Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 835: 3 Ching Tai World

Chapter 835: San Qing Great World

Chapter 835: Three Qing World

"Wangu Great World?" Li Xing frowned, he had never heard of it.

Prince Qian Ren showed a weird smile and said, "People who came out of the Wang Gu Great World have actually seen Brother Li long ago, and have killed a lot."

He said this, Li Xing immediately thought, and said, "Ancient royal family?"

"Exactly!" Prince Qian Ren said, "Why didn't the ancient royal families cultivate themselves and evolve their bloodlines without resorting to the laws of heaven and earth? It is because they came from the ancient world of Wanggu a long time ago and belong to the descendants of Wanggu.

"The first Wang Gu great demon, cultivated into a" virtual ", became the existence beyond the Great Celestial Master, broke through supremely, and left this world. Compared to the San Qing Great World and the Chaos Great World, Wang Gu Great World, It ’s even more unpredictable. Today's Wang Gu Da Tian Mo is the ninth in office, and few people know it. According to rumors, Wang Gu Da World has gone through 30 times of world destruction! "

"Thirty times?" Li Xing was taken aback. "It's a miracle that the Wanggu tribe can continue to produce great demons!"

"It's not a miracle." Prince Qian Ren did not take it seriously. "Brother Li should have known that the blood of the monk monks is very strange and can continue to evolve. Wang nobles, master a method of rapid evolution. So as long as they are willing , You can cultivate a great demon. The other plane masters are called deities. Brother Li knows why the main plane of the King of the Great World alone is called a demon? "

"Why?" Li Xing vaguely guessed.

"Once the Wanggu family cultivates to the level of the demon, they can devour all realms of the heavens, refine the origins of the alien species, and use it to evolve bloodlines and powerful forces. Therefore, for every demon that is accomplished, there are not many monks and gods in the entire world. The plane was repressed and slaughtered, and it became a delicacy in the demon's belly. "Prince Qian Ren's eyebrows trembled slightly, and it seemed that he was very afraid of the Wanggu clan.

"No wonder at that time, you were so close to the saints of the three ancient royal families." Li Xing nodded. "It seems that you want to get in touch with the ancient ancient families."

Prince Chinen sighed: "Yeah! In case one of the ancient worlds of Wang Gu will cultivate the Celestial Master, it will definitely harm the planes. If you can get to know some of the ancient people of Wang Gu as soon as possible, you may be able to avoid it in the future. Difficult. "

Speaking of the three holy kings, Prince Qian Ren could not help saying: "The origins of the three holy kings are very large. They can practice together, maybe they can step into the level of the demon, or even become the big demon."

"Why do you say that?" Li Xing's heart sank.

"In the world of Wanggu, the first and most broken 'Xu' left his veins, that is, his three sons. Before he left this side of the world, the three 'Xu' sons have cultivated to the realm of the Great Demon, And the branches and leaves are scattered, and the descendants are the prophets, ghosts, and undead. If these three groups can cultivate together, it is very easy to produce a strong demon series. However, the three groups have always been fighting each other and it is difficult Peaceful coexistence, and in the Wang Gu world, three major secondary planes have been established, namely the evil world, the prophet world, and the immortal world. "

"The first great demon of the three great worlds later fell, so all three planes were relegated to the third-level plane. However, as a first-level plane, the ancient world of Wang Gu has always been able to produce a great demon. The biggest reason is the cooperation of the three major planes. Although the three major positions often fight, they all know that it is necessary to keep at least one great demon in the world of Wang Gu. Only then, the three major demons Only the plane can survive forever and never disappear. "

Hearing such a statement, Li Xing's heart moved slightly and said, "It seems that it is impossible to take refuge in the Wanggu world. Wanggu people, acting ruthlessly, are not conspiring. As for the Sanqing world, and I have no rapport, how can I go for it? "

Prince Chinen said: "Without friendship, you can create friendship." He thought for a while and said, "Brother Li, there are actually people coming and going between the major planes. In my ninja world, many people enter There are quite a few acquaintances in the Sanqing Great World practice. After Li Xing accompanied the younger brother to deal with that great enemy, we went to Sanqing Great World to meet some characters from the Sanqing Great World and use our strength. "

The Prince Nirvana is sincerely trying to cultivate the mixed Yuan Avenue, so he will do his best to help Li Xing to solve the crisis.

After hearing this, Li Xing nodded again and again: "This is an idea.

Prince Qian Ren smiled and said, "This is nothing, the Sanqing Great World is also a first-level plane. Speaking of these Sanqing Great Worlds, there is something important that I have to say. Brother Li did not tell the younger brother that he had cultivated Is the supreme magical method of one gasification and three Qings? Brother Li knows, where does this gasification of Three Qings come from? "

Li Xingdao: "Presumably from the Sanqing World?"

