Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 830: Devour the stars

Chapter 830: Devouring Stars

Chapter 830 Devouring the Stars

The nine star wheels that Li Xing has cultivated through the Emperor Xingdi's scriptures have long been integrated into the flesh and blood of his body. However, this does not mean that the Emperor's ability has disappeared. On the contrary, the power to summon the stars has increased.

What is Star Emperor? Accept the belief of Wanxing and be the master of the stars, so as to extract the power of faith. However, Li Xing now has no interest in the power of faith. He wants the laws of heaven in the three thousand stars.

Imagine that at the beginning, others in the dragon elephant world separated by countless time and space to sense the power of the stars. The power of the stars was not very strong. Now, he enters the celestial realm, and the three thousand stars are close at hand, and he can move directly.

Among the immortal realms, 108 stars in the air, which were searched for by many predecessors Xian Sheng, suddenly shook, and seemed to be called by some powerful force, and began to tremble violently.

The next moment, one hundred and eight stars suddenly broke the shackles of the immortal realm and left.

"What's going on? Quickly chase!" There was a Heavenly Saint in Xianyu, but unfortunately he is not here today, and a Heavenly King sits in town. As soon as Jun didn't like it, all the stars would fly away, and it was clear that someone was forcibly seizing it. Where he was willing, he immediately called the strongest in Xianxian and pursued with all his strength.

Not only the immortal realm, the bone realm, the witch realm, the divine realm, and other major forces, as well as the territories of indigenous celestial beings, there are constant stars flying out. These stars are all evolved by saints. Although they are not intelligent, the power is not something anyone can stop.

No one can stop these stars unless there is a shot from Heaven. Moreover, there are more than one star flying, but hundreds or thousands, even the heavenly sacred cannot stop it. Therefore, the forces watched, and the stars broke into the direction of the tolerance zone.

The world ’s most shocking scene in history saw 3,000 stars converging from all directions above the tolerance zone, forming a star array. This star array shot 3,000 intense starlights and all broke into the tolerance zone.

Through the heavy fog, everyone saw that there seemed to be a very powerful character sitting in the forbearance domain, which was absorbing three thousand stars, and practicing some powerful exercises.

"What kind of person is this? How did he summon three thousand stars? By this alone, this person also has at least the Holy Spirit's cultivation!"

"From ancient times to the present, there was only one star emperor in heaven, which could sense three thousand stars. However, it was just induction. He could never summon three thousand stars to come!"

Everyone had a lot of discussions, and they actually put down the fire in their hearts, and no one rushed to the person. But these people know that although the realm of heaven and earth is a pole, the real masters are not here.

This character who absorbed three thousand stars might be the supreme character who came down from a powerful plane. Such people do n’t dare to offend, how dare they mess up?

At the sight of Prince Lien, when he saw such a big movement, a large number of monks gathered outside the domain of tolerance, including King of Heaven, King of Heaven, and even a few Heavenly Saints hidden in the dark. He could not help but have a headache and palpitations: " Be sure to hold the scene, otherwise it wo n’t end well today! "

At this time, Li Xingzheng sacrificed Yuanyuan Ding and devoted himself to 3,000 stars. Star power is actually the power of heavenly sage, and its core is still the law of heaven. Before, Li Xing was weak and might not be able to see through this essence.

But now, he can completely extract the true laws of heaven from star power. This process is almost the same as refining and refining the heart, and it can quickly complete his sun god.

Three thousand stars, after entering the Yuanyuan Ding, were immediately broken down into the celestial celestial rules, and then flowed into the Fahai, making Li Xing's sun **** constantly stronger. He did sit still, and Prince Ninja had to come forward to deal with the emergency outside.

Prince Ninja, suddenly rushed out of the forbearance realm to release the strength of the saint in the realm, and then proudly glanced at the monks in the heavens, and said in a deep voice: "Sorry, sorry, here is a senior who is practicing with Star Power and disturbs . "

That's what it said, but looking at his face, he clearly didn't mean to apologize, which annoyed everyone. But everyone said that his elders are still training below. An elder of Zhongjing Tiansheng, what kind of power is it?

Prince Qian Ren still didn't expect enough fiercely, and said, "This predecessor, even Ren Ren, has to talk to his peers. He comes from a mysterious world. The master of that world has experienced ten times A shattered Supreme Being. "

He only said such a word, and he kept silent, but just sneered, and returned to the forbearance domain with a big swing.

In that sentence, many monks didn't understand it very much, but those who understood it all took the air. Even Tianzun has to talk and come from a big world. This person's identity is really strong and mysterious.

It didn't take long for several of the heavenly saints to retreat quietly. In fact, even if Prince Ninja is not so embarrassing, they won't take it easily. After all, Prince Chinen's cultivation is there, and the bottom of the person who cultivates it is unknown. Even if you try to force it, it may not be profitable.

