Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 828: Deep karma

Chapter 828 Jiuyang Xiejun

Chapter 828: Deep Karma

Prince Qian Ren was startled and shouted, "No!" Then he closed his mouth again, because the industry was in full swing, Li Xing was unscathed, but smiled. . .

"Brother Li, what are you?" Prince Qian Ren was puzzled.

Li Xingdao: "This karma is quite useful. It can elute karma, cut off the cause, and collect some spares."

Prince Qian Ren was speechless for a while, and the saints of this karma were too scared to avoid it, but he took the initiative to collect, so that he did not know what to say. There was a wave of karma, and Prince Ninja showed dignity, and he coped carefully.

Li Xing still collects industry fire. The fire was endless and boundless. At the beginning, it was just a black and red karma. It belongs to the common karma. Although the power is strong, Prince Ninja feels nothing.

But then, the red red lotus fire, the white continuous fire, the blue incendiary fire, the purple funeral fire, and the blue sanyin fire. Those flames condensed into various magical runes and burned to the two.

Prince Qian Ren could not help but shouted, "Hell! How can there be so many karma." Then he looked at Li Xing in surprise, and sighed, "Brother Li, we'd better open a distance, your karma is too weight."

Although Li Xing is still absorbing the industry fire with the mixed Yuanding, it is obviously a bit laborious, and nodded, "Okay, Brother Ninja walking in front."

Prince Ninja understood this because Li Xing's karma was too strong, and even he was implicated, so he hurried forward and opened a distance. In this way, the karma he faced was indeed much weaker and could not pose a threat. He just washed away all his karma in the Dragon Elephant World.

All kinds of industry fires are more fierce than fierce. Unless Li Xing has the realm of Da Luozhen's body, it is bound to be fierce. However, in the end, he persisted in the past, refining the nine kinds of industry fires with mixed Yuanding Ding into fire talisman and storing Dingzhong.

I didn't know how long the flight was, and the karma disappeared, and Li Xing was relieved. Suddenly, the thunder hits the thunder again. This thunder also has the effect of washing karma, which is called karma.

Chaos God Thunder, Exorcism Thunder Thunder, Fragmented Ancient God, etc., also appeared in nine kinds, one more powerful than the other. Even though Li Xing was physically domineering, he was blasted out of Jiao Lienen and very embarrassed.

"Why is karma so strong?" Li Xing secretly sighed, but did not prevent him from collecting karma mines, condensed nine thunderbolts, and stored them in the mixed Yuan Ding.

Both karma and karma are great forces spontaneously sensed by the heavens and the earth. They are not aimed at anyone and must be experienced by anyone. However, because Li Xing's karma is too much, the calamity he endured is many times stronger than others.

Eventually, Jie Lei passed, a gleam of light appeared in front of him, and he entered a boundless star field. The universe is vast, with ancient stars, suspended in the void, extremely huge.

Each ancient star is many times bigger than the Jiuzhou of the Dragon Elephant World. It is amazing. However, as soon as he came out, there was a weapon condensed by various rules, such as swords, halberds, and lances, etc., and hit him with his head and face covered.

With each hit, one Heaven King can be killed and one Heaven Saint can be wounded. With each blow, Li Xing felt that the laws in his body would be violently shaken.

"It seems that this is the so-called law attack. This is still the main practice of the land boundary law, not the dragon elephant law. Otherwise, this law attack is more powerful." Li Xing was shocked.

In the dragon elephant world, the original dragon elephant rules have been suppressed by Jiuyou, and some are only the laws of the land. In this way, the law of the territorial boundary belongs to the huge plane of heaven and earth, so the punishment of the law is not strong.

The rule attack lasted for hundreds of breaths, and Prince Qian Ren came here at this moment. He looked at Li Xing like a monster and said, "The calamity you experienced is really horrible. If I am, I'm afraid I can't hold it."

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said: "No wonder monks don't easily shuttle between the major planes. This karma calamity and law punishment are not acceptable to ordinary people."

Prince Chinen nodded: "The stronger the strength, the stronger the calamity. There are many masters of the holy realm, brazen and arrogant, the horizontal plane, and the event of a fall also happened."

Li Xing nodded. He had just learned the great calamity and had a deep understanding. At this moment, he looked around, only to feel the extreme coldness of the void, the top and bottom of the Quartet, a vast sky, he could not feel the existence of life.

"Here, it belongs to the real heaven and earth plane, right?" Li Xing said, "I feel the laws of heaven and earth operate here."

Prince Ninja nodded: "The entire heaven and earth is actually very huge, carrying countless planes. What we are seeing now is a very small part of the main plane of heaven and earth. There are two major poles in the main plane, which are heaven and earth. Realm. Only the two realms of heaven and earth are the easiest to give birth to life. In places like this, life is basically invisible, let alone monks. "

"Isn't there any monk practicing in it?" Li Xing asked.

