Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 838: 5-line branding

Chapter 838: The Five Elements Brand

Chapter 838: Five Elements Brand

Five polar saints, after jointly killing the monster, suddenly shot a domineering thought at Li Xing and Prince Qian Ren, locking them together. At the same time, a cold, arrogant voice sounded in their minds: "Which monk are you?"

Li Xing didn't say anything, Prince Qian Ren said: "Belongs to the monk in Ninja. Passing here, I don't want to encounter the hunting of masters in the Five Elements World. It's really an eye-opener."

"Monk Ninja? Hum! A character from the third-level plane dares to walk between the stars, you are not afraid to be swallowed by the monsters in the stars?" The voice taunted, and he ignored the Prince Ninja.

However, that thought all locked in Li Xing, and the talented man sternly said, "Why don't you answer the words of this saint? Why do you face a monk, why can you walk in the chaotic laws of heaven and earth? "

The five sages, although not forced to come, Li Xing knew that they could chase here at any time. However, he was also not afraid, and secretly said to Qian Ren: "You don't have to intervene later." After receiving the response from Prince Qian Ren, he coldly addressed the most holy word, "Which side do I come from? It doesn't matter. "

"Huh?" The extreme situation was very unexpected. He didn't expect a little man in his eyes and he dared to be tough on him. After a little surprise, the man sneered, and the five masters of the extreme realm, who had "suckled", appeared in front of Li Xing and surrounded him.

Five people seem to have powerful magic weapons that can shuttle in the star domain.

These five people are all extremely holy, with five kinds of breaths flowing on their bodies: Yuan Jin, Yuan Mu, Yuan Shui, Wuhuo, Yuan Tu. The monks in the Five Elements World often cultivate only one attribute.

The breath emanating from the five was terrifying. Li Xing felt that if he did not use Feng Lingyu, he would not be able to take advantage of any of them. Based on his true king progression, it is easy to deal with the saints, and it is more difficult to meet the extreme saints.

Li Xing faced five polar saints without fear. The first time he saw these five sages, he felt that his real body was a little strange.

His Da Luo Zhenshen was originally based on the Great Five Elements Furnace. That big five-element **** furnace belongs to the dragon elephant world, a true king of five elements in the barbaric times of ancient times. That true king is cultivated as Li Xing Gaoming who has never been today. However, this large five-element **** furnace is very wonderful, which contains the five elements of power.

Therefore, at the sight of these five polar saints, Li Xing's body, which has always been very low-key, left behind the power of the Great Five Elements Furnace to become active, and had an idea that he wanted to devour the five polar saints in front of him.

"You are a little figure, who dare to be rude to the five polar saints. What gives you such courage?" The meta-metallic saint, turning around, stared at Li Xing indifferently.

At this time, the five priests and Li Xing are very close, which is a good opportunity to shoot. Suddenly he sacrificed Feng Ling's sacrifice, soaring into the sky, and rushing out forcefully, he saw a large maggot hanging in the air, shooting 800 Guanghua.

Each Guanghua represents the power of a demon saint. Eight hundred Guanghua, which is equivalent to the eight hundred deities shot at the same time, are severely suppressed. With this move from Li Xing, the five extremely sacred hearts were suddenly shocked, and they all felt a strong intention to kill.

"Big five elements to kill the array, break!" The five polar realms are united in their hearts and minds, and they shot almost at the same time, forming the big five elements to kill the array instantly. .


Electricity was generated in the void, centered on six people, and a horrific shock wave oscillated out. Ancient stars exploded one after another. Prince Chinen was ready to leave the combat center at the fastest speed. Even so, he was still affected, and was suddenly lifted off by the shock wave, very embarrassed.

"Click! Click!"

The big five elements killed the light really sharply, and Shengsheng shattered the brilliance emitted by Fengfeng Ling. However, the killing of the Big Five Elements gradually became scattered, and it was not good. The five sages underwent tremendous pressure, spit blood one by one, and looked shocked.

Although Li Xing felt struggling, he was much better than them. When Feng Lingzhang was in operation, only eight hundred demons were affected. The impact on himself was very small and almost negligible.

Seeing the combined attack of the 800 Demon Saints, they couldn't break the big five elements, Li Xing snorted, and suddenly picked up the Five Elements Town Tianyin, slamming it down.


This record was fierce, and the five elements were killed and twisted, and the five sages spit out another blood, glaring at Li Xing. An extremely holy voice said: "You are so bold and brave, you dare to oppose the world of the Five Elements, quickly kneel down for mercy, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

"The consequences are serious?" Li Xing smiled, "kill you, there will be no consequences!" He urged Wuyinzhen Tianyin, still slamming down fiercely.

Feng Lingzhang and the Big Five are in a similar position. No one can suppress anyone. As soon as the Five Elements Town Tianyin joined, the situation changed immediately, the Five Elements killing gradually disappeared, and the faces of the five saints became increasingly white.