Gradually, all the monks surrounding Nirvana retreated. Zuo Rentian, who was so nervous that he could not breathe, breathed a long sigh of relief. The matter just now is too suspended, but if you think about it, no one dares to do it easily.

However, it is said that Li Xing has been in deep cultivation for a long time. All these results have been calculated by the chaotic array long ago. The worst result is that someone has shot to fight against Prince Chinen. Fortunately, things didn't go so badly, the monk in heaven could take this breath.

In fact, Li Xing was more concerned about it. It was not like a similar incident that suddenly brought down an arrogant monk from a certain plane and caused the restlessness in the heavenly world. Not only has it happened, but it often happens, so they are so careful and unwilling to provoke.

For them, although the three thousand stars are quite useful, they are not worthy to be beaten to death with unpredictable people. This is simply not worth it.

At this moment, Li Xing was cheap. He absorbed three thousand star power with all his strength, and then used the Yuanyuan Ding to transform it into the law of heaven, which was used to fulfill the sun god. Originally, the yang **** was squeezed aside by the powerful yin god, and the yin flourished and the yang weakened.

But now, Yang Shen is getting stronger, and he is gradually able to fight against Yin Yin Chamber. At the same time, Li Xing is practicing pure Yang Gong.

Year after year, seven years have passed. Seven years is neither long nor short for monks. During this period, Li Xing's pure Yang Gong practiced to the eighth level, and he was able to complete one step.

And the three thousand stars exploded one after another, turning them into dust. The original forces in the stars are the laws of heaven left by Tiansheng, and they are the root of star power. Now that the laws have been absorbed by Li Xing, these stars are of course dying.

Meanwhile, the power of the Yang God finally surpassed the Yin God. So, he began to refining the thousands of roads without refining, one by one refining absorption.

In this way, the yin and yang magic gods always maintain a balance. When the last star dies, all the hearts of the avenue are refined by him. The yin, yang, and gods are almost complete, and the power is boundless.

At this moment, Li Xing opened his eyes and stood up. The Prince Ninja had stood by for seven years, and when he saw that Li Xing had finally completed his cultivation, he showed a touch of joy, saying, "Brother Li, you are really shocking. Three thousand stars have been broken by you."

Li Xing asked: "Monk Celestial, how can you react?"

"What can you do? Powerful planes abound. I lied to them and said that Brother Li comes from a powerful and mysterious plane. And Brother Li has the supreme means of summoning three thousand stars. They are all scared. Dare to come and offend? "Prince Chinen smiled.

Li Xing nodded: "During this time, there are brothers Lao Qian."

Prince Chinen smiled "Hey," "There is work, but there is work, so I also want to ask Brother Li to help my brother a little."

Li Xing smiled slightly, didn't immediately agree, and asked, "I don't know what to do?"

Prince Qian Ren then said something, Li Xing listened to his heart and agreed with a little thought. It turned out that when Prince Ninja became a saint early this year, he accidentally broke into an unincorporated plane.

The so-called non-thematic plane is like the dragon world, the heavenly deity who created this world has fallen and disappeared. These planes must be a good place for many monks to enter. This principle is just like the forces from all sides want to enter the dragon-like world.

At that time, Prince Qian Ren entered the unincorporated plane, met some friends, and of course there was a great enemy. In that face, there are many holy masters, one of which is a saint who has killed Prince Prince Chinen.

Prince Chinen and the plane, a stunningly beautiful woman got on. The woman was a troublemaker, relying on Prince Qian Ren being her man, acting arrogantly, and killing several local monks.

Those monks are also figures with a background, and the background is also a holy figure, and belongs to the saints of the upper world. After that, the Shangsheng came to the door, seriously injured Qian Ren, and cut off the stunning beauty.

For this reason ~ www.readwn.com ~ Prince Chinen has been annoyed for a long time, but unfortunately he is not the opponent of the other party, so he has been patient. Today, although he has become a Chinese saint, he still cannot fight against the saint, so he turned to Li Xing for help and beheaded the saint.

It was not easy to kill a saint. Although Li Xing promised, he did not immediately take the shot. He said, "You and I will go back to the dragon elephant world first and wait for me to break through to the heavens and the heavens to condense the Tao , It's not too late to help you kill that person. "

Prince Ninja agreed naturally, and the two left Nirvana and went to the Pavilion to prepare to return. However, as soon as the two of them came out of the tolerance zone, they felt that a force of power had enveloped them and locked them in.

Prince Chinen's face changed, and he said coldly, "Which one is tired?"

"Not bad tone! Are you a monk in the realm of the realm, dare to go to the realm of heaven?" With a cold rebuke, two Heavenly Saints appeared in the void ahead. These two heavenly sages are all in the middle of the world, but they don't take Prince Qian Ren very much.

Indeed, as they said, the saints in the realm of the earth have greatly reduced their strength after reaching the realm of heaven. Therefore, they all turned their eyes on Li Xing, and Li Xing was their target of defense.


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