Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 829: Summon the stars

Chapter 829: Summoning the Stars

Chapter 829: Summoning the Stars

Every monk who enters the Celestial Regardless of his or her origin, he must enter the Celestial Registry in accordance with the rules. . . Prince Qian Ren did not violate this rule, and together with Li Xing, entered the tower with the second guard and said his name. At this time, Li Xing's pseudonym "Li Wei" also registered his name.

This heavenly pavilion does not belong to which side of the heavens, but is an institution established by the people in the heavens, the "Heaven". Although the heaven court cannot control the major heaven domains, it can issue orders to the heaven domains to let the heaven domains cooperate. The court of heaven has also been recognized by the top leaders of the major heavenly realms. It is the place where the heavens make rules, and no matter who is on the side, they must abide by it.

After recording the name, no one restricted the freedom of Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren. When he came out of the pavilion, Li Xing experienced the scenery of heaven for the first time.

This heavenly world is full of dense heavenly auras, and even Li Xing can sense the intricate nine auras. But their number is too small and too erratic, even Tianjun and Tiansheng are not easy to capture this weak Jiuyang aura.

In front of it is a vast plain, city-states are built on it, and beyond the city-states, there are endless fields.

"The celestial realm is very vast. Except for the Celestial Realm and the Divine Realm, the rest are occupied by celestial beings. This place is one of the celestial beings. Here, the monks in each sphere must abide by the rules, otherwise the consequences will be serious. "Prince Qian Ren said," Let's go back to Nirvana first, and I will help you to get the identity of a monk in Nirvana so that you can do things conveniently. "

Li Xing nodded and entered the heavens, his eyes were completely obscured, and basically all had to be arranged by Prince Qian Ren. During the flight of the two men, Ninja Prince briefly told Li Xing about the situation of Ninja.

Qian Ren is not the first time to come to Nirvana. When he was still in the lower sanctuary, he had made a trip and got great attention from the Ninja community. You know, there are only eleven heavenly sages in the whole celestial realm, of which there is no ninja sphere, and only one celestial monarch sits in town.

Therefore, the arrival of Prince Qian Ren at that time shocked everyone. Even if he ignores the identity of Xuansun, who is tolerating Tianzun, the cultivation of Tiansheng alone is enough to deter all masters of Nirvana.

In the heavens, there is an extremely long distance between different heavens. Fortunately, Li Xing practiced the laws of heaven, condensed the yin and yang law and god, and walked quickly. This point, even Prince Ninja can not compare with it.

Most of Prince Chinen's practice is the laws of the earth boundary. The laws of the earth boundary are exerted in the heaven. It is impossible to master the laws and it is almost impossible to follow them. This is why, the humans who soared after the devastation are about to enter the sky.

The ascension of the dragon elephant world should actually enter the realm, but the realm is not a place to stay for long, and there will be great disasters sooner or later. The heavens couldn't go any further, the laws of the earth were stronger, and they couldn't dominate in the heavens.

Then, there is supreme existence, opening up the sky and building a new world. Even if Li Xing has not been to Tian Wai Tian, ​​it can be speculated that the core law of Tian Wai Tian also belongs to the law of territorial boundaries.

Not counting the establishment of the Celestial Masters, there are only two of this heaven and earth, one is the law of heaven and the other is the law of earth. These two laws, radiating the infinite plane, the vast world, everyone must obey.

Even the Great Celestial beings, despite establishing their own laws, are still suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth. This is the general situation of heaven and earth. The absolute power of the entire main plane suppresses everything.

The laws of heaven and earth are ubiquitous, and even the planes established by the Supreme Master are affected. It was also at this point that Li Xing had to cultivate the yin and yang laws and gods and condense the laws of heaven and earth, and that law was absolutely perfect.

Li Xing took the Prince Ninja, flying for a long time, and finally entered the domain of tolerance. As soon as he entered it, Prince Chien Ren breathed a sigh of relief, and his momentum soared.

People like Prince Ninja, who come out of the Ninja Realm, actually have a law inherent in their body, the Ninja Realm. Later, he entered the world of dragon elephants and practiced the laws of the territories, so he mastered two laws.

The laws of heaven and earth belong to the laws of the plane, the basic laws, and the core laws, so they can accommodate other weak laws, such as the law of tolerance.

The realm of celestial forbearance is called forbearance, because in this celestial realm, there are two kinds of laws at the same time, one is the law of tolerance and the other is the law of heaven. Therefore, as soon as he arrived here, Prince Qian Ren will be able to make a living, because he also has the law of tolerance.

This is similar to the dragon elephant world in the land boundary. It has inherited the laws of the land boundary, and the dragon law itself still exists. If the analogy is analogous, the dragon elephant world can be called the "dragon elephant domain" of the boundary.

The tolerance domain is very large, Li Xing even feels that this area should not be much smaller than the dragon elephant world. To the heaven world, the forbearance domain is like an independent world. Although it does not reach the plane level, it is also quite independent.

Some people broke into the forbearance domain, and many monks were alarmed at that time. Twelve Tianshi arrived immediately and surrounded them. These people are not high-ranking and don't know Prince Chinen, so they all nervously scream, "Who is the person who is coming?"

Prince Chinen said: "Tell Zuo Ren Tianjun and say Prince Chinen visited."