"Good thief! Wanting to kill Qitian Wusheng is really delusional! Four brethren, the five elements return to one, broken!" One extremely Sheng Li sang and began desperately. At the same time, the other four extreme saints also urged the holy force to play the most powerful five-element lore.

The five-colored brilliance, combined into a dazzling white light, rushed to Feng Lingyu fiercely, focusing on one point, and forced the laws of heaven and earth to open, where the impact produced a vacuum of laws.

Li Xing shouted, shaking Feng Ling with all his strength, and shouting, "Fight to Yuan!"

The attack power of the Eighty Demon Saints instantly twisted into a white magic light, roughly like a human head. This magic mang shocked nine times in an instant, that is to say, Li Xing used the blow of Guiyuan to directly hit nine times the power with Feng Lingyu!

At the beginning, Li Xing had limited strength. He had played hundreds of thousands of times, and he killed many experts. But even today, even nine times his fighting power, still makes him unbearable.

"Oh!" He spurted blood, but his eyes were clear and bright.

Demon Mang hit the five elements to kill all, one was a five-element lore, and the other was a nine-time-strength Guiyuan strike, and the two sides hit each other fiercely.


The shock wave generated by this big bang is even more horrible, transmitted to infinity, and breaks through the crystal wall systems of each plane and breaks into the plane. Some weak, deadly scattered planes collapsed and disappeared.

Some third-level planes were also affected. Among them, Tianzun was alarmed, and he quickly deployed Tianzun's means to calm down this shock wave of terror.

"Impossible! He actually blocked the five elements lore!" A scream from the heavenly god, his holy body cracked, blood leaked out of the crack, his expression was haggard. The other four saints are even worse than him, and the body has begun to break down.

"Give me!" Li Xingda Luo Zhen was arrogant. Although he was seriously injured, it was nothing compared to him. He swore a sorrow and viciously, and immediately took the five sages into a sacrifice.

This sealed spirit is very evil, and once it becomes a spirit, it will lose its self-consciousness. However, these five polarities are too tyrannical, and Feng Lingyu could not kill their will in a short time, but only temporarily suppressed them.

The five were holy, roaring, cursing and yelling, Li Xing was indifferent and put away Feng Lingyu.

The shocked Prince Ninja rushed over, gave Li Xing a thumbs up, and shouted, "Little brother is served! They are five of the most holy, but they were all accepted by you, great! Brother Li Chengcheng I am afraid only Tianzun can suppress it! "

Li Xingdao: "This place shouldn't be stayed for a long time, let's go!" He rolled Prince Qian Ren, and the two disappeared in place.

After only a few breaths, there are more than a dozen arrogant ideas, which have shot the direction where Li Xing disappeared. The arrogance of these ideas seems to be beyond the scope of "holy" and reached the level of heavenly respect!

Li Xing limped at full speed, the heaven and earth body and space were united, and they instantly crossed millions of miles and entered another star field. When the two reappeared, they were far from where they were.

"Brother Li, we missed a teleportation circle in the Sanqing Great World. To enter the next teleportation circle, we have to travel a long distance." Prince Chinen smiled bitterly, "I am so lucky to meet five poles. Holy. Fortunately, Brother Li is clever and means to suppress them directly. "

Li Xingdao: "I have to practice for a while, Brother Ninja, you are with me." Immediately, he and Prince Qian Ren entered the Baiyang Jingtian all at once.

Prince Bai Ren heard about Baiyang Jingtian, but this is the first time he has entered. Feeling the pure Baiyang aura, Qian could not help but sigh: "Brother Li, can you have today's achievements, is it related to this situation?"

Li Xing also did not hide it, saying: "Yes, this is the basis of my cultivation. As a self-cultivation, I started with Jiuyangzhu."

"Jiuyangzhu?" Prince Qian Ren heard it for the first time, and then nodded, "Although I don't know what it is, it must be very amazing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, you can't create a deformed Li Xiong. for."

A blow to Guiyuan caused Li Xing to be badly wounded, and he had to recover from his injuries. Thanks to his possession of Da Luozheng, he can sustain even the worst injuries. At this moment, he is running Da Luo Zhenshenju, and he is back to his original position within a few days.

And at this moment, the five sages had no movements in Feng Lingyu, and their consciousness had been wiped out and became Wuling. Li Xing took out Feng Lingyu and shook it gently, and a sacred **** fell down and jumped into the mixed Yuan Ding by himself to let Li Xing refine.

It is very difficult and almost impossible for Junyuanding to refine a sage. It takes a long time even for a holy saint to be refined. However, this extreme Saint cooperates with Li Xing's refining, and that is another story.

Soon, the sage with Yuanjin's law was transformed into pure Yuanjin's law and absorbed by Li Xing's Taoism. At the same time, because there are so many rules contained in the polar realm, he broke into a part of the Five Elements Town Seal and strengthened this weapon.

Soon, the five polar saints were all refined by Li Xing. The Big Five Elements all entered the Tao, leaving an indelible mark on them, which made Li Xing's mixed Yuan Tao more powerful.


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