Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 833: True king

Chapter 833: True King

Chapter 833: True King

After ten years of retreat and two rushes, Li Xing became Fajun. The moment he became a prince, the true power was condensed in the body, and the true power agitated, opening up the world's warp and weft, and the real human meridian, actually achieving the real human body twice.

Li Xing is a real human being, and even a real human in ancient times can never be compared with it. The true power of ancient times was just formed by combining the laws of the territories with the power of the dragon elephant. And his real person is formed by the law of heaven and earth and the power of the mixed Yuan.

The laws of heaven and earth are naturally more perfect and powerful than the single laws of earth. Although the power of the mixed Yuan has not surpassed the power of the dragon elephant, it is not weak, and the future development potential is even greater.

It is also because Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan road has not been completely fulfilled, so his real human body is not very high, only a little better than the last time, the twenty-fourth meridian ’s Tongtian real person, all the way through forty. Double Reality Meridian.

Thirty-six heavy meridians and above can be called true king! The true king of ancient times can advancing against the adversity and cross the world. Today, Li Xing is stronger and more stable.

This is because Li Xing ’s mixed-yuan avenue is not complete, otherwise, I am afraid that it will directly open to the 72nd True Human Meridian and directly achieve the true saint!

Yi Sheng Cheng Cheng, Li Xing's next practice, all of a sudden became much clearer. Although becoming a true king, it does not prevent him from continuing to practice the Fa and continue to the next "casting sword". After casting the sword, he can open up a cave and then enter the Tao.

It was only after Li Xing entered the Tao that his mixed-yuan avenue could be fully completed and step into the level of the Holy King in one fell swoop. At this moment, Li Xing also had to admire the original ancestor who created the Fa, and he was indeed a wizard of huihui.

The cultivation of Fa-dharma and the peacefulness of Zhongzheng did not hinder Li Xing's other achievements. This was the main reason why he chose to continue practicing Fa-dharma at the beginning. Looking at the gates of the world, Xiandao originates from the Sanqing Great World, and Buddha Tao originates from the Elysium Great World.

To put it bluntly, the immortals, buddhas, witches, and bones are all Tao created by the heavenly gods. They are not pure avenues that are in harmony with the heavens and the earth. I am afraid that all cultivation will be controlled by the masters of the worlds.

There is only the Dharma and the law of heaven and earth. As long as you practice step by step, you will have as many achievements as you have qualifications. Although tepid, it is stable.

When the real person's body is 10%, Li Xing screams, the sound reaches Jiuxiao, shocks the meditation, the laws of heaven and earth resonate, and the thought of cloud life, the thought of electric destruction.


The moment Li Xing went out of the gate, the world was changing colors, the storm was turbulent, and a huge hole appeared in the sky. This thunder comes from heaven. At the same time, the laws of territorial boundaries have begun to punish.

This calamity lasted for three days and three nights, but Li Xing remained motionless and unscathed. When Ray went out, his clothes were not burned, and he walked out of the mist with a smile.

"See the leader!"

Outside the Eight-Pole Tower, the congregation worshippers worshiped the ground, and the pressure was black. Among them, dozens of Heavenly Kings, hundreds of Heavenly Kings, the ranks of the ranks of heaven, and the ten monks of Fa Tian are countless.

For the past ten years, people of mixed religions have all taken a sigh of relief, waiting for Li Xing to go out to deal with the Holy See and the Holy See. The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty did not let them down. As soon as he passed the level, his strength surged and he became a true king!

Jun Qianheng hurried forward and reported what happened in the past few years. When he heard that the Holy See actually sent an emissary to ask the Yuanyuan religion to join, Li Xing scornfully said: "A group of heretics, don't care."

That being said, Li Xing went to the Holy See on the second day. The Holy See, built in Jiuzhou, Lingzhou, has been both soft and hard in recent years.

Among the Holy See, two saints sit. When Li Xing left Tianyuanzhou and entered Lingzhou, he suddenly felt something wrong. The land of four continents is actually full of another rule, the rule of light!

This law of light co-exists with the laws of the territories, just like the relationship between the territories and the territories. Suddenly, Li Xing understood the intentions of the two Holy Sees, 80% of whom were in the site of the Dragon Elephant World and wanted to build power.

The Dragon Elephant World is definitely a good place. It can not only communicate the strong rules of the land, but it is not as dangerous as the outside, and not as enchanted as the land. You can't find such a good place in the sky or underground.

In fact, when Li Xing was robbed, the two Holy Sees knew that he was out of customs and was well prepared. Therefore, as soon as he entered the land of the four continents, someone came up.

"Who is coming!" A monk with white wings on his back, covered with bright power, stood in front of Li Xing.

As early as Jun Qianheng and others, Li Xing knew the division of the Holy See. Under the Great Light, all those who cultivate successfully are called angels. Angels are divided into three ranks and nine ranks.

Nine classes are called angels, and above them are archangels, power angels, power angels, German angels, main angels, seat angels, wise angels, and seraph angels. Among them, angels and archangels, the north born a pair of angel wings; right angels and power angels, born two wings; German angels and master angels, born three wings; angel four wings, wisdom angel five wings, Seraph six wings.

The nine angels are all messengers of the Light. In the bright world, there are countless people who believe in the light and dedicate their faith to the deity. The angel, who lives on behalf of Da Tianzun, means the angel of heaven.

Among them, the angel is equivalent to the level of heaven and man, and the seraph is equivalent to the peerless power of Xiaotianzun. Some Seraphs are powerful enough to build a world of their own.

In fact, the great deity of the dark world was originally a seraph of the light world. Then he rebelled and established the dark world to oppose the light world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Facing the two angels, Li Xing only released the mighty power, and they retreated back and forth, their faces changed greatly, and yelled, "Bold heresy, actually broke into the Holy Land of Light, and left quickly?"

Li Xing snorted: "How can this be true, when did this dragon-like world become the site of the Holy See?" He looked up and said in a deep voice, "Forcing the laws of the Bright World to come here by force, thinking that it would be so Dominate the dragon elephant world? "

"What are you talking about?" The two angels were furious. They had a devout belief in Da Tianzun and could not be blasphemed by anyone. As soon as Li Xing made this statement, they shot at the same time, each hitting a kind of bright magic.

"Stop it." A white brilliance descended, making the earth bright.

The two angels were startled, and they immediately kneel, respectfully saying: "See Angel Angel!"

In the dazzling light, a woman with five pairs of sacred wings was born. This woman has a beautiful appearance, but it is hard to make a living and profane. She just thinks that she represents the light of the heavens and the earth, and the justice of the heavens and the earth can only worship and admire, and not give birth to two hearts.


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