Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 836: The first wave world brand

Chapter 836: The First Wave World Brand

Chapter 836: The First Wave World Brand

The heaven and earth law gods condensed by Li Xing are in heaven and earth. Although the order of the laws here is chaotic, they are inseparable from their ancestors. They are also interwoven with the laws of heaven and earth.

Li Xing exhibited his skills and turned into two streamers with Prince Qian Ren, constantly traveling through time and space, throwing behind ancient stars behind him, and staring across the stars. After flying for a while, Li Xing turned back suddenly and saw the scene outside the dragon elephant world.

The dragon elephant world and the land have been integrated into one. From a distance, it looks like a huge incomparable oval, or a double yellow egg. In this double-yellow egg, the two yolks are the land boundary and the dragon elephant world. The egg white is the rule of the earth, and the egg shell is the crystal wall system.

"Heaven and earth are really wonderful!" Li Xing couldn't help feeling, feeling that life in this world was really small. Even if you are sanctified as an ancestor, it is still nothing, unless you become a character at the level of heaven.

The azimuth of the wave world is not too far away from the dragon elephant world, but during the limping process, Li Xing encountered a small world storm. At the time of the storm, the laws of heaven and earth violently clashed, and the void exploded, producing immense lethality.

Fortunately, Li Xing comprehends the laws of heaven and earth, which can be resolved in one thought. He was so capable that even Tianzun couldn't. Tianzun is not afraid of the storm because it is strong and not afraid of the interference of the laws of heaven and earth.

In the process of flying, Prince Qian Ren was amazed, saying that in the future, he should cultivate the Yuanyuan Avenue and learn the laws of heaven and earth.

It didn't take long before they reached the wave world. From the outside, the shape of the wave boundary is different from the ground boundary. It looks like a huge three-dimensional vortex. This scattered plane has experienced an upheaval in the heavens and the earth and is considered ancient.

After the two entered the wave world, after experiencing karma, Li Xing immediately felt a strange wave energy law and strong vitality. There are also a large number of monks in the wave world. Although there is no celestial deity, there are no shortage of holy figures.

The scattered surfaces are relatively free and open. Occasionally, there will be one or two foreign households, like Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren.

At this moment, the two were located in a wild mountain and Prince Chinen, who hadn't been here for a long time, arrogantly released the law of tyrannical boundaries and swept across. Suddenly, several holy men were shocked.

One of them is the great enemy of Prince Ninja, covering the Great Saint. The obscurity of the obedience really was like Prince Chinen said, and he had a bad temper. When he sensed that Prince Chinen appeared, he shot.

"Prince Thousand Tolerance? I'm here to find death again! I even brought a helper, and this holy spirit will take you on the road!" The veiled Dasheng had not yet appeared, so he moved the wave rule and attacked Li Xing .

Li Xing couldn't help sneering. He didn't even have to find a reason. He shouted, "Give me something dead!" Stay, and then directly pull out a holy ho.

This holy man, who looks like a fire, has red hair, and at first glance is a person who has not acted, but he claims to block the saint, which is funny. But he said that the blockage of the Great Saint belongs to the hegemony of the wave world and belongs to the strongest one.

In the wave world, there are a total of seven saints, of which only two are the saints. One of them is the blocking saint, and the strength is the strongest. But at this moment, he felt very weak. Li Xing revealed the strength of the mighty shore, which was overwhelming him.

Even blocking Dasheng felt like a child who had no power to fight back and was lifted into the air by an adult, almost desperate.

"Who are you?" Zhe Dasheng stared fiercely at Li Xing, his eyes turning round and round, wondering what he was thinking.

Crown Prince Qian Ren looked so fiercely, and said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, abandon his practice, let me slowly kill him!"

She blocked Dasheng without any fear, sneer: "Prince Qian Ren, I haven't expected to see you for so many years, you have become Zhongsheng. Unfortunately, it is still not the opponent of Bensheng." Then looked at Li Xing, "You should not be Holy master, right? But the strength is so strong and admirable. However, if you want to kill me, you can't! "

"Oh? I can't kill you?" Li Xing sneered, and this person didn't even ask, and he started to kill him. There was already a way to take death, and he didn't have any scruples.

"When you first came to the wave world, you did n’t know the mystery of the wave world! The plane law of the wave world has its uniqueness. If you dare to kill me, the Great Saint will condense to the strong wave energy before he dies. A fatal blow. Even if you are a saint in the extreme world, you can't escape this calamity! "

"Really?" Li Xing sneered, "Then you will be suppressed first, and you will be packed slowly."

While talking, he took out Feng Lingyu and slammed the Dasheng severely inside. With a slight shock, Feng Lingzhang suppressed the obscurity and wiped away his consciousness. No fatal blow from any of the plane laws can be issued, and the hatred is sealed.

Seeing that Li Xing changed hands, he cleared up the blocking saint, Prince Chinen was very unsatisfied, and said, "It is cheap to stop the blocking saint, and he should have slowly killed him." Then he sighed, "I'll go and see a few Old man, Brother Li, let's meet later. "

This Prince Ninja should go to hang the deceased, Li Xing nodded, and the two separated immediately.