Prince Qian Ren showed a weird expression, and said, "This kind of ghost place is extremely dangerous. Even Tianzun is not willing to stay long. Unless Datianzun, who dares to stay?"

Li Xing: "Is it dangerous outside?"

"Of course it is dangerous. Every once in a while, the laws radiating from the heavens and the earth will cross and merge, generating a powerful explosion, blowing a squall wind, and creating a thunder. That wind can blow the saint to death. That thunder can smash polar saints into dregs, which is terrible in the world! "

Li Xing was taken aback. In this way, compared with this one, the Second World and every face were really heaven!

"What's more frightening is that in the endless void, an extremely powerful existence is occasionally bred, called a star monster." Prince Qian Ren, a middle-aged saint, actually showed a terrified expression. "These lives, in ancient times Stars are home, looking for reiki everywhere. Once they meet monks, they will find ways to devour them, all are monk killers. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly. He originally thought that the monks in the sacred realm were already very powerful, and the figures of the celestial deities could already be in the world. It is known today that this world is so big. No wonder the Emperor Tianxie said to him that the world was very big.

"So, isn't our trip very dangerous?" Li Xingdao said, how grateful the Prince Ninja was. Accompanying the other party is to share risks with him.

Qian Ren smiled: "It sounds terrible. In fact, when the monks of all major planes crossed, they walked in specific star fields, avoiding the monsters in the sky and the thunderous thunder, so generally nothing will happen."

Li Xing was relieved. It seemed that Prince Qian Ren knew which star field was safer, so there was nothing to worry about.

This vast starry sky is endless. The two flew across the starry sky like dust, but they couldn't break the space and walk quickly, but slowly moved forward.

Between this vast world, the laws of heaven and earth are intertwined with each other, and it is extremely complicated. No matter whether Li Xing still stood up to 1000 Princes yesterday, he was not sure to shuttle through the void and could only fly honestly. Fortunately, after flying for a few months, I was getting closer to an ancient star.

Prince Chinen pointed to the ancient star: "This is the purple star, and a teleportation array is built on it, which can send us directly to heaven."

"This teleportation team was established by Heaven?" Li Xing asked.

"Exactly, Heaven Realm wants to enter the world of the dragon elephant. Most of the time, it also needs the help of the purple star. Even the heavenly gods cannot traverse the starry sky, and they must transport the array." Prince Chinen answered.

Li Xing moved in his mind and thought: "After I gather the God of Heaven and Earth, I should be able to emptiness here, and then I don't need to use the teleportation array."

There are three types of monks in the theme. One is a monk in heaven, practicing the laws of heaven; one is a monk in earth, practicing the laws of earth. The indigenous peoples of these two realms are born naturally.

The third one is the monks of the major planes. They do not practice the sky rules, they do not practice the earth rules, they only practice the laws of their planes. Including Sanqing Great World, Bliss Great World, etc., the monks in it belong to this kind.

But after this idea came out, Li Xing thought in his mind that none of the dragon elephant celestial masters could grasp the ultimate laws of heaven and earth. How difficult it is to merge the two laws.

In the world before this period, Li Xing did not know what it looked like, but presumably it was not easy to be comprehended into its core laws. Could it be said that this is the majesty of heaven and earth?

Thinking, the two have already descended on the violet ancient star. Above this ancient star, it is really vast, but unfortunately there is no grass, there are huge craters, desolate deserts and Gobi.

Ascending the ancient star, Prince Qian Ren quickly found a palace. The palace was built after a high mountain, it was not so magnificent, there was no one in it, there was only a mysterious array.

Prince Qian Ren took out three Xuanjie spirit veins from his body, and then broke into the large array of eyes, then the two jumped into the array. Suddenly, the time and space in front of me changed, and the large group started to work.

The teleportation ~ www.readwn.com ~ began teleportation. During this process, the two saw a lot of strange and strange images, which were really magical and indescribable. This heaven and earth is really wonderful. If you don't come out, you can never see its true content.

Li Xing counted seven or eight breaths, and his foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and found that he had entered a palace. At the same time, he felt that the strong laws of heaven pervaded the surroundings, and the Jiuyang Jingtian in his body began to slightly Shake it up.

"It's heaven!" Li Xingshu breathed.

"Who!" The two majestic guards came on foot, armed with axes and wearing heavy armor.

However, when they felt the powerful breath of Prince Qian Ren and Li Xing, they swallowed the words behind and turned to respectfully asking, "Where did the two adults come from?"

Prince Chinen proudly said, "I myself, Prince Chinen, is from the world of forbearance, forbearing the Supreme Sun!" Then he pointed to Li Xing, "This is a prince's follower."

The two guards were shocked, and hurriedly met: "It turned out to be an adult in the ninja world, take it easy!" Then he said, "Please come to Tiange to register your name."


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