Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 834: Level 1 Plane

Chapter 834 The First Level Plane

Chapter 834 First Level Plane

This woman is actually a wise angel, equivalent to the powerful existence of a saint. She drank two angels and walked towards Li Xing. She said, "The emperor of Yuan Dynasty arrived. I don't know what to do?"

Li Xing didn't catch a cold in her high school temperament, but asked steadily and indifferently: "Some time ago, the messengers of the Guizhou sent to the Yuanyuan religion and asked the Yuanyuan religion to join the Holy See. Is this possible?"

"This is indeed the case." The power of this female angel did not deny that, "Hunyuan religion occupies Tian Yuanzhou, but does not serve the Ming Lord, and deserves to be obedient to the Bright Holy See, so as to give monk Tian Yuanzhou a good home." "

Li Xing couldn't help sneering: "So, if the mixed Yuan religion disagrees, the Bright Holy See should use strong?"

The female angel's chin was slightly raised, and she said lightly: "All the heretics must be bowed to the head of the light, and no force can be an exception!" Her words were decisive and very decisive, leaving no room for it.

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and said: "The soldiers came to block the block. Since the Holy See has so deceived me into mixing Yuan Yuan religion, the great emperor does not need to be polite!" .

Suddenly, the four continents shook, and the light enchantment established by the Holy See with the help of the Holy Path began to become unstable and to collapse. This scene made the wise angel shocked and angry, screaming: "Bold!"

Suddenly, a bright spear spear was added to the angel of wisdom, and she scolded: "Judging the light!" The spear fluttered lightly, and billions of bright powers descended from the void, locking Li Xing. Immediately, the infinite power of light, strangling with the will to judge heresy.

The power of this strangulation of light is not trivial. Even a first saint must be crushed by this power. At the same time, the wisdom angel spear also assassinated, and the target was Li Xing's heart.

Li Xing opened his eyes slightly, not angry, and said, "This emperor dominates the heavens and the earth, the rules of light, how can I help?" His body shook, and the power of the laws of endless sky wavered, all the power of light instantly disintegrated.

At the same time, he punched out and faced the spear. The fist and the spear collided, giving a harsh roar. As the judgment spear of the top grade sacred weapon, the spear was suddenly broken, and then turned into a light powder.

The angel of wisdom snorted, relieved his mouth from bleeding, and took three steps back.

Li Xing was fiercely fierce, and the body of the true king continued to advance, and made another punch. This punch did not hit the angel of wisdom, but blasted to the sky.


A thick golden light was blown out by Li Xing, like a giant axe that broke the ground, and suddenly broke through the space, breaking the light directly like a thunderbolt. Immediately, the law of light in the land of the four continents collapsed.

The Angel of Wisdom couldn't stop it. Li Xing had broken the bright enchantment, and a large number of the laws of the land had been suppressed. All of a sudden his cultivation was regressed to the sage in the middle, and his face changed.

"You actually broke the power of light so easily?" Angel Chi was frightened, changed a cross sword in his hand, and said angrily, "If you disobey the will of light, you deserve to die!"

Li Xing sneered, and said, "The people of the Bright World are really arrogant. Where did the other saint go? Come out!" Gone flutteringly, the cross sword was "ding" and shattered again, the angel of wisdom Injured again.

"Stupid thing! You fight against light, and the end of life is coming!" Suddenly, a man in a white light armor, holding a cross epee, appeared magnificently, and was also a wise angel, standing side by side with that female angel. Together, stare at Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled: "Wait for you for a long time, and everyone has arrived, and will take you on the road." After that, he suddenly got a big shot in his hand. He shook it slightly and shrouded the sky, his strength was strong. , Make the two wise angels discolor.

Li Xing, this spirit, is as ferocious as it is fierce, and it seals eight hundred deities. The 800 monks of the Holy Saints, on average, are located in the middle of the Holy Land. One blow is equivalent to the attack of the 800 Holy Saints. Who can resist?

"Kacha Kacha!" The two wise angels, the body guardian of the holy master, shattered in an instant, and they were all drawn into the sealed spirit and became the spirit.

Although they came from the Bright World, they dared to suppress the mixed Yuan religion, which annoyed Li Xing and decisively suppressed Ersheng. Holding Feng Lingzhang, the bright world will not be afraid without lowering heaven.

After receiving two wise angels, in the land of four continents, countless monks who joined the Holy See came one after another. When they saw the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty, they were at a loss. These people, who have already joined the Holy See, have suppressed the two wise angels between the hands of the Yuan Yuan and raised their hands, which is shocking.

Li Xingdao: "The so-called bright world is no better than the dragon elephant world." In other words, he strode out and went to the dark Holy See.

The response of the people in the Dark Holy See was unpleasant. Li Xing suppressed the Light Wise Angel over there, and the two Dark Wise Angels were immediately ready to fight, urging the power of the entire Dark Enchantment into a Dark Mountain of God.

As soon as Li Xing entered the continents of the Dark Holy See, the Dark God Mountain was suddenly suppressed and Li Xing was to be crushed. Above the mountain, two dark wise angels are majestic, sounding like a thunder, and shouting: "No one can disobey the will of the Dark Lord, suppress the darkness!"

Li Xing snorted coldly, and only moved Feng Ling to the air. He shot hundreds of millions of magical lights, blocking the dark mountain. Afterwards, the giant tremor trembled, and the dark mountain shattered. At the same time, it shot hundreds of billions of filaments. At the same time, it captured two dark wise angels, pulled them into the urn, and suppressed them severely.

After suppressing the two, Li Xing also shattered the dark enchantment, dispelled the laws of darkness, and restored Sizhou to its original state. Those who were thrown into the Dark Holy See were equally alarmed, but no one dared to stand up and say something.

These monks were severely brainwashed by the Holy See. They believed that only when they entered the world of darkness to practice and believe in the Lord of Darkness would it be possible to escape the destruction of heaven and earth and obtain eternal life. But they don't want to think about it. How many people in the entire dragon elephant world can practice to the level of heaven?

If you ca n’t practice the highest ranks, what is the difference between a person in the dragon world and a world in the dark? With good luck, it only has a life span of tens of thousands of years. Compared with the long days, what is it worth? It has nothing to do with the destruction of heaven and earth at all.

Li Xing was also too lazy to explain, leaving just one sentence, and people returned to Tianyuanzhou Eight-pole Tower. When he came back and told the story, the Prince Ninja was worried and said, "Brother Li, the Holy See and the Holy See are different from the ordinary world. I am afraid you will have trouble."

"What's that?" Li Xing asked, but not panicked.

Prince Ninja came from the world of forbearance and had a wide range of knowledge. He said to Li Xing: "Every period of time in heaven and earth, a number of heavenly gods will be born. . "

"Some of the most arrogant Great Celestial Masters have fallen after the tenth century, but the established world can continue to be inherited, giving birth to successive Great Celestial Masters. Such a big world has the highest level, the most accumulation, and the strongest strength. , Called the first-level plane. These planes are powerful planes that are second only to the main plane. Among such planes, a second-level plane can be established. The light world and the dark world are built on The second plane in the chaotic world of the first plane. "

"The second-level plane has a heritage of no more than ten years, and there is always only one great deity in the plane. Such a plane is also very powerful. Like the dark world and the light world, both belong to the second-level plane. The level planes do not have to be built in the first level plane. Most of them are located in the main plane, like the dragon elephant world. "

"Under the second-level plane is the third-level plane. This plane belongs to the plane established by the deity. The plane has not yet reached the level of the great deity. Or, the plane established by a great deity, but creates the plane. The Great Celestial Master has fallen, and no new Great Celestial Master has yet been produced. The number of this three-level planes is quite large, such as Ninja, Poison, Martial, and Phantom. "

Speaking of this, Prince Chinen sighed, "Both the world of light and the world of darkness have gone through several destructions of heaven and earth, and their strength is very strong. The chaotic world of their first level is even more powerful, and one day It is very possible to break free from the repression of the laws of heaven and earth and perform supreme fragmentation. Offending two worlds is also offending the chaotic world. "

"The chaotic world is the ancestor of the gods, and the monks in the heavens are out of the chaos world, but they are not protected by the world."

"I don't know that the dragon elephant Tianzun is stubborn and weak compared with the chaotic Tianzun he was in?" Li Xing asked without any fear.

Prince Ninja: "Long elephant big deity, the legend has only experienced the destruction of heaven and earth once. However, he is one of the big deities, the most powerful one. As for which one is stronger than the chaotic big deity, This is hard to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ Presumably, it should be more chaotic and mighty.

Li Xing nodded and said: "Several wise angels are beheaded. How honorable is Da Tianzun? How can he care about such trivial matters?" He sneered, "If only wise angels are sent, it is nothing more than death. "

Prince Chinen didn't take it for granted: "Even if the big deity does not come, a little deity can come and kill everything. In my opinion, think of a solution in advance." He thought for a moment, "Or, he can shelter in a certain First level plane? "

"Which plane can compete with the chaotic world?" Li Xing couldn't help asking, very interested. In fact, he is not afraid of any great celestial beings, and he will not be able to bring people around him and leave the world of the dragon elephant and escape the world.

He embodies the gods of heaven and earth, and can fly anywhere in the main plane. This can only be achieved if the Exalted Series exists.

"There are only two places to compete with the chaotic world. One is the Sanqing world, and the other is the oldest Wanggu world." When referring to the Wanggu world, Prince Chinen said with emotion, " According to legend, the Wanggu Great World is the only first-level plane that has ever surpassed the existence of the Great Celestial Master! "


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