"Exactly! The Sanqing Great World is the most peculiar. Although there is no secondary plane in Neizhong, there are three great realms. These three realms are Yuqing Realm, Shangqing Realm, and Taiqing Realm. They all come from the same source. Three In the Qing Dynasty world, each of the three Qing emperors will perform the magic of "one gasification of three emperors", incarnations of Yuanshi Tianzun, moral Tianzun, and Lingbao Tianzun. These three heavenly deities all have supreme powers, and each takes care of Dajingtian. "

"Brother Li has also cultivated Sanqi Sanqing, which is also considered to be half of the disciples of the Sanqing Great World. Of all the planes, only the Sanqing Great World is the most open. No matter where the monks are, they can worship there. Learn art. "With that said, Prince Chinen finally found a way of thinking, and smiled," If Brother Li can worship three heavenly masters as teachers, what fear is there in the chaotic world? "

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Is it easy to worship San Qing Tianzun as a teacher?"

Prince Qian Ren disagreed: "My brother has said that some friends in the Sanqing World who are acquainted with him only need to refer them as their referees, and then use Brother Li's unique qualifications in heaven to ensure that they will be accepted."

Li Xing thought about it and nodded: "It's the best, if I can worship a Supreme Master as a teacher, it will also be of great benefit to my cultivation."

In this long talk, Prince Qian Ren helped Li Xing find a way to deal with the crisis. Of course, this is just a precautionary measure. People who chaos the big world may not be held accountable to him. But if things do come true, there is no need to deal with them.

However, he said that as soon as the Great Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was out of control, even the severing of the four wise angels spread quickly in Jiuzhou. Those monks who had been fascinated by the Holy See or the Holy See, who had to join them, suddenly woke up.

They couldn't help but think that even if they had cultivated to the sanctuary of the angel of wisdom, they had a fart? Did n’t he get chopped by the emperor of Yuan Dynasty? Besides, can I really cultivate to the level of heaven?

Many monks came to their senses and found the direction of cultivation one after another, and Jiuzhou gradually returned to peace. At this time, Li Xing, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty, finally opened the altar for the first time, and his preaching was the Avenue of He Yuan!

Li Xing promised at the beginning that he should teach the hunan avenue to the congregation. Although his mixed-yuan approach is not complete, this does not prevent him from passing on the basic mixed-yuan approach.

Eight pole tower, gossip realm.

Li Xingpan sits in the void, the treasure is solemn, and the sky is connected. Behind him, hundreds of millions of lotus flowers emerged. Under his feet, there were twelve lotus roots condensed. On his head, 100,000 phosgenes condensed into a variety of auspicious images.

Everywhere, a congregation named Tianjun, Tianwang, and Tianshi, who is a mixed Yuan teacher, sat quietly around him, listening to his performance, one by one.

"The avenue is unnamed, so it is called" Dao "; Dao can be said, very Dao; it can be named, very famous ..." Li Xing has absolutely no secrets, and he fully reveals the true meaning of the mixed thought in his heart.

As for how many people can understand in the teaching, it depends on their respective good fortunes. Master led the door and practiced in each person, but he also forced him.

Emperor Yunyuan preached for three days and nights. In preaching, most of the monks are thinking hard and not going out of their way. A small number of monks seem to understand and understand, and they seem to know and understand; very few monks, who are happy, can't control themselves and dance.

Three days later, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty sang, "Go back and think about each other, and don't have to force it." Three days later, Li Xing ordered everyone to be complete, and together with Prince Qian Ren, they left the dragon elephant world for a second time, went to somewhere without a subject, and beheaded a saint.

The holy saint, calling him a great saint, had killed a confidante who had prince Qian Ren and hurt him. Since then, Prince Chien Ren will take revenge on blood and hate, and behead this saint.

This non-owning plane once belonged to the second-level plane. Not only did it not have a great celestial deity, there was no even a celestial deity, so the third-level plane was not considered, and it could only be called a scattered plane. Among the heavens and earth, there are countless scattered areas, there are no heavenly respects, and the planes that are not so large in scope do not enter the stream. These planes are called scattered planes.

In the scattered plane, it has its own set of laws of heaven and earth that can undergo one or more worlds to be destroyed. Of course, most scatter planes will cease to exist as soon as the world is destroyed.

However, there are also a few scattered planes that, due to special reasons, will be preserved in the Tertiary Period. The scattered plane mentioned by Prince Chinen ~ www.readwn.com ~ was called the wave world. The wave world is like the dragon elephant world. Although there is no master of the plane, there are still plane laws.

The law of the wave realm is very strange. Among them, the monks will practice all kinds of wave energy. In this wave of energy, there are various laws, avenues, and complex information, which make the outside monks feel incredible.

As they did last time, they broke the dragon elephant world. This time I went out, I also had to go through the baptism of fire and thunder. Fortunately, Li Xing had experience and was much smoother. In this situation of crossing the plane, no matter how many times you go back and forth, you will experience a calamity every time. This is the rule of heaven and earth, and even the Supreme Celestial Master is no exception.

Of course, if Da Tianzun wants to enter a certain plane, the calamity he will endure is equally powerful and terrible. Only Da Tianzun can bear it.

Break through the crystal wall of the dragon elephant world and enter into the void, and in front of you are countless ancient stars and endless void. Li Xingyi dragged Prince Qian Ren, and shouted, "Go!" He operated the laws of the heavens and the earth, and began to walk through the world and the billions of stars without any hindrance.

(It's a bit late. Today is two chapters ahead. It will be much better next month. It won't be so embarrassing. It's always in a hurry.)


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