, otherwise the Yuan education will be unstable.

Therefore, Li Xing only told a group of close people that he had entered the heavens. Several ladies said that they followed together, Li Xing firmly disagreed. Above heaven, there must be risks, and he was unwilling to let them bear them together.

In the end, the women gave up following and only let him be careful. After farewell one by one, Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren quietly entered a wilderness. At this moment, Li Xing has changed his face and turned into a 14-year-old teenager.

Prince Qian Ren still had the same face, and the two stood in the air, looking up at the sky.

"Entering the world of the dragon from the world of dragon elephants belongs to the crossing between different planes. This process has to undergo the baptism of the karmic fire. The suppression of the laws of the two realms is quite dangerous." Prince Edward Rendao said.

Li Xing nodded. He also knew that entering the realm of heaven from the world of dragon elephants was definitely not the same as entering the realm of earth from the world of dragon elephants. The dragon elephant world and the land boundary are almost one, not crossing two planes, which is equivalent to walking on the same plane, and will not experience calamity.

But it is different to enter the celestial world from the dragon elephant world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The dragon elephant world has the dragon elephant rule. Although the power of the dragon elephant has disappeared, the origin of the world is still the law of the dragon elephant. If anyone enters heaven from this world, they must experience calamity.

Prince Chinen shot two purple lights in his eyes, shot directly into the sky, and said, "Break me!" Purple lights everywhere, a huge passage appeared on the sky. The passage was quiet, and I wondered how far it was.

"Go!" Qian Ren shouted, vacated side by side with Li Xing, and entered the passage.

The outer wall of that channel is composed of layers of mysterious crystals. It creeps and changes, and is extremely strong. It was forcibly broken by Prince Ninja, and holes were made. This crystal belongs to the barrier between different planes and is called a crystal wall system.

Entering the passage, the green and black flames suddenly blow in all directions, it is the karma. Li Xing has long experienced karma. At first, he entered the Netherlands and was cast by a ghost tribe holy fire "Red Lotus Industry Fire" to burn his future.

However, Li Xing's use of mixed resources to refining his future has led to a surge in strength, and he has repelled the half-sage. At this time, goodbye to the karma, he actually released the Yuanyuan Ding and began to swallow the horrible flame in large quantities.


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