I heard Prince Chinen ’s name, what these people think of, they were surprised, and quickly saw the ceremony, saying: “It was Qian Rentian Sheng!”

Although they did not know Prince Qian Ren, they had heard of his name and hurriedly led the way. Prince Qian Ren did not blame, and told Li Xing something to do with Li Xing along the way.

The tolerance zone is really vast. I don't know how many mountains, mountains and lakes have passed along the way before reaching a huge city suspended in the air. This city is also the core of the Celestial Ninja Realm, and is called the An Ninja City.

A brilliance erupted in An Ren City, and a big man came forward respectfully to greet him. It was the Zuo Ren Tian Jun: "Zuo Ren welcomed late, Qian Ren Tian Sheng forgive me!"

The other party was very polite. Prince Qian Ren was not acting properly, and smiled slightly: "Brother Zuo Ren is polite. The younger brother is here to ask Brother Zuo Ren to help."

Zuo Rentian Jun has been paying attention to Li Xing. He can see that Li Xing's realm does not seem to be too high. Like Prince Qian Ren, he is a monk of Fadao. Such people should not have entered the heavens, they should go to heaven and genius.

"What does Heavenly Saint command, despite telling me, the younger brother must do it." He claimed to be his younger brother, but in fact he exalted himself, and Tianjun was not qualified to engage with Tiansheng's peers. However, Prince Qian Ren asked for him and didn't mind. Instead, he was also called "Brother Zuo Niang".

Prince Qian Ren pointed to Li Xing: "This one is the same ancestor of the Prince, and he has a very important position in the world of ninja. He wants to understand the laws of heaven, so he came here and hope you can help."

Zuo Rentian laughed and said, "This is a trivial matter. Why would Brother Ninja take a trip in person, just say a word."

Prince Qian Ren shook his head: "The words are not finished yet. When my fellow cultivator is practicing, he needs to refine the stars evolved by the Heavenly Saint. Could you help him?"

"What?" Zuo Rentian Jun was startled. "He wants to refine the stars?"

Then, the Heavenly King stared at Li Xing and said, "If this person can really refine the stars, Bacheng is not a character in Ninja, but has a different origin. But I don't need to take extra care, and try my best to help. This Prince Ninja is the great grandson of Ren Tianzun. In the future, there is something in the Ninja community, so please ask him to help. "

The relationship between the heavenly realm and the realm of forbearance is not close. At the beginning, the first group of monks who entered the heavenly realm and established the Ninja Realm all came from the Ninja realm. Their approach to leaving the Nirvana realm and their practice of leaving the Nirvana realm were not encouraged by Ninja Supreme. Therefore, if he wants to be assisted by the forbearance community, he must pass through a position such as Prince Ninja.

Thinking about it this way, Zuo Rentian said: "The stars in the heavens have been occupied by various forces for a long time. It is difficult to obtain the disciples with the help of the stars."

Prince Qian Ren and Li Xing looked at each other, the former said: "Brother Zuo Niu only need to tell us the location, other things, do not have to intervene."

Zuo Rentian said in his heart that you are going to grab it. He was so tight-minded that he didn't want to worry about anything. He immediately invited the two into the palace of Annicheng, and then told the situation of the stars one by one. .

Above heaven, there are indeed three thousand stars. At first, when Li Xing practiced the Star Emperor's Sutra, he actually absorbed three thousand star power, tempered the **** of form, and then forcibly obtained the belief of three thousand star power and became the star emperor.

In fact, Zuo Rentianjun does not need to say that he can sense the position of three thousand stars by virtue of his star emperor. But he still had to ask clearly the belongings of the stars and the strength of the forces.

After a detailed explanation, Qian Ren Tian Jun couldn't help saying: "Two, I'm afraid it's difficult to win the stars! There are countless Tian Jun and Tian Wang in all major forces, even Tian Sheng."

Li Xing smiled: "Who said you want to seize? You just need to borrow your Ninja training for a period of time."

Zuo Rentian Jun couldn't figure out what Li Xing was doing, so he didn't ask much. After spending some time with him, he resigned. In the empty temple, there were only Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren. At this moment, Qian Ren said, "Brother Li, what do you want to do? Isn't it robbed by every family?"

In fact, even if he robbed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Prince Qian Ren didn't feel anything. If he joined forces with Li Xing, he would not be afraid of the Saints. At this time Li Xing chose to stay in the tolerance zone, but made him curious.

Li Xingdao: "I have practiced the Star Emperor's Sutra, and I have a way to restrain three thousand stars, but it takes a while to prepare. Brother Ninja, you will protect the law for me here. If there is a chase, I will help.

Thousands of princes were shocked and gave Li Xing a thumbs up, praising: "It's amazing, I heard that the Star Emperor can master the stars. It turned out to be true! Well, brother Li, no matter who he comes from, does Brother stop! "

Celestial realm is no better than territorial realm, and the avenues there are guarded by demon sages, so most of the avenues are unowned, and Li Xing can collect them one by one without haste. The celestial stars are very different. They are occupied by all forces, and anyone who robs them is against them.

Li Xing prepared for a few days. On that day, Emperor Wei was released, radiating countless heavens, and establishing induction with three thousand stars. Suddenly, the three thousand stars shook in unison, and a strong star force was emitted, causing the whole heaven to shake.

(There are four chapters today, uploaded before zero.)


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