When the two entered the world of waves, the Supreme Master had already been clear here, and when they saw that they had easily suppressed the blocking of the Holy Saint, they did not dare to meet. Li Xing didn't mess with them either, he just found a place with a nice scenery and realized the plane principle of this wave world.

Since stepping into the heavens and the heavens and condensing the body, Li Xing has the heaven and earth body. His body represents the laws of heaven and earth. The law of heaven and earth is the basic law of the entire plane of heaven and earth. All the laws of plane are included in it.

Therefore, compared to Prince Ninja, Li Xing doesn't really feel the rejection of the wave rule. At this moment, every time he breathed, he could inhale the wave-boundary rule, and then slowly run the mixed Yuan Ding refinery, using the chaotic array to calculate.

This shows the mystery of the mixed Yuan Avenue, it can mix all the power, including the law. The plane of the wave boundary, although Tianzun fell, but the rules are still intact. You know, this wave world has also been glorious, there has been a great deity, belonging to the second level.

Therefore, the laws of this wave boundary are theoretically not inferior to the laws of the second plane such as the laws of light and darkness.

The law of the wave world, after entering Li Xing's mixed Yuanding, was transformed into one small piece of law. These fragments have been calculated by the chaotic array, and the mystery has evolved.

Li Xing's Mixed Yuan Avenue is a Taoism condensed based on the laws of heaven and earth. Therefore, this wave boundary rule is somewhat incompatible with it. Thanks to the peculiarities of the mixed Yuan Avenue, it was slowly smashed down.

Three days later, on Li Xingfa's body, there was already a slight breath of the law of waves, and he actually started to integrate into this plane!

"Mixed Yuan Avenue, everything in Yuanyuan, regardless of the laws of heaven and earth, or the laws of waves, can increase the power of the Avenue and make it more complete and powerful." Li Xing smiled and opened his eyes.

In Feng Ling's concubine, he was lifted up by the obscured saint, and when the real hand patted it, he extracted all the wave rules from his body and sucked it into the mixed Yuan Ding. Within a few days, the practice of blocking the Great Saint had been reduced to an ordinary monk.

For several months, Li Xing continued to absorb the laws of the wave world, and finally left a trace of the law in the mixed Yuan Tao. With this trace of branding, Li Xing instantly felt that the mixed Yuan Avenue had improved, and the true power in the body was also strong in the front line.

"Sure enough, the more the rules of enlightenment, the more tyrannical the Yuanyuan Avenue is!" Li Xing was glad, knowing that the path he had chosen was extremely correct, and even the original dragon elephant Datianzun could not have done it.

Soon after Li Xingcai succeeded in enlightenment, he felt that the entire plane fluctuated slightly, and then he saw that the five-colored brilliance descended from the sky, and three young monks in five-colored robes appeared.

These three monks are very young, but all of them are the practice of saints in the middle realm. As soon as they appeared, the wave saints who had been lingering for a long time rushed out and greeted them respectfully.

"See the five exercisers!" Even the upper sage sacrificed the trio, being polite and glancing at his eyes.

"Well? What is the origin of this person? The rules of his body don't seem to belong to the wave world, so powerful." Li Xing secretly surprised, but not like those saints, went to worship.

At this point, Prince Qian Ren also returned, his figure appeared beside Li Xing, and frowned, "People of the Five Elements World."

"How about this big world of five elements?" Li Xing asked, "is it the second plane?"

"Exactly, the Five Elements Great World of the Five Elements World has great prestige. There are five disciples under him, all of whom are small heavenly respects. In the Five Elements World, five third-level planes are established, namely the Yuan Jin Realm, Yuan Fire Realm, Yuan Tujie, Yuan Mujie, Yuan Shuijie. "Qian Ren said," It is a more powerful one in the second level. People in the Five Elements World have always behaved very arrogantly, and the wave kingdom ruled in the Five Elements World. Near the star field, so they often come and go. "

The three holy saints are seen by six saints in the wave world at this moment, and they are all very proud ~ www.readwn.com ~ only using their nostrils. However, when they saw that there were actually two people who turned a blind eye to their appearance and did not step forward to see them, they immediately pulled their faces down.

The middle man in the middle sneered with a sneer: "I do n’t know where the wild repair comes from, do you not know the reputation of the Five Elements World?"

He didn't have a loud voice, but it came from a distance, so that both Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren heard it. Prince Qian Ren's face changed continuously, his eyebrows tightened, and Li Xing glanced, and said, "Brother Li, what should I do? Either be a grandson in front of these three people, or kill them all!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey", and said lightly, "Let's kill it!"

The two winked at each other, and Shi Shiran walked over. The three middle saints were still afraid of the two, and all showed contemptuous expressions, ready to humiliate the two.

Who knows, Li Xing came up with the first sentence: "I saw this emperor, why not come forward to see me? How can this be true!"

The three Zhongsheng eyes almost stared out, staring at Li Xing, with a long face on the left, said arbitrarily: "Things without eyes! Take it!" The three Zhongsheng shot at the same time